The Aisle and Skye (The Skye Series Book 2)

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The Aisle and Skye (The Skye Series Book 2) Page 16

by Fox Brison

  “I said yes. And I won’t take it back. Ever.” She tilted her head and grinned mischievously. “Unless you turn into a bridezilla.” She brushed the hair back from my face.

  “It’s not me we have to worry about, it’s Sara being chief bridesmaidzilla,” I said leaning into her hand.

  Skye laughed, a true and hearty laugh and it was like hearing bird song for the very first time. “You, me the family. That’s it.” Her eyes were brighter and her face lost the drawn appearance that had grown ever present.

  “You, me, and the family,” I agreed. I could deny her nothing because, quite frankly, she was everything to me.

  Chapter 36


  “I’d better call Mam and let her know we won’t be joining the clan for our traditional Christmas Eve get together,” Natalie said once we were safely back on dry land.

  “We won’t?” I asked. I couldn’t decide if I was relieved or disappointed by her announcement. I decided on relieved. No, wait, I was ecstatic. I understood why she wanted to be alone, because I too wanted this moment to be about us and nobody else. I looked down at the Hula Hoop crisp on my finger. An unusual engagement ring, that’s for sure, and I grinned as memories of me as a seven year old placing them on my finger and pretending to get married flashed in my mind’s eye.

  Before scarfing them down.

  “Yes, it went well… Mam… Mam… wait, we’re still walking home.” Nat shook her head at me. The torch I was carrying also shook – because I was laughing. Once Mrs Jeffries got started it was hard to stop her! “Mam… I forgot… is it still on the table? You know what. What I showed you this morning.” Natalie began blushing. “The ring, is it still on the kitchen… It is? Oh thank fu-… sorry Mam, I know you don’t like bad language… I thought I might have dropped it in Tommy’s boat or something! Yes, we’ll be there tomorrow… yes I promise… Mam said she’ll see you tomorrow and she loves you too.”

  “Bye Mrs-” before I could finish Natalie hung up and we started walking much quicker. Yes it was bitter but… she stopped, turned and her lips crashed onto mine. The kiss started hard and fast before softening and ending tenderly. She smiled, not her adorable dimpled goofy one, but her hot seductive dimpled one.

  Seriously, those dimples are probably illegal in forty eight states.

  The familiar tingle of sexual attraction raced right through me and hit my core.

  We ran the last mile back to the cottage to escape the penetrating wind and horizontal rain that sprung up from nowhere. Once inside, panting like a dog in forty degree heat who hadn’t had water for two days, I went straight to the bedroom to change, whilst Nat, barely out of breath, insisted she fire up the woodburner. Opening the dresser drawer, I moved some of my unmentionables to the side.

  And this time it was my underwear, not my snow globes, I was talking about.

  There it was. My hand trembled as I retrieved the midnight blue velvet box I’d hidden at Thanksgiving. I quickly put on my dry pyjamas and joined my fiancée (I would never tire of saying that) in the living room.

  I kissed her again, craving the intimacy after starving myself of it for so long. Nat popped the cork on a bottle of champagne. “You may not have a ring yet, but at least I have the bubbly,” she laughed, but it was a slightly embarrassed one.

  “Well we do have one ring.” Nestled on a bed of navy satin, the small emerald ring set on a silver band winked up at us. “Yours.”

  She gave a tiny whimper, of joy I hoped, and slipped the ring on her finger. “Oh, Skye, darling, you were going to ask me?” She looked utterly stupefied, which considering how I’d been acting, wasn’t surprising.

  “Yes. I can’t believe you beat me to the punch,” I said with a wry chuckle. “You’re so competitive.”

  “I was originally going to go for the romance vote on Valentine’s.”

  “Me too! Great minds, sweetie,” we clinked glasses.

  “Should I have waited?” she asked timidly.

  “No, not at all. I could never have topped your proposal, it was wonderful, like a fairy tale.”

  “Yes, so wonderful you have a Hula Hoop on your finger,” she observed disparagingly.

