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Nailed Page 10

by Needa Warrant

  "Let's go, Tears. Get into the van. I'll deal with them and Jersey will get your stuff. Don’t you have a warmer coat? You need to be wearing it." Tearney never looked at her grandparents as she obeyed her father.

  “Yeah, a pea coat. It’s on one of my suitcases, over there.” Tears pointed to the mound of stuff she had packed. She walked over to the van, after grabbing the coat.

  Jersey was busy loading her belongings into the van as Nailz strolled over to the Tearney's. He looked his former father-in-law in the eyes.

  “Thank you for caring for her all these years and calling me when she got to be too much. When my parents get back, I'm sure she’ll want to move in with them. That should ease your minds." Nailz knew what to say to these people and to get away from them as fast as he could.

  Mr. Tearney was very direct in answering. "Neil, she’s a handful—look at how she dresses. We’ve tried everything to make her into a lady. I think it’s time you stepped up and behaved as a father. Maybe we were wrong to spoil her, but so did your parents. She needs a firm hand. When we lost Dianna we didn't think about you…we wanted to replace our daughter. Don't you think it’s time for you to have a relationship with your family? It seems to me they lost a son, too. Maybe Tearney can heal that wound. I hope some good can come out of all of this."

  Nailz stuck his hand out and was very surprised when the other man shook it. "I'll let you know how it goes with her. I don't know what my parents will say if I want to keep her with me."

  Mrs. Tearney smiled. "I think you might be surprised if you give them a chance. We thought we were doing what was best for Tears and you. My granddaughter seems to have anger issues and my husband’s correct. She’s a spoiled brat because she had four people spoiling her. Only you can undo the damage that has been done and that’s by being a father to her." She reached over and patted his hand. Nailz was stunned. He knew what the right thing to do was and did it.

  "Tearney, come here. Thank your grandparents and say goodbye."

  Nailz watched as Tearney sullenly got out of the van and kissed each of them on the cheek. "I'm very sorry for causing you so much trouble and thank you for all you've done for me." She turned and strolled away. Nailz was uneasy about the way she acted.

  Mrs. Tearney reached out again to him. "We're used to it. In time I hope she’ll call us." Nails hoped so too and thanked them again.

  Tearney was sitting on the cooler between the two captain’s chairs in the van. Nailz didn't know what to think about the way she’d just walked away from her grandparents.

  "What the hell, Tears? Those people raised you!"

  His daughter looked down. "I never asked them to raise me! You should have been in my life more, Daddy. I didn't need all those material things that ALL my grandparents gave me. I need YOU!" She began to cry and Nails looked over her head at Jersey. Shit! What the hell was he going to do?

  Jersey pulled in front of a pizza parlor. He shut the van off. "Pizza fixes everything. Tears, stop sniffling, your dad is going to buy us a loaded pie." He gave Nailz a warning look.

  Tears slipped her hand into Jersey's. She smiled brightly. "I love you, Uncle Jersey!" Nailz watched as Jersey expertly handled his daughter and prayed he'd be able to do the same. Where the hell had Jersey learned parenting skills? What else didn't he know about his bro?

  Over pizza Nailz explained the rules to Tearney about never talking about the club. How she was going to learn to behave herself and follow his rules if she expected to live with him. Her agreeable demeanor was surprising. He had never hid the club from her and as she had grown up she’d met many of his bro's. She and Jersey had always been close and now he was grateful for his help. Who’d have thought Nailz would be raising his daughter. His mind drifted to Jo. Damn her. How dare she run away when he needed her the most? Nailz had looked everywhere he could think of to find her. Kima wasn't talking to him or Jersey and Elena was abrupt with all of them. Josephine Parker was in for a rude awakening when he finally found her. He listened to Tearney go on about something and Jersey seemed quite interested in everything she had to say. He hoped he could be as attentive, but his mind went back to Jo. She wasn't going to rob him of seeing their child grow up. He'd hunt her down even if he had to ask his father for help.

  They got Tears settled into the apartment easily. Nailz was happy he’d kept it clean and neat. They had takeout Chinese food for dinner and Jersey offered to stay on the couch. Nailz was grateful for that. He’d figure this being a parent to a teenage daughter thing out. Maybe Elena and Kima (if she’d talk to him again) would help him out.

