Witch Queens_Tales from Oz

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Witch Queens_Tales from Oz Page 12

by S Cinders

  He muttered something under his breath that sounded like 'fucking hell' just as the doors re-opened and Prince Greggory returned.

  “It would appear that your Dorothy was here,” his eyes flashed with fire. “She has flooded my south fields with locusts that are eating every inch of crops. I have no idea how I am to feed the city this winter!”

  This was the most animated I had ever seen him, and I must admit that Prince Gregory actually seemed normal for a brief moment. Perhaps he did care about someone other than himself.

  “You will find this Dorothy and rid Oz of her!” he demanded.

  I stood, pushing my chair away from the table and dropping my napkin.

  “What do you think we have been doing, Greggy-poo? She has been killing my subjects and taunting me. I don’t mean to invite her for Christmas Brunch.”

  Gregory sneered at me, “It is obvious you need a professional on the job.”

  Scarecrow stood as well, “That would be me.”

  Gregory waived him off, “No, not at all what is needed. I shall have to take this on personally. Glinda?”

  She stood as well, her blonde curls bouncing as she rose. “Yes, Prince Gregory?”

  “You shall accompany me.”

  Glinda blanched, “Oh, no! I am not one to get involved with the unsavory bits in life.”

  Gregory gave her a bald stare, “It wasn’t a request.”

  “Damn it,” her blue eyes pleaded with me to refute him.

  But the evil witch inside of me loved this more than I was willing to let on.

  “Shall we split up then?” I suggested.


  “Honestly, Scarecrow, it was years ago, you have no reason to be jealous!”

  He hadn’t spoken to me since dinner when it was decided that Glinda and Gregory would search near the northern edges of my territory that met with his. Scarecrow and I were to go along the eastern route, closest to the lake surrounding Emerald City.

  “I’m not jealous,” he muttered under his breath as he shoved something in his bag before securing it to the bike.

  “Then why aren’t you talking to me?” I demanded.

  He scowled, “I didn’t sleep well. If you recall, we spent the night in the dungeon, perhaps, I am tired?”

  “That’s a lame ass excuse, and you know it,” I got up in his face. “I am not getting onto that bike until we resolve this.”

  He threw his leg over and started the engine, “Fine by me.”

  I knew he wouldn’t leave me.

  At least, I had strong hopes that he wouldn’t leave me.

  But when he pressed the gas to rev the engine I got a little worried.

  “Last chance, Indy,” he growled.

  I shook my head infinitesimally, “Tell me.”

  In the next moment, his hard body was smashing mine up against the wall. I don’t know how he managed to get off of his bike that quickly. Nor how he could get my motor running just as easily as he did his bike.

  “You want to talk?” his harsh breath was against my ear.

  “Yes,” I couldn’t even nod, he was that close.

  “I fucking hate the idea of anyone seeing you naked. You are mine, Indy! I don’t care that it was before we were together.”

  My heart melted into a puddle of goo.

  “Scarecrow, nothing happened that night,” I paused, remembering some frolicking in the woods. “Nothing important, anyway,” I amended.

  He pressed into me harder, “I want to be the only one that sees these luscious tits and this amazing ass. I want every memory without me to be obliterated from your mind.”

  “That’s how I felt when I heard about you and El,” I said softly.

  He rested his forehead against mine, “There was never me and El. There was only El trying to get back at Steele.”

  “I know that now.”

  He let out a sigh of relief.

  “This feeling,” he grimaced, “It’s shitty. I am sorry that I ever made you feel that way.”

  I cupped my hand around his face, “Me too.”

  His lips captured mine in a kiss so tender, so sweet, that it made me want to weep. His brutal hold had become protective as if he were terrified that one wrong move and I would break.

  His warm lips caressed mine as his hands ran down my sides, cupping my hips. I groaned as he deepened the kiss, feeling every sweep of his tongue as he explored the cavern of my mouth. It was sensuous, the way he kissed me until mind and reason were a thing of the past.

