“I owe you my life for what you have done for my daughter,” Grim replied solemnly. “There are no words that I can offer that can describe my gratitude.”
“Well, you still owe me an explanation,” Michael demanded. Gabriel nudged him and Michael shot him an annoyed look.
“Now is not the time for an explanation Michael. Sin is dying and I am wounded,” is Domino’s uneasy reply.
Grim glanced over at Gabriel and materialized the box that held the Seal and handed it to the messenger angel. “Here, take this…I have no use for it. It has gotten me in enough trouble all ready.”
Gabriel smiled and accepted the box before disappearing back into the heavens.
“Domino should come with me if he needs healing,” Michael declared returning his sword to its sheath.
“Michael, leave him alone for now. He can come with me for that. Besides, you still have a big mess to clean up back there. The humans have already seen enough and-“
“Nak is still alive,” Domino interrupted. “He somehow was a part of all of this…just so you know…”
Grim’s eyes flashed from its usual unnatural green to black. “Where is he?”
“In a room on the eastern side of the palace, just beyond the Sistine Chapel, on a level or so below the first floor… I shot him with three of my arrows. He had it in for your daughter and-“
“Say no more Domino,” Michael replied valiantly. “I will handle him personally. Grim take Sin to safety, the rest of your brothers can handle this.” Michael took off into the air without a word into the darkened sky, illuminating a bright golden light headed back in the direction of the Vatican.
“Come with me,” Grim said as he gently removed Sin from Domino’s possession and took her into his own. “Where I am about to take you, you are to tell no one got it?”
Confused, and beyond exhausted Domino agreed. Grim laid a heavy hand on Domino’s shoulder and in a flash they dematerialized into the shadows and through the dimensions to a place Domino had never known existed. And there standing just outside in front of a beautiful one story home was a woman that whose eyes met with Grim’s provoked the widest smile he had ever seen.
Sin’s mother…and now everything made sense to Domino now. Her expression was pained and full of shock but she led them through the house and back out into the backyard to a large lake that sparkled beneath the sun’s rays. There was no time for introductions and she remained silent as they made their way to the crystal clear waters. Grim quickly slid Sin’s naked body into the warm water and they watched as the water slowly sealed her wounds and began to heal her shattered bones. She screamed from the pain, while Grim held her in place. She thrashed about manically until she finally slipped into unconsciousness once more. Grim lifted her from the water, wrapped her back up in the sheet and carried her inside the house with her mother behind them.
It was nice to be perhaps the only other angel who knew about the other side of the Grim Reaper. Perhaps that will work in his favor when he finally admits to Sin his true feelings.
Chapter 20
Grim sighed in relief once his daughter slipped into a peaceful slumber. There was still much more that needed correction, including the order that needed to be restored in Hell. He started to wonder how that even became his responsibility when he is not even the one who created Hell for all of its intents and purposes. He wasn’t even in cahoots with the Beast although he was always in contact with him, but at least he proved to the Almighty and his heavenly brothers where his loyalties lied. He gazed around at the spacious master bedroom from the huge King sized bed he had built with his own hands, to the lavender painted walls with the Victorian styled window panes and the specially carved chests that majestically stood in the far corner nearest the window and wondered just how much longer would he be able to keep Mina a secret. Speaking of Mina she had returned to the backyard where she instructed the Dominion how to use the waters to heal himself. The Dominion seemed surprised finding out Sin’s mother and the secret realm where he kept her protected in, and he hoped that the rogue entity would never turn on him…but then again, Domino had proved himself so perhaps there really isn’t anything to worry about.
From out of nowhere appeared Gabriel and of course Michael, and Grim immediately summoned his Scythe and prepared to battle even his own brothers to protect the woman he loved most. He glared at them with black eyes allowing them to see the pits of darkness he was willing to go to if required, and even Michael took a step back.
“Easy brother,” Michael said calmly. “We are not here to punish you or Mina…”
“How do you know of this place?” Grim demanded angrily.
“Brother even you cannot hide from the will of the Almighty. Your secret has always been known…”
“I will fight both of you if I must-“
“You will not have to do that today or any other day dear brother,” Gabriel replied as he glanced out of the window to peek at Mina.
“I never thought you were capable of such a thing,” Michael retorted.
“What thing?”
“Love. You love her Grim, and not just with any old kind of love but a love of the purest form. No one wants to take that away from you…or her.” Gabriel said in awe.
“Then why are you here?” Grim questioned, still suspicious of their intentions.
“To offer you or better yet her proposition,” Michael explained.
Michael then begins to explain the offer, and when he was done Grim stared at both of them in disbelief. He motioned for them to follow him, and he escorted the both of them to the backyard where Mina sat on a large rock that overlooked the lake next to Domino who was in the middle of telling one of his “war stories”. She seemed to be intrigued by his version of what happened in the First War, and her eyes widened in surprise when she noticed the presence of two unfamiliar entities staring at her. She stood up quickly with Domino ahead of her in response and both of them glanced over at Grim who motioned for Michael to speak.
“Hello there Mina,” he said with an even tone. “I am called Michael and this is Gabriel,” he pointed over to where his cohort stood.
