Hong Kong Heat

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Hong Kong Heat Page 1

by Raven McAllan

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  A Totally Bound Publication

  Hong Kong Heat

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-469-0

  ©Copyright Raven McAllan 2015

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright February 2015

  Edited by Jennifer Douglas

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2015 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Totally Bound Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Sizzling and a Sexometer of 2.


  Raven McAllan

  Hotshot. Hot bod. Hot lover. What more could a woman want? Debra had never expected her stay in Hong Kong to create so much heat.

  Debra Scotburn had never thought of herself as a cougar, until she fell in lust at first sight with a much younger man.

  Braam—Abraham Van Meister, a hotshot and hot-bod troubleshooter—doesn’t do commitment. That is until an older, curvy, vivacious brunette robs him of his ability to control a certain body part.

  Unable to keep their hands off each other, they embark on a passion-filled holiday fling.

  Surely that is all it can ever be? Braam’s work takes him all around the world at a moment’s notice, and Debra is on the last leg of her middle-aged crisis induced gap year.

  When misunderstandings tear them apart, can they both admit their love and find the trust needed to make this more than just a fling?


  To Debra, who wanted a book with her name in it. And to Maggie who made sure my memories of Hong Kong are true to life.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Star Ferries: Star Ferry Company Limited

  Just Keep Swimming: Walt Disney Pictures

  Jacuzzi: Jacuzzi Hottubs Inc.

  Wonder Woman: DC Comics

  Lady in Red: Chris de Burgh

  Beautiful: Estee Lauder

  iPod: Apple Inc

  Doctor Who: British Broadcasting Corporation

  Oyster: Transport for London

  New York, New York: Frank Sinatra

  Thermos: Thermos LLC

  Bring Me Sunshine: Arthur Kent, Sylvia Dee

  Zimmers: TEAMi uk Ltd

  Gonna Wash That Man Right Out Of My Hair: Magna Theatre Corporations

  Batman: DC Comics

  Pretty Woman: Touchstone Pictures

  Scrabble: Mattel, Inc.

  Hotel: Denys Fisher

  FaceTime: Apple, Inc.

  Chapter One

  And hey, Hong Kong is as great as I remember. I can’t wait to get out and explore. This hotel lives up to everything it boasts about. My suite is amazing and the bed is big enough for an orgy.

  Debra considered the last sentence then deleted it. It might be a bit too much for her children to read.

  Everyone is so helpful and friendly. And wow, you should have seen the hot-bod guy in the foyer. Pity he’d disappeared once I’d checked in. (Only kidding, I don’t cradle snatch, but my eyes are still 20/20.) Ah well, lots to do and see. Speak soon, love mum x

  Debra checked that she’d copied the email to both of her adult children and pressed send. No doubt if Lena were there she would roll her eyes and mutter things about safe sex and growing old gracefully, then giggle and high five her mum. Kevan would worry and ask if she had a rape alarm, before issuing dire warnings about insurances and idiot old people who wandered all over the world. Such different attitudes.

  Debra wasn’t old old—merely past the mid-life crisis age. Not that her children agreed with that description. To them it was a mid-life crisis that had gone on a bit too long.


  Deb knew why she’d resolved to do her gap year at the ripe old age of forty-four. Her beloved husband Don had died five years earlier and she’d wallowed. Then floundered.

  Until she’d read an article about gap year oldies and understood immediately that she needed to be one.

  So here she was in Hong Kong, in an exclusive Channing Hotel and wondering just who the man she’d spotted was.

  Too young for me is what he was. Ah well. Debra checked that she’d gotten everything she might need in her bag, picked up her room key and sunglasses and plotted her route in her mind.

  Hong Kong.

  Somewhere she hadn’t been for years and one of her favorite cities in the world. It had been a conscious choice to leave it until she was on her way home. A final glorious ending to a year of wandering the world, before she headed back to Scotland. She had almost two weeks to relearn her way around and decide where on the islands was her favorite spot, and she wasn’t going to waste a second.

  First, she was going to check out the rooftop terrace and swimming pool. It had been one of the things that had influenced her choice of hotels. That and the reputation of Channing Hotels.

  The lift was speedy and within seconds it seemed that she was smiling at the pool attendant and wandering around a well-tended garden in the sky.

  Debra walked amongst shrubs and flowers and admired the views. In one direction was the park she wanted to visit. Its trees looked like toys made out of plasticine and the people walking through it like ants. In the other she could see the harbor with one of the famous green Star Ferries crossing to TST, a junk picking up litter and a cruise liner in dock. She took in a deep breath. She loved it.