  I whimpered low in my throat wanting more. His hands came up to sink into my hair. He tilted my head so that he could have better access to my mouth.

  This man could kiss! I was drowning, swirling in a vortex of heat and want when he lifted his face away from mine.

  I growled in protest and saw an echoing burst of lust in his eyes.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Wicked Witch of the East and her faithful sidekick, Scarecrow.”

  That voice not only had a dampening effect on me, but it also sent ice racing through my veins.

  I whipped around, “Dorothy!”

  There, standing not ten yards away from us, stood a teenage girl in a light blue gingham dress. Her silky brown hair was tied up in adolescent pigtails, and her skirt was covered with a bright white apron. In her arms, she carried a wicker basket with a black Cairn Terrier peeking from beneath the brim.

  But what really had me going was the fact that on her feet, she was still wearing my blood red, sparkling Jimmy Choo pumps. Everyone knew that they were a staple in any woman’s wardrobe.

  “You have some balls coming to Oz and wreaking your havoc,” I sneered at her. “But those days are over!”

  Dorothy’s face was the picture of innocent confusion.

  “Whatever are you talking about? I am only trying to find a way for my little dog Toto and me to get home.”

  Her sickeningly sweet voice grated on my nerves, “Why did you kill the Munchkin’s?”

  She blinked, “I could never hurt those adorable little people. After all, they went on and on about how killing you had released them from captivity.”

  My jaw was starting to ache from clenching my teeth, “They are not oppressed, just damn lazy. And I am not dead!”

  Dorothy’s lower lip pouted, “No, I can see that you are very much alive.” She shrugged her shoulders, “It’s a pity that, but some things can’t be helped.”

  Scarecrow took a step forward, “Did you just threaten, Indy?”

  “Oh, goodness, no!” Dorothy feigned shock, “I could never do such a thing!”

  “What do you want with Oz?” I demanded.

  For the first time, there was a tiny crack in her armor. It was so quick, so brief, that had I not been staring at her, I would have missed it. The flash of hatred and ill will in her gaze was baffling. What could Oz have done to her to cause such hatred?

  “I only wish to go home,” Dorothy said coldly. “There is nothing here for me.”

  The childish lilt in her voice was missing this time.

  “Then leave,” I spat. My magic was tingling in my fingers, but I knew better than to get myself into a fight against an unknown witch. If Dorothy left of her own accord, everything would just go away.

  Her smile was as malicious as it was depreciating. “Poor Bastinda, doesn’t know all the ins and outs of the world. One cannot merely leave Oz. Nothing is done without permission from the Trustees.”

  “They won’t let you leave?” I was astounded. “Who are they? I will make them!”

  Dorothy’s laugh was akin to nails scraping down a chalkboard, “You fool, do you honestly think that you will save the day? That you alone, are enough to change the world? Some things cannot be fixed. They are unalterable.”

  “I will get them to agree. I know my father is one, who are the other two?”

  Dorothy narrowed her brown eyes, “Nessa Rose has given her permission, as has your father, but the Wizard of Oz refuses even to discuss
it. He won’t see me, or anyone for that matter.”

  “Is the violence only to gain his attention?” I gasped.

  She smirked, “Maybe you aren’t as stupid as you look.”

  I didn’t know the Wizard well, though, he did indeed live in Emerald City. His castle was not far from Father’s palace. But he was said to be a miser. Part mad with grief from losing his family hundreds of years ago, and more than a little bit insane from living too long on the earth.

  “We will go to him for you,” I promised, ignoring Scarecrow’s sharp inhalation. "But you must leave Munchkin Land. I cannot have you destroying my people.”

  “But it is so fun!” she pouted.

  “And I want my damn shoes back,” I demanded.

  Dorothy shook her head, “Not going to happen.”

  “Are we really arguing about shoes?” Scarecrow tried to interject some sense.

  I huffed, “Fine! Keep the damn shoes, but you will leave my territory if you wish for us to try and help you.”

