ZetaTalk: Rules

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ZetaTalk: Rules Page 9

by Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Sight or Sound

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  ZetaTalk: Sight or Sound

  Note: written Oct 15, 1995.

  Humans giving The Call are in the main desiring action, results, and physical confirmation that their call has been answered. What they get is a discussion or advice. The media, however, plays to human desires by portraying alien

  communications to humans via electronic devices - speaking through the telephone, tapping out a message on the

  teletype, or via a talking head on the TV screen. This never occurs, as since the advent of electronic devices the rules have been such that visitations are to occur in the subconscious. This rule was put into place when the results of the Earth's orientation poll were in. This poll, taken more or less in the mid 1940's, established that the entities of Earth leaned overwhelmingly in the direction of Service-to-Other. During Transformations, once this poll has been taken,

  nothing is allowed that will upset this balance. Thus, no full recall of any alien visitations, in any form. Could electronic replication of aliens have been presented in the past, prior to this poll? Indeed this vehicle could have been used, had electronics been in place in the past, just as today screen memories of deer or owls are used by ourselves to mask a visitation.

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  ZetaTalk: Alien Technology

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  ZetaTalk: Alien Technology

  Note: written Oct 15, 1995.

  Technological assistance has been given, via humans, but the lines are drawn to where the influence, the result, would not remove humans from their essential task at hand which is to determine their spiritual orientation. In spiritual development, 3rd Density is the earliest, which you can equate to early grade school. Children are not allowed into the air traffic control tower nor the computer room, nor are they given guns - even when they understand how to work the equipment. Where you would not let a youngster into the air traffic control room, a young adult is allowed. The

  difference is that he has grow past the point where he thinks the world revolves around him, and is aware of how his actions affect others. You are not there yet, as an intelligent species.

  Rumor has it that the secretive development of the Aurora and the recently emergent Stealth Bomber reflect a

  contribution of alien technology, and rumor is correct. This is not our technology, but was an early gift from ambassadors in the Service-to-Self who were busily bribing their way into the hearts of the military. Wildly

  enthusiastic and anticipating even greater coups, the military leadership at that time sold this program to whomever held the purse strings and set about becoming, so they presumed, the masters of the Earth.

  The technology delivered, which had been demonstrated with alien space craft, did not work on human machines.

  Literally decades passed before the truth dawned on the deeply disappointed leadership - they had been deceived. The demonstration, which involved radar evasion, did not involve the shape or speed or surface material, as they had been told. The demonstration used density shifting, at speeds that the eye could not follow, so the disappearing ships,

  coming straight into the radar screens, seemed to have evaded radar. Right shape, right speed, and bingo, radar evasion.

  Needless to say, having touted the program, the sponsors were obliged to deliver something. All that money and time, searching after the right shape and speed, did result in a semblance of radar evasion. Why has the Aurora not been unveiled? Shame. It doesn't work as promoted, and as long as it is still under wraps the jury is still, theoretically, out.

  Has really worthwhile technology been handed to the government? Absolutely not, as those in the Service-to-Self

  have no desire to see their recruits get out of hand, nor would they be allowed to interfere with the balance between humans here on Earth, by the Rule of Non-Interference, and those in the Service-to-Others would never encourage a

  war machine.

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  ZetaTalk: Escape Routes

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  ZetaTalk: Escape Routes

  Note: written Oct 15, 1995.

  The Rule of Non-Interference is quite clear on the cataclysms. The only humans who can be assisted in their survival efforts are those firmly in the Service-to-Others. This exception is due to the spiritual focus the inhabitants of the earth have chosen for her future. The Earth is to be a home for entities in the Service-to-Others during 4th Density, and thus those humans who are operating in the Service- to-Others orientation are considered, essentially, in our camp.

  What does this mean for the others, who are in the majority, or for any elite groups who may try to strike a deal?

  Essentially it means that any promises that have been made to the contrary are false, and they have been lied to. Will not the agreements that various alien groups have with the government hold and cover this contingency? No. Our own

  agreements are quite clear on this point. All our resources are going to be used assisting Service-to-Other humans as they will allow us to. Each individual is being judged on the basis of the orientation they are currently operating in. No group deals. No special favors. In regard to the Service-to-Self groups, who perpetually promise what they have no

  intention of delivering, they make these promises to maximize the misery of the disappointed. Their way of insuring a conquest so that their recruits will be utterly focused on the self during their last moments - pointed in the right direction.

