Sin: Daughter of the Grim Reaper (The Reaper Series Book 1)

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Sin: Daughter of the Grim Reaper (The Reaper Series Book 1) Page 11

by Delizhia Jenkins

  “You are safe now Mina,” he whispered to her while he held her and silently wished that Time would stand still for a few millennia so that he could hold her in his arms a bit more.

  “Will I ever see you again?” She asked, her voice muffled by his brawn.

  He slowly released her so that he could see her say that once more. Did she really want to see him again?

  “Do you want to see me again?” He asked, not even bothering to try to hide the smile that threatened to give away the strange emotions that begun to tug at his spirit.

  “Uh, it’s just…it’s just a woman can’t walk away from this situation and wonder if this really happened,” she said shyly, avoiding eye contact.

  “Nobody ever wants to meet me, let alone see me again.” He gently placed his index finger beneath her chin and carefully raised her eyes to meet his. Those hazel eyes of hers stared back at him curiously yet unafraid and endeared her to him more.

  “Well, under normal circumstances I am sure of that…but this isn’t exactly a normal circumstance.”

  “Do you want to see me again Mina?” He didn’t want to force her to say it but at the same time he desperately needed to hear those words.

  “Yes. I do want to see you again Grim.”

  He knew this was wrong. It was wrong the moment he laid eyes on her and she opened her mouth to sing. She was not supposed to still be alive. He had violated almost every supernatural law in the book just to have this moment with her. He could still walk away and allow fate to run its course but no…he could not. She brought to him indescribable joy by just being alive and he did not want to let that go. Ever.

  Of course he knew there would dire consequences…but she was worth it.

  A low rumble of satisfaction emitted from the center of his chest, and the strong desire to mark her possessively almost drove him mad. But, he would not conquer her as his brothers had once conquered other human women. There was something else that he wanted from her that went beyond the physical. He wanted to be the one that she sung her songs about; the inspiration for such beautiful melodies…so when he did mark her, she would wear his signature with pride. No human man would be able to compete with that.

  “I will see you soon Amina,” he whispered as he gently took her hand into his and lightly brushed his lips across her knuckles. Her skin, smooth as divine silk, became marred with gooseflesh and he could sense her own desire for him, building beneath those hazel eyes of hers. He disappeared without another word to her, only to linger in an invisible state to watch her sigh before opening the door to her apartment.

  Grim’s eyes snapped open the instant the melodic voice that captured his heart whispered his name from the ether.


  Domino leads us directly inside the Sistine Chapel without a hitch, but the dark energy from Asmodeus’ shield is weighing a toll on me. I feel my powers beginning to drain bit by bit, but I am determined to not let Domino know. It already has taken quite a bit of convincing to get him to come along and I did not need him questioning my abilities once more. Hopefully, I can sustain long enough to retrieve the Seal before Asmodeus detects my presence. The atmosphere is tainted with demon energy, which is a strong indicator that the Vatican has become a demonic stronghold. I am sensing the presence of a dozen or so entities, some of them familiar and some of them not so familiar roaming about perhaps in search of mischief or some poor human to torment. Domino’s eye come a lit with a silver glow, and he unfolds his wings and grips the sword preparing for an attack. So the tainted energy must be getting to him too...

  We remain cloaked in invisibility as we carefully stroll side by side through the conclave with my senses in search of the ailing cleric, and Domino focused on locating Asmodeus. High above our heads is the famous painted ceiling, created by none other than the Renaissance artist Michelangelo. Images of his versions of angels, biblical prophets, and even the nine stories from the Book of Genesis including Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the Great Flood, danced across the ceiling in an ingenious and other worldly detail that appealed to the imaginations and souls throughout its 500 year history. Too bad Michelangelo could not even paint his way into the heaven that created. I am sure Grim had a hell of a time explaining that where Michelangelo was going did not require a paintbrush.

