Last Call: A Camden Ranch Novel

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Last Call: A Camden Ranch Novel Page 19

by Jillian Neal

  “He’s already telling you things he won’t even tell himself. Bet that’ll drive him up one hay bale and over another when he realizes it. Let out a little rope, baby girl, and settle on down in that saddle. Getting Aaron Weber where he needs to be is gonna be one hell of a ride. You remember all them times Sundance hurled you to the ground when you were trying to break her?”

  “Yeah, my ass still hurts just thinking about it.”

  “Things worth having in this life don’t often go down without a fight.”


  Aaron gave another two-toned deliberate whistle followed by a higher pitched one. Scanning the trees and brush surrounding him, he got no response so he hiked deeper into the woods. His next signal was met with a matching whistle. He followed the sound another hundred paces.

  “T?” he called.

  “Right here.”

  Aaron almost tripped over him. He was burrowed down in the leaves. “You are aware this is the Pleasant Glen Sheriff’s Department after you not M.P.’s right?”

  “Hey, I wasn’t taking any chances. I’m not going to jail tonight, and I can’t run.”

  Griff stepped out from behind a tree, buckling his belt. “Sorry. Had to piss.”

  “What the hell did you two do?”

  “Well, we found your guy for one.”

  Aaron sank down beside his friends. “Talk.”

  “It’s more like show but I’d rather do this in my truck than in the woods. Can we get back?”

  “Not sure. According to the deputy, the sheriff is staked out at the library convinced you’ll return to the scene of the crime. We can head that way but I’m not sure we can get to your truck without him noticing. Assuming he’s still out there.”

  “You talked to the deputy?” Griff asked.

  “Yeah, he was heading this way. I saved your asses, once again.”

  “Hey, man, you may be out but you’ll always be Triple A,” Griff vowed.

  “Amen,” T agreed.

  “Just tell me what you found.”

  “I’ve got something you need to read, but apparently it was her uncle.” T turned his phone on. “I’m almost out of battery so look quick.” He revealed a picture of what looked like a rewritten will.

  “Who’s Micheal Camden?” Aaron enlarged the photo.

  “All I know is he has a son named Brock.”

  “Holy fuck. It never even occurred to me that Brock wasn’t Ev and Jessie’s.” Somewhere in the recesses of his mind Aaron had known that. He was a cousin not a sibling. He’d just never put two and two together. Some intelligence officer. He’d clearly lost his edge. “So, where is he? He’s not in the Glen. I know that.”

  “Looks like he was banished from Nebraska itself. I have no idea where he is but I’ll figure that out once I get back to the office. I can’t promise you he’s still living.”

  “He is. I can tell when she thinks about him. I can see it in her eyes.”

  Moon-washed sorrow formed on T and Griff’s features. Natalie would hate their pity. He hated it on her behalf. “By the way I’m gonna kill you for what you interrupted.”

  Griff chuckled. “Sorry, A. We thought we were had. We both dove out of back windows. My phone shattered when I fell and this is not exactly territory we know a lot about.”

  “We did find your guy. That should count for something,” T argued.

  “Doubt it replaces him getting down and dirty tonight,” Griff goaded.

  “Thanks for figuring it out. I appreciate your help,” Aaron offered.

  “That’s our job.”

  “Can I ask why the hell you went to the library?”

  “Because that courthouse file room is less organized than a circus sideshow,” Griff huffed.

  “That explains nothing.”

  “I wanted to see what was in the papers the weeks surrounding the incident,” T elaborated. “I don’t know who the hell figured out we were in the library, but that’s where I found the letter.”

  “What letter?”

  “Not out here. I want you to be able to really see it. It’s gonna piss you the fuck off. I’d rather not be there when you read it, actually. We were looking at old newspaper clippings when two people stumbled in. Pretty sure they were drunk. I didn’t stick around long enough to figure out why the hell they were in the library, however.”

  “This has to be the most action this town has seen in a decade. Nothing ever happens in the Glen. That’s why I like it here.”

