Yuletide Happily Ever Afters; A Merry Little Set Of Regency Romances

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Yuletide Happily Ever Afters; A Merry Little Set Of Regency Romances Page 25

by Jenna Jaxon

  Sarah nodded even as she wondered at such a miracle. Could she allow Daniel to make such a sacrifice? To knowingly risk being involved in one of the worst scandals of the ton?

  “I love you, too. So very much. But if this came out, and your name was blackened because of me, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself,” she told him miserably, for it was the truth.

  She loved him too much to let him take that chance.

  Daniel suddenly grinned, and to Sarah’s mind, it looked a little sheepish.

  “Now that we’re clear about the fact that I don’t care about your parentage, and that I want to marry you regardless of any of that…”

  A thrill of excitement shot through Sarah at the mention of marrying.

  “I feel I must tell you that your brother won’t be bothering you again, whether we are here, or at any of my estates in England, or walking through Hyde Park in the height of the Season.”

  A swell of confusion and apprehension spread through her.

  He wasn’t suggesting brazening it out, was he? Because she couldn’t, just couldn’t return to London only to receive the cut direct from the people with whom she used to socialise. It would be far too humiliating.

  “Daniel, I don’t want to — to be exposed—“

  He reached out and took both her hands in his own. “Did it never occur to you, my darling, that the timing of the letters’ discovery was more than a little coincidental? Your father’s pockets were to let. Everyone knew it. And Whitton’s spending is no better. It seems he inherited his father’s talent for gambling.”

  Sarah’s mind was spinning.

  “You don’t think he would do something this, this — he could go to gaol,” she exclaimed.

  “Desperation makes a man do foolish things, Sarah.” Daniel smiled self-deprecatingly. “I ran away to a Scottish hamlet to try to forget you.”

  She returned his smile in spite of the grave situation. But her mind wouldn’t be quieted for long.

  “It would be next to impossible to prove such a thing, even if it were true. And I’m afraid I do not wish to have such personal things dragged through the courts and thus the Society papers.”

  “And I wouldn’t want to put you through it, my love.”

  Even in the midst of the seriousness of their conversation, Sarah couldn’t help a frisson of pleasure at his endearments.

  “It’s only a suspicion, after all. But it does beg the question. If your brother is forging letters questioning your parentage, what’s the reason?”

  Sarah frowned at him until suddenly, the thought hit. “My inheritance. He knew I wouldn’t stop him from taking it all to keep a secret like that.”

  Daniel grimaced darkly. “Precisely.”

  “But, what can I do?”

  “Truth be told, not a lot. I know you don’t want any ugliness brought to light, and I would sooner put a bullet in your wastrel brother than allow him to upset you again.”

  Once again, Sarah was surprised by the vehement anger in Daniel’s tone and expression.

  “I only want to protect you,” he finished softly, and she positively melted.

  The man caused utter chaos with her emotions at every turn.

  “This is taking me an age to get through,” he said wryly. “When all I want to do is kiss you senseless.”

  Without conscious thought, Sarah swayed toward him, but to her chagrin, Daniel planted her firmly away from him.

  She scowled her disappointment, and he laughed softly, brushing a finger along her cheek.

  “Let me finish, my love. We shall have a lifetime of kisses after this.”

  Sarah’s heart fluttered alarmingly at his words. He’d be the death of her before he was through.

  “In short, the man is up to his tonsils in debt, and I have no doubt he came up with this dastardly scheme to get his hands on your money. I’m equally sure that he’s already spent a goodly amount of it. He’s on the verge of debtors prison. And I can’t think of a better place for him, frankly.”

  Daniel studied her for a moment, then sighed.

  “But I cannot wait to start my life with you, Sarah. I’ve waited long enough. I don’t want to wait until prison solves the problem of your brother. And so, I paid a visit to him last night after I left the ball. And I — er — politely asked that he arrange for any documents pertaining to your alleged parentage to be sent to my Mayfair address immediately.”

  Sarah felt her jaw drop open. What was it that George had said? Michael had left as though the hounds of hell were at his heels. She could only imagine that Daniel was as fearsome as any hellhound could hope to be.

  But surely it wasn’t so easy.

  “How can you trust that he’ll do it?”

  Daniel’s smile was positively wolfish.

  “I told him that I’d written to my man of business, and that by the time he returned to Town, I would have ownership of all of his debts. I can call them in whenever I want. I can ruin him completely. And I will not hesitate to do so should there be even a whisper about your name bandied about.”

  “Daniel,” she exclaimed. “You didn’t! Why, that would amount to a small fortune. And, and you shouldn’t have to pay my scoundrel brother off. I don’t want you to—“

  “Hush—” He strode forward, grasping her hands again. “I’d pay ten times what they cost if it meant you could be free of your fear. A hundred times if it meant you were free to return to London as my wife.”

  Sarah’s heart burst with happiness. How was it that she had gone from utter despair to pure, unadulterated joy?

  All her fears of the last few years — gone. And she could finally be with the only man she’d ever loved.

  It was a miracle.

  She couldn’t contain herself any longer. With a laugh of happiness, she threw herself into his arms.

