Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 59

by Ella Ford

  Minutes later, I turned back to my computer and typed a reply to the email:

  Whatever you want.



  The redhead looked nervous, unsure of herself as I greeted her at the front door of my house. She was wearing a loose floral summer dress with cork wedge sandals and looked the very picture of upper class health and beauty. Her long red hair was gathered in a wide braid at the back of her head, which bounced around her shoulders as she walked. With her hair back, her almond shaped face beamed in isolation, a pale frame for her enormous emerald eyes and full, red lips. She was quite beautiful, and utterly out of her depth.

  I greeted her with a smile and invited her in, standing aside and letting her brush past me into my hallway. She looked around with her nose in the air.

  “It isn’t as bad as Aunt Tabitha had said,” she mused distantly, mirroring the condescending passive-aggressive tone of her awful aunt. She turned to me and looked me up and down with hungry eyes. “You look lovely, Claudia dear,” she said, again sounding like the perfect clone of Tabitha Phelps.

  “Thank you Chloe,” I smiled warmly. I’d deliberately dressed provocatively, with a flowing white dress that was low cut around my breasts and almost see-through, providing a tantalising glimpse of the black lingerie I wore beneath it. On my feet, I wore high white heels with a complex strap that wound up my leg, ending below my knee. I’d painted my nails a sensual red, matching my glistening red lips. I presented an image of sexuality that was almost tangible. I wanted Chloe to be attracted to me, I wanted her to be seduced by me.

  “I hope you didn’t think me too forward, emailing you out of the blue like that,” asked the redhead girl, her eyes lingering on the creamy swell of my bosom.

  “N-not at all,” I stammered, injecting a note of trepidation into my voice. “D-does your aunt know you’re here?” I asked.

  Chloe smiled and seemed to relax. Her initial tension seemed to be eased by my mock-submissive tone. “Don’t worry Claudia, Aunt Tabitha doesn’t know anything. As far as she’s concerned, I’m out shopping for shoes in the Laketown Galleria. Our little secret is quite safe,” she said with a smirk.

  “Wh-what little secret Chloe? What do you want from me?” I whined.

  Chloe smiled and stepped over to me, standing uncomfortably close to my body and causing me to take a step back against the wall. She closed the gap once more and placed her hand beside my head, resting her warm body against mine. I felt the swell of her breasts brush against mine, the hard nub of her nipples press into my flesh. I gasped, surprised by her boldness, momentarily rocked off my own agenda by the sudden scent of her filling my nose and throat.

  “You know what I want Claudia. Don’t deny that you feel the same,” she breathed, inches from my face. “I want to taste that pussy of yours, I want you to taste mine. You left too soon at the party, left me with boring old Violet and her rough snatch. I hadn’t given you permission to leave,” she purred. Her voice was low and sultry, demanding and insistent. This girl was used to getting her own way, no matter what it took.

  “I-I’m sorry, I…” I stammered and stepped to the side, away from the wall and out of her grasp.

  She looked at me and glared, her eyes smouldering with a fiery anger. “Do you want me to tell my aunt about us?” she demanded with a tiny stamp of her foot.

  I looked down at the floor, resisting the temptation to take this petulant brat in hand right now. “N-no,” I whispered.

  “Good. Then let’s go upstairs. I’m horny,” she replied with a guileless expression of innocence, a mask for her sordid intent.

  I nodded with forced reluctance and turned to the stairs, allowing her to believe that she had me beat.


  We reached my bedroom and I stepped aside to allow to enter the room first. It was important that she saw what awaited her with an unobscured view. She brushed past me, trailing her hand over my hip and beaming a filthy smile at me.

  Two steps into the room, she slowed, then stopped dead, her eyes flicking around, unable to settle on a single point. “What. The. Fuck,” she asked rhetorically.

  I stepped into the room behind her and gently closed the door, allowing her to drink in every detail of the large bedroom. The room was dominated by my extravagant four-poster bed, a lavish piece that Jeremy had insisted on, but which I found tasteless and gauche. It would do for the purposes of today’s little exercise though.