  “You know when we come to town shit gets interesting.” T laughed.

  “Why’s the letter gonna piss me off?”

  “Telling you is the same as you reading it. I don’t want to be around when you start putting your fists through trees. Plus, you have to figure out how to get the damned thing back in Hope Camden’s desk before she realizes it’s gone.”

  “Fuck. All right, let’s head back and see if the sheriff’s still on his stakeout,” Aaron commanded. “I need to get back to Nat. She was all kinds of pissed I left her.”

  “She’s got it bad for you, brother. Hope you’re ready to settle down.”

  Aaron offered no response.

  “Question remains, now that you know who hurt her what are you gonna do about it?” Griff demanded as they began their slow trek back toward town, offering T hands when he needed them.

  “I’m still working on that. First person I want to talk to is Brock. I plan on sending this uncle of hers straight to hell but how I go about it remains to be seen.”

  “You sure that’s a good idea?” Concern riffed in Griff’s tone.

  “I will not let someone that scares her like he does continue to walk the face of this planet.” Aaron tried not to be offended but truthfully he was.

  “You ever think she might not want you risking a life in prison for killing this douche?”

  “I won’t get caught.”

  “A, man, this isn’t Iraq. You don’t have license to do this no matter what he’s done.”

  “I’m still gathering. I’ll let you know when I plan to move.”

  T shook his head. “I need you to tell me that you know getting her isn’t the prize for choking whatever little life is left in this bastard. Don’t get this fucked up in your head, A. Don’t trade in everything you’ve got sitting in the palm of your hand because you think you haven’t done enough to earn it first.”

  “Fuck off, T. Thank you for your help. I’ll get you out of here, but I don’t need you telling me what needs to happen in my life after here. You got that?”

  Griff huffed. “That ain’t the way this works and you know it. We’re a team, A. Always will be. Whether you want to work for the agency or not, we’re not gonna let you fuck this up with Natalie. Go back and talk to your shrink or do whatever you need to do to get your head straight. This isn’t some random shitstack that no one knows and no one will miss if we let you off him. This is her uncle. I know you never believe us when we say this but, no matter what he did, killing him isn’t gonna absolve you of whatever shit it is you feel like you’ve got to make up for. You don’t owe anybody anything, not even her.”

  Rage snarled in Aaron’s head. Never before had he wanted to beat the shit out of one of his remaining team members. His jaw tightened until his molars ached. Griff had no fucking clue what he was talking about. It wasn’t his fault half their team was murdered in cold blood.

  “Let’s just get out of here.”

  It was just after three when Aaron’s truck spit gravel from his back tires in an effort to get down the long gravel road that would ultimately lead him to Natalie’s home. He prayed she’d gone on to sleep but knew she wouldn’t.

  He silenced his truck engine near her carport but hadn’t made it out when she propelled out the side door and flew to him.

  Catching her in her leap, he chuckled. “Hey, baby.” Her legs wrapped around his waist and she squeezed him for all she was worth. The letter was tucked inside his T-shirt and the waistband of his jeans.
He had to read it and then figure out how to get it back inside Hope’s desk.

  For the moment, he told himself to enjoy the feeling of her wrapped around him. “When I saw you running out here I didn’t know if you were coming to hug me or whip my ass. Figured I’d let you do either.”

  “Would you shut up for a minute,” she huffed.

  “Yes, ma’am. Shall I carry you back in the house before you freeze your gorgeous little ass off?”

  “I told you to shut up. Do it.” Her index finger landed on his lips. He kept her balanced against him with ease.

  Trapping his laughter behind his lips, he kissed her fingertip and then followed orders.

  “Good. Now, I love you, too, you big stupid army man, and you better not ever scare me like that again.”

  That did it. All of the terror and insanity the night had held burst out of his mouth in delirious laughter. “Big, stupid army man? What am I like some kind of life-sized G.I. Joe figure or something?”