  The chapel is empty, and I can only imagine what Asmodeus and his minions plan on doing with this historical domain of artistry and divine inspiration. We continue on until we reach the doorway that leads to the Apostolic Palace, which is the main residence of the Pope and the rest of the papacy. Domino is confined to his own thoughts and I am in no hurry to interrupt them and then, I sense him…the cleric. Somewhere along these walls is the dying cleric. I summon the Scythe into my possession, instantly grabbing Domino’s attention. Like a blood hound hot on its target, I lead us down several corridors to a lone hallway on the east end of the palace. The man is all but consumed by his disease, which is a beacon for my kind. I listen for signs of additional movement and voices, and when there are none, Domino and I manifest ourselves inside to find him unconscious on the floor. Scanning the room, tucked in the far end of the room in a corner is the chest, and without thinking I rush over to it to open it. Domino’s eyes are burning a white hot silvery heat, and just as I kneel down to open the chest, a dark entity manifests behind me. I quickly rise to my feet as Domino lunges with sword in hand at the intruder. I spin around in time to lower my Scythe as I dodge a blade to my throat, and I hit the intruder with an electric blast from my palms. He doubles back but dodges Domino’s attack just in time. I grab the chest, do a quick peek inside and there it is, The Seal. I send Grim a quick telepathic message that I have The Seal in my grasp just as I am hit from behind by a poisoned arrow shot by none other than my father’s most trusted soldier, Nak. The poison is a deadly combination of cursed herbs and embers from Hell, and one that I know all too well. Before I lose consciousness I send the Scythe and the chest to the one place where I know is safe and hopefully where help can retrieve it: my mother.

  As I fall to my knees I can hear more entities manifesting from the shadows to join the fight against Domino who is still going strong against the growing number of demon soldiers sent in to attack. The poison attacks the nervous system, shutting down my senses. The last image I am able to see with clarity is Domino’s sword slicing through the neck of a giant of a demon, before I am greeted by a sick smile that I had never before encountered by a name that is responsible for my father’s demise. My head hits the floor hard and it is lights out.

  Domino watched helplessly as Sin dropped to the floor from being hit by one of Nek’s arrows. He had always known Nak was a snake and couldn’t be trusted. But the main question he wanted answered was why? He reached behind him and pulled out several arrows of his own in which he sent flying into the chests of his enemies. He suddenly felt like himself again. Reawakened into his purpose he sliced, bashed, and decapitated demons of every size and shape. But the real glory came when he snatched out the beating black heart of a Fallen. He first blinded him with his silvery laser gaze before punching a hole into his chest cavity and snatching out the heart like a dead car battery. And although he moved with lightning speed, there were too many of them coming for him, and he could not get to Sin in time before Asmodeus himself scooped her up and disappeared. The only thing that gave him some sort of peace is the fact that Sin had hidden The Seal somewhere from their reach, and he knew that some way somehow he was going to get her out of here but he could only hope he could get to her in time before Asmodeus…

  He punched another entity hard in the face before incinerating it with his stare. The cleric had raised his eyes wide with terror as he witnessed a battle scene that looked like something out of the missing books of the Bible and huddled into the corner by the fire. Domino narrowed his eyes at the cleric and as much as he would like to personally punish the man for the biggest biblical offense since the breach in the Garden, he knew his time drew nig
h. He dodged another swipe from a sword, and although he could go on like this forever, Sin and Grim could not. He knew his brothers were watching and waiting and now was the best time to act. But knowing Michael, he would wait until the eleventh hour, fifty ninth minute before responding. Just hang in there Sin…he shot to her telepathically. Hang in there…

  Chapter 17

  “Grim…Grim…” came the voice. “Sin sent me the Seal. I have the Seal Grim…” Grim struggled against the chains that held him place, his heart racing and his mind frantic. Sin was successful in locating the Seal but something happened where he could no longer connect with her which meant she was either dead or dangerously close to it. He needed to break free so he could save his daughter. “MICHAEL!” He screamed into the heavens. “Free me brother! She has found the Seal!”

  “Grim please hurry…I don’t know if-“

  “Sssshhh my love…” Grim mentally cooed to the love of his existence.

