Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 82

by Ella Ford

  My pussy was wild now, molten waves of pleasure spreading through my body, intoxicating pulses that made every nerve ending sing. It was intolerable, it was unfathomable. I felt like a ragdoll, thrown around and helpless, fucked hard until I begged for more. And I did beg, oh yes, I begged like I’d never begged before. I begged her to pound me deeper, harder, quicker. I begged her spank me, to call me a bad girl, to treat me like her pet. I begged her to take me, to own me, to use me. My words were like a stream of lustful profanity, barely conscious ramblings of a pleasure-drowned mind. And all the while she rammed her insatiable dildo home, making my body ache with the need for release, granting every sordid wish that spilled from my mouth.

  Without warning, my sex exploded. From a thousand miles away, I heard a woman scream - a high, shrill, piercing cry of release - and I realized that it was me. My climax broke like a crashing tsunami, washing away any hint of rationality that remained in my tired brain. Every inch of my body burned with the fire of orgasm, every fibre of my being sang out in glorious harmony. My spine arched, lifting my chest off the sofa, propelled upwards by the infernal energy of desire that was my animating force. I kicked back against her, pushing my pussy deeper still onto the insistent black length. She gripped me hard, pulling me toward her, sinking her nails into my flesh causing sharp stabs of exquisite pleasure and pain. The difference between the two no longer mattered, only sensation remained.

  The maelstrom left me as soon as it had arrived, releasing my body as it soared upwards into the stratosphere. I plummeted down, energy departing like water from a burst dam, leaving me wrecked and deflated, a shattered husk in woman shape. I collapsed forward onto the sofa, sliding off the slick dildo as she slowly withdrew it from my aching pussy. I allowed myself, forced myself to breathe, eyes squeezed tightly shut as the fading warmth left my body like the rigid cock before it.

  Mistress Tasha rose to her feet behind me and, barely aware of anything else, I sensed her intense stare on my naked back and exposed ass.

  “Welcome to Vegas honey,” she purred.


  The great American road trip. Ain’t nothing like it! New sights, new places, new people. What’s not to love?

  Well I loved my road trip, that’s for certain. It was eye opening and exhilarating, a life-changing experience that I’ll never forget. I made new friends, visited interesting venues and got myself into all kinds of adventures. And I got fucked. Roundly, solidly, unrelentingly fucked. What more could a girl ask for?

  But seriously. I went on this trip because I needed to get away. I needed to get away from my insatiable boss, my curious client and the two eager actresses who were never more than one text message away from a sordid threesome. I needed to get away to find myself, to take a break from the endless sex that was driving me wild and crazy at the same time.

  And what did I find on the road? Horny hitchhikers, sultry strippers and a relentless dominatrix that wouldn’t take no for an answer. Some break huh?

  But you know what - each one of these women confirmed, in her own special way, what I’d suspected all along. They confirmed what I knew from my job, what I’d known in college, what I’d suspect in elementary school. It was the reason I always wore pantyhose, the reason I knew I could find company for the night with a single flick of my dangling shoe. The single unassailable truth that I’ve yet to find any reason to doubt.

  Everyone. Likes. Feet. And so do I!


  Shifting Desires: The Lost Heir

  By Ella Ford

  Chapter 1

  Evie Murray frantically tore through her purse, fingers sifting among the layers of accumulated personal history, desperately trying to find the keys to her apartment. She sighed as her companion swept aside her long hair to expose her neck, leaning forward to hungrily kiss her throat and distracting her from her frantic search. She obligingly cocked her head to the side to allow him better access, closing her eyes and moaning at the rough touch of the stranger’s stubble on her soft skin.

  Panting heavily, the man reached his arms around her body and groped at her full breasts. She gasped again, regained her senses and turned her attention back to the door. Damn it, where is the key! she thought frantically, increasingly desperate to gain entrance and drag this man to her bed, or the floor, or the kitchen table, she didn’t care which.

