His Wicked Ways

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His Wicked Ways Page 2

by Lorraine Beaumont

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  He pulled his hand away. “That’s more like it.” He reached out and jerked her hips forward, positioning himself between her thighs.

  With one swift thrust, he entered her body.

  She gasped.

  “Damn, baby,” he groaned, pulling back and then thrusting back inside again. He stayed there, not moving and reached up and kissed her soundly on the mouth. When he pulled away, he gave her a curious look. “You okay?” he asked, sliding his hand over her hair and tucking it behind her ear.

  She nodded.

  “The table too hard?” he asked, sounding concerned.

  She wanted to scream. Why was he being so nice to her? “It’s fine.” She ran her hands over his chest. “I just want you…now.” Leaning forward she kissed his chest, nipping at him.

  “What’s the hurry?” he asked. “We have all night.”

  No we don’t. “I can’t wait.” She pushed him away and climbed down. She turned around and braced her hands on the table.

  “You want to go in the bedroom?”

  Cecily almost lost it. “What?” Her brow creased.

  “I thought you might want to do it in the bed for a change.”

  Her stomach flipped. Fuck! Why was he being so nice? “No, this is good.”

  “Oh—kay,” he said slowly, giving her another curious look. He stepped behind her and ran his hand tenderly over her bare ass.

  Cecily twitched back and forth. She didn’t want him to be tender. “Come on, Lucian,” she complained.

  “Is this what you want?” he whispered huskily against her ear, inserting his finger just inside her opening.

  Leaning forward, he playfully nipped her shoulder.

  “Yes,” she said, tears clouding her eyes as he sweetly kissed her neck and shoulder.

  “Lucian…now,” she begged, fighting back more tears, trying to keep her face hidden from his view.

  He sighed, and tried to turn her around but she wouldn’t turn. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she assured him. “You are taking too long. That’s all,” she said, the words choking in her throat even as she said them.

  “You want me fast or slow?” he asked, sliding his hand down between her thighs once more, his fingers brushing against the sensitive flesh, circling, teasing, barely inserting two fingers and then retreating once more.

  “Fast,” she panted, clenching.

  Leaning forward, he slid his hands over the swell of her breasts, holding them in both of his hands, his long hair falling forward, tickling her. “Bend over more, sweetheart, and hold on,” he instructed softly, circling her nipples with his thumbs and squeezing gently.

  She did as he instructed. Bending over, she reached out and held onto the edge of the table.

  “Now spread your legs.” He released her breasts and stepped back so he could look at her. The way her sweet ass pushed up in the air made him throb.

  “Spread them wider, baby,” he instructed, and then walked up behind her.

  “You holding on?” he asked, sliding his hand over the soft curve of her ass again.

  Guilt was getting the best of her. Tears streamed steadily down her face, wetting the already damp spot where her soup had spilled earlier. “Yes.” She reached down between their bodies, sliding her fingers over the velvety skin of his rigid erection, then underneath. She cupped him in her hand.

  “Babe,” he gritted, clenching his buttocks.

  “That feels so good.” Letting the sensations flow over him, he pushed forward as she cupped him once again.

  “Oh yeah,” he gasped, closing his eyes, kneading the soft flesh of her ass with the palms of his hands. It wasn’t enough though. He slipped his hands around her front and placed them over her breasts, squeezing the delicate flesh of her nipples roughly—spurring her to tighten her grip on him.

  “OH! Fuck! Yeah!” he gritted, bucking against her.

  She kept it up, cupping, stroking, his rigid erection pressing under her ass, until he was the one begging.

  “Oh baby, I got to get inside of you!” His body jerked, when she tightened around him again.

  “Damn baby,” he rasped.

  “I’m gonna cum.”

  “Do it,” she said, fighting back another rush of tears.

  “No, I want to be inside you.”

  “Just do it Lucian!” she demanded.

