Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 84

by Ella Ford

  Chambers laughed, a deep laugh that rumbled around the quiet cabin. “Why Evie, don’t you understand yet? My father could never risk having my secret come out and be public knowledge. Dearest Daddy couldn’t bear such a thing happening to his share price! So he shipped me off here to live out my days in exile!”

  Evie shook her head in disbelief. She’d spoken with Grayson Chambers, asked him directly what had happened to his son, yet he gave no hint of any of this. She shuddered at the cruelty of it, despairing at the strange fate that had befallen this charming young man.

  She let the blanket drop to the floor and moved to kneel in front of Chambers. Taking his head in her hands she kissed him tenderly, biting at his lips, her tongue flicking out to lick across his mouth. He responded by stroking his hands across her body, touching her with a gentle softness that belied his large size. She pulled her head back and pushed her large breasts up to him. He eyed her chest hungrily before leaning forward to take a hard nipple in his mouth. Evie moaned as he sucked and teased it, enjoying the sensation of his rough stubble on her skin. She reached between his legs and found his cock hardening.

  She pulled away from him, he moaned in protest. She pointed at the floor, indicating that he should lie on the rug beside the fire. He did so, never taking his eyes of her voluptuous body, greedily devouring her with his stare. Letting him lie back, she traced her hands over his body, relishing the hardness of his muscles and the soft warmth of the hair on his chest. She leaned forwards and kissed his stomach, running her tongue across his belly button and then dragging it towards his waiting cock. With her hand, she gently massaged the throbbing shaft, cupping his balls with the other hand and studying his face for a favourable response.

  He sighed at her touch and closed his eyes. Satisfied, Evie leaned across him and took his cock in her mouth. She traced her tongue around the tip, savouring the taste of his juices, expanding in wider swirls and covering it in her saliva. Enough teasing, she thought and took his length as far as she dared, gripping the shaft with her lips, her tongue applying pressure to the base of his helmet. He moaned above her, sighing as she played with him.

  She moved her head up and down his rod, quickening her pace and then slowing it when she felt him becoming too excited. She wanted to prolong this for him, flood his mind in ecstasy for as long as she could. He raised his hands in feeble protest, gripping the back of her head and forcing her down. She took him deeper, resisting the gag expertly and pulling back harder, flicking her tongue up the sensitive underside of his cock. He grunted and tensed his body. She felt this and prepared herself, gripping the base of his shaft and pumping it into her mouth, faster and faster. He breathing quickened and she felt his cock spasm. For an eternity, he held back, then with a cry of relief, unleashed into her mouth. He came endlessly, she feared she might be engulfed by it, but she held fast, taking all that he had to offer and hungrily devouring it. He lay back, exhaled deeply, arms falling limply by his side. She let his cock fall out of her mouth, kissing it tenderly and rested her head on his lap. For long minutes, she watched him rest.


  As he regained his senses, she sat up and looked directly at him.

  “Change for me,” she said, “I want to see it.”

  He looked at her, and a grin spread across his face. “After what you just did, I don’t think I have much of a choice.”

  She allowed him to stand, and he placed his hands on the mantlepiece, bowing his head as he did so. His breathing slowed. Evie pulled herself up onto the sofa, enthralled but terrified. She drew her legs up to her and held them tight.

  Chambers body began to shiver, his hands gripped the wood beneath him till his knuckles became white. Evie became aware of a prickling in the air, the faint smell of ozone, static bursts firing around Chambers’ body. He threw his head back, mouth open and neck clenched, as dark hair began to appear on his skin. Faint at first, but emerging rapidly in thick clumps until he was entirely covered. Evie looked on, unable to turn away. His head began to change, nose and mouth pushing forwards, the sickening grind of bone on bone signalling the internal reconfigurations that were happening. His legs changed, paws emerging where toes once were. He turned to face her, hands finally releasing the mantlepiece as the dagger-like claws forced their way through his skin.