  Her companion continued to grab at her body, seemingly unconcerned that they were standing in the hall, lost in his own desires. His hands crawled over her chest, into her skirt, up her blouse and over the flesh of her stomach. He was younger than Evie, and she didn’t even know his name. They’d met an hour ago in a dive bar downtown. It was getting late and they’d both had too much to drink. Evie had enjoyed the way his eyes had crawled over her voluptuous figure, hungrily drinking in every inch of her body. For her part, Evie had craved the man from the moment she saw him. He was a typical city boy, tall and ruggedly handsome. His face was covered with a two day beard growth, likely kept that way as part of his inevitably intense self grooming regime. He wore a smart suit and tie, loose at the collar. His cologne filled her nose and throat, arousing her senses and heightening her need.

  When he’d suggested they get a taxi someplace else, she’d nodded demurely, grabbed him by his tie and kissed him deeply. His mouth tasted of wine and desire as her eager tongue pushed forward to explore. He returned her kiss, hands gripping the side of her head and holding her fast. They lingered for a moment then fell apart. He reached into his wallet and produced a bank note, which he tossed casually onto the table before them. Evie noted without surprise that this was a hundred dollar bill, an extravagant gesture to pay a thirty dollar cheque. Taking her hand, he hurriedly pushed his way through the bar and led them out into the night.

  There it is! she thought victoriously, clutching the key before her. Her trembling hands jabbed it into the lock and turned it frantically, pushing forward on the door and stumbling into the hallway of her small apartment. She dragged the man behind her, his hands still clawing at her body. She turned to face him and they kissed, their lips locking together as they staggered backwards into her living room. Her hands tore at his clothes, beginning at the buckle of his belt, loosening his pants till they fell around his ankles.

  They reached the bedroom and he grabbed her by her upper arms, his strong hands gripping her tightly before pushing her roughly back onto the bed. She fell onto her back and sighed at his ferocity and passion, her heart beating hard and breath coming in short gasps. Excitedly, she fumbled at her skirt, pushing it down with her panties and flicking it to the floor with a deft kick of her legs. He stood above her, wrestling with his remaining clothes as she wriggled out of her blouse and bra.

  They paused, both completely naked and stalked each other with eager eyes. Evie lay back and inspected his young body. His chest and stomach were toned, firm and well defined. His arms were muscular and capable. His erect cock hung before him and he idly stroked it as he stood above her. In the pale moonlight, his face was indistinct, but she could feel his gaze roaming over her curvy figure. His stare settled on her ample breasts, and she responded by pushing her arms inwards, forcing her tits together enticingly. He grunted and jumped onto the bed next to her, his mouth findings hers and his hand darting between her legs to her wet pussy.

  She moaned, arching her back and spreading her legs to allow him access. With expert fingers, he pushed his way between her lips and found her clit, massaging it lightly at first, but soon picking up the pace. Evie responded by grabbing his cock and gripping the shaft, urging him to use it on her. He needed little encouragement and moved across her to position himself between her legs. Falling forward onto her, they kissed again as he found her hole with his rigid shaft and eased himself into her. She threw her head back and exhaled, her aching pussy filling with his length and sending waves of pleasure through her body.

  His hands grabbed at her body, squeezing her tits, her stomach, pulling her thighs up towards himself a
s he thrust deeper into her. She felt trapped beneath him, pinned by him and utterly powerless in his grasp. Rational thought fled as her arousal increased, each stroke jolting her mind and flooding her awareness with ecstasy. The heat of his body, the passion of his kiss, his rough touch, the rhythmic piston between her legs - it all became too much and she came quickly, her crystalline thoughts shattering into a billion pieces. Her body tensed, every muscle rigid and hard. Her pussy squeezed on the man inside her and he too reached his climax, pumping her hard one final, endless time. He cried out and was suddenly silent as his face contorted in a mask of intense fulfillment.