  Holding on to her hips, he positioned himself behind her. With one forceful thrust, he was buried deep inside. “Hmm,” he let out a low moan, throwing his head back, gripping her hips tightly.

  At first, he moved slowly, sliding out of her, going to the edge and then easing back inside, making it last.

  Cecily moaned in ecstasy, clenching tightly around his rigid erection.

  “Oh, God, baby…what you do to me,” he breathed, squeezing her hips harder, his thrusts more powerful, urgent.

  Her breasts jostled against the table as he pumped even faster, his hips slamming her forward from each thrust—the sensations, tantalizing, dizzying, making her throb against him.

  “That feels so fucking good, baby,” he gritted, trying not to cum, and reached around to rub her delicate bud. He wanted them to cum together. His hands moved down between her thighs and back to her breast, making her moan in pleasure with each pass.

  “That’s it baby,” he urged, his deep voice shaking with emotion as he continued to push her to her release, moving her hips back and forth faster with his hands.

  She reached back and slid her hand over his slick shaft, cupping his balls again.

  “Baby,” he gritted out through clenched teeth. “That feels so damn good,” he groaned, throwing his head back while slamming into her from behind.

  “Don’t stop,” he begged, pumping faster as her fingers toyed with him while he rubbed the sweet curve of her ass and then reached back around to her breasts, squeezing her nipples, hard, making her buck against him.

  She gasped as her body writhed, clenching around his length until he finally pushed her over the edge, making her shatter in a million amazing directions.

  “Oh…Lucian…” she cried, convulsing around him as the last spasms of her orgasm ripped her apart.

  He sucked in his breath from the action. “Yeah, baby,” he groaned, rocking his hips and sliding his hands back over her ass, gripping her soft flesh. He pumped faster, his hips meeting her soft ass, pushing him closer and closer, until he buried himself one last time and completely lost control.

  Shaking with the last spasms of his release, he gathered her into his arms, and held her close. “I love you,” he breathed.


  The sound of the shower turning off brought Lucian’s mind back to the present. He sighed and scrubbed his hands over his face.

  The door creaked open and steam entered the room, along with the girl he met at a little dive bar down the road. Her long, bleach blonde hair hung limply around her lightly tanned shoulders and a yellowish colored towel that he was sure was once white, was tucked securely under her arms.

  “Did you pour a drink for me?” she asked.

  “What do you think?” His gaze smoldered under dark lashes that cast shadows across his high cheekbones as his lips turned down in annoyance. She wasn’t the brightest bulb in the room and that was saying something since most of them didn’t even work.

  Before she found her voice to answer, he lifted the glass in her direction.

  She sauntered over to him.

  “Thanks.” She plucked the glass from his outstretched hand and slammed it back with little finesse.

  Swiping the back of her hand over her mouth, her gaze dropped to the thin line of dark hair that formed right below his navel and disappeared into the band of his low-slung jeans. Slowly, her eyes coasted up from his ripped stomach, to his bare muscled chest, to his dark, almost black gaze as she handed out her glass for a refill.

  He took the glass, splashed more whisky in the bottom, and then handed it back
to her. A knowing grin slid over her pretty face as she took the glass once more. Taking a delicate sip, this time, her full lips lingered on the rim of the glass.

  “You want some more?”

  “What do you think?” Her lazy drawl poured over him like honey.

  Lucian knew she wasn’t talking about the whiskey this time. “Drop the towel.” His voice was deep, firm—the kind of voice that warranted attention.

  Cradling her glass, she bit her lip seductively and let the towel slip out from under her arms; it fell with a whooshing sound down onto the ugly stained carpet.

  “That’s better.” Reaching down, Lucian unfastened his jeans, his dark gaze never wavering from hers.

  She sucked in a sharp intake of air, her eyes rounding at the sight of him as he released himself.

  He plucked the glass from her fingertips, setting it on the dresser at his side. Reaching forward, he hooked his arm around her back, one under her knees, and swept her off her feet.

