Daring Fate: Silver Tip Pack series

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Daring Fate: Silver Tip Pack series Page 23

by Megan Erickson

  “I don’t understand.”

  “We’re not leaving.” Reese’s voice threaded into our conversation. He was awake now, sitting on the edge of the bed, Jude still laying on his side beside him, but alert.

  “You’re what?”

  “We’re staying,” Reese said firmly, rising to stand and running a hand through his bed head. “Fate chose you for me initially, but now I’m choosing you. I’m choosing this pack as my home. I’m choosing to stay here. The thought of leaving…” He shook his head. “Is like having my heart ripped out. I won’t do it, Dare.”

  I knew the feeling. “Ten minutes ago, when I thought you’d left already, I did feel like my heart had been ripped out.”

  “I know what you were doing,” he said. “You were willing to live with the Mate Pain if it meant making me happy, right?”

  He was right. I understood why he’d kept Selene’s existence from me, and I trusted he wouldn’t lie to me again. Sending him away was meant to make him happy but if it didn’t… “Yes.”

  He nodded. “Right, that’s what I thought. But leaving won’t make me happy, Dare. Ever since we left Astria, I thought this pull in my gut was telling me to go home. I guess I suck at directions, because that pull was leading me here the whole time. This is my home. This is my pack. And you’re my mate.”

  “Reese,” I whispered.

  He stepped closer. “You choose me too, right?”

  I cupped his face, running my thumb along his bottom lip. “Of course I choose you.”

  “I come with a brother and a sister. And a wolf named Hans and another wolf named Gale who I’m pretty sure is fucking Rua right now.”

  I barked out a laugh. “I choose them too.”

  He wiped his brow dramatically. “Whew, that’s a relief.”

  I dared to hope. “This is your final decision.”

  “I won’t change my mind.” He settled a hand on my waist. “I want to be here with you. I want to watch Mav grow and see my sister have pups—”


  “And try to ignore G and Jude while they eyefuck each other—”

  “We do not!”

  “And be your mate. In your bed. Until we’re gray.”

  I said against his lips, “Fate can go fuck herself.” Then I swallowed his laughter with a kiss.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  * * *

  I leaned against the outside wall, chewing on a piece of grass as Reese, his brother and sister, Hans, and Gale played a game with Mav on the side lawn. Reese called it soccer, which wasn’t something I’d ever heard of, but apparently they used to play it in Astria when he was a novus.

  The only rule I’d gathered so far was that players couldn’t use their hands, and Mav was a natural, while Hans purposefully tripped over his own feet to make my son laugh.

  Bay stood beside me watching the game, so close he brushed my arm, a habit that had become common since the challenge with Gage over a week ago. I thought it had to do with my being his alpha, but Reese had rolled his eyes when I’d expressed that to him. It’s because he’s your brother, dumbass, he’d said.

  I ruffled Bay’s hair. “I have something to tell you.”

  “Something bad?”

  “Just something.”

  Bay’s smile faded a little. “What’s up?”

  I’d put off telling Bay about Nash until he was fully healed and back to his old self. The last thing I wanted to do was pile more anxiety on him, and I’d instructed the whole rescue party to give me time to break it to him. Nash’s story deserved to be told, and I planned to tell the whole pack later that night.

  “When we rescued Jude from Xan’s place, you know he was in this hole that was dug in the ground, right?”

  “Yeah, you said there was a locked gate on top of it.”

  “Well, there were several holes. Hans was in one and in another one was a Were.”

  Bay frowned. “A Were? Really?”

  “Look at me.”

  “I’m looking at you.”

  His gaze was wandering to the wolves playing soccer. “Bay.”

  He sliced his eyes to me. “What?”

  “The Were was Nash.”

  Bay’s body went tight, the only moving part was his eyes as they studied my face. Slowly, his fists clenched, then released. His lips parted to say on a whisper, “Nash?”

  “Nash,” I confirmed. “I didn’t recognize him at first. He smelled like a Silver Tip, but it wasn’t until he said my name—and yours—that I recognized his eyes.”

  “He said my name? Wait, so he’s alive? What—?”

  “Hold on, Bay,” I said, laying a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged me off quickly, backing up a step, glaring at me with a wary look I’d never seen before. I held up a hand, palm out. “Please let me talk.”

  He nodded with a jerk.

  “Nash was badly injured and starved. I wasn’t even sure he’d make it all the way home, to be honest. But he managed to keep up with us. We ran into a pack of Noweres and fought them off, but Reese got injured when they dragged off Caro.”

  Bay swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

  “So we thought we were okay, taking stock of our injured while Reese struggled to breathe. And that’s when we caught the scent of a second Nowere pack.” I stepped closer to my brother. “You need to listen to this part closely, because it’s important, okay?”

  He nodded.

  “We were going to stay and fight. Even though I was sure we’d be wiped out. There was no other choice. But Nash volunteered to meet the Nowere pack, to divert their attention. To get them off our scent. Bay, you can ask anyone who was there. I didn’t want to say yes, but I had to think of what would be best for our pack, and that was saving as many as I could. Plus, Nash wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “H-he sacrificed himself?”