  As one, they relaxed, tension easing to be replaced by numb limbs and quivering muscles. He rolled off and lay beside her, arm folded over his forehead as his breathing slowed to normal levels. Evie started at his face, the afterglow of her passions giving way to curiosity about this man she barely knew. Her gaze settled on his left hand and her heart sank.


  They lay like this for many minutes, bathed in the glow of the moon. In time, Evie spoke.

  “Why me?”

  The man lowered his arm from where it rested on his head and looked at her quizzically. “What do you mean? Why you what?”

  “I mean, why are you here, with me?”

  He grinned, and stroked her naked breasts. “Is that not obvious?”

  “I get that,” she replied, pushing his hand off her, “but you could have anyone. You’re young, handsome, probably very rich. So why come home with me?”

  He thought for a second, “I’m still not sure what you mean. I found you in the bar, I liked you, we fucked. What more do you want?”

  She sighed and regarded him coolly. “What will you tell your wife?” glancing at his hand.

  He blinked, pushing his left hand under the pillow to hide the wedding ring he wore. “I’m sorry, I thought you knew that this was a casual thing, just physical you know?”

  Evie looked away from him, suddenly feeling dirty and used. How could I be so stupid? she thought to herself. “I think you’d better leave.”

  Without saying a word, the man stood and gathered his clothes, quickly dressing and never once making eye contact with her. As he reached the bedroom door, he paused and turned to her. “You’re really beautiful you know?” and left, without waiting for a response.

  Evie lay back, determined not to cry.


  She woke at dawn and showered, keen to wash the previous night from herself. As she was making breakfast, she noticed the light on the answer machine flashing, she hadn’t even noticed it last night. She finished making toast and coffee and pressed the button to replay the message. It was Mark from work, following up with her on a story she’d been working up.

  “Hi Evie, it’s Mark. Just calling to let you know the agency got back to me on that lead we were following. Are you sitting down? You should probably sit down.”

  The tape went quiet as Mark paused, presumably expecting her to actually find somewhere to sit. Evie grinned to herself. She liked Mark, even if he was a little too fond of living the ace reporter stereotype at times. He took his Superman comics a little too seriously for her liking.

  The message continued, “We’ve found him Evie! We’ve tracked down Chambers’ son. He’s hiding out in Oregon, I’m sending the address to your email. Reckon you should probably rent a car and get up there as soon as you can!”

  With that, the message stopped and Evie stared at the machine, a piece of toast hanging from her mouth as she sat in stunned silence.

  Chambers’ lost heir! The recluse! The focus of her work for the past year and they’d finally tracked him down. She hurried over to her laptop and set about reorganising her week.

  Chapter 2

  The winding road took Evie away from the interstate and up into Oregon’s lush mountains. The low autumn sun shot golden light through the thick canopy of redwood trees that lined the deserted highway. It was getting late and she’d been driving all day. She felt tired and agitated, not entirely sure what her game plan was going to be when she reached the location that Mark had sent her.

  She only knew that she couldn’t risk getting to Blaine Chambers second, and she knew for a fact that she wasn’t the only reporter trying to track down this mysterious recluse. She leaned her head forward to look at the countryside around her. She’d passed the last significant town an hour ago, stopping at a gas station to call her office and check in. Getting a decent cell signal out here was a naive hope, and she didn’t want to get stranded in the middle of nowhere without anyone knowing where she was.

  She turned her attention to the map beside her. Her satnav was useless, not even aware of the unnamed backroad she needed to take to reach the remote cabin. Instead, she’d downloaded and printed some ancient mining maps that appeared to give some vague indication of where she needed to go. The turn-off was close, and she slowed the car to a crawl and scoured the left hand side of the road.

  Sure enough, the entrance loomed up as she rounded a tight bend. She very nearly missed it, and slammed on the brakes, putting the car in reverse and backing up to turn into the rough road. There was no signpost marking its presence, no indication of where it led. It seemed, to the casual observer, to be an unused mining road, gradually becoming lost to the encroaching foliage. She wondered how many people actually noticed it, and realised that probably a handful of people came this way on any given week. It was a perfect location to drop out of society.

