Dead Souls: A gripping serial killer thriller with a shocking twist (Detective Kim Stone Crime Thriller Series Book 6)

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Dead Souls: A gripping serial killer thriller with a shocking twist (Detective Kim Stone Crime Thriller Series Book 6) Page 32

by Angela Marsons

  ‘I wanted someone to find the bodies, and that way none of us had actually said anything. Bart went mental on the day they found something but I told him I’d authorised it before his visit and couldn’t change it. He went for me, and Billy smacked him down, threatened him with the police.’

  The younger Cowley had shown more backbone than she’d given him credit for.

  ‘So Bart shot Billy to shut him up?’

  Fiona nodded. ‘And to frighten us into silence,’ she added.

  ‘And you went to the Preece house to talk to Dale?’ Kim asked.

  ‘Yes, when my father was arrested I went to plead with him to tell the truth and at least limit the damage to my family. I never even got to see him. Bart hauled me into the transit and got one of his guys to follow in my car.’

  ‘Did you really think Dale would help?’ Kim asked.

  Kim was under no illusion about that final shot. Although he had saved her life that had not been his motivation. Dale knew what life in prison would have been for his brother. He would have died a hundred different ways.

  He had killed him because he loved him.

  Fiona shrugged. ‘There was no one else I could speak to. The grandfather was a cold, unfeeling bastard, and Mallory Preece has been psychologically battered into submission.’

  Mallory Preece now had the unenviable task of burying both her father and her youngest son. Her remaining son would be spending the next fifteen to twenty years inside.

  Kim marvelled at the strength of feeling between the brothers, despite the constant rivalry instilled in them. Robson Preece had destroyed many things but he hadn’t destroyed that.

  ‘You know that your father and brother are being questioned right now?’ Kim asked, gently. No matter how much they had suffered as a family, others had suffered more. In trying to protect themselves they had risked the lives of many more innocent people.

  ‘I guessed so and it won’t be long until they come here, will it?’

  Kim shook her head. ‘Just tell them the truth like you told me. It’s your only defence.’

  Kim stood and offered her hand. However misguided Fiona Cowley had been, she had tried her best.

  The woman returned her handshake and smiled her goodbye.

  Kim turned and left the ward, satisfied that some of the questions in her head had been answered.

  But not the ones that mattered.


  Kim saw the familiar figure standing at the entrance to the police station.

  ‘You lost?’ she asked.

  Travis smiled. ‘I didn’t get a chance to speak to you last night.’

  She nodded.

  Dale Preece had walked out of the building right into three armed officers alerted by the sound of the first shot. He had offered no resistance and had made a full confession to Dawson.

  ‘Everybody okay?’

  Again she nodded. ‘Thanks to you and your team. Without them we’d never have found her. Please thank them all for me.’

  It was Gibbs who had offered invaluable insight into the location. It was Lynda who had put together the link to the abductions. Penn’s database had identified the first victim, Jacob James, and given them a starting point. He had already identified possible names for the other two victims. Victim three possibly being a nineteen-year-old Jewish girl from Walsall.

  ‘I already thanked them on your behalf,’ he said.

  He moved from one foot to the other.

  ‘We could have had this conversation over the phone,’ she said.

  ‘That’s not why I’m here and you know it. What I have to say deserves to be said in person. You are entitled to see the shame on my face.’

  ‘Tom, don’t—’

  ‘Shut up, Kim,’ he said, holding up his hand. ‘What I did in that locker room was not only out of order, it was completely without excuse. You were trying to help me but I couldn’t see that at the time. You should have reported me and you didn’t. I still have a career and the means to take care of my wife.’

  ‘Please, stop…’

  ‘Kim, I’m sorry for what I did,’ he said, earnestly. ‘It’s important to me that you know that.’

  ‘I know it, Tom,’ she said, and meant it.

  She tipped her head. ‘So, did you transfer because I got DI first?’

  He smiled and shook his head. ‘No, you deserved it but I wasn’t going to tell you that.’ He sobered again. ‘I transferred because I couldn’t bear to look at you after what I’d done.’

  She shook her head. So much time. Surely they could have worked it out.

  He coughed self-consciously. ‘Okay, that’s me done. Time to debrief my team properly.’

  ‘On a Saturday?’ she asked, when that was exactly what she was going to do.

  ‘Yeah, it’s not so bad now and again. Keeps them on their toes, and Carole is with Melissa for a couple of hours.’

  Kim nodded as he stepped towards his car.

  ‘Tom, about you and Carole. Melissa would never know.’

  ‘Yeah, but I would,’ he said, opening the door.

  Kim understood and realised that Carole was right. He really was a good guy.

  ‘See you around, Tom,’ she said, as he got into the car.

  ‘And I’ll look forward to our next battle over a crime scene, Detective Inspector,’ he said before closing the door.

  Jack looked at her strangely as she entered the building, and she knew why.

  For once, she had a smile on her face.


  Kim’s smile had disappeared by the time she’d reached the squad room.

  Her team waited for her. Silently.

  Bryant tried to catch her eye.

  Dawson coughed.

  Stacey stared at the keyboard.