  Evie recoiled in her seat, the sight before her horrific yet she thrilled at the energy on display. Chambers the Wolfman stood before her, snarling as he breathed, chest rising and falling rhythmically with each breath. He was taller than before, broader. His raw masculine energy now enhanced with an animal grace. He exuded power into the room, awing Evie and cowing her in a single instant. She sat back, her legs splayed, unable and unwilling to hide herself from the being before her.

  Her hand fell to her pussy and found it to be wet. She plunged her fingers into her lips, massaging the warm flesh and seeking her aching clit. She stared at Chambers and he stared back at her, panting as she herself breathed harder. With her own furious energy, she rubbed her clit, filled with a desire she couldn’t explain, a desire to be swallowed by the entity before her, to be consumed by his power.

  As she played, he prowled before her. Striding around in tight loops, eyeing her hand, watching it do its work. He stopped and started towards her. As he crossed the room, his shape shifted again. Before her eyes, his coarse hair receded, his face flattened and his body shrank. Without missing a stride, Chambers the man stood before her and he fell to his knees at the sofa, plunging his head between Evie’s legs in a single movement.

  Evie pulled her hand back, allowing his tongue to find her. He sniffed her deeply, grunted and dived forwards, finding her clit and sucking it into his rough mouth. She howled again, urged him forwards, surrendering her pleasure to him. Like an animal he devoured her, tongue lapping up and down her wet lips, finding her hole, pushing into it. Her body shook with the intensity of the attention and she lost herself in her passions. She came quickly, helpless to resist the assault on her pussy. Her body spasmed, locking her legs around his massive head, forcing him into her and never wanting to let him free.


  They lay together on the sofa, wrapped in each other’s arms, neither speaking a single word. He cradled her head against his chest and stroked her long hair. She rested a hand on his skin and felt his heart beating beneath her.

  He spoke first, “Evie, there is something else you should know.”

  She lifted her head and looked at him. What else could there possibly be?

  He sat up, looking her squarely in the eye. “The serum, it wasn’t used on me alone. There are others like me, perhaps many others.”

  Evie shook her head, unable to believe what he was saying. “H-how do you know?”

  Chambers gazed off across the room, lost in his thoughts, “I know, because they found me. My kind share certain abilities with each other, such as the ability to sense others like us.”

  “Wow,” was all Evie could say.

  Chambers continued. “There’s more. Some of the others are nearby. We remain close to each other, forming a pack of sorts. We meet on occasion, the desire to be around others like us is a strong compulsion. There is one such meeting this very night.”

  Evie gaped at him, unable to speak. She simply had to be at this meeting.The idea of being surrounded by more like Chambers was intoxicating to her.

  Chambers read her mind, grinning, “Would you like to come?”

  Chapter 5

  Chambers led her into the forest, plunging forward into the undergrowth and sniffing the air with his canine muzzle, pausing to wait for her as she struggled to keep up. He’d changed before they left, explaining that it was easier for him to find the meeting place this way. Evie had nodded, unable to be surprised more by this day. She’d gathered her raincoat and pack and followed him into the trees.

  They followed a deer trail for several miles before the path crested a ridge and plunged down into a wide, open valley. The floor of the valley was many me
tres below and Evie gingerly inched her way down the slope. Chambers fell forwards onto all fours and bounded down in front of her, not a single paw placed wrongly. He seemed to revel in the freedom of the outdoors, sniffing everything and occasionally stopping to hear a sound only he could hear. Evie envied his agility and his boundless energy. Inwardly, she resolved to join a gym when she got home.

  They reached the valley floor and walked a further few miles north. Before long, Evie noticed a glow on the horizon, and a faint plume of smoke. The sun was going down and the last light of the day was disappearing beneath the valley sides. They headed to the fire, Chambers quickening the pace as he sniffed the wind.

  As they got closer, Evie thought she could see figures prowling around the campfire. Dark figures, sleek and quick. Closer still, she counted three others, each in wolf form, all three circling the fire and sniffing the breeze. Chambers bounded forward to greet his friends. Evie hurried after him.

