Alpha Principal

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Alpha Principal Page 7

by Preston Walker

  Simon had frozen, his lips parted slightly as if he had been in the process of breathing and had suddenly forgotten how. His eyes glistened with something inexplicable and heady. Color filtered into his tanned cheeks, darkening them towards a pure shade of tomato red. He shifted in his seat, one hand dropped away from the desk and in the direction of his lap.

  Like a teenager, turned on by the most innocent thing. They hadn’t even really touched, as they were both wearing shoes and—presumably—socks. Several layers separated them, yet Simon looked as if he was about to burst at any moment.

  Knowing it was the wrong thing to do, incapable of stopping himself, Nathan stretched out his own leg until their shoes made contact under the table again.

  Simon gasped inaudibly, his body jumping slightly. His eyes flicked across to Nathan, asking a question he really didn’t have an answer to.

  Rather than try to answer, Nathan nudged back again.

  Simon didn’t jump quite as high this time, but the searching look in his eyes intensified. Nathan gazed back. He didn’t know what his own eyes were showing, he would leave it up to Simon how to interpret that look.

  Simon did nothing.

  Trying to fight back disappointment, though he knew he shouldn’t have felt that way, Nathan went back to reading from the papers in his hands. His fingers were tense on the pages, dimpling the surface. The words swam around, pulsing in front of him as his heart beat rapidly. He was hardly aware of what he was saying, hardly knew if the words coming from his mouth were the right ones to say. His entire focus strained towards Simon, and he could feel that Simon was struggling with the same thing.

  Their wolves wanted each other. And they wanted each other bad.

  There was a touch under the desk again, Simon’s foot pushing more firmly against Nathan’s.

  Nathan felt his voice catch in his throat. He pushed his foot back at Simon in return, not shoving him away but almost nuzzling. If feet could be said to nuzzle, that was.

  A soft thump came from under desk. Nathan knew exactly what it was, and his guess was confirmed when Simon’s foot reached out for him once more. There was no shoe on his foot now. Nathan could feel Simon’s toes even through the thick leather of his own shoes, wiggling around and teasing him.

  I don’t have a foot fetish, Nathan thought. He was hardly aware of this thought, was hardly aware of anything anymore at this point. He couldn’t even have said whether or not he was still reading. His blood was racing through his veins. His heart was pounding, a cacophony in his own ears. His groin was tense, his lower stomach filled with tight, overheated churning.

  In the next moment, he was slipping off his own shoes. His and Simon’s feet met again under the desk, pushing together, roaming over each other.

  It wasn’t about feet at all. It was about touch. Incapable of doing anything else, their bodies had found the only avenue between them and were making the most of it.

  Simon’s face was adorable. His eyes were slanted with a combination of embarrassment and contentment. His tanned cheeks were bright with his blush, his lips parted still as he breathed. His chest heaved up and down, and still that one hand of his was hidden from sight. Nathan wondered what it was doing. Playing with himself, or trying to position himself so his arousal wouldn’t show?

  Fuck that. Fuck hiding it. Something was happening here. Something new that Nathan had never before experienced. Sex was one thing. Cuddling was another. But this? The sheer act of touch had almost become its own dimension.

  “Aren’t you…going to keep reading?”

  “Right,” Nathan said, agreeing. “We need to get through this.”

  He was operating on autopilot now, and he had no idea if Simon was even listening. Hell, who cared at this point? The man had heard it all before. He knew what was up. Public schools were more or less the same everywhere. It wasn’t like they were part of a highly-regulated private school system, where the slightest bit of misconduct could equal termination. For better or for worse, public schools had more leeway with their operations.

  Nathan kept reading. Simon kept listening, kept nodding. And beneath the desk, their feet kept playing.

  Two grown men, two grown wolves, playing footsie. Nathan would have laughed in the face of a person who suggested he would do something so childish. Now, he felt like he would probably shake their hand and pat them on the back, perhaps ruffle their hair and hand them a lollipop from the bag he kept inside his top desk drawer. He felt that good.