  “Yes,” I said. “He did. The last I saw of him was his back as he headed in the direction of the Nowere pack. He saved us. He saved all of us.”

  Bay lifted his hand to his mouth and turned his back to me. His shoulders shook, and I let him have that time to process what Nash had done for the pack. Finally, his breath hitched, and then he turned around, wiping his eyes. “Do you know how he ended up at the Bluefoot pack?”

  “No, I hoped to get answers later but…”

  “Right.” He stared at the top of the wall. “I’ve wondered for so long what happened to him. And now…I guess I know. I guess I have closure.”

  “I’m sorry, Bay. He asked how you were. And I said you were happy. And that seemed to give him peace.”

  “He asked about me,” Bay said thoughtfully.

  “He did.”

  He shook his head, making an odd sound somewhere between a chuckle and a sob. I finally tugged him to me, patting his back until he shoved me away with a grin. “Been meaning to ask you something.”


  He chewed the inside of his cheek. “I want to go to Astria.”

  That was the last thing I expected him to say. “What?”

  “We have reports the Whitethroat are rebuilding, and even though Reese is choosing to stay here, we have ties to that pack. What if they need help or supplies? What if they have information about the Noweres that we don’t since they survived an attack?”


  “I need this,” he said quietly. “I need to get away for a little. Complete something successful.”

  “I told you what happened with Gage wasn’t your fault—”

  “It’s not about that.” He waffled his hand. “Okay, it’s a little about that, but damn it, Dare, I’m restless. Something out there—” He pointed to the wall. “—is calling to something in here.” He beat his chest with a fist. “So let me go. You can handpick my team. I’ll go and report back. Help ease your mate’s mind.”

  “I have you safe and healthy and now you want me to be okay with sending you off on a journey that could kill you?”

The muscles in his jaw clenched. “Don’t make me disobey you.”

  “You would?”

  He paused. “I would.”

  I thought about my answer. He didn’t leave me much of a choice, but I knew he wanted my blessing, my cooperation. And I sure as hell wanted to handpick his team. “Okay, fine. But let me have a week with you before you leave, okay?”

  He smiled. Not quite the Bay of old, but close. I’d take it. “Sure, brother.”

  I slung an arm around his shoulders as we began to walk toward the soccer game. Reese was running with Mav on his shoulders, weaving around everyone on the field while my son laughed hysterically.

  Beside me, Bay laughed. “I need to learn this game so I can kick your ass.”

  I grinned. “Would love to see you try.”


  * * *

  “Are you worried about breaking the truce?” I asked Dare.

  We were lying in bed at night, drowsy after sex, but I wasn’t in the mood to sleep. My mind was on a zillion different things, one of them being my sister’s heat. To the surprise of no one, she’d chosen Hans to get her through it, and, although I trusted the wolf, I was still hoping everything was all right, and that her first experience was positive for her and…

  “Reese, you gotta stop.”

  I turned my head to see Dare’s eyes glowing green in the moonlight. “Stop what?”

  “Thinking. You’re doing it so hard, I can hear everything, and it’s giving me a headache.”

  I gaped at him. “Well excuse me that I have a sister in heat, and I can’t stop thinking of Zin and Zen, and that Astria—”

  He cut me off with a kiss, and I promptly shoved him away. “That was not nice.”

  “My kisses aren’t nice?”

  I scowled. “You know what I mean.”

  He sighed, his barrel chest expanding. “Little wolf, we’re not doing anything about any of that right now. Tomorrow, we’ll sit down with my guard and make a list of all you’re worried about and how we plan to deal with it. But tonight? Let’s relax.”

  He was right, of course he was right. The stars in the clear sky twinkled down at us through the skylight. While that ache in my gut was gone, I still wondered if there were members of my pack looking at the same stars right this minute down south in Astria. “Okay, a plan is good. I appreciate that.”

  “I’m concerned about the same things you’re concerned about, but it’s nothing urgent.”

  I gulped. “Right.”

  Dare didn’t speak for a long moment, and when he did, his voice was low. “Bay is going to scout Astria.”

  I turned my head so fast, I pulled a muscle. “What?”

  “He wants to leave. He said he’s restless and wants to make a difference.”

  “So he’s…”

  “It’s a little bit for you, and a little bit for him. But this will give you peace of mind. He plans to open up communication between the packs if he makes contact with a Whitethroat.”

  I wanted to go hug Bay. Right now. “That’s…so nice, I don’t know what to say.”

  “He’s not leaving for a week.” Dare folded his hands behind his head. “You can talk to him tomorrow.” He yawned. “Can we sleep yet?”

  “I’m not that tired.”

  He raised a dark eyebrow. “Oh yeah?” His lips tilted up, and he rolled over, gripping my ass and pulling me astride him. “I can make you tired.”