  Dorothy pretended to consider, and I wanted to wring her neck right there.

  “Deal!” She said happily, “I will just go into the northern country, that is your sister Mombi’s land isn’t it?”

  I didn’t like the way she was grinning, “You promised to stay out of trouble.”

  She laughed wickedly, “No, Bastinda. I promised to leave Munchkin Land. What happens up North is none of your concern.”

  And then in a puff of smoke, she was gone. It was the strangest thing, and I was more than a little bit jealous that I had no idea how to perform that type of magic.

  “That was the weirdest fight I have ever been in,” Scarecrow seemed dazed. “Nobody hit anyone else, nor was there any blood. I am a little disappointed.”

  I squeezed his arm tightly, “Don’t you worry. I have a feeling this is only the beginning.”


  “What the hell, Indy?”

  Mombi’s voice screamed through the phone as I pulled the receiver away from my ear.

  “I have enough shit to deal with. The prides are fighting again, and their dumbass leader is off playing bartender for your fuck buddy.”

  I swallowed nervously, “Um, about that, Scarecrow isn’t just a fuck buddy.”

  I felt him jolt at his name and then turned when he heard the rest of the sentence.

  Mombi was silent.

  “Are you still there?” I prodded.

  “Yeah,” she said, and I heard a hint of a smile in her voice. “So, you and the big guy are...”

  She deliberately let it trail off for me to answer.

  “We are dating,” I blurted out. And then, I wanted to cover my eyes for some unknown reason. Perhaps it was because my cheeks were flaming hot even though she couldn’t see them.

  Scarecrow stole the phone from me and held it above my head.

  “Mombi,” his firm tone was direct as always. “Your sister is too embarrassed to tell you that she is madly in love with me and has been for years.”

  “I never said that!” I blurted out incredulously.

  “Of course, she said that. Indy has been harboring tender feelings since the moment her eyes clapped onto me.”

  I started jumping trying to remove the phone from his hands.

  “Best sex she’s ever had,” his eyes twinkled at me.

  “I am going to kill you,” I said through gritted teeth. Although, he was not wrong.

  “Yeah, I will call Jake and tell him to get his ass together. Expect him sometime tonight, or in the morning.”

  I couldn’t hear what my sister was saying, but her tone sounded almost—friendly?

  “Yeah, I'll tell her you love her. Right, thanks for the welcome to the family. She will call you soon.”

  He ended the call and smirked down at me, “You're welcome.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I snarled. “Now, she is going to call up El, and they are going to laugh their asses off about how whipped I am.”

  Scarecrow shrugged, “So?”

  I wanted to beat his incredibly handsome head against the nearest tree. It was a good thing that we were in the middle of nowhere. That way I wouldn’t have any witnesses to the murder.

  “So,” I drew the word out deliberately, “I don’t like being made fun of!”

  Scarecrow frowned, “They are only teasing you, Indy. It’s not like any of it is malicious or mean.”

  That was true.

  “But it’s personal,” I demanded.

  “They are your sisters,” Scarecrow’s eyes hardened. “I would be more than willing to bet you know each other’s bra sizes, in-depth knowledge of their sexual experience, and a reasonable estimate of how much money they have in the bank. You are lucky to have them still, Indy!”

  Then it dawned on me that I was a complete idiot.

  “You miss your mom,” I said softly under my breath.

  His eyes lit for a moment, “I would give almost anything to tell her about you. But I will never get that chance.”

  My mortality and his immortality smacked me in the face.

  “You’re right,” I went up to him and wrapped my arms around his slender waist, feeling the taut muscles beneath his shirt.

  “Could you say that a little louder,” his mouth was near the shell of my ear. “I don’t hear it very often coming from you.”


  I couldn’t contain the small smile that broke across my face, “You're right.”

  “Pardon?” his eyes danced with amusement.

  “You are fucking right! Are you happy?” I shouted.

  His eyes darkened in an instant, “I’m not fucking you right now, but I intend to remedy the situation soon.”