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  ZetaTalk: Avoided

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  ZetaTalk: Avoided

  Note: recorded during the November 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  We are increasingly asked by the desperate, who hope this was all an exercise in New Age communications, whether

  the cataclysms can be avoided. Do you expect the Sun not to rise tomorrow, or the Moon to appear sometime during

  the 24 hour period? The arrival of the 12th Planet/Planet X, is a predictable, normal, astrophysical event in your part of the Universe. Like cancer and lightning strikes and meteors falling from the sky, such matters that are normal to your world may not be pleasant, but you live with them today. Prior pole shifts were not averted, despite the agony and

  wishes of those contemplating the inbound red dragon in the sky. Is childhood cancer cured today, because it is a

  horrific thing to contemplate? Is death following an accidental injury to a person in the prime of their life, someone whom the family depends upon and who does not wish to die, averted? In like manner, just because this is horrific, does not mean that special circumstances prevail. Your life on this Earth is for you to learn how to help your fellow man, to stretch into the opportunity. In this regard, the pole shift affords all humans an opportunity they can either: 1. avoid, or

  2. accept.

  None will be spared being offered this opportunity. And thus, the clarification of a persons orientation will be acutely established.

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  ZetaTalk: Rescue Demands

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  ZetaTalk: Rescue Demands

  written Sep 2, 2003, during Lou Gentile live radio

  We are not permitted to interfere with what goes on Earth. This is your schoolhouse. Tornadoes, hurricanes, cancer, irrational and demanding bosses, a poor marriage, a child slowly dying of a fatal disease. These are things that are in your life today, and we are not zipping in to fix it. The reason for this is a plan
, not ours but a higher plan, we might even say this is God’s plan because we have found this to be throughout the Universe. Young souls are put on Earth

  where it is a spiritual learning house where they have many opportunities to help others or turn their back on others.

  Your first step in your spiritual growth is to decide what side of that coin you fall on. Almost all chose to help others and become empathetic, a rare few grow in the other direction. These are separated at a certain point, after the

  Kindergarten phase and sent off to what Nancy refers to as the Reform School where they will not bully or be sadistic or intimidate you any longer but must do this to each other, a fitting hell, a true karma. So we are not allowed, or we would be sent packing, to interfere with your school house.

  The approach of Planet X is a natural occurrence as are tornadoes, and is something that those who administer this part of the Universe have decided is a natural occurrence, consider it that, and thus it passes, as it has in the past, and is something that is considered an opportunity for you. How are you, then, helping your fellow man during this time of calamity? How will you rise to this occasion? What steps are you taking now? How will you respond when those

  around you are distraught with grief, injured, children orphaned or abandoned? How will you react? This is an

  opportunity for you to make gigantic spiritual steps or to run away and move in the wrong direction. So, consider it that, rise to the occasion, and find that your life can become far more satisfying if you make the right choices.

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  ZetaTalk: 12 Planet Shuttle

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  ZetaTalk: 12 Planet Shuttle

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The alien life form we refer to as the gods of Mount Olympus, who are resident on the giant comet, the 12 Planet, are not unique as 3rd Density visitors to Earth. They were allowed to visit Earth, in the past, even though they too were in 3rd Density and on the same level as the inhabitants of Earth. Are they the only group in 3rd Density that has so

  visited Earth? There have been several, but these visits are very rare, and with this one exception have always been benign. An example of a 3rd Density visitation is what is known in the US as the Pascagoula episode, where an alien with rigid legs floated to communicate with an ex-combat veteran. This veteran responded to a request, in essence

  gave The Call in response to a call, for this meeting with a 3rd Density entity that had evolved from a form of

  intelligent tree to occur. During its evolution and previous incarnations, this entity, not being able to maneuver, had never been in combat. They wished to learn, vicariously, what combat was like. This entity traveled to Earth as the guest of 4th Density entities.

  What made the alien life form we refer to as the gods of Mount Olympus unique, is that they had achieved space travel on their own. This achievement is beyond what Earthlings now enjoy, as even though the trip was within your Solar

  System, a shuttle between Earth and the 12th Planet during one or another of the periodic swings past the Sun,

  nevertheless the trip required the aliens to go into hibernation for some years. It was this ability, in concert with their space flight technologies, that allowed them to make the trip at all. Consequently, as this was a feat they could repeat, they dug in, as the saying goes, and made themselves at home on Earth. This became disruptive of Earth's free will

  progress, and was stopped. These aliens are, however, elsewhere in your Solar System, proceeding with their mining

  operations, which are similar to the ones they conducted on Earth.