  And Daniel didn’t hesitate to take her lips in an earth-shattering kiss.

  Just before Sarah felt as though she would swoon from sheer desire, he broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to her own.

  Then he grinned that boyish grin that set her heart aflutter once more.

  Wordlessly, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small box.

  Her fluttering heart stopped dead in her chest before picking up even more speed than before.

  Kneeling before her, Daniel opened the box with a click, revealing the most beautiful sapphire Sarah had ever seen.

  “I’ve often heard people talk of the magic of Christmas,” he said softly. “But I’ve never been one to believe such things. Yet, when I saw you standing in the Assembly Rooms all those weeks ago, I knew that it must be true. It can only be magic that brought you back to me.”

  He paused to hand Sarah a handkerchief, which she took with a watery laugh. The crying would really have to stop.

  “I love you, Sarah Starling. I would love you no matter who you were, or where you came from. I will love you for the rest of this life and on into the next. Marry me?”

  “Of course, I will,” she cried, once more launching herself into his arms so they both fell back into the snow, Daniel breaking her fall, pulling her to lie atop him.

  “You’ll freeze out here,” she said softly. “Wouldn’t you rather be inside?”

  “There’s nowhere I’d rather be,” he answered.

  And when he kissed her, Sarah knew she agreed whole-heartedly. Finally, she could stop running. She was right where she wanted to be. Forever.


  “You’re fidgeting, sweetheart.”

  Sarah frowned at her husband. Husband! It still sounded as wonderful as it had when they’d exchanged their vows on Twelfth Night.

  The ceremony had been small and beautiful, followed by a ball that had been attended by the whole village.

  Elizabeth had jokingly insisted that they stay in the hunting lodge every Christmastide and share in the hosting duties.

  “After all—” She’d beamed. “A duchess definitely trumps a baroness.”

bsp; They’d stayed only a couple of days longer before Daniel said he wanted to return to England to ensure that his business with Michael had been taken care of.

  So now, here they sat, prepared to make the long journey back to Town, and already her stomach was roiling with nerves.

  “What if he didn’t agree, Daniel? What if—“

  Her words were suddenly cut off as Daniel leaned over and plucked her bodily from her seat, placing her in his lap.

  “Daniel! Really.”

  He muffled her protestations with a kiss and within seconds, all thoughts of Michael and of anything really, were gone from her head.

  With a sigh, she sank into the kiss, allowing her husband to work that magic only he was capable of.

  He broke the kiss with a groan.

  “You’ll be the death of me,” he growled, eliciting a delighted giggle from his wife. “And much as I’d quite like to experience such a death, we don’t have time. We’re here.”

  Sarah frowned in confusion. They couldn’t be here. They had at least another day’s travelling ahead of them.

  The carriage rolled to a stop, and Daniel banged on the ceiling.

  “Surprise, my love.” He grinned before the door flew open and there stood her dearest friend, Isabelle Carlton. Well, Isabelle Rourke now, Sarah supposed. The Duchess of Balton.

  “Isabelle?” she cried.


  Sarah couldn’t help but laugh as her tearaway friend climbed into the carriage, skirts hitched up around her knees.

  Never had there been a duchess like Isabelle, she was sure.

  The ladies embraced, tears and laughter and exclamations echoing around the carriage.

  “I suggest you make your escape.” Mathew, the Duke of Balton, grinned at Daniel, holding out a hand to shake.

  Daniel climbed from the carriage, leaving the ladies ensconced inside, and took Mathew’s hand.

  “Congratulations on your marriage,” Mathew said.

  “And yours,” Daniel responded, earning a chuckle from the other handsome duke. “It suits you,” he continued as the ladies chattered away, talking a mile a minute. “You seem far less grumpy.”

  “Belle brings out my less grumpy side.” Mathew’s eyes softened as they landed on his wife, who was pulling Sarah impatiently from the carriage. “Besides, I find not having to vie for her affection puts me in better humour.”

  Daniel, who had been watching his own wife with a similar expression turned back to Mathew now.

  “I don’t know what I was thinking,” he said sombrely. “The idea of being with anyone but Sarah. It’s—“

  He hesitated, unable to find the words. As it turned out, he didn’t need to.

  “I know,” Mathew said softly. “Love, eh?”


  “Mathew, do you remember Sarah?” Isabelle’s voice sounded excitedly as she dragged Sarah forward.

  “Lady Darthford.” Mathew bowed over Sarah’s hand, whilst Isabelle greeted Daniel warmly. “A pleasure to see you looking so well. Marriage agrees with you.”

  “And with you, your grace,” Sarah answered. “And certainly with Isabelle. She looks very happy.”

  “How long will you stay?” Isabelle interrupted without a care to the conversation going on without her. “I hope it will be some weeks, at least. We have so much to catch up on. Years! Why did you run? Oh, was it a marvellous scandal? I hope it was. I do love a good scandal. And of course, when Daniel wrote to say he’d found you, I was beside myself. I wanted to rush straight to Scotland, but Mathew would have an apoplexy worrying. Delicate state, you know.” She winked outrageously, and Sarah laughed.

  Oh, how she’d missed her friend.