“Michael as in the archangel?” She breathed in disbelief.
“Yes…and we know of your relationship with Grim and why you were never sent to where you were condemned to be….”
She looked around nervously at the three mountainous entities that stood in front of her, and wondered what else she would be held accountable for even after dying.
“But fear not Mina,” Michael continued to her relief. “We have come to offer you an opportunity that we are sure you cannot refuse-“
“Two opportunities actually…” Gabriel added much to Michael’s chagrin.
“Yes, two opportunities: the first being that you come with us into the Light where you will remain for an eternity. There you will be one with our father, forever unharmed and forever loved…you will never have to worry about your safety and-“
“The next option please?” Grim interrupted.
Michael sighed. “Fine. The other option is that you accept the role of becoming the sole guardian of the Seal until it is time for it to be opened. The Almighty has approved the value of this realm and has declared that it would be safer here than in the earth realm in the hands of greedy, selfish humans. You proved yourself when you did not try to break the Seal yourself, and for that we ask that you accept this role for you are worthy of it.”
Mina said nothing as she stared at the archangel and his companion unsure of what to say or what to think. Grim had kept her hidden here to protect her from a certain punishment and now she was being offered a role as guardian over something as important and special as the Seal?
“Well Mina? What is it going to be?” Grim pressed. He did not like the idea of her leaving at all and he silently wanted to punch Michael for even offering that as the first option.
“I don’t know what to say,” Mina said quietly. “What does that mean if I accept
the role?”
“It means you can stay here with the Seal. You will be given special abilities that will ensure your ability to protect the Seal in the event that this realm is breached.”
Mina shared an astonished look with Grim. Michael didn’t even tell him that much. Domino looked at Grim and Mina and smiled. So there was hope for second chances after all. “Go ahead and accept it Mina,” Domino said, instantly receiving glances from everyone. “There aren’t many opportunities for second chances after death or even for our kind.”
“But what if I fail?” Mina asked still uncertain.
“You won’t,” Michael replied, his tone laced with confidence. “You have Grim, Sin and dear old Domino if he is willing to help.”
Grim gave Mina a reassuring glance and she grinned. “Then I accept. I will guard the Seal.”
Michael and Gabriel smiled while Grim laughed in joy. “Excellent. We will return later to complete your transition into your role of guardianship.” Michael then turned to Domino who kept his expression unreadable.
“And you still owe me an explanation Dominion.”
“Actually I don’t Michael.” Domino replied evenly.
Everyone turned to face what appeared to be an epic argument on the rise. Even Grim was curious about Domino’s disappearance from armies of Light.
“What do you mean you don’t owe me an explanation?” Michael seethed.
“Well one, I was appointed for something a little bit more specific and at this time I am not permitted to grant you any details. And haven’t you thought for once Michael that had I really been in violation of a direct order, the Almighty would have sent you and the rest of your warriors to retrieve me for punishment? I thought you had a little more sense than that brother…”
“Well this is interesting,” Grim said, his eyes lit with amusement.
Michael said nothing more. He just glared at Domino before disappearing in a ball of light leaving Gabriel behind.
“Well he isn’t very happy,” Domino said staring in the direction where Michael once stood.
“No and he won’t be for a while. But I am curious to know what it is that you were called for…” Gabriel mentioned as he took another long look around at his surroundings. “Just beautiful Grim…”
“That I cannot reveal until it is time.”
“Fine. But I must be going,” Gabriel revealed taking a step back towards the house. “As always there is work to be done. We will return in a bit with the Seal, until then be well, all of you…” The messenger angel disappeared into the ether as a ball of light leaving the three of them behind.
Grim gazed adoringly at Mina, and Domino took that as his cue to check on Sin. He took one last look at the happy couple and wondered if he too could ever share the same fate now that there was such a thing as hope for his kind.
Chapter 21
I awake to find myself wrapped up like a burrito in my mother’s home and wonder if everything that transpired up until now had been a nightmare. My body is still sore, but nothing is broken and I sit up to meet the concerned stares of my mother, Grim and Domino.
“How did I get here?” I ask in bewilderment.
“Long story,” said Grim. “But the fact is you are safe. There are no words that express my gratitude Sin…or any words that can express how sorry I am for…everything.”
“Don’t worry about it Grim. I was just worried that the Seal didn’t make it to you in time and that I had failed.”
“But it did,” my mother said soothingly as she gently pushed my dreads back from my face. “I was a bit confused and I had no idea that so much trouble had erupted…but I am happy that you trusted me enough to hold it until Grim was set free.”
“I knew no one would find this place…Grim is so secretive about it so you were the first person I thought of.” I look over at Grim who is standing near the doorway with Scythe in hand looking like he is prepared to go to war. “What happened to Asmodeus?”
Grim’s eyes grew black. “He is dead.”
“And Nak? You do know he was the traitor of all traitors…” I look over at my mom and the memory of Nak’s confession played in my mind.
“I know and he is being dealt with accordingly,” replies Grim with an icy tone.
“So daddy o you are back to being the Grim Reaper huh?”