  I curled my nails into his chest as my cock quickly hardened. Another round would be a perfect way to—

  A knock at the door interrupted us. I slipped off his lap, and Dare stood up with a growl, stalking toward the door. He flung it open to find Cati and Mav. Cati’s smile was anything but apologetic. “Sorry, but I’m needed to help with a birth. Can you take Mav?”

  I smothered a smile as Dare tried to cover his irritation. “Uh, sure.”

  Cati smirked, then ushered Mav inside. She waved to me. “Hey Reese.”

  “Hey there.”

  “You boys have a nice night.” She winked before leaving.

  Dare shut the door, and Mav made a beeline for the bed, taking a flying leap and landing in my arms. “Hi Reethe,” he said.

  “How you doing, buddy?” I gave him a playful shove and he growled and lunged at me again. I fell back onto the bed with a laugh as Mav pretended to bite my neck.

  The bed dipped as Dare came back. He watched us wrestle until we both lay on the bed, panting.

  “Okay, I think I’m tired now,” I said with a grin.

  Dare rolled his eyes, and muttered, “’Course.”

  Mav hugged his father around the neck, and the three of us settled down under the sheet, Mav in the middle.

  He fell asleep quickly, and little snores escaped his lips.

  Dare kissed his hair, then watched me over Mav’s head. “Tomorrow,” he said quietly. “We’ll figure it all out tomorrow. For now, relax. You’re home.”

  “Yeah.” I grinned. “I’m home.”

  * * *


  * * *

  Can’t get enough of the Silver Tip pack?

  Coming in 2017, don’t miss when Bay ventures outside the walls…

  * * *

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  Astria: Home of the Whitethroat pack and several other werewolf packs

  Bluefoot Pack: Werewolves, run by Alpha Xan

  Eury: Home of the Silver Tip Pack, the Blackfoot pack, and several other werewolf packs

  Muto: A shifter’s first change, usually occurs around age 18

  Novus: A shifter who has not had their first change yet

  Nowere: An undead Were. Stuck in Were form. Roams in packs. Kills werewolves and turns Weres.

  Silver Tip Pack: Weres, run by Alpha Dare

  Were: A type of shifter who has three forms—Human; four-legged wolf; upright wolf/human hybrid

  Werewolf: A type of shifter who has two forms—human; four-legged wolf

  Whitethroat pack: Reese, Jude, and Selene’s home pack. Was decimated in a Nowere attack

  About the Author

  Megan Erickson worked as a journalist covering real-life dramas before she decided she liked writing her own endings better and switched to fiction. She's a multi-published author with Avon, Berkley, and Entangled. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids and two cats.

  Feel free to contact her at




  Other books by Megan Erickson

  In Focus series

  Trust the Focus

  Focus on Me

  Out of Frame


  * * *

  Bowler University series

  Make it Count

  Make it Right

  Make it Last

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  Mechanics of Love series

  Dirty Thoughts

  Dirty Talk

  Dirty Deeds

  * * *

  Gamers series

  Changing His Game

  Playing for Her Heart

  Tied to Trouble

  * * *

  Cyberlove series (co-written with Santino Hassell)

  Strong Signal

  Fast Connection


  This book was a book I wasn’t sure I’d publish. Truth talk—I love reading shifter books. But I wasn’t sure I’d ever write one. I didn’t have an idea, but I went to bed one night thinking about Reese, and by the time I woke up, Dare was full formed in my head, as well as the first scene.

  I wrote it down.

  Then kept writing.

  And here we are. A published book.

  This is my first solo self-published book since my very first novel in 2013 (which I’ve now pulled to re-edit) so I was very, very nervous. I needed a lot of encouragement, and my friends had to listen to me whine,
haha. I owe a huge thanks to Lia Riley, AJ Pine, and Natalie Blitt for putting up with me. You never let me down. Thank you to Santino Hassell for doing late night word sprints with me so I could finish this book. Also, thank you for reading the first chapter and encouraging me to keep going!

  Thank you to Natalie Blitt, Eddie, Sara Beth, and Sasha Devlin for your excellent beta notes on this book. I know it wasn’t easy. I have world building and shifter lore, and you all helped immensely.

  Natasha Snow, as always, you nailed this cover. I adore working with you, and you are so talented.

  Edie Danford, you are a wonderful copy editor. You really made this book shine with your thoughtful edits. I can’t thank you enough!

  Thank you to my assistant Keyanna Butler for being the best damn assistant I could have. You are my friend, my confidante, my cheerleader, and lots of other things I don’t have English words for. Thanks for putting up with me and for letting me freak out on you the day before I announced this book.

  And last but not least, thank you to my readers, especially those in Meg’s Mob. I don’t know what I’d do without you all. You follow me as I hop from genre to genre. You are excited and right there with me along the way. I am so lucky to have you. I received a message on Twitter from a reader saying about this book, “It’s not my genre, but I’m finding you are my genre.” That’s the best compliment ever. I hope I continue to do you all proud, and earn the faith you’ve placed in my books. Thank you.


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