  “I adore this ring.” I stared at the crispy golden hoop adorning my ring finger. It was a miracle I hadn’t eaten it because they really were my favourite. “I may even get a replica made, a scratch and sniff one for authenticity.” Natalie giggled and we finished our champagne in silence as the clock struck ten.

  “Skye, I don’t want to spoil the mood, but I need to make one thing clear. No more secrets. We face every challenge together. I nearly lost you because you were scared and I totally screwed up when I didn’t tell you about the fears I had about my career.”

  “It won’t be easy to change the habit of a lifetime,” I teased, “but I will for you.”

  “That’s all I can ask for. C’mon, we’d better get some sleep because I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be pretty hectic.” Natalie took my hand and led me into the bedroom. Soft lighting highlighted her strong face and her hazel eyes glowed. “Do you know what would make the night complete?”

  “What?” Surely she didn’t have any more surprises.

  “Wait here for a sec.” She left me standing in the middle of our bedroom and moments later my favourite song echoed from the living room. When she returned she held out her hand. “Dance with me?”

  “Always,” I said, stepping into her waiting arms.

  Nat duetted with Jasmine Thompson, first humming and then whispering the words to me; it was like a reverential prayer… “In the blink of an eye, just a whisper of smoke, you could lose everything, the truth is you never know… so I'll kiss you longer baby, any chance that I get, I'll make the most of the minutes, and love with no regrets…”

  She didn’t wait for the song to end, it was like she was hearing the words for the first time and wanted to make sure I understood she meant every last one of them. Undoing the top button of my pyjama top she stopped abruptly.

  This really wasn’t the moment for delayed gratification!

  “Is this okay?” she asked, her voice small.

  “Yes. I need…” I faltered. “I need you Natalie. I need you tonight and every night for the rest of my life.” Her eyes caressed every inch of my body, a loving gaze that affected me the same way as if it was her touch. Easing me back onto the bed, she performed my own private striptease and her body, once so familiar, was yet so new. Her defined abs gave way to breasts that were flawless in their beauty. I ached to touch them, to touch the soft skin and the rock hard muscles that would contract when my fingers trailed a path over them.

  By the time she was naked, my body was thrumming with desire.

  Climbing on top of me she rested her weight on her elbows, and her eyes penetrated my soul. “Forever, sweetheart.” She lowered herself and pressed her hips firmly onto mine. A thrill raced through me; after weeks worrying that I might die, I’d forgotten the most important thing – how to live.

  Natalie took her time exploring my body, but stiffened when she neared my breasts. She looked up at me seeking reassurance. Arching my back, I lifted my breast to her mouth and she groaned as her lips found it. Leisurely, she licked each nipple into hard peaks. Throwing my head back, moans of pleasure escaped through half gritted teeth. I was on the cusp, but Natalie didn’t rush, she wanted to savour every second. She moved further down my body, worshipping every inch of exposed skin, until she reached my core. There she circled my clit with her tongue until I was begging her to enter me. Within seconds of her fingers slipping inside I cried out in ecstasy and I came.

  And came hard.

  “I’ve missed you.” I tasted myself on her lips as I wiped away the tears that fell on her cheeks.

  A smile slowly spread across her face and she waited, briefly, for me to recover, before commencing round two, her thumb strumming my clit and her tongue lapping my arousal. My hands found her head as I raised my hips, engaging her in a choreograph
ed dance that brought me ever closer to the edge of insanity.

  I willingly threw myself over the edge.


  I woke and glanced at the bright red numbers on the old school digital alarm clock. Three am. Natalie felt me stirring. “You’re not getting up?” she murmured, her voice rasping with the lingering memory of her dreams.

  “I can’t sleep,” I replied, turning over to face her.

  “Who said anything about sleeping?” she said kissing my shoulder.

  Our lovemaking was far more energetic the second time round, mainly on my insistence. I didn’t want our lives to be spoilt by the shadow that was looming large over us, it was only a shadow after all, and having sex like I was a porcelain doll wasn’t cutting it for me. I needed to feel wanted, to feel desired; so Natalie dominated me. She orchestrated our movements like a maestro. It was amazing and I was wrecked. Happily wrecked.