  Giggling, she wound her arms around his neck as he carried her to the bed. Setting her down, he stood back up…watching as she got into position. He liked to watch, but she already knew that about him.

  There was little formality with their lovemaking. He didn’t want conversation and she readily obliged. Crawling up on her knees, she reached out and took him in her hands.

  Lucian’s breath hitched.

  Slowly, she lowered her mouth.

  Lucian groaned and closed his eyes to the sweet torture she was eliciting from his body. He gathered up her long flaxen hair in his hands and held on.

  “Yes, that’s it!” He thrust his hips forward, helping her. Back and forth, back and forth, her mouth moved over his length. She took him all the way to the back of her throat.

  “Wait a minute,” he gritted, trying to keep control as an image of Cecily doing the same thing entered his mind. He pushed it away. He didn’t want to think about her now or ever again.

  “Need to get on a condom, baby.” Chilled air slid over his erection as he left her mouth. He almost went back in. He wanted inside that sweet warmth. He wanted it to cover him. He wanted it to consume him—to make him forget. Forget how Cecily had betrayed him. Forget that he was running for his life. Forget that he was broke and not one person ever gave a shit about him—not his father and probably not even his brother—Reed. It was hard to believe he had even looked up to him, from afar, but his father was a real prick and liked to pit brother against brother. To what end? Lucian didn’t really know, nor did he care any longer, either. That ship sailed a long time ago.

  Grabbing his drink off the dresser, he tossed back the contents, poured himself another, and downed that too. Opening the drawer, he pulled out a condom and walked back to the bed. “Here,” he said, handing it to the girl. He didn’t even know her fucking name.

  She gave him a curious look but crawled back up on her knees anyway. Ripping open the packet, she pulled out the condom. Cold fingers encircled his erection.

  “Damn,” he swore, gasping.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Your hands are cold, that’s all.” For some reason, his mind strayed back to Cecily. How she looked when he saw her last. Her beautiful face flushed from their lovemaking as he told her he loved her. She was the first woman he had ever said that to. He thought she was one. A bitter, deprecating laugh bubbled to the surface. Thought was the operative word. She not only screwed his brains out that night but she betrayed him too, for money—lots of it. He hoped she choked on it.

  “It’s not working,” the girl complained. “You’re getting too soft.”

  Lucian tensed. “Like hell I am!” He looked down and she was right. He was limp as a wet noodle. “Fuck!” He raked his hand through his hair in aggravation.

  “You want me to kiss it again?” Her baby blues simmered with passion.

  Shoving all thoughts of Cecily from his mind, he reached down and covered her breast. The moment his fingers grazed her nipple, it hardened into a delectable little bud and his dick sprang back to life. Thank God!

  “Yeah, baby,” he breathed urging her onward. “Kiss it for me, again.” He slid his hands back through her hair, moving the mass out of the way.

  Leaning forward, she pressed her pillowy lips against the tip of his erection and slid her fingers underneath his balls; cupping them the way he told her he liked it.

  Jerkily, he thrust his hips forward, gaining entrance to her sweet warmth again. “Don’t stop,” he begged. His mind blessedly void once again of all thought with the exception of what was happening to him right now—right this fucking minute.

  A few more deep strokes in her warmth he was more than ready for her. Not letting anything else enter his mind, he quickly pulled himself from her mouth and slid the condom on.

  “Turn over,” he instructed.

  She turned over and lifted her ass right up in the air like she had done the same thing many times before. He didn’t care. He grabbed hold of her hips, and in one deep thrust he was in.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, as she gasped in pleasure, clenching around him like a vice.

  Lucian’s hands tightened on her ass, his fingers massaging the soft skin, his length growing in size with each wonderfully sweet mind-numbing push.

  As long as he was inside her warmth, he could forget. Forget the betrayal, the heartache, and the pain of rejection—forget everything for as long as he could.

  Harder and faster, he drove into her. His body slicked with sweat.

  “Yes,” she cried in pleasure, bucking against him.