  “You are still talking. Stop it. I’m not finished. I know we’re both scared and I know you hate what happened tonight with the fireworks but I don’t want you to hate that. I understand what it’s like. Just please don’t be ashamed of anything. We have to figure out how to be in love, because I love you, too.”

  “You keep saying that.”

  “Again with the talking.”

  “Sorry. Go on.” He tried to contain the mountain of questions behind his smirk. She couldn’t possibly love him. Even if she did she wouldn’t if she ever found out how badly he could fuck up life if given half a chance.

  “I do love you. I’m pretty sure I always have. I used to have a Cowgirl Barbie doll. She was the only one I ever played with but she annoyed me because I couldn’t get her boots on and her outfit was stupid. I also cut that ridiculous rainbow braid off of her horse’s mane but that’s beside the point. I left her nekkid most of the time and I used to put her in bed in our dollhouse with one of Grant’s G.I. Joe dolls because he was way hotter than Ken.”

  “Am I allowed to talk now?”


  “Only thing I really hated about tonight was leaving you needy. I’ll figure the rest of the shit out. Right now, I need to take care of my girl.”

  “Did you get the point of my story?”

  “About the Barbie?”


  Aaron racked his brain. It seemed like she was just recalling a humorous moment from her childhood. He’d hoped she clung to more of those than the awful ones. He also hoped Grant didn’t mind her calling his G.I. Joes dolls. That was all he’d come away with. “Maybe I didn’t get the point, baby. I’m sorry.”

  She gave him her customary eye roll. His cock twitched anxiously and that damned letter burned on between them. The corner of it dug into one of his scars with every minute adjustment of her body against him.

  “The point is I’m ready. I’m not scared, just a little nervous maybe.”

  Ready to do what? The late hour, the flashback, the fight with Griff it racked in his gut. He was exhausted and living on nothing more than the memories of her on the brink of orgasm in his truck. Realization erupted in his foggy brain. Holy fuck. She was ready.

  “Baby, even if you do love me, that doesn’t mean we have to push this or go faster than you’re ready. It’s only been a few days since we decided we were doing this.”

  That earned him another eye roll. “Get me nekkid, take me to bed, and let’s pretend we’re Barbie and G.I. Joe.”

  He couldn’t. If for no other reason than he had to get rid of the letter before he could strip. She could never know what they’d done that night and what they’d figured out.

  “Let me get a shower first.” There was dirt ground into his face. He was covered in leaves and a shower would buy him some time. “Then if you’re sure, we’ll see.”

  She leaned her head into his sweatshirt, inhaling deeply. The letter crinkled against his jeans. “Will you just tell me where you were exactly? You smell like Moorer’s Woods.”

  Using every ounce of Special Forces training he’d ever been given, he kept his panic at bay. “Moorer’s Woods has a smell?” He knew it did but tried to sound surprised.

  “Yeah, it’s because all of the Cedar trees. I love it out there.”

  “There are Cedar trees in Cottonwood, too, babe. I was out there looking for Griff and T who were being dumbasses and almost got caught. Nothing more to it. I got them out.” Half-truths were still lies. He doubled down on his own self-loathing. She wanted to sleep with him. She trusted him enough to do that and all he’d done all fucking night was lie to her.

  Ripping him out of the abyss he’d hurled himself into, her fingers tunneled through his dirty hair. A heartbeat later, her lips were on his.

  She tasted like warm cookies and cinnamon tea. Sweet and spicy innocence. The flavors of her. God, he needed more. The combination was intoxicating. He wanted to steep himself in her juices. Wanted to make her come on his tongue and drown himself in her cream. Let it flow down his throat while he feasted on her. The wants listed quickly in his mind and turned instantaneously to life sustaining requirements.

  The rest of the world, what her uncle had done to her, Griff, and T they could all just take a fucking number and wait outside. He owed her this. He owed them this. She lifted her head. His lips slid to her throat. Her sweet little whimpers and moans filled the cool air around them. He wanted to drown in them.