  As they entered the circle of the camp, Chambers approached the other wolves, sniffing them enthusiastically and nipping at their fur. They circled each other, exchanging forms of communication that Evie couldn’t hope to understand. Of the three strangers, one wolf was bigger than the rest, its fur a mottled grey and black. The other two wolves were smaller and slender, one jet black and the other a honey brown. The smaller two playfully brushed against Chambers as he greeted them.

  Nervously, Evie stepped out of the shadows and into the light. The three wolves turned to her and snarled, resting forward on their front paws, creeping towards her, teeth bared. Chambers barked his disapproval and they backed off, still warily eyeing Evie.

  Chambers began to change, his naked body emerging from the fur of his wolf form. He moved to the fire, warming his hands and beckoned Evie close. Hesitantly, she joined him, accepting his protective arm. The honey coloured wolf changed next. Evie gasped as she saw the wolf’s form become a naked woman. She was tall and slender, her breasts full and framed by the long blonde hair that cascaded down over her shoulders. She approached the pair and embraced Chambers.

  “Are we bringing guests now Blaine?” she asked with a smirk.

  Chambers laughed, “Now, now Claudia, Evie is a friend, treat her like one.”

  Claudia approached Evie and touched her hand to Evie’s cheek. Her skin was warm and soft. She leaned forwards and inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as she did so. As Claudia was inspecting her, the other smaller wolf changed, revealing a beautiful brunette woman. Evie watched as she stepped across the camp and stiffly hugged Chambers.

  “Hello Laurie,” Chambers said and Laurie nodded to him, and Evie.

  Last of all, the larger wolf transformed. From the crackling energy of the transformation, there emerged an older man, greying at the temples yet still in perfect physical health. He was smaller in stature than Chambers, yet carried himself with a similar dignity. He shook Chambers’ hand warmly.

  “It’s good to see you again, my friend and I’m happy to meet you too Evie.”

  Chambers introduced the older man as Gerrard. Evie stepped away from Claudia and offered her hand to the older man. He took it and shook, his firm grip shocking her.

  Gerrard spoke, “Come my friends, let us eat,” and gestured at an animal carcass roasting on the fire.

  For the next hour, the five of them ate and talked. Evie learned that the three of them had also been treated for various diseases by serums from Chambers BioTechnics. They too had found themselves miraculously cured, but cursed as Chambers had been. They’d each been cast out and forced to fend for themselves, moving between towns, never able to settle in one place for long. As they each learned to control their powers, they gradually became aware of others like them and in time drifted to Oregon.

  Chambers told her that they all lived in cabins in these woods. They spent their time plotting ways to find more of their kind and introduce themselves into the pack.

  As they spoke, Evie noticed that the two females had curled up beside each other. As she watched, Claudia reached her hand between Laurie’s legs and started stroking her pussy. Laurie responded by turning her head and kissing Claudia. The kiss continued, slow at first but deeper in time. Evie looked on, entranced by the two girls’ dancing tongues. Sensing her stare, Laurie turned to her and beckoned her forwards. Reluctantly, Evie stood and walked across the camp to where the two girls writhed together.

  “Undress,” Claudia commanded her and Evie stepped out of her clothes, unable to resist the will of this beautiful woman. She cast aside her pack and coat, shrugged her t-shirt over her head and pushed her jeans and panties off. The cold autumn night air nipped at her, hardening her nipples and causing her to shiver. Laurie and Claudia stood to stand beside her, hands crawling over her in tender caresses.

  Laurie placed a hand under her chin and angled her face to look directly up. Leaning forwards, she kissed Evie. Meanwhile, Claudia had bent to Evie’s chest and was hungrily sucking her nipple.

  Evie was overcome instantly, the soft kiss and the rough sucking filling her with unfamiliar emotions. The smooth touch of these two women was strange to her, but utterly enticing and she longed for more. The three of them fell to the floor and the two girls set upon Evie’s curvy body. Evie sank into the cool, wet grass as she felt Claudia plunge her tongue into her damp pussy. Laurie continued to kiss her, passionately now, not letting her emerge to gather her wits.