  “But Grim is she…is my daughter-“

  “Do not fret Mina…”

  When she was silent, Grim knew that she still trusted him to save their daughter and correct the wrong that placed against them. His daughter had come through in enough time and had remembered the one place that no one in neither Heaven nor Hell knew about and acted quickly enough to send the one thing that would save his life. Now, if Michael would only free him he could-

  Suddenly an army of white light surrounded him, and Gabriel, Michael and the Dominion that had drained him of his power manifested in front of him, expressions solemn. “We know she found the Seal but we do not know where she sent it to,” Michael declared.

  “But I do,” Grim gritted through his teeth.

  Gabriel glanced at Michael uneasily. “Grim allow Michael to retrieve the Seal before it falls into the wrong hands again.”

  “No. Save my daughter and allow me to retrieve the Seal.”

  The Dominion glared at Grim before speaking. “Whatever it is you are hiding Grim-“

  “Is none of your business and has little to do with my daughter’s fate. Now free me so I can set this right. Sin has made her decision and stuck to her word. Set me free so I can rid the world of Asmodeus and his followers brother…you know what I am capable of.”

  Michael, Gabriel and the Dominion looked at each other and nodded. “I will round up the Armies of Heaven brother and together we will put an end to this entity and all of his evil,” Michael said, his eyes blazing with indignation. He motioned for the Dominion to break the chains that held Grim captive, and the angel did so with ease, snapping the metal like twigs and removing them from Grim’s wrists. Grim, severely weakened fell, headed towards the awaiting darkness only to be swept up by Michael and Gabriel towards the second ring of Heaven.

  “Take my hand brother,” Michael commanded, while the Dominion took the other. As soon as Grim’s hand was in Michael’s grasp, his heart nearly stopped as his entire being is consumed by the power that once filled his veins and at his will to command. He began to feel like himself again, stronger, more agile…as all of his abilities were returned to him and then some; he could once again sense the chaos that had ensued in his absence taking place in the lower realms. A famous singing sensation had just died, sparking a global mourning like that that had never been before seen, and his spirit refused to accompany the assigned spirit to the awaiting gates of Hell fire. Mina was safe in her sacred haven where he would frequently visit her to pass the time and he could sense Sin…she had been shot by a poisoned arrow and dying a slow death.

  Once the transfusion was complete he released Michael and the Dominion and without a word spiraled back down to earth in light speed. He mentally shot Michael a message to head straight to the Vatican where the fight would take place and look for Sin. He needed to retrieve the Seal first, and once that was done…Asmodeus would pay greatly.

  I awaken only to find myself naked, and spread eagled to a four poster bed in a subterranean part of what was once a holy place. A robed staff could barely look at me as I glanced around trying to figure out how the hell I am going to get myself out of this situation. The poison had taken effect, and even though I am awake, I struggle with breathing, and my limbs feel like they are being weighed down by anvils. My powers are all but gone. Somehow the bastard has stripped me not only of my clothes but my powers and I am helpless…beyond helpless. But strangely enough, I am unafraid.

  I have seen horrors worthy enough to terrorize nightmares. I know firsthand of what entities such as Asmodeus are capable of, and I am fully aware that my nudity serves a purpose in whatever scheme he is concocting. But at least the Seal is safe, and I am sure my dear mother is beyond confused because the garbled message I sent her may have been a bit much for her to figure out. I hope Grim received the message in time and was able to call forth help accordingly. And at least, I did my part. I did what I could do and I proved to everyone that I am more than just the offspring of the Angel of Death.

  The room is dimly lit and quite spatial and the only furniture that decorates the room is the bed and an old table and chair set. I take it this is where Asmodeus had been having all of his fun. A tall figure enters the room, and this isn’t the introduction that I had been expecting. Long silver hair and a bare hairless chest with a thick scar that ran across the right pectoral and a cinderblock of muscle stood before me. Black eyes stared at me; eyes filled with hate and limitless fury. Dark wings unfolded and as he approached me, I wished that he would just do whatever it was he had planned and got it over with. I have survived worse. Much worse.