  Chapter Twenty

  Jo was excited. Today was the day she’d be rid of the Parker last name and begin a new life. She even had on a new maternity dress. Jo’s new parents would be there any second and she was waiting at the door. As they pulled up the drive, Jo was out the door.

  John and Jean smiled at Jo. "You ready for this, Jo?” Jean asked her. “We're so happy to have you as a daughter."

  "Of course she's ready—she doesn't want to be a damn Parker! Bunch of piss ants—social climbing, bottom feeders—except for James." John smiled at Jo.

  "I'm so glad to be rid of that name and be a Regan. I never felt like I belonged there, anyway. So what do we have to do at the courthouse?"

  "Just meet the judge and sign the paperwork.” John assured Jo. Then we’ll have lunch and you’ll be Josephine Mary Regan—until you get married someday, of course."

  "I don't think anyone will be standing in line to marry me since Dr. Allan confirmed I'm having twins...I doubt any man will want me." Jo sighed dramatically. She was still furious with that damn Nailz.

  "Oh, Jo! Men love babies.” Jean assured her. “I'm sure you’ll find a good man."

  "Jo doesn't need a man.” John huffed at his wife. “We're her family now. She can go to school and find a decent guy at some point."

  It was quiet in the car after that. Jo was dwelling on Nailz and missed him like crazy. She still loved that moron.

  The time with the judge and Peter went fast. Jo exited the courthouse as Jo Regan. She was happy and felt safe that Nailz wouldn't find her for now. Lunch was perfect and Jo went home happier then she'd been in a very long time. The Regan’s took Jo to change her license and even to get a new car. It was a fun day, but Jo was tired and they dropped her off around two o’clock. She laid down for a nap and fell asleep thinking of Nailz.

  Kima and her dad went to Peter Evans law office later that same afternoon. Her dad had some more papers he wanted Peter to look over concerning Jo’s adoption and he wanted Peter to explain some important issues to Kima. John wanted to make sure that Kima didn’t feel left out or jealous.

  Kima was angry her dad didn't trust Veiko, but her dad was a smart man. John hadn't gotten this far by being stupid so she'd hear what Peter had to say. Kima didn't want to lose her grandparent's house over Veiko or his club.

  Peter looked happy to see them, but he should—Kima’s dad was helping his career along.

  Kima tried to smile as Peter grasped her hand. “John, Kima, good to see you both.”

  Mr. Regan shook Peter’s hand and they sat down at his desk. “Peter, I need you to explain to Kima that putting Veiko's name on the deed to the house is a bad idea and that she needs to keep her assets safe, in case he ever goes to jail. I'm not picking on my son in law to be, but face it—he’s in an outlaw motorcycle gang. Kima doesn't understand that she could lose her house.”

  Kima shot her dad a glare and folded her hands as Peter twirled a pen for a few moments.

  “Kima, your dad is right. There's no reason for Veiko to be on the deed and I’d suggest that you have separate bank accounts. Maybe one joint account, but you’re the one who has more assets from what your dad tells me.”

  Kima sighed deeply. “So I keep the house in my name only and I have my own account. That's no big deal. I can agree to that and I doubt Veiko cares either way.”

  Peter frowned and said, “Kima, I know you love
this guy, but he is a criminal. Veiko needs to sign an agreement and I'd advise you to tell him to have his lawyer look it over. We can do a simple one, stating that your assets belong solely to you in the event of a divorce and if you die your property goes to any children or reverts back to your parents—such as your grandparent's house. Stop glaring at me. I made Lisa sign one before I married her. Also, after you get married you’ll need a will.”

  At the mention of Lisa's name, Kima looked interested. “That damn bitch—always making Jo babysit and she never paid her a dime. Jo was more of a mother to Bradley than Lisa. How is Brad? Jo misses him so much.”

  Peter looked amazed. “Jo was never paid? I gave Lisa money just for Jo, always. Brad’s doing well now that I have custody of him. Divorcing Lisa is the best thing for all of us. Tell Jo he’s living with us now so she can call him. Anything I can do to help Jo, let me know.”

  Kima smiled. “Thank you, Peter. We love Jo so much and she always felt like a member of the family.”