  I gasped as he picked up the edge of my shirt and whisked it over my head. Seconds later, he was tugging my panties and skirt down my legs.

  He kneeled before me, glancing up wickedly through his impossibly dark lashes.

  “You smell incredible,” his face buried at the juncture of my thighs as he took in a large breath.

  I was naked for anyone to come along and see. Not only that, I had a sex God kneeling at my feet, just millimeters away from my pussy.

  My legs were trembling when he reached his tongue out to swipe across my mons.

  “Scarecrow!” I moaned, thrusting my hips forward.

  His laughter was muffled by my skin as he lifted one of my legs over his shoulder to have better access to my core.

  I gripped his shoulders tightly, afraid that I would fall. But the moment he started sucking and spearing my hot core with his tongue, I lost all control over my body.

  He laughed as he caught me and laid me on a patch of grass.

  “Struggling, Princess?” he teased.

  “You have no idea,” I rasped.

  He grabbed my thighs and parted them obscenely. I felt the cool breeze on my tender skin. And my nipples tightening into hard points.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he murmured, lifting my ass towards his face so that he could once again rock my world.

  His mouth was voracious against my pussy. Kissing and sucking on me like he was a starved man eating his last meal. I felt my orgasm building, rolling up at an almost unbearable pace. I wanted this to last longer, but I sure as hell didn’t want him to stop.

  Taking my swollen clit into his mouth, he sucked and laved it with his tongue until I couldn’t keep it at bay any longer, pleasure shattered over me.

  Washing away any inhibitions, I lewdly thrust my hips against his face as I rode out every wave of ecstasy.

  I hadn’t realized my hands were on my breasts until he pulled away after kissing the inside of my thigh.

  “It’s so fucking amazing to see you touch yourself. I love how you let go for me, how you hold nothing back.”

  I was on him in an instant, ripping his jeans away. I pushed him onto his back and sank onto his massive cock, gasping as it filled me to the core.

  “Fuck, Scarecrow!” I moaned low in my throat before
I slowly began to grind my sopping core against his dick.

  His guttural moans, accompanied by a deathlike grip on my hips, told me that he was okay with me taking the lead this time.

  I sat up to ride him harder, pushing him deeper inside of me.

  Grabbing my breasts again, I threw my head back as I pulled and twisted my nipples until they were aching with need.

  Scarecrow had increased his pace, his hands on my hips almost punishing.

  I don’t know if I have ever seen his eyes that dark, as he started lifting and ramming me back down on his cock.

  I screamed out his name, tightening my core muscles to try and keep steady as he continued to impale me on his dick.

  I met him, thrust for thrust, feeling him everywhere inside of me until I didn’t know where I left off and he began.

  “Fuck,” he rasped, “I am going to come. Touch yourself, baby. Show me where you like it.”

  I blinked before sliding a hand down to where he was deep inside of me. I felt the thickness of his cock and wondered how this was possible.

  “Stop teasing,” he demanded.

  And I giggled a little, before finding my clit and gently stroking it. My pussy automatically tightened, and he groaned again as his thrusts brought me closer to my release.

  “Hurry,” his teeth were clenched, “Can’t hold on.”

  Then he came in spurts of white hot cum that triggered a powerful orgasm within me. I rode him hard until the last vestige of pleasure had fled my body, and I grinned.

  “What’s got you so happy?”

  I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “I love you,” I blurted out.

  He cupped my cheek with his large hand, “I love you, too.”

  CHAPTER 27 - PART 2 – Mombi

  I stood there in my office staring into the blank space as I tried to process my last phone call.

  The last thing I needed was for some homicidal maniac tromping around Gillikin County. Although, perhaps the shifters would dispose of Dorothy or Dorothy would rid us of the shifters, either way, it would work to take something off my plate.

  Sighing, I sank down into my plush office chair. Glancing towards the wall of windows on the south side of my office, I looked out into the deceptively quiet open grasslands and woodlands just beyond the village.


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