  ‘Bowl, Stace,’ she said, walking straight through.

  Stacey followed her in and closed the door.

  ‘Boss, I’m sorry—’

  ‘Sit down,’ she instructed. ‘You need to be prepared for what’s about to happen.’

  Stacey looked petrified.

  ‘I’ve had the heads-up from Frost that this whole story is gonna break later today, and everyone is going to be after you. Do interviews, don’t do interviews. That’s your call.’

  Stacey looked sickened, and shook her head vehemently.

  ‘But expect backlash from Mrs Reynolds. You took away her innocent son and gave her back a racist in the name of truth. She is not going to thank you for that.’

  At least his mother had the knowledge that her son had felt remorse for almost killing Henryk Kowalski. There had been some remnant of a conscience in the young man.

  ‘But I…’

  ‘Hang on. You had no choice,’ Kim said. ‘The truth isn’t ours to sanitise or censor. It is simply the truth ‒ and much as it might be painful for Mrs Reynolds, there are families that now know what happened to their loved ones and why.’

  Stacey nodded her understanding.

  The fear in her eyes made Kim sit back in her chair.

  She sighed heavily. ‘Stace, why the hell didn’t you just talk to me?’

  Kim saw the tears form but the constable blinked them away.

  ‘I don’t know. I should have. I wanted to, but everyone was so busy’

  ‘Too busy?’ Kim questioned.

  Stacey thought for a second before shaking her head, honestly.

  ‘No, I could have. I know that,’ she shrugged. ‘I think I just wanted to prove that I can do more.’

  Kim laughed, ruefully. ‘And by the same token, maybe I should have pushed you a little bit harder. Taken you out of your comfort level a bit. And for that, I’m sorry,’ she said.

  Stacey looked confused.

  ‘Boss, am I gonna get the sack?’

  ‘For what? Doing your job? You had a hunch and, for your own reasons, you followed it. It just so happens you were right and, much as I hate it because you were in danger, your actions have taken a lot of na
sty racist bastards off the street.’

  Stacey swallowed.

  Kim knew she had to force out words that did not come easy to her but that the constable needed to hear.

  ‘Stace, you followed your instinct like any good copper would. And that’s what you are. And if it means anything, I am immensely proud of you.’

  Kim could tell from her face that it did.

  ‘Now, go on,’ Kim instructed, nodding towards the squad room. ‘I’ll be out in a minute.’

  Stacey opened her mouth to say more, but Kim shook her head. There was nothing else to say.

  She had the feeling that this case had taught them all something. Her team had been through the wringer, and she wasn’t sure they had come out intact.

  Stacey had learned valuable lessons about teamwork, and had almost lost her life.

  Dawson had finally learned how to work alongside someone else, and Bryant had learned that Dawson wasn’t quite the arsehole he’d thought. Not quite.

  And what had she herself learned? Kim wondered, looking down at the desk. That her team meant a bloody great deal to her. More than they should. All of them.

  And now it was time to find out if her team was okay.

  ‘Right, guys,’ she said, stepping into the room.

  ‘Sorry, boss,’ Stacey said. ‘Can I just ask one question before we start?’

  ‘Go ahead,’ Kim said, perching on the edge of the desk.

  Stacey stared at Dawson.

  ‘So, Kev, why are you the only member of my team that didn’t come looking for me?’

  He rolled his eyes. ‘Stace, I’ve already explained this.’

  ‘So, you let some brute of a guy with a car full of guns and countless rounds of ammunition keep you from me.’ She blew air out of her mouth. ‘Then we’re clearly not as close as I thought.’

  Kim shared a smile with Bryant. They both knew this was Stacey’s way of letting Dawson off the hook on which he’d hung himself.

  ‘Oh Stace, let me take you out for a meal to make up for it,’ he offered.

  ‘Nah, you’re okay,’ she said happily.

  ‘You won’t come out with me?’

  ‘No,’ she repeated.

  ‘Stace, is it cos I’m white?’ he asked with a wink.

  ‘No,’ she answered.

  ‘Is it cos I’m a man?’ he asked.

  She shook her head.

  ‘No, Kev, it’s because you’re an arsehole,’ Stacey said.

  Kim did not even try to contain the laugh that burst out of her.

  She looked around as the chuckles travelled from one person to another.

  Yep, her team was going to be okay.


  While writing Dead Souls I wanted to explore the motivations behind people that perpetrate Hate Crimes. This was most definitely one of the most difficult books I have ever tried to write and yet somehow, the harder and darker it became the more determined I found myself wanting to finish it.

  In addition, I wanted to challenge Kim Stone to work in a completely different team and I kind of wanted to see how her team managed without her.

  First and foremost, I have to acknowledge the involvement of my partner, Julie. Although my name is on the books there is no doubt that the process is a team effort. From brainstorming to typing the first draft to two full readings she is beside me every step of the way. She is my partner in life, love and also my partner in crime.

  I would like to thank the team at Bookouture for their continued enthusiasm for Kim Stone and her stories. In particular, the incredible Keshini Naidoo who manages to extract every ounce of creativity from me even when I feel there is nothing left to give. To Oliver Rhodes who has the expertise to know what to do with our books once the blood, sweat and tears have passed. And to Kim Nash who offers us tea, sympathy, professionalism and fierce protection on the journey.