  The two men shook hands. John made another appointment with Peter's secretary so he and his wife make changes to their wills.

  As they drove away Kima thought of something. “Dad, tell mom no party—not yet at least. We're hiding Jo from Nailz. V would tell him because of that brotherhood thing.”

  John lit a cigarette. He exhaled, “Kima, your mother will want a party after Jo’s babies are born. Nailz will have to deal with Jo being a Regan. We can’t hide it forever. Sometimes I wish you would’ve found an Irishman to marry.” Suddenly, he realized what he said. Tears were flowing from Kima's eyes and she was trying to hide them.

  “Kitten, I'm so sorry. I forgot about that ordeal. I'm sure Veiko will be a great son-in-law. Look, I’m picking up the cost to fix the house up. It needs a new kitchen and those bathrooms need updating. I don’t want you to worry about anything.”

  “Daddy, I’m fine really. I just get nightmares sometimes. Are you sure with the wedding? That you can afford all of that?”

  John Regan looked mad as hell. “Of course I can—anything to make my girl happy. When we find that bastard, Kima—he’s dead! I promise you on our name.”

  Kima looked at her father and sought to comfort him. “Daddy, he already is. I made sure of it myself. Stop looking for him. Now hush up about it. I refuse to tell you anything else except that he's never coming back. Please tell mom you found him and that I'm safe. She's so worried all the time. We never had this conversation, either.”

  Her dad looked straight ahead as he drove. John flicked his cigarette out the window of the new Cadillac he was driving. Then a slight smile formed at the corner of his lips. “I always said you were a wild child. If you say he's gone, I believe you. I guess you got a lot of your old Irish dad in you. Just promise me that you’ll never be a wiggler again. The thought of you dancing really upsets us. How the hell do I explain that to the family?”

  Kima tried to laugh. “I'm half Russian too and don't you forget it! Shit, you better not tell mom you said that…but seriously—please tell mom you've handled it. I don’t plan to dance anymore, either. Daddy, a wiggler—really? That’s what you’ve been calling me?”

  John nodded his head. “What the hell was I supposed to call you, a go-go dancer? I can’t bring myself to call you that. These words we’ve had will never go any further then the car. Kitten, do you want a milk shake?”

  Kima grinned and he took her to get an extra thick, malted milk, chocolate shake.

  Kima explained her visit with the lawyer to V. "It’ll make my parents happy. My dad is paying for the renovations, Veiko. They don't dislike you—they just want the farm protected. Is it a problem?"

  V smiled grimly at Kima, “Nope, I know they don't trust me. Sorry, Babe—but that is exactly what this is. Not that I blame them. I can pay for all the work on the house. I do save some of my money. I'll make a joint bank account with my paychecks. You can spend what you need. We aren't rich, but we sure as fuck aren't poor."

  "I've never asked you about your money, V. I guess if we need money after I have a baby, I'll just go wiggle again." Kima couldn't help but giggle.

  Veiko looked at Kima in horror. "Wiggle again? What the fuck, Kima. Where did that come from? You aren't getting on a stage again. Does your dad know I never wanted you to dance?"

  Kima smiled like an angel. "My dad called me a wiggler today. I never told them anything you had to say about me being dancer. You tell him yourself. That might get you some points—but let him pay for the renovations. It's keeping him busy and he likes to think he knows all about construction. I'll make sure he leaves the house mostly the way it is.

  V was going to make sure John Regan knew how much he hated that Kima had been a dancer. He promised himself if they had a girl she was never taking ballet, either. V was wise enough not to tell Kima that.

  Instead, V picked Kima up and carried her into the bedroom. "I'll drop in on Peter tomorrow and sign whatever papers."

  Kima reached her arms around his neck and kissed V passionately.

  Jo was in a fantastic mood when Joy got home that night. She’d waited up to tell her friend all about the adoption, but Joy seemed uneasy. She was at the front windows looking out.

  “Joy, what’s wrong? Who’s outside?” Jo began to get nervous. What if Nailz had found her somehow?

  Joy took off her coat and hung it on the coat rack. “I had this asshole bugging me all night. I was dancing in the Drop Inn and he was a biker—no colors on though. Named Stinky—like I’d let a jerk off named that near me. I could have sworn he followed me home. I’m dead tired so it might have been my imagination. What does it feel like to be a Regan? Today must have been a special day for you.”