  “Belle, darling.” Mathew spoke when his wife took a breath. “Perhaps we should let them get settled before—“

  “I knew Daniel had been in love, you know,” Isabelle started again, oblivious to her husband’s suggestion. Or choosing to ignore it. “Imagine my surprise when I found out it had been you. All these years he’s pined for you.”

  Sarah glanced at Daniel, and he came forward, taking her hand and kissing the palm.

  “It’s true,” he whispered conspiratorially.

  Isabelle beamed as she watched them, then turned to Mathew, who had come to take her hand and guide her inside so that they could at least sit down. “Didn’t I tell you, Mathew? Pining for so long.”

  “You did, love.” He smiled indulgently. “And I know the feeling.”

  Isabelle reached over and gave her a husband a kiss that would have scandalised Sarah if she hadn’t been guilty of similar behaviour with her own husband.

  When they stepped inside Mathew’s colossal house, Isabelle turned and grinned at Sarah.

  “It’s just so wonderful to have you back where you belong,” she said before walking ahead in the arms of her clearly doting husband.

  Daniel pulled Sarah to a stop so they were alone in the foyer.

  “Isabelle is right,” he said, wrapping his arms around Sarah and pulling her close. “It is wonderful to have you back in my arms. Where you belong.”

  Sarah sighed happily and reached up to kiss her husband. Right there in his arms. Right where she belonged.

  The End


  Isabelle Carlton has loved the boy next door for as long as she can remember.

  Now they’re both grown up, their lives could not be more different; Mathew is a studious, serious duke, and Isabelle a social butterfly and the darling of the ton.

  But Isabelle still wants Mathew, and she has no intention of letting him go.

  So, all she has to do is make him fall desperately in love with her. And who better to help than the man himself?

  Mathew Rourke hates everything about the shallow world of the ton, and the people who play its foolish game.

  And none of them play it more than Isabelle Carlton.

  When Isabelle enlists Mathew’s help to catch herself a husband, he reluctantly agrees.

  After all, when has he ever been able to tell her no?

  But helping Isabelle is getting increasingly more difficult. For one thing, he can’t help but wonder why she needs any help. And for another, he can’t seem to want to let her go.

  Do opposites really attract? And can this beauty catch the duke next door?


  Nadine Millard is a writer hailing from Dublin, Ireland. Having studied and worked in law for a number of years, Nadine started writing when she became a stay at home mother to her three children.

  Now she can be found writing romances, looking after her children, her dog, her cat, and neglecting household chores to the best of her ability.

  She can be found on all social media and loves to hear from readers!

  Twelve Gifts By Christmas

  Tabetha Waite

  Twelve Gifts by Christmas

  Sometimes love shows up when you least expect it…

  Lady Philomena Wallace, Countess of Lipscomb, is not a woman in the first blush of youth. As a widow, she has seen her share of loss. She is perfectly content with her life as it is. Or, at least that’s what she thought. As the Christmas Season approaches, she begins to receive anonymous gifts from a secret admirer. He claims that he will reveal his identity on Christmas Day. But what begins as a rather intriguing prospect suddenly turns complicated when a man from her past abruptly resurfaces…

  And turns out to be the best decision you ever make.

  On a busy London street, Julian Solomon encounters Mena, the village girl he met long ago. At the time, she had been pledged to another, but even so, he knew her family would never approve his suit as a poor commoner, so he leaves for America, determined to make a better life for himself. Twenty years later he returns to England, intent on charming the woman he’d never truly forgotten. But as life has taught him, not everything works out as you plan, and sometimes, you need a little Christmas spirit to finally achieve what you’ve alwa
ys wanted.

  Other Titles by Tabetha Waite


  Why the Earl is After the Girl

  Where the Viscount Met His Match

  When a Duke Pursues a Lady

  Coming Soon…

  Who the Marquess Dares to Desire.

  Twelve Gifts by Christmas

  Copyright © 2018 Tabetha Waite

  All rights reserved.

  Dedicated to the men and women who are still searching for their true love. It’s never too late to believe.


  December 1817

  London, England

  Philomena Wallace, Countess of Lipscomb, was sitting at her writing desk in the front parlor of her London townhouse when the butler entered with a fantastic array of roses.

  “These just arrived for you, my lady.”

  Mena, as she was known to most, removed her spectacles and narrowed her eyes curiously on the lovely arrangement. “Indeed?” Standing, she smoothed down her simple frock and walked forward. Twelve, perfect blossoms in a rainbow of colors greeted her gaze. Touching one soft petal, she bent down and sniffed a fragrant bloom.

  It was rare to find such healthy flowers this late in the year, so they must have come from a hothouse. But who would put forth such an effort for a widow approaching forty-two years of age? She had long passed the time when she would have entertained the idea of a suitor, especially now that she had two grown children — although her son, God rest his soul, had died two years ago in the battle of Waterloo. Then again, it was probably just a kind gesture from her recently married daughter, Marigold.

  Thankfully, there was a card. After reading it once, she blinked, and then read it three more times. Each time she read the sender’s words, it just became more confusing. Not only that, but the writing wasn’t in her daughter’s hand, but rather a fine, masculine script.


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