  A motion out of the corner of his eye interrupted him. He dropped his feet away from Simon, who let out a soft sound of disappointment. The intercom light on his phone was blinking.

  “Yes?” he said, after pressing the button.

  For a moment, there was no sound from the other end of the line.

  I must sound like something’s wrong.

  However, Elaine didn’t make any comment on whatever had given her pause. She just soldiered forward like the old hand that she was; she’d seen too much in this job to be fazed by something so simple.

  “Your pizza’s here. I also got something for myself, but…I’m afraid I’ll need to take it with me.”

  Nathan finally realized that it was Elaine who sounded a little off. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m sorry, Nathan, but could you perhaps come out here?”

  For a moment, all his feelings of attraction were replaced by concern. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled with worry. Whatever Elaine wanted to say, she wanted to say it where no one else could overhear.

  At least one of them was being professional.

  “I’m on my way,” Nathan promised. He looked over towards Simon. “Do you mind?”

  “Of course not! Here, I’ll just finish reading these while you’re gone.” Simon reached for the papers in front of Nathan, pulling them out from underneath Nathan’s fingers.

  The friction of paper underneath his skin, tugged away by the object of his desire, was almost enough to get Nathan going again. He held on tightly to what remained of his control however and stood up. Too late, he realized he probably should have adjusted himself before standing; his manhood was pressing against the front of his slacks, making a definite bulge.

  Simon’s eyes dashed to Nathan’s erection. His lips parted, his tongue flicking out to lick them. A glistening trail of wetness followed the motion of his tongue, and then he swallowed hard.

  “I’ll come back,” Nathan promised, not sure why he felt the need to reassure the other wolf of this.

  “Yes, I will.” Simon’s distracted response was almost lost beneath the sound of the door shutting behind Nathan as he left the room. Nathan heard it anyway and smiled to himself.

  Striding down the hallway, he quickly caught a whiff of pizza. While he’d been looking forward to his lunch, he ignored the tempting box on the edge of the front desk and focused on Elaine instead.

  The older woman was waiting for him, already on her feet. “Nathan! I’m really sorry about interrupting your meeting. It must have been going quite well, despite the delay.”

  “Don’t worry at all. What’s going on, Elaine?”

  “My sister just called. Her son just got into a car wreck. I don’t know what happened, but apparently it’s bad. I need to go be with her. I should only be gone for a few hours.”

  Nathan held up one hand. “Please, don’t worry about a time constraint. Take the rest of the day. I know what time my meetings are supposed to be, and I think I can handle answering my own phone for the rest of the day. Please, go be with your family.”

  “Are you sure?” Nevertheless, Elaine looked very relieved. “That would be very nice.”

  “I insist. Take your food with you. And some pizza, if you like. Your sister might need some food, to keep her energy up.”

  “Oh, there won’t be enough left for you and Mr. Diamond. And he looked like he was so worn out earlier. He must be hungry.”

  Wordlessly, Nathan opened the pizza box and pulled out sever
al slices. Wrapping the slices up in a napkin, he held them out to his secretary. “Here.”

  Elaine smiled a little and grabbed the box of food that she’d set off to the side for herself. Opening it, she revealed a number of pieces of chicken and a few containers of sauce. The pizza slices joined the rest of her food, and then she closed the lid again. “You are too kind sometimes, young man.”

  “You’re hardly older than I am.”

  “Over a decade. That’s enough to be your older, bossy sister.” Elaine started gathering up her things. It took her very little time, which suggested to Nathan that she had been preparing while waiting for him to arrive. “And here’s some advice from your bossy older sister. It’s quite nice to take care of others but sometimes, you need to take care of yourself.”

  “I’ll keep it in mind,” Nathan said. He would do exactly that, but he didn’t think he would act on it. He was a principal. In charge of a staff, hundreds of children, hundreds of parents and relatives. He took care of people, led them like an alpha guiding his pack. That was just what he did, and he didn’t foresee not doing it anytime soon.