  At the foot of the bed, about six feet from where we stood, were my four girls - Christa, Mai, Beth and Sarah. Each girl was kneeling on the floor, completely naked but for a thick leather collar around her neck with a delicate silver buckle on the front, and a blindfold. They each had their arms folded behind their backs, pushing their breasts forward provocatively; each girl’s hair had been tied back in a tight ponytail. I didn’t often indulge in the darker imagery of bondage, preferring my domination to be psychological and elegant rather than brutal and industrial. But there was something about the sight of the four kneeling girls that caused a shudder of desire to ripple up and down my body.

  Chloe’s gaze flicked between my dolls then landed on the bed behind them. On the bed was a neat array of implements and objects, a collection of perverse tools and trappings that could have only one intent. There was a flogger - a stark leather bound handle with a trailing mane of thin leather cords. There was a riding crop, a strap-on dildo that seemed impossibly large and unhealthily thick. There was a collection of five leather leashes, each with a silver clip on one end, the obvious complement to the leather collars that the girls wore. Finally, there was a single unused collar, sitting alone at the front of the bed, drawing the eye with its implied importance.

  “What the fuck is this Claudia?” spat Chloe, spinning around to face me. “I knew you were a dyke slut, but I didn’t know you were a pervert!” she added, a look of furious anger on her pretty face. In an instant, she had gained the expression of a child that had been told she wouldn’t be going to Disney World after all.

  I smiled and brushed past her, mimicking her earlier action and trailing my hand across her ass. I walked over to the bed and perched on the edge, reaching over and cupping a palm to Beth’s cheek. The brunette sighed and leaned into my touch like a docile pet.

  “Aunt Tabitha is going to hear all about this, let me tell you that!” Chloe snarled.

  Standing by the door of the room, arms crossed, she seemed alone and isolated, raging in her own private fury, a stark contrast to the placid calm of the four kneeling girls. I decided to play my hand.

  “Stop talking Chloe!” I snapped, not allowing a single note of doubt to enter my voice.

  Chloe gasped and her mouth slammed shut. “What did you say?” she breathed, her eyes narrowing.

  “I said stop talking! You’re in my house now, you’ll do exactly what I say!”

  She fell silent, a look of confusion settling on her pale face. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen, her eyes said, I am supposed to be giving the orders!

  “That’s better. Now straighten your back up and listen to what I have to say,” I said calmly.

  She stood up reluctantly from her hunched position, unfolding her arms and lowering her hands to her side. This was proving easier than I’d imagined.

  “I’ve been learning about you Chloe,” I began, aware that this moment was critical. “You’re nineteen, the youngest daughter of five siblings. Your brothers and sisters are considerably older than you, and each highly successful in their own field. Leaders of industry, politicians, respected scientists. And then there’s you,” I paused for a second.

  Chloe shuffled uncomfortably on the spot, shifting her weight from foot to foot. Her emerald eyes glistening with the hot tears that were building there.

  “You were always clever, but not brilliant. You seemed almost afraid to succeed, not a natural leader. You preferred to use your wealth to get what you wanted, rather than your talents. You never went to college, have
taken a minor role in your family business, a role with no responsibility or consequences. You seem content to be led, to be told what to do.”

  She hung her head and sobbed. The truth was always difficult to hear.

  “I tracked down Violet, your vacation plaything. She is quite talkative, once you get to know her, and quite an attentive lover, if I may say so,” I purred, stepping behind Chloe, stroking a tender fingertip across her bare shoulders. She shuddered and sobbed again. “Violet told me about how you like to have her dominate you, how you make her spank you, how you like to reverse your positions, taking the role of hooker, or maid, or simple peasant girl; elaborate role play sessions where all the power and responsibility of privilege is gone from your shoulders.”

  “No,” she whimpered, staring down at the floor. “It’s not true, that bitch lied!”