  Considering that Hong Kong was a skyscraper paradise, this area was remarkably empty of multistoried buildings. The hotel was the tallest around even though it merely had twenty or so floors. That meant that the gardens, pool and a well thought out walking track were not overlooked. It was peaceful and private and, at that moment, unused. Debra made a note to use it all as soon as she could.

  But not now. Now the streets and park beckoned. She made her way downstairs.

  The foyer was empty except for two doormen, one who held the door open, and the other who bowed.

  “Taxi, ma’am?”

  Debra shook her head. “No thanks. I’m off for a wander around the park.”

  The doo
rman smiled. “Enjoy your walk, ma’am. Best time of day for it, I reckon.”

  “I think so. Thank you.” The exchange reminded her how pleasant most people were. She stood at the door and debated which way to go. It was still warm, very warm, although luckily without the humidity that would hit the city in a few weeks’ time.

  The streets were busy. Businessmen and women, teens in school uniforms, toddlers and their carers. Some rushed, others sauntered or stood chatting.

  It was time for the commuting nightmare that occurred every weekday at that time. People of all shapes and sizes were about. Nowhere could she see one specific tall-haired man in a sharp suit and crisp white shirt. Debra was surprised at the stab of annoyance and disappointment that hit her. After all, she’d merely glimpsed the guy as she’d followed the concierge and her luggage to reception. Why would he be in this crowded street?

  But that glimpse made me want more. Grief, I’m getting old if one tiny sighting makes me go weak at the knees. Snap out of it.

  Pleased with her self-lecture, Debra put on her sunglasses, thankful that she’d slathered herself in sun cream before she’d left her suite, and headed for Victoria Park. The last time she’d been there you couldn’t see the grass for the hundreds of au pairs, Amahs, Ayis and immigrant workers who spent their day off sitting in the park and chatting. The noise level would have won out over any pop concert. Today it was quieter, with a few children playing ball, a group of elderly ladies talking as they enjoyed the late afternoon sunshine and several people using the jogging track that circled part of the park.

  She found an area of grass in the sunshine and settled down on it to read about her latest sex on legs hero and how he managed to convince his lady that he wanted her. Within minutes, Debra was engrossed. As a child she’d often been chastised for being oblivious to everything other than her book when she was reading.

  Today was no exception. It wasn’t until the sun moved behind the trees and she was sitting in the shade that Debra realized how much time had passed.

  The occupants of the park had changed. To one side, a tai chi lesson was in process and the jogging track was much busier. Debra checked her watch and groaned. She’d been oblivious for well over an hour and undoubtedly ought to move and think about getting ready for dinner.

  Getting up wasn’t as easy as she’d hoped. Sitting in one position for so long had given her pins and needles and she winced at the pain.

  I don’t mind nice stings and tingles, well I didn’t, but hey, it’s been so long, who knows? But this is bloody agony. She rubbed her legs and wriggled her toes to get the circulation back to normal.

  Debra collected her belongings and made her way across the grass toward the entrance to the park. To get there she had to cross the jogging track and dodge the joggers. Their numbers had increased considerably now and Debra waited to let a steady stream of people of all shapes and sizes go by. One guy, tall, fit and blond hair, caught her eye and her heart did a weird double pitter pat.

  It was the guy from the hotel. No snazzy suit, but black running shorts and a black sleeveless vest that shouted serious runner to her. As he approached along the track, she couldn’t help but admire—and drool at—the way he moved. His short hair had curled in the heat and the sheen of sweat over his body highlighted the muscles in his arms and the strength of his legs. She’d bet he had a washboard stomach and a cute ass.

  Dammit, cease and desist drooling, woman, you’ll embarrass yourself. Nevertheless, she took a step back to wait for him to pass.

  There was a grunt of pain from behind her. Deb turned to see an elderly lady, with perfectly coiffed white hair and wearing an elegant linen suit, rub her ankle.

  “Oh, heavens, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching what I was doing. Have I hurt you badly?” Debra was appalled at her clumsiness. First day there and injuring the natives wasn’t a good start.

  The lady laughed. “Don’t worry, no lasting damage and I wasn’t paying attention either. I was waiting for Gorgeous George to go by.” She inclined her head toward the guy who was a few yards away.


  The lady rolled her eyes. “No idea if that’s his name, but he sure is gorgeous. Sexy Steve, Hot Bod Harry, take your pick. I see him most evenings and it makes my day.” She waved at the man who grinned and waved back, before he slowed to almost a halt.

  “Hi, gorgeous, you ready to run away with me yet?”

  The lady cackled. “I’m too much of a woman for you, honey.”

  “Too true, my loss.” He looked straight at Debra and winked. “How about it?”