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  ZetaTalk: What is God

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  ZetaTalk: What is God

  The concept of a god has been around, for mankind, as long as man has been conscious of himself as separate from

  other creatures - having consciousness. The concept of god came into being in response to anything more powerful than the self, a common reaction throughout the Universe. At first, this takes the form of animism, where wind, thunder, and savage beasts are gods. As when dealing with other tribal members or even some wild beasts, the newly conscious prehistoric man understood, through experience, that some of his gods could be placated. Hand over the food, and all is well, for instance. Placating angry tribal members often involved sacrificing a friend to save oneself. For instance, if the question of who stole the food comes up, if one young individual meets the blind rage of the angry elder, then the others are off the hook. The concept of the scapegoat is born.

  In time these concepts become sophisticated, with sacrifices ritualized and the concept of the god expanded upon to include motive and rules. This expansion was not the common man's doing, but sly religious elites who desired an easy parasitic living. They became the keeper of the rules, and performed the ritual sacrifices. As keepers of the rules, the rules understandably began to twist in the favor of the religious elite. Organized religion was born. At some point in the intellectual and spiritual development of mankind, some began to see these flaws in organized religion and think for themselves. But casting away the rigidities of organized religion did not entirely satisfy, as these individuals sensed that something else was going on. Intuitively aware of the eternal soul within them, they sensed that the separation of body and soul was possible, and that reincarnation existed. In contact with spirits in higher dimensions, they became intuitively aware of the spiritual realm.

  That's where we are today, with mankind. No answers, just intuitive understanding and a lot of organized religion

  conducting their rituals and laying down rules. Mankind, in increasing numbers, is coming into contact with

  extraterrestrials who have an understanding of the larger picture. At last, they will have an answer. Unfortunately for the anxious, this is not to be the case, for we, also, do not have the answer. Our understanding of how the Universe works is greater than yours, but what started it all and why are still outstanding questions in the Zeta minds. Sorry about that. We too must progress to higher densities of spiritual maturity before we can gain a greater understanding

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  ZetaTalk: Playing God

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  ZetaTalk: Playing God

  Note: written Jun 15, 1996.

  If God created the Universe and species evolve naturally on lifebearing planets, then are aliens in higher densities not interfering with God's plan by seeding planets with DNA and genetically engineering intelligent species? Where is the line drawn? Humans manipulate their world endlessly, creating artificial summers in which to live, sustaining

  genetically defective offspring and encouraging them to reproduce, spewing poisons into the air and waterways, and

  decimating species into extinction. Are they not interfering with God's plan? If God's Universe generates intelligent, conscious species within whom incarnating spirits spark and thereafter stay whole from one incarnation to the next, then clearly we, who are here to seed planets and are in the process of genetically engineering man's next leap forward are here because this is part of God's plan.

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  ZetaTalk: Planetary Souls

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  ZetaTalk: Planetary Souls

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Planets such as the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth do not have souls. Non-life planets such as the Sun and Moon are in spiritual 1st Density, and the Earth is in spiritual 2nd Density, composed as it is of 1st Density material such as rock and water and 2nd Density c
reatures such as plants and non-conscious fish, birds, and animals. Without man on the

  Earth, the Earth would be considered a 2nd Density existence. We refer to the Earth as being in 3rd Density only

  because man, a conscious intelligence, resides here at this time. When we state that the Universe is alive, we are

  referring to the concept that God is everywhere, and that we are presumably within God because of this, and that God is surely not dead. The Universe runs as it does because God wills it so. That is our understanding.

  Primitive man worshipped the Sun, as it gave life, and the Moon, as it also gave light at night, and the wind and

  waters, ascribing spirits to them as they moved and had power. This simple view of the Universe lives today, in fokelore and what is claimed to be true channels. But if the stuff of souls could congeal in inanimate things, then why would there be anything left to conceal in evolved conscious beings? The stuff of souls would be gathered into planets and wind, rocks and water, for whatever reason imaged by these fanciful tales. And consciousness, the ability to create, to decide, which cold matter and wind and water do not have, would go wanting and be the lessor. This is simply not the case, as just as you find other humans more interesting and challenging, less restful than a walk along the beach, just so the stuff of souls finds rocks and wind boring.

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  ZetaTalk: Animals Souls

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  ZetaTalk: Animals Souls

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  What is a soul. This is substance that does not require a physical body to exists, nor is it bound to a physical body. The soul can leave the body, as in an Out-Of-Body experience, and it can be disincarnate, in spirit form. Not all living human bodies have incarnate souls. Those humans who are severely retarded, or in a deep coma with scant hope of


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