“Yes, which means you are relieved of your duties…”
I sigh in relief. “Thank God for that. My hat goes to you for all the crap that you have to deal with…”
“Which leads me to another thing Sin,” Grim said seriously. “You are free to live the life that you want to live. You are no longer captive to Hell or any responsibilities that come along with it.”
“Huh? What do you mean I am free?” I ask in disbelief. “I just barely got off of probation for the last incident-“
“I am not your master Sin. You are my daughter and it is about time I started treating you as such…”
“But, Grim…where will I go? I am not exactly human.”
“You can come with me and I can show you some things...teach you a little bit about being human,” Domino offered, his colorless eyes staring at me in a way that sent chills down my spine.
“Now wait a minute, I didn’t say anything about her going with you Dominion,” Grim fumed.
“But you just said I was free,” I argued.
“You know what? I think I will-“
“Grim!” Mother shouted instantly capturing Grim’s attention. “Let her go. You have taught her everything that she needs to know and then some…”
“Sin you are hereby banned from seeing this Dominion-“
“Dad he just helped save your life! Are you serious?”
“No daughter of mine is going to be gallivanting through the realms on the arm of a wanton rogue-“
“I will have you know in my own defense,” Domino angrily began, “That I am far from wanton. It has been centuries since I have taken a female-“
“I don’t know why my honor has become the topic of conversation,” I begin slowly. After all that I have been through, even after retrieving the Seal and nearly suffering an unwanted pregnancy, I cannot believe that Grim is still treating me like a prisoner and a child. “But I believe that I have suffered enough Grim. I paid for my freedom when you banished me to the pits for trying to find the one thing that you have kept secret from the rest of the realms. I paid for my freedom every time I did not live up to your expectations-“
“He banished you to the pits?” My mother gasped in disbelief as hurt marred her pretty brown face.
“I did what I thought was best and it made her-“
“Hard. Too hard to where she doesn’t know how to enjoy life,” Domino interjected, completely ignoring Grim and his hateful glare.
I sit up only to be reminded that it is too soon for such rash decision making and plop right back down. “Easy there Sin,” came my mother’s voice.
Grim looked at me and sighed. “Sin, what you experienced with Asmodeus is what I have been trying to prevent from manifesting into a reality-“
“Well you don’t have to worry about me-“
“Silence Dominion! I am not finished,” Grim snarled. “I could sense what Asmodeus was about to do to you Sin, with you being half mortal and half of what I am, you have the potential to birth an evil unbeknownst to this planet that neither side is prepared to deal with. I was wrong for reacting so…hastily when I banished you to the pits. I should have explained this more to you in detail then, but I suppose I was too consumed in my own grief.” He paused before continuing. “You are free to live as you please with whomever you please with no interference from me.” He takes another look at Domino, and then me, and again at mother whose feelings are all too visible on her face. “I must take my leave now.” With a solemn expression and eyes that held too much pain he, along with his Scythe disappeared. My mother reached for my hand while Domino looked away.
And so I guess that is that… I am free.
Father Thomas struggled to breathe what he knew were his final breaths as he laid bundled up underneath the white sheets provided by the hospital staff at St. Vincent’s Hospital. After Asmodeus and his demons were defeated by the Michael and his army, the church and the rest of the papacy scrambled to come up with a story to cover up the desecration of the Sistine Chapel and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and they did so by concocting a very detailed description of a “terrorist attack”. Father Thomas scowled as he thought about the new lie that was about to be documented in the secret archives of the church. Thankfully Asmodeus was not successful in his plans of taking over the church and turning it into his own temple of worship, and then he remembered the woman that had stormed in with another angel like entity and claimed the Seal. He hoped that she wasn’t a part of one of those secret occults with ambitions of world domination, but even if she were none of this would have happened had he not snuck past the monks on Asmodeus’ orders and stole the Seal. It was no wonder that they had not noticed that it was missing…Moreover none of this mattered anymore. He would face whatever eternal punishment that was coming his way but… his thoughts returned to the woman with the unnaturally green eyes and dark skin. She looked familiar. Too familiar… perhaps when he finally breathed his last breath he would find the answer but she had fought Asmodeus and his legion bravely as if she had been trained for this her entire life. The woman that had come in and retrieved the Seal, he had no idea who she was or what her role was in this endless battle between the Light and the Dark but she looked oddly familiar…
A young nurse emerged from the doorway and made a note on the board that provided his name, room number and charge nurse. Dressed in her white uniform, with her sandy brown hair tied up neatly in a bun, she glanced at him with piercing icy blue eyes. She had to be around thirty, and from what Father could tell she lacked a ring on her left hand. Standing at maybe 5’2 and weighing less than 100 pounds, Father Thomas wondered if she knew what he had done. The entire papal community knew about it, which is the reason for his lack of visitors. The Pope had to be ceremonially discharged due to Asmodeus nearly destroying his cognitive abilities and leaving him in a vegetative state. No one wanted to come near him with a ten foot pole, and had he not been on his death bed, the papacy would have discharged him too.
Sin: Daughter of the Grim Reaper (The Reaper Series Book 1) Page 13