  She became aware of the two males circling their sapphic tryst. Gerrard approached Claudia, kneeling behind her and plunging his cock into her. Evie thrilled as Claudia gasped in shock at his penetration, then continued her work on Evie’s pussy. In turn, Chambers knelt behind Laurie and thrust himself into her. Laurie bit Evie’s lip as Chambers’ cock filled her and Evie yelped.

  The fire burned on as this complex coupling played out, Evie became lost in the mix of sensations, hungering for the taste of Laurie and urging Claudia to lick her ever harder.

  In time, she felt the girls pull away from her. Rough hands gripped her hips as Gerrard flipped her over and onto her hands and knees. With no hesitation, he plunged his cock into her and began to pound her from behind. Barely able to catch her breath, she became aware of Chambers kneeling in front of her, his cock mere inches from her mouth. She bowed forward and took it in herself, relishing the taste of Laurie’s sweet pussy on him.

  Distantly she became aware of Laurie and Claudia coming together, bodies locked in an endless circle of passion. Each mouth buried between the other girl’s legs, both screaming wildly and lost in their desires.

  Evie added her own screams to theirs as Gerrard drilled her repeatedly, each stroke more powerful than the last, deeper and harder. She struggled to maintain focus on Chambers cock as he pushed it repeatedly into her mouth, her lips holding on for dear life. She felt him spasm and was shocked as he pulled out of her. She pushed her face forward, desperate for the taste of him and was rewarded with a warm splash on her face. She flicked her tongue out to catch what she could, throwing her head back as Gerrard’s pistoning became intolerably intense. Her pussy screamed waves of pleasure throughout her entire body.

  The girls set upon her again, hungry tongues licking her face, eagerly lapping up all of Chambers seed. Satisfied that she was clean, they laid back beside each other and offered her their pussies. Evie strained to reach them, but was still impaled on Gerrard’s insatiable cock. She felt herself being lifted from behind, as Gerrard positioned her on Laurie’s pussy. She reached out her left hand and found Claudia’s own damp lips, and set to work with tongue and hand, pleasuring the girls as she’d been pleasured.

  “Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!” she screamed over and over, her orgasm building to an intolerable climax. In turn, Laurie and Claudia screamed their own pleasures, heads back, howling with furious energy. Gerrard joined them, pushing his cock into her a final time and unleashing himself into her until she thought she might burst. Evie’s body erupted, the intensity of the night becoming simply too much to bear, exploding stars b
locked her vision and she joined their howls. The pack howled together, howling forth to the moon, looming large above. They howled till their muscles ached and their joints gave way, collapsing together by the warm glow of the fire.


  Evie drove south, back to the city, back to her job, back to her life. But this time she had a singular purpose. It was clear to her that she couldn’t write a single word about Blaine Chambers and his pack. Their existence must remain a closely guarded secret, known only to a trusted few. She would report that the address was long empty, a bum lead in a story filled with them. It was a lie she would have no trouble telling.

  She had a new purpose now. She had talked with the pack long after their bodies were satisfied. She learned that they longed to find more of their kind, to establish a larger pack. To move within society and no longer hide in the shadows. Evie had agreed to help them attempt this. Chambers had offered his considerable resources and Evie would operate for them within the world that feared and hated them.

  She shuddered at the thought of last night, at the thought of their feral hands upon her, the rough kisses of Laurie and Claudia, the throbbing cocks of Gerrard and Chambers. She longed to return to the pack to be with them properly, but she had work to do.

  Her gaze fell on the moon, it hung low in the sky over the road before her. Something stirred within her, a deep and primal urge, a memory of a time not experienced and she threw her head back and howled!


  Spanked By An Older Man

  By Ella Ford


  Oh God, why was I enjoying this so much? Why was I…

  The thought vanished from my mind as the pain erupted from my bare bottom. A supernova of hot tingles and sharp daggers that radiated out from my burning ass-cheek, mirroring the sharp crack that echoed around the high-ceilinged room. My body rocked forward, catapulted by a reflex need to get away from the source of the pain. But I was held in place by the heavy anchor of his hand on my shoulder. My fingers curled into tight fists, gathering up handfuls of plush, soft rug, as though anchoring myself to prevent being swept away by the mounting pain in my burning flesh.


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