  “So you must be Grim’s daughter,” he says slowly eyeing me suspiciously.

  I turn my head, not even wanting to look at the bastard and he chuckles at my slight.

  “So you do not speak huh? Do you know what you have done child? Where is the Seal?”

  I remain silent.

  “Hmmm. I can think of a million ways to make you speak young one,” he says rubbing his chin. “Where is the Seal?”

  “Fuck you.”

  He barks out a hearty laugh. “Indeed you shall. So, as always I have a backup plan. The Seal is not my only ticket to unlimited power. You are.”

  Well that got my attention.

  “Being that you are half human you are still capable of carrying a child. I always wanted a son, and together, with what is left of your powers in combination with mine we are going to create a child that will be unstoppable.”

  “Michael will come for you…”I wheeze, trembling at the thought.

  “Ahh yes, but not before I leave you pregnant with my seed. Do you think that honorable and righteous Michael would have the heart to kill a child? One whose innocence would be regarded as unchallenged since no actual sin had been committed? Can a newborn sin?”

  When I said nothing, he smiled wickedly. “My, my, my Grim does have good breeding for you are a delicious sight before my eyes…” he places a hand on my thigh and caresses it, inching his way further up into the folds of flesh that rejected the unwanted entrance of his fingers. I flinch from the invasion and he seems to enjoy it. “I know you can no longer be a maiden my dear but that doesn’t mean that I still cannot take pleasure from you…”

  Hang in there Sin… I hear Domino’s voice in my head, and I struggle against the rope that has me tightly bound.

  “It is pointless for you to fight me Sin. You would have maintained your position as the Angel of Death and all would have been right. Grim would be dead of course, but you would have been allowed to survive had you left the Seal alone!” His eyes blazed like two hot coals and I swallowed thickly. He was going to make this experience as painful and unbearable as possible.

  Without a word he climbs onto the bed, parting my legs in the process, and I instinctively tense up making it difficult for him to get comfortable. He pries them open, exposing all of my personal glory, and what was once hanging between his legs, sprung into a massive erection that anxiously awaited entry.

  Fight him Sin, I heard Dom
ino’s voice again something in his voice ignited a spark within me. My entire being lit up in a bright silver light, which acted as a repellant against him. His flesh burned from the contact and he leaped off of me and screamed in pain. “You bitch! How the hell did you know to do that?” I have no idea how I knew to do that, but the most important thing is the fact that I did it. I just don’t know if I can keep up the defense for long.

  Sparks of concentrated dark energy is crackling off of his skin as he glares at me. “You will submit to me,” he seethes. “Even if I have to exhaust all of your powers, you will writhe underneath me in whatever position I place you in and-“

  A loud crash interrupts Asmodeus heart filled threat, and I watch in surprise as none other than Domino crashes through, sword in tow in battle crazed glory. I have heard of the Dominion’s impeccable fighting abilities, but witnessing it firsthand should have been written on a scroll. He notices my current condition and immediately sends a black thunderbolt towards Asmodeus who barely misses it. Pure chaos could be heard in the hallways of the Vatican as priests run for cover from the attacking legion of fallen entities. Asmodeus had unleashed even some of the most dangerous of entities from their sulfuric prison using my power. Even some of the harpies had escaped, which is going to be problematic for the humans. I struggled once more against the rope, praying that the hot silver that I was emitting would help burn away some of the material while Asmodeus ducks another blow from Domino.

  “Dominion, you fight me as if I am your enemy,” Asmodeus pleads as he sends out his own charge in Domino’s direction.

  “I do not negotiate with demons!”

  “Oh don’t you? Then tell me why you do, a Dominion reside hidden within the earth realm like the other Fallen who disobeyed direct orders?”

  “That is none of your concern Asmodeus.”

  “I can offer you a reprieve if you just turn around and walk away Dominion. Do you really want the entire company of Heaven to come down and find you here in the presence of Grim’s daughter? Do you? You already hide in the shadows like the rest of us have had to in order to survive, so what reward is there for you to aid this wench in her failed quest? Join me Dominion…”


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