  Because at long last I felt like myself, not a series of distorted reflections in a carnival house of mirrors.

  Chapter 37


  Christmas morning arrived with Nat and I entwined in each other’s arms and legs. It was the best Christmas present I could have ever wished for, and we were like a Mobius strip with no discernible beginning, middle or end.

  After a quick cup of coffee we opened our gifts to each other, the last one coming as rather a shock if I’m honest, although it definitely would have come in handy the night before. I held it nervously. We’d talked about buying this particular accessory, but I’d forgotten all about it. The blush on Nat’s face said it all. “For you?”

  “For both of us.” Her cocky grin was back with a vengeance and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I’m gathering you’ll be the one wearing it?” She raised an eyebrow and I giggled. “You really are such a top, Jeffries.”

  “You always got a kick out of it when we talked about using one.”

  She was right I did and I was already picturing her above me, her hands grabbing my hips as she spun me over… hellfire! Hello libido and welcome back. “Do we have time?” I growled.

  Natalie laughed before her expression intensified. “Later. I want to take my time with you.”

  God give me strength… for the past twelve hours I’d been in a constant state of arousal and from the determination in Nat’s eyes, I was going to have to get used to the feeling.


  We set off for Mr and Mrs Jeffries’ house, but got side tracked. We ended up walking down to the beach and around the island until we reached the causeway. Natalie never let go of my hand once, not even the three times I slipped on wet rocks and nearly pulled her over.

  “Would it be awful if we stayed here?” Here was the steps up into the hut.

  “Not awful,” I said, “but cold and eventually wet. Besides we both know Sara’s going to be a nightmare until we get there. I’m surprised she hasn’t called.”

  “I left our phones at home,” Natalie said sheepishly.

  Finally we unlatched the garden gate and were met by Sara the back door, her arms folded. She, Andy and the kids always stayed over on Christmas Eve and after a cacophonous welcome, Jack and Sally begged to open the last of their presents.

  “Well, is one of you going to tell us?” Sara asked, reaching for my hand. I laughed and pulled it away.

  “I said yes.” I admitted shyly. I put out my left hand out and spread my fingers.

  “What the?” Sara looked down at my Hula Hoop then back at me. Then back at my finger.

  “This was the ring Nat proposed with and I love it.” And I really did.

  “You do realise that thing is going to be manky within a week. I’m surprised a gull didn’t take your finger off on the way over here,” she said with a shake of her head.

  “It’ll last forever because I’m going to buy an airtight case for it. It’ll have pride and place in our home.”

  “Only you would treat a crisp like it was Gollum’s ring. If you start muttering my precious, I’m taking you back to the quacks. So.”

  “So?” I was still laughing at the Gollum reference.

  “So you’re going to officially be my sister,” she cooed excitedly.

  “Yes I am.”

  “Right then let’s do this properly.” Nat came back into the kitchen followed by her parents. She got down on one knee and held out a box. “Skye Donaghie-”

  “Get up you fool,” I interrupted, chuckling. “You’ll do your knee in again!”

  “It would be worth it,” Natalie said quietly. “Will you please remove that crisp and put this one on before my sister has a fit?” I bent over and kissed her, before swapping rings. I was totally serious about the Hula Hoop though; I put it in the ring box for safe keeping, much to Sara’s consternation.

  But this time it was nothing to do with my OCD and everything to do with my heart.

  Nat was being congratulated by the rest of her family when Sara pulled me to one side. “Did you tell her?” she asked surreptitiously.

  “Yes. You were right, I should never have kept it from her, but thank you for keeping my secret. I know how hard it must have been.”

  “How hard what must’ve been?” Natalie said after overhearing the tail end of our conversation.

  “Nothing important,” I said.

  “No more secrets, remember?” She gave a particularly resolute lift of her eyebrows. It was sexy and made me tingle. Until I remembered why she was being so dogged. Damn.