  She licked her lips. Every nerve ending in his body honed in on her tongue. Then her mouth crashed down on his again. He parted her lips and explored. She opened willingly, just like he’d make certain her pussy did that night all for him.

  “Nat,” he jerked away before he got in way over his head. “Baby, are you sure you’re ready?”

  “I’m sure.” Confidence played at the fringes of her vow. She wanted to be sure. That wasn’t good enough.

  “Let me get a shower. I’ll take care of that and we’ll go to sleep.” He gestured to his raging hard-on he was certain she felt pressing against her.

  “No. Well, I mean, if you want to do that in the shower I want to watch, but then I want to have sex.”

  He grunted at the thought of her watching him get off. “Killing me, baby. Fucking killing me.” There was so much he didn’t yet know. Was that touch of curiosity a bit of voyeur in the making? She didn’t even know her own preferences. She didn’t know his. But she would. He’d make certain of it. Every single fantasy she longed to explore, he would fulfill.

  “Please, Aaron.”

  “Jesus, I love the sound of my name on your lips.”

  “Want me to say it again?”

  “Yeah, I want you to scream it while you come over and over again all night.”

  “I can do that.”

  His entire body went rigid with hunger. His veins throbbed with adamant need. “Fuck. Shower first.” That damned letter. Why hadn’t he shoved it in the glovebox?

  The glovebox. “Hang on one sec, babe.” Keeping her in his arms, he carried her back to passenger side of his truck.

  “Are we gonna do it in your truck?”

  “Eventually.” He brushed a kiss on her forehead. “But not tonight. Your first time is gonna be in your bed where I know you’re comfortable and we’re taking it nice and slow. Just needed to get these.” He grasped one of the boxes of condoms and the lube he’d purchased that morning.

  “Oh. Yeah. Kind of forgot about those.”

  “I’ll always take care of you, Nat, in every possible way.”

  “Do we have to use them? I like the way your skin feels.”

  “I’m gonna blow before I get you in the house.”


  “No. It’s fine. I want you to ask me anything you want to know. I’m clean, baby, but I’m doubting you’re looking to get pregnant tonight, and unless you’re begging me to unload all over you I plan on coming inside you over and over again.”

  The thought of coming all over her perf
ect ass was followed instantly by thoughts of him soaking down the tight walls of her pussy. He burned. His cock begged for relief. Every muscle in his body was ragged with desire.

  “How many come in a box?” Curious little thing tonight wasn’t she. His vocal cords were just as ragged as the rest of his body.

  “Uh,” he tried to blink the haze of lust from his eyes as he headed inside. “I don’t know. Something like twenty-four, I think. Why?”

  “How many are we using tonight?” This question revealed a quiver of nerves. So that was it.

  “Let’s try out one and see how you’re feeling.”

  “I have a vibrator,” spilled from her lips as he set her down on the linoleum in her kitchen.

  Yet another image chiseled itself into his brain. Natalie Camden, his baby, sprawled out on her bed, naked, writhing with a vibrator in her hand. Army training in the event of capture made its way through the need swamping his every thought. Aaron Alexander Weber First Sergeant, United States Army, 321-72… She was torturing him and she had no idea. Get it together, Weber. You’re better than this. “You want to play with that, baby, I’m all over it.”

  A quick swallow preceded her shaking her head. “No. I meant it probably won’t hurt so much because I’ve used that before.”

  Every ounce of practiced patience drained from his body. All restraint disintegrated. All composure depleted. The hunger and need liquefied in his veins. It ran hot and hungry through his body. The man he’d been before surfaced after three long years.

  Gripping her upper body, he hoisted her up onto the counter. Her quick gasp was followed by a throaty sound that threatened to drive him wild. He jerked her forward until her pussy collided with his cock. The thin nightgown and panties she was wearing did nothing to keep her from understanding his need. “Stay with me, honey. Eyes right here on mine. I fucking need you to understand something.”


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