  A special shout out to the unbelievably ferocious and tenacious Lorella Belli who continues to sell the foreign rights to the Kim Stone stories and has conquered more than 20 territories to date.

  I must acknowledge the growing family of Bookouture authors. Their enthusiasm for each other is genuine and provides an environment of friendship, advice and support. Thank you to the fantastic Kim Slater who has been an incredible support and friend to me for many years now and to the fabulous Caroline Mitchell, Renita D’Silva and Mel Sherratt without whom this journey would be impossible.

  I am grateful to each retailer for their continued support for the Kim Stone series.

  My eternal gratitude goes to all the wonderful bloggers and reviewers who have taken the time to get to know Kim Stone and follow her story. These wonderful people shout loudly and share generously not because it is their job but because it is their passion. I will never tire of thanking this community for their support of both myself and my books. Thank you all so much.

  Massive thanks to all my fabulous readers, especially the ones that have taken time out of their busy day to visit me on my website, Facebook page, Goodreads or Twitter.


  First of all, I want to say a huge thank you for choosing to read Dead Souls, the sixth instalment of the Kim Stone series.

  This was a difficult book to write for reasons different to any other book I have written. There were moments that the research took me to a place of such disgust and despair I truly wondered if I should continue.

  I have always wanted to understand the motivations behind people who choose to perpetrate Hate Crimes against any kind of minority group as it is a mentality so completely beyond my own comprehension.

  When I made the decision to explore this subject in greater detail the relevance was not as timely or current as it is right now due to the political landscape developing around us. However, I have also been heartened by acts of support and solidarity in the face of hatred and will continue to hope for the day we focus on our similarities and not our differences.

  As many of my readers know, I like to try and offer Kim Stone a different challenge with each new story and in this one I wanted to see how she would adapt to working with another team, in an environment where she doesn’t get her own way every time. This also gave me an opportunity to explore Stacey’s character a little deeper and to pair up Bryant and Dawson for their own investigation.

  I hope you enjoyed it.

  If you did enjoy it, I would be forever grateful if you’d write a review. I’d love to hear what you think, and it can also help other readers discover one of my books for the first time. Or maybe you can recommend it to your friends and family…

  Thank you for joining me on this emotional journey.

  I'd love to hear from you – so please get in touch on my Facebook or Goodreads page, twitter or through my website.

  And if you’d like to keep up-to-date with all my latest releases, just sign up at the website link below.

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  Thank you so much for your support, it is hugely appreciated.

  Angela Marsons






  Even the darkest secrets can’t stay buried forever…

  Five figures gather round a shallow grave. They had all taken turns to dig. An adult-sized hole would have taken longer. An innocent life had been taken but the pact had been made. Their secrets would be buried, bound in blood …

  Years later, a headmistress is found brutally strangled, the first in a spate of gruesome murders which shock the Black Country.

  But when human remains are discovered at a former children’s home, disturbing secrets are also unearthed. D.I. Kim Stone fast realises she’s on the hunt for a twisted individual whose killing spree spans decades.

  As the body count rises, Kim needs to stop the murderer before they strike again. But to catch the killer, can Kim confront the demons o
f her own past before it’s too late?

  Fans of Rachel Abbott, Val McDermid and Mark Billingham will be gripped by this exceptional new voice in British crime fiction.


  What people are saying about Silent Scream

  ‘A superb debut by an assured new writer. Blending sharp wit with emotion, I thoroughly enjoyed the ride alongside DI Kim Stone and look forward to the next outing.’ Mel Sherratt

  'I absolutely loved it! ... This one is one of the best crime thrillers I've read in a long time, and that includes mainstream authors such as James Patterson! I would seriously put this book in the same league.' Fiona’s Book Reviews

  ‘I have not been so impressed by a debut novel in a long time, and I'm actually now itching for more from D.I. Kim Stone and the rest of her squad… D.I. Kim Stone is like the British Jane Rizzoli… I can't wait for the second book, because this one was a top-notch crime thriller.’ Leah Loves

  ‘I don't think I've been so hooked by a new author since the discovery of Mark Edwards or Mark Billingham… Silent Scream gets 5 stars from me - if you finish a crime thriller feeling like you just need to have a lie-down and a cup of tea to get your breath back, then the writer has done their job. Angela Marsons, I still don't have my breath back.’ Reading Room with a View

  ‘Normally when I see everybody rating a book five stars I think 'Is it really that good?' Silent Scream is that good, and then some… The only problem Angela now faces is keeping up this standard as the series progresses, but if she does than she's going to be an author to watch and a huge star within the genre.’ Book Addict Shaun




  The greater the Evil, the more deadly the game…

  When a rapist is found mutilated in a brutal attack, Detective Kim Stone and her team are called in to bring a swift resolution. But, as more vengeful killings come to light, it soon becomes clear that there is someone far more sinister at work.

  With the investigation quickly gathering momentum, Kim finds herself exposed to great danger and in the sights of a lethal individual undertaking their own twisted experiment.


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