  Her fire had returned once more and she stepped away from me towards the door. “I don’t know what’s happening here, you crazy bitch! I don’t know who those four whores are,” she swept her arm across the line of kneeling girls beside the bed. “But I know that you’re finished in this town! Everyone will know about you and what you do here, how you lured me to your house, how you tried to do th-that to me!” She pointed at the bed with its cargo of erotic paraphernalia.

  “Do you think that your threats have any power over me? Do you think that your aunt and her ridiculous friends can affect my life in the slightest bit? I have everything I want, and nothing can take that away from me, least of all a pathetic little fuck toy like you.”

  She sobbed and stepped to the door, resting her hand on the ornate brass handle. This was it, the moment of truth.

  “You may leave, Chloe,” I said, sitting down on the side of the bed and crossing my legs before me. “But I don’t think you will.”

  She paused and lowered her head, still gripping the door handle.

  “I think you’ll stay. And when I tell you to take off your clothes and kneel before me in a few minutes, you’ll do exactly as I tell you. You’ll beg me for a taste of my pussy. You’ll beg me to spank you and punish you for all the bad things you’ve done. And then, when I’ve fucked you with my plastic cock, you’ll beg me again. But this time, you’ll beg me for something else…”

  She sobbed and whimpered. “Wh-what…?” she breathed, barely a whisper.

  “You’ll beg me to let you stay, to become part of my collection. You’ll beg to be my doll, to allow yourself to be used by me whenever I need to. Because isn’t that what you really want? To be free of the grotesque weight of expectation that your family places on you? The intolerable pressure to be as successful as your brothers and sisters? Isn’t what I offer the thing you’ve always dreamed of?”

  The room fell into a heavy silence, not a single sound breaking the palpable tension. Then Chloe turned and whispered something.

  “I can’t hear you,” I said, knowing exactly what she had uttered but needing to hear it properly.

  “Yes. I said yes.”

  A wave of relief washed over me and I allowed myself to relax. This elaborate routine had been necessary to shock Chloe out of her default state. Now, I needed to cement my authority.

  “Christa, Beth, bring Chloe over here and undress her,” I commanded, clapping my hands together.

  The tall blonde and the short brunette stood quickly, pausing only to remove the blindfolds from their pretty faces. They hurried over to where Chloe stood by the door, then each took her arm, guiding her tenderly across the room to where I sat. Chloe capitulated without a word of complaint or resistance, allowing herself to be led. The fire that had burned behind her eyes was gone now, replaced by something else - excitement?

  Christa and Beth began to undress the redhead, starting with the strap of her flowing summer dress, untying the knot at her neck and allowing the pretty garment to fall down Chloe’s body. Christa bent down and collected the dress, nudging Chloe to have her step out of the discarded clothing. The tall blonde then folded the dress neatly and placed it over the back of the chaise longue by the window. Meanwhile, Beth skillfully flicked Chloe’s bra clasp open and tenderly stroked the straps off her shoulders. Chloe gasped as Beth touched her, shuddering noticeably as a rash of gooseflesh erupted on her skin.

  Then Beth squatted down behind Chloe and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of Chloe’s white lace panties, teasing them down her long legs and revealing the full majesty of her womanhood to me.

  It was my turn to gasp, drinking in the exquisite body before me. Chloe’s skin was pale and regal, unblemished porcelain perfection that was soft and youthful. Her breasts were large and full, with pink nipples that had hardened to taut buds. Between her legs, a cultivated patch of red hair bloomed up from the neat line of her labia, attracting the eye like an auburn beacon.

  “Turn her around,” I said, relaxing back on the bed. A doll’s initiation was always my favourite part. The ritual was different for every girl, a personalized scenario tailored to the individual girl. But they all shared one thing in common - a formalized transfer of power, a submission, a capitulation of authority. A voluntary acceptance of my ownership. I’m sure that no court of law in the land would have recognized such rights, but there were higher courts than those of society, and the contracts formed in these sordid negotiations were stronger than any legal document.