  Jo had on huge smile on her face. “It’s great. We went out to lunch then had my license changed. I got a newer car, a station wagon for all the baby stuff I’ll need to haul around. I just wish everyone could’ve been there to see it. I really hate this hiding all the time. I can’t even go to Kima’s wedding. You don’t think Nailz could’ve followed you do you?’

  “Nailz wasn’t at the bar. He’s busy taking care of his daughter. Seems her grandparents dumped her on him. It’s keeping Jersey off my back at least. Cute girl from what I’ve heard. I don’t think you need to worry about him for now. There’s a loaded shot gun in the closet and you’ve got a gun in your bedroom, right? Keep a gun close until I find out more about this Stinky asshole. Ugh, Jo, he’s so not my type. Long stringy, dirty hair and I think he got the name Stinky because he doesn’t bathe or maybe it’s his breath. Why do I get all the losers? He hardly tipped and wanted to buy me a mug of beer. Not even a drink!”

  Jo and Joy laughed at the same time. Jo had dinner waiting for Joy in the kitchen so they went to eat. Joy checked the lock on the door to the cellar and the back door.

  “Jo, keep the place locked up tight and if you hear anything call the cops if I’m not here—or call Darko at Dirty Deeds and say you’re Jack’s sister, Shelly. Jack will know right away it’s you. He’d get someone here fast. I’m pretty sure I didn’t imagine that car following me out of the bar. Better to be safe than sorry, right? You can’t be too careful.”

  “I can shoot. After everything that’s happened, I’ll shoot anyone who breaks in. Unless I know them, of course. I don’t want to shoot Kima or Elena. I think I’ll let my brother know where I am. He’s over in Beach View and I miss him. I still can’t understand him joining Nefarious. When you told me he was, I was in shock—but I’m glad it isn’t Bound for Hell, at least. Does Kima know?”

  Joy shrugged. “I need to talk to her. We need to get Elena and Kima over here. Think you could bake some of those cinnamon rolls? I want to ask Elena if anyone’s followed her home.”

  Jo smiled. “Of course I will. Want me to make the call before you get up? I’d love to have company.”

  Joy was tired and it showed. “Sounds good. You call Kima and she can call Elena. Just make it around noon. Let’s get to bed. I was thinking maybe we s
hould get a big dog. You like dogs?”

  “I’ve never been allowed a pet, but I’d love a dog. Be good to have a warning if anyone was around. When can we get one?” Jo was excited and Joy had to smile at her.

  “We have to ask Elena first, but I’m sure she won’t mind. Sweet dreams. See you around noon.”

  “Same to you Joy. I think I’ll read a bit. If I hear any noises, I’ll scream for you. I’m sure nobody would come in this house, but a dog would make sense.”

  Joy didn’t want to worry Jo, but she was sure she’d been followed. Joy intended to speak to James and Jack about checking on Jo and she planned to tell Darko. At least she felt they could count on him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Over the past few weeks Jo had learned to knit with her new mother and saw the few trusted friends she had. It was much better with Joy living with her. Joy would tell Jo funny stories of the guys. Jo longed to ask about Nailz, but couldn't get up the nerve. Joy didn't talk about Nailz and neither did Jo.

  The adoption had gone easily. Jo’s new name change made her feel safer, but she still stayed inside. She had her new car—a blue nineteen-seventy-one Buick Estate station wagon with wood panels complete with an eight track cassette player and roof racks.

  Except Jo didn't feel like going anywhere. The last thing she wanted to do was run into anyone she knew. Lisa (her ex sister) was always floating around according to Elena and Jo had nothing to say to her. Jo wanted to contact her brother James, but wondered how he’d react to her pregnancy and adoption. James would understand about the adoption because he couldn't stand their family, either. In time Jo would tell James that he was going to be an uncle of twins.

  Jo was still trying to cope with that thought. The Regan's (of course) thought it was wonderful and that she’d have no problem dealing with it. Kima just smiled and told Jo about her baby making progress. It was quite detailed and passionate, of course. It made Jo miss Nailz more. Her big bed felt cold and lonely. Jo missed Nailz warm body and she really missed making love with him.


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