  Deb bit back a snigger. “Depends what ‘it’ you mean.” She blushed. Was she actually bandying innuendo with a stranger? A much younger than her stranger. Her kids would be horrified. Tough, it’s only a ships that pass in the night thing.

  He jogged in a circle. “Up to you, honey.” He waved, increased his speed and moved away.

  The older lady sighed. “See what I mean? Fit as hell. I think Gorgeous George has the hots for you. The Jie Jies will be disappointed.”

  “The what?” Debra hadn’t heard that expression before.

  “Jie Jies, sisters, people who look after the family. Like Ayis, or Amahs. It’s a very Hong Kong expression. My Jie Jie was a darling. Ah well, back to my Angus and a cuddle. He might not be as slim as Georgie boy, but he won’t wear me out. Mind you our Mr. Mysterious does make me quiver and even wonder if I could take up jogging at my advanced age.”

  Debra knew just what she meant. Trust her to fancy a fitness freak. Debra was the first to admit that her idea of fitness was to abstain from eating three extra chocolate biscuits and run up the stairs rather than walk.

  She sighed. Ah well, she knew what the lady meant about having her day made. There was no two ways about it, the guy was sex on legs and the sort of man to make you roll over and shout ‘play your cards right and you can have me’.

  With a mental shrug at her fanciful notions, she took her life into her hands to cross the road and dodge pedestrians, cars and trams, and walk back to the hotel. As if someone like that would pay more than passing attention to a middle-aged overweight lady who could give him several years. Let alone listen to her telling him to play his cards right.

  Oh well, I can dream. But dreaming led to a damp crotch and a need for relief. Debra made her way into her suite, dragged her clothes off and indulged in a well needed self-induced orgasm that left her hot, sweaty and pleased that she was gifted with a great imagination. Her mystery man had featured heavily, as she used her hands to tease her clit and fall over the edge.

  Never had a shower been so welcome. Debra let the lukewarm water stream over her, soaking her hair and body, and reveled in the tingles that still shook her.

  The water stung her climax-sensitive skin as she rubbed shower gel over herself. It was worth it and in lieu of the real thing, not half bad.

  Her tummy rumbled to remind her not to linger. Debra switched off the shower and toweled herself dry. It didn’t take long to dress and with her laptop under her arm, she made her way to the residents’ lounge for a welcome cocktail.

  She couldn’t help the way she scanned the room to see if a certain blond head stood out from the mix of people seated there.

  It didn’t. The lump of disappointment that hit her like a lead weight was way too over the top for such a few brief glimpses of someone who, for all she knew, could be a serial ax murderer.

  Ah well, obviously not a guest any longer. If he had been in the first place. Grow up and get over it. And quit thinking worst case scenarios. He might have been an eccentric millionaire on his way to Bora Bora or somewhere exotic, with a harem and thirteen Chihuahuas waiting for him in that stretch limo I saw in the street.

  The thought amused her all the way through her rum punch and dumpling nibbles, as she listened to an amazing duo playing and singing popular classics.

  It put her in a great mood as she elected to eat in the lounge and not bother with the dining roo
m. It was one of the bonuses of an executive suite and she might as well enjoy it. The room was small and intimate and probably less intimidating to eat in alone.

  Not that it bothered Debra overmuch. As ever she had her laptop to write her diary on and catch up with her emails and her eReader with whatever she fancied reading at the ready.

  It didn’t stop her taking a surreptitious glance at every new occupant. None were tall, blond and drop dead gorgeous.

  Debra put him out of her mind and enjoyed her chicken and rice instead. Combined with a good dry Australian white wine and rounded off by fruit, she felt nicely full but not stuffed. After declining a liqueur or coffee, Debra took herself back to her suite. It had been a long day.

  It became even longer. So sure that she’d be tired and want an early night, Debra clambered into bed before ten and turned the light off by half past. To lie awake with her mind buzzing.

  Half an hour later, she accepted that sleep wasn’t on her agenda any time soon and got out of bed and slipped on her sundress. She’d take herself up to the garden and spend a few minutes looking at the city by night. Maybe some fresh air and a circuit of the walking path would make her sleepy.

  The corridor was quiet and the lift arrived within seconds. Not much more than ten minutes since she’d thrown back the duvet, Debra opened the door to the terrace. The area was dimly lit with just enough light to show where the paths and flowerbeds were.

  She took a deep breath to savor the night-scented flowers and the warm air. From the street below, a car honked its horn and engines revved. The clatter of a tram drifted up to where Debra stared over the parapet.

  The water of the harbor shone in the moonlight and the lights of the boats twinkled and shared their positions with each other. High above, a plane headed toward the airport and as more often than not, the Peak was shrouded in cloud.


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