  Christa gripped Chloe’s shoulders and gently turned her on the spot. Chloe allowed herself to be moved, staring resolutely down at the floor. As I studied her curvy, perfect ass, I wondered what she must be thinking, how the revelations were affecting her.

  “Delightful,” I said to no-one in particular. “Now turn around, and kneel down.”

  Chloe turned without hesitation and lowered herself to her knees. Her posture was loose and her back hunched.

  “Thank you girls, return to your positions,” I said, flashing a smile at Christa and Beth. The two girls nodded and stepped back to the end of the bed, replacing their blindfolds and kneeling beside their other dolls. I turned back to Chloe. “Come forwards, I won’t bite,” I lied.

  Chloe shuffled forwards on her knees until she was positioned inches from my legs. She gazed up at me with large, docile eyes, awaiting my next command.

  I smiled again and reached down to my side, retrieving the thick, leather collar from the bed beside me. “Now, I want you to lift your hair while I put this on you.”

  She flinched and whimpered, looking suddenly doubtful and scared.

  “When you take my collar, you are mine. Do you understand that?” I asked, leaning my head to one side. “You are mine to do with as I please, my slave. Is that clear?”

  She thought for a second, then nodded, lifting her arms to her hair and sweeping the long braid aside. She leaned her head and presented her neck to me.

  “Good girl.”

  I bent forwards and snaked the collar around her neck, fastening the buckle and rotating it so that the silver ring was towards the front. Then I hooked a single finger in the silver ring and tugged her towards me.

  She squealed in surprise and stumbled forwards, lifting herself up on her knees and resting her hands on my thighs. I lowered my head until we were inches apart. I could feel her hot breath on my face, a quick exhale that was brimming with fear and excitement. I flicked my tongue across her lips, tasting the sticky gloss of her lips, she sighed and closed her eyes.

  “Now then,” I said, lifting my hand to her chin and forcing her to look at me. “We need to take care of business before we can get down to pleasure, don’t you think?” I wasn’t normally so dominating with my girls, I didn’t need to be, but I found myself relishing the power I had over this spoiled girl. “You have behaved like a spoiled brat, and you must be punished,” I purred, savoring the expression on her face.

  “Y-yes,” she stammered. Then added, “mistress.”

  I smiled down at her. “Good girl. You learn fast. But you still did a very bad thing. Trying to threaten me like that. Do you know what bad girls get

  “A… a s-spanking?” she whispered.

  I smiled and released her, allowing her sit back on her heels. After a small pause, I pushed my bottom back on the bed, never breaking eye contact with the cowering girl. How different she seemed now, stripped of her entitled notions of superiority. She seemed docile and placid, rocked by my candid revelations and the speed of her submission. I wondered how much of the brat still existed within her, aching to surface and demand whatever it was she wanted. I wondered how she would fit into my little community, how she would socialize with the other girls. All of my dolls were equals, slaves to my whims with no favorites of any consequence. This willful girl would need to accept that.

  But, first things first. I patted my knee and smiled at her, indicating that I wanted her to lie across my lap. She sighed and crawled forwards, then stood, swaying on her cork wedged sandals as she shook her hair, adjusting the collar around her neck. Though it was not tight, she looked troubled by its presence. Her kind were not used to such outward displays of submission, and I wondered if the concept of the collar was more discomforting to her than the physical act of wearing it.

  I realized, at that moment, that Chloe would be the slave, kept in that degrading role to remind her of her new place, to prevent her base instincts from exerting their authority.

  The redhead sighed again and bent over at the waist, lowering her body down over my knees until her hands rested palm-down on the floor to my left. She lowered her head and waited.

  I touched my hand lightly to her bottom, enjoying the soft firmness of her youthful flesh. She gasped as I touched her, and sighed as I teased my fingernail down the line of her ass to the pink bulge of her pussy.

  “What are you Chloe?” I asked sternly, reaching down and grabbing her braided hair, yanking her head upwards.

  She cried out in shock rather than pain. “A-a bad girl, mistress, I’m a bad girl,” she said.


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