  He walked with Elaine to the door of the front office, which she kept propped open with books borrowed from the library. She swapped them out on a regular basis, always making sure to keep new ones around for parents or children who happened to be waiting around in the office for whatever reason.

  “Thank you again, Nathan.”

  “Please, think nothing of it.”

  He lingered in the doorway, watching her until she was outside and out of his sight. There was nothing more he could do for her now, so he turned away to grab the pizza and return to Simon.

  His thoughts were torn. One part of him was very consumed with how much busier his day had just gotten, having to keep track of his own time and phone calls. It wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle, but now he was very much looking forward to going to bed tonight. An early night, maybe. Perhaps following a brief affair with a carton of ice cream.

  Then there was another part of him that was glad, guiltily gleeful, that Elaine wouldn’t be out here through whatever might happen between himself and Simon. Humans had bad hearing compared to wolves, but there were some things that even a human couldn’t help but to overhear.

  But now, there was no one else in the school. No custodians, no teachers. Just him and the object of his desire, if things came to that.

  Simon looked up as Nathan entered the office again. He flashed a faint smile that wobbled at the edges, as if he wasn’t quite sure of his own expression. “Welcome back. Is everything okay?”

  “Just a slight problem. I had to give my secretary the day off.”

  “Oh.” Simon paused, then repeated. “Is everything okay?”

  “I suppose we just have to hope that it will be.” Nathan set the pizza down on the edge of the desk, shoving picture frames and stacks of paper out of the way to make room for the huge box. “I believe there’s silverware and paper plates in the teacher’s lounge. Shall I get some?”

  “Silverware? Are you the type of man who eats his pizza with a fork?”

  “No, but are you?”

  “I think I’ll survive. At least you brought napkins, so we won’t get grease all over the papers.”

  Nathan sat down in his chair. “You can maybe tell that I don’t do this often.”

  “It’s kind of cute. Ah…I mean…” Simon shook his head and bit his lip, an expression that was extremely attractive whether or not he meant it to be.

  “I know what you mean.”

  And you mean exactly what you said. Because something happened between us. I don’t pretend to understand it, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t like it.

  Simon spread out a napkin in front of him, then opened the pizza box. He looked at the missing slices and then laughed a little. “Did the delivery boy get hungry on the way?”

  Nathan laughed as well. “I let Elaine have first pick. I imagine I gave her the best pieces. We’ll just have to make do with the slim pickings she’s left us.”

  It was difficult to eat and talk business at the same time, which was one thing that Nathan always thought was stupid when it came to business luncheons or anything like that. Conversations became one-sided, as someone talked and the other person listened and ate. Then, the speaker ended up not eating, food grew cold…It just usually wasn’t worth it.

  This time, Nathan found that he didn’t really mind it. As awkward as it was to have to constantly pause to chew and swallow, wiping his fingers off on a cheap napkin that really didn’t serve its purpose very well, Simon didn’t seem to care. He was, after all, dealing with the same things.

  And beneath the desk, their feet touched constantly.

  The phone rang once, interrupting their conversation. Nathan grabbed for it and jammed it against his ear. “Hello?”

  An automated voice started to speak in his ear. He sighed and dropped the phone back on its hook. “Damn telemarketers.” Shaking his head, he bent over and reached out for another piece of pizza. He’d already eaten more of it than he should have, but he wasn’t that old yet. A little extra food just meant a little extra time out for a walk, which wasn’t exactly a bad thing. A walk meant relaxation, unless someone called or paged him.

  His fingers collided with Simon’s, who had been reaching for the same piece.

  Simon’s eyes flicked up to his. His mouth opened as if he was about to say something, but no sound emerged. He swallowed hard. “Sorry. You want this? It’s the…the last one.”

  So it was. Nathan observed this without much surprise. It wasn’t that important. He could hardly breathe, and that was okay. Breathing wasn’t very important, either. What was important was that Simon’s strong fingers against his were sending tingles up through his entire arm.