  “Not yet,” he begged even though he knew she was nearing release.

  “I can’t!” Her body shuddered.

  “Damnit!” he gritted.

  She tightened around his length, pulsing, throbbing against him, as she found her release.

  Lucian gripped her hips, driving in faster, harder, trying to find that ever-elusive thing that was just out of his grasp. “Cup my balls again,” he begged.

  Reaching back, she grabbed his balls, cupping them.

  He was losing his mind. He didn’t want to stop. He didn’t’ want his life closing in on him again so soon. The emotions tearing through him were too much, though. He didn’t want to stop, but his body wouldn’t let him continue. One last squeeze and he finally gave over to the mind-numbing pleasure of his own release.


  “I’ve got to get to work but I will be back later, alright?”

  “You don’t have to,” he said, watching her throw on her clothes.

  “I want to.”

  Lucian closed his eyes. “Fine.”

  Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she pulled on her boots and zipped them up. “Get some sleep,” she said. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “Can you bring some food,” he asked, rubbing his empty belly.

  “Sure.” She leaned over and kissed him soundly on the lips. “Be back in a bit.”

  “Yeah.” Lucian closed his eyes once more as the door shut, wishing like hell he was the one leaving this shithole, instead.


  Lake Lure, North Carolina

  The dining room at the upscale lakeside retreat was awash in murmurings of idle chitchat from the servers getting ready for the final weekend rush, which always accompanied the end of the season, along with the distinct clatter of trembling fine china, crystal stemware, and polished silver, as the tables were prepared.

  Molly pulled back her unruly mass of curls into a messy bun. If one looked closely, especially in the sun, they would see streaks of copper highlights. Her father would say they came from her mother’s side of the family.

  Leaning back against the carved mahogany bar, she took a sip of water with a single slice of lime inside, wishing she wasn’t working so she could have something stronger.

  Surveying the progress, she looked around the restaurant. Esmerelda was standing in the corner, near the outside deck, practicing Baby, while Sergei
moved his slender hips back and forth, with his imitation of Johnny, to the lyrics of, ‘Hey Baby,’ by Bruce Channel.

  They were getting ready for their end of the year annual theme weekend, at the restaurant/lodge she managed for her father, which included troupe dancers who impersonated the cast of Dirty Dancing. Johnny, aka, Sergei, and Esmeralda, aka Baby, were both from Ukraine.

  They cost more than Molly would like to pay, but they more than made up for it because they were so good and brought in a lot of revenue because of their large following. She had a deal with the dancers. Instead of paying half up front like most of her competitors in the area offered, she instead promised them part of the proceeds. Since the dancers seemed to get more into character it turned out better than she had expected. She had come up with the idea a few years back when the Mountain Lodge was nearing bankruptcy. Her father wanted to sell it off to developers for Luxury Mountain Homes but Molly had begged him to give her a chance running it. He gave her a year to turn it around and that’s when she came up with her version of a Dirty Dancing weekend with the tag line: “Discover the magic of a bygone era at Mountain Lake Resort.” And just like the movie, the guests would get dancing lessons; participate in games, such as charades, a scavenger hunt, and a viewing of the movie as well as party that would follow where all the dancers would reenact the final dance scene in the movie.

  “Not there!” Molly rushed forward and grabbed hold of the stack of plates before they toppled to the floor.

  “Where then?” snipped Tracy, one of the new hires, as she crossed her arms under her substantial breasts.

  Molly shoulders tensed. “Just dress the tables by the windows.”

  The girl gave her ‘Stay calm and carry a watermelon’ shirt an odd look. “What’s that mean?”

  “It’s from the movie.”

  “What movie?”

  “The one we are celebrating this weekend…” She widened her eyes. “Dirty Dancing…remember?”

  “Dirty Dancing? What’s that?”

  Molly tried hard not to roll her eyes. “Oh, never mind.” Her phone vibrated. She pulled it out of her back pocket. “Bring the cart over to the tables, we can finish this later.”


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