  She pushed the rental car forwards, hoping that the dirt road wouldn’t deteriorate any further and leave her stranded. There was barely enough room to go forwards, let alone turn around if required and she didn’t like the idea of reversing back the way she came. Oh, Evie, what are you getting yourself into?

  The road wound through the dense forest for five miles, opening up in parts and becoming almost impassable in others. Becoming lulled by a false sense of security and finding herself hypnotised by the endless switchbacks and hairpins she was shocked when a solid metal gate loomed up out of the fading light. She slammed on the brakes and the car skidded to a stop, inches from the barrier. She got out of the car and examined the gate. It was old, but sturdy and padlocked shut. There was no way around it for the car, but she could squeeze through herself.

  She stared at the road ahead, unsure of how far she had yet to travel. No turning back now I guess, and shrugged, reached into the car to recover her pack. Luckily, she’d had the foresight to pack a torch and provisions. She pulled a raincoat from the backseat, slipped into it and set off walking. She reckoned there was maybe an hour of good light left.


  She walked for fifteen minutes, panting heavily and beginning to sweat despite the brisk autumn air. The light was fading rapidly, and the tall trees loomed large and indistinct by the side of the trail. The darkness between the thick trunks was ominous and oppressive and she felt herself flinching at shadows. She considered turning back for the car, when she spotted a light up ahead. She stopped and moved to the side of the road thinking it might be another car. The light didn’t move and she reasoned that it might be a building. Perhaps the one she was looking for? she speculated with faint hope.

  As she was staring at the distant light, she heard a branch snap to her left. Her heart skipped a beat and she turned rapidly, shining the torch into the dark forest. She flicked it back and forth, breathing rapidly and trying to illuminate as much ground as possible. “Is someone there?” she said, her trembling voice barely audible. Unable to see anything, she calmed down and scolded herself for being so jumpy. She turned her attention back to the light further up the road. Looking back down the road, then towards the house again, she shrugged and set off walking.

  She covered half of the distance in a few minutes and could make out the building now. It was an old wood cabin, well established and obviously lived in. It sat in a clearing at the end of the road. A single light shone from a lamp hanging on the cabin’s porch. Bingo! she thought to herse
lf and set off once again.

  After barely five steps, she heard another sound to her left. Again, the sharp crack of a breaking branch, but closer this time. She stopped dead, afraid to turn. She was suddenly very aware of being watched, the strange sense of eyes upon her. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears, nearly concealing another sound at the limit of her heightened awareness. A quick panting, raspy and feral, a dog perhaps? She slowly turned her head, her body remaining tense and rooted to the spot.

  Her eyes darted here and there, flicking between the trees as she attempted to locate the source of eerie breathing. She blinked as she saw it, her gaze focusing on something faint and indistinct several meters back from the tree line. In the darkness, two yellow eyes glared back at her. She longed to look away, suddenly feeling very afraid and alone. Squinting, she struggled to make out more detail, but the darkness was all consuming, revealing nothing of the lurking creature. Her racing mind struggled to regain control of her body as the panic rose through her. She had to get out of here, she had to be away from that heavy glare, away from the chilling breathing.

  Without thinking, she broke into a run. Her last vestige of rationality reasoned that the cabin was far closer than the car, and led her in that direction. As she ran, she turned her head to look behind her. Something dark flashed out of the forest and across the road. It was fast and sleek, dog-like but taller, much taller. She stumbled and turned her attention back in the direction she ran. She caught herself and narrowly avoided tripping. Her heart was pounding heavily now, her chest burned with each breath. The cabin loomed up before her, nearly there!

  To her right, she heard a crashing in the forest, something forcing its way through the undergrowth. She reached inside herself and found a final burst of energy, finally reaching the cabin’s porch. Flinging herself against the door she hammered her fists on the rough surface. “Hey! Let me in! There’s something out here!”


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