  Nathan lifted the piece of pizza and brought the very tip of it up to Simon’s mouth. He hadn’t ever fed another man before, and there was something very intimate about this.

  Simon opened his mouth, and Nathan moved his hand forward slightly so he could take a bite. Biting down, Simon started chewing. The motion of his mouth and throat was intoxicating, and Nathan suddenly could take no more of this teasing. Standing up, he crossed over to the office door and locked it. Better safe than sorry.


  Nathan turned around and went over to Simon, placing one hand on the desk and bending over in front of him. “I’m tired of playing this little game,” he growled. “This kid stuff isn’t going to do it. I want you.”

  Simon didn’t lean away. He had a look on his face, similar to the trepidation and near-panic of the day before. His breathing picked up and his chest heaved; then, suddenly, he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he seemed to have come to some sort of resolution. “Is this…unprofessional?”

  Nathan knew he should have had his own doubts. Hell, he did. However, those doubts and fears were very far away right now. He didn’t care. “I’m a professional. You’re a professional. I want it. Do you?”

  Simon hesitated. Something flickered deep in his eyes, some sort of emotion that Nathan felt he wouldn’t understand no matter how hard he tried. The flicker disappeared, and he nodded. “I…do.”

  “You do what?”

  “I want it.”

  “Are you sure?” Nathan pressed. He had to be sure. He would never be the kind of guy who would just take consent for granted. That was the easiest way to find yourself in the midst of a scandal.

  “Yes!” Simon gasped.

  Nathan grabbed him by the shoulder and pressed their mouths together hard, so hard that Simon’s lips were forced to part for him. Nathan slid his tongue in deeply, tasting the sweetness of tomato sauce, the lingering savoriness of olives. Beneath that was Simon’s natural sweetness, like pure sugar.

  Growling deep in the back of his throat, Nathan leaned over Simon and kissed him rougher. His lips claimed Simon’s, devouring them. His tongue pushed against Simon’s, hot and wet, and then shoved pas
t it, towards his throat.

  Simon moaned softly, reaching up to grasp at Nathan’s shoulders. The touch practically burned.

  Nathan growled louder, then pulled away. Kissing wasn’t enough, only fed the flame and didn’t satiate it. “Stand up.”

  Simon obediently stood. His face was hungry, filled with fierce desire. There was an enormous bulge at the front of his pants, speaking volumes as to the depths of his need.

  Approaching the omega, Nathan grabbed onto him and kissed him again even more fiercely than before. Then, he spun Simon around and pressed him up against the office door.

  Gasping, Simon braced himself on the door with his hands and stuck out his ass. It was an invitation, a plea, and Nathan was powerless to do anything but answer it. Reaching out, he grabbed two handfuls of Simon’s ass and squeezed it.

  Simon gasped, arching back against his hands and trying to grind against them.

  Nathan pushed his hips to Simon’s ass and let the omega grind against the fabric-covered form of his erection. Reaching around to the front, he felt around for Simon’s belt buckle and jerked it open without any sort of finesse or warning. Simon bucked back against him, and Nathan ground his manhood more roughly against the omega’s needy ass. He grabbed for Simon’s zipper and yanked it down hard enough that he felt something on the front of the pants rip.

  It was insignificant. Nathan would buy him another pair of pants. If that was the price of this venture, then so be it.

  Simon reached back and yanked his pants down, exposing a flash of blue boxers and then the peachy-curves of his ass.

  Nathan shuddered and gave the same treatment to his own pants. Red desire covered his vision and he reached down to grab his cock in his hands, guiding the tip of it to between Simon’s ass cheeks.

  “Wait,” Simon gasped.

  It took a great deal of effort to keep from following the desire of his body, but Nathan managed to do it. “What is it?” he growled. Simon was pressed up against the door, his forehead flat upon the surface. He was shaking, his body trembling and grinding of its own volition.


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