  I glanced at Sara who thought much faster on her feet than I did. “Skye was telling me about the lump,” she covered.

  “Oh really?” Natalie drawled before narrowing her eyes. “You don’t seem very shocked or upset, but that’s because you already knew didn’t you? I can’t believe you kept this from me!”

  “What was I supposed to do, Nat? Break Skye’s confidence?” Sara argued back.

  “Nat,” I tried to interrupt, but she was furious. I think that more than anything else brought home precisely how worried and hurt she had been, all because of my cowardice.

  “Skye would have eventually forgiven you for giving it up,” she stormed, “but I’m not sure I can!”

  I hurriedly dragged Nat into the hall before things escalated even more. “I made Sara promise, sweetheart. You have to understand I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m still not, not really.”

  “You’re not changing your mind?” Natalie suddenly paled. “Please, Skye, don’t...”

  “Oh Nat, no,” I cupped her chin in my hand. “Not at all. But you can’t blame Sara. She was worried I’d disappear and cut everyone off. I put her in an impossible position, she only did what she thought was best.”

  “I don’t know, Skye. I still think-” she shook her head. “It still hurts that you thought you couldn’t tell me.”

  “I was scared.”

  “That I’d leave?”

  “No, the complete opposite. I was scared you’d stay,” I replied honestly.

  “I can’t work you out, Skye Donaghie,” she pulled me closer and inhaled, “but I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying.” Natalie sealed her promise with a kiss.

  We re-joined everyone and Sara bit her bottom lip. “We okay, Sis?” she asked.

  “Sure,” Natalie said. “It’s not like I’ve ever told you Andy hates your Pavlova and for the past five years has fed it to the dog when you’re making the coffee. I guess we all keep secrets.”

  “Yes we do - wait! Andy?”

  “She’s kidding,” Andy said with a scowl. “You know I adore your Pavlova.”

  “Bitch,” Sara smiled.

  “Glad to see the two of you have kissed and made up. Now may I see the ring in its proper place on my new fd’s finger?” Mrs Jeffries passed us each a glass of wine.

  “Fd?” I interrupted Sara and Nat’s bickering. Once they started, rather like the email subscriptions palaver, it would rumble on and on.

  Besides I’m not sure it was a joke; Sara’s Pavlova really was

  “Favourite daughter,” Mrs Jeffries replied.

  “Cheers, Mam!” Natalie and Sara exclaimed in unison, and the whole room burst out laughing.

  It was a moment memories are made of and one I would never, ever forget.

  Chapter 38


  Christmas Day passed in a blur of wine, women and song. And food. OMG the food! I ate enough to sink HMS Belfast. It was seven pm and I still felt full to the gunnels and that was after another long walk along the beach. Mind you, I couldn’t remember a happier day, and that was saying something because since I’d fallen in love with Nat, I’d had more happy days than Fonzie himself!

  Holding my hand up, I rubbed my engagement ring with my thumb. “This is the best thing ever,” I said, “because every time I look at it, it takes my mind from the darkness and into the light, even if it is only for a few minutes at a time.”

  “I’m glad, baby. So when are you going to tell Robbie and Cameron?” Natalie asked as the flames of the wood flared into life. It was hypnotic.

  “They’re coming over tomorrow to watch the match. I’m doing a Boxing Day buffet.”

  “Jesus, I’d completely forgotten,” she jerked upright. “How do you think they’ll take it? I mean, it’s all so new to them… maybe I should have, I don’t know, asked their permission?”

  “Natalie, I’m a lesbian not Elizabeth Bennett. You don’t have to ask for anyone’s permission,” I snorted.

  “I know, I just want them to understand I respect you and...”

  “They know you respect me, and I know you respect me,” I interrupted, “but how about tonight we play with our new toy and you act like you don’t respect me?” I bit the inside of my cheek and blushed, I even hung my head embarrassedly, but I don’t think Natalie noticed because I’ve never seen her move so fast – on or off the pitch!


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