Last Call: A Camden Ranch Novel

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Last Call: A Camden Ranch Novel Page 26

by Jillian Neal

  “Sure. Whatever you want to kiss off of me.” That little mischievous grin she sported whenever she flirted with him shot another jolt of lust through him.

  “Whatever I want to kiss off of you, huh?” Grabbing a glass, he made her a soda water. “I just want to taste you, baby. In every possible way I could mean that.”

  He stared unabashedly at her tongue as it teased her bottom lip and then disappeared. “I want to do that too, you know.”

  His cock leapt to attention. His crown swelled out a salute. Images of her on her knees before him, of him fucking her mouth filled his mind. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” She leaned closer so no one could hear their dirty banter. “I want to know what you taste like.”

  A low grunt clawed up from his lungs freeing the question he longed to ask. “And if I ask you to swallow everything I give you what happens, honey?”

  “I do it.”

  “You drive me fucking wild, Nat. I swear you were a sub in a former life or something.”

  “Maybe I just like you directing things. Maybe that really turns me on.”

  “Maybe so.” He breathed the word across her lips as he leaned over the bar and devoured her mouth. To illustrate his point, she coaxed his tongue into her mouth and began sucking. She was timid and unsure. That only made it better. She wanted to learn to blow him. He sure as hell would teach her.

  A rumbled growl of approval spilled into her mouth. Later, he’d spill himself between her lips, tell her to let him see it before she swallowed. Then he’d kiss his flavors from her mouth.

  “Weber, you think you can get your tongue outta her mouth long enough to serve drinks?” Ed fumed.

  Jerking away, Aaron counted backward from five. “Sorry, sir.”

  “I don’t recall it being bring your girlfriend to work night. You’re this close, son. You ain’t the only idiot who knows how to pour shots in the town.”

  Devastation cast Natalie’s beautiful face. Her lips were kiss-swollen and so ready for more. Aaron hated his job more and more with each passing moment.

  “Hey, lay off him, Ed. Two kids in love. Nothing wrong with that,” bellowed from Mayor Kilroy who’d come in to check on Duke. “Whole damn town’s sick of your loud mouth anyway.”

  A chorus of yeahs chanted from the crowd. Aaron caught the damp towel Ed hurled at his gut before he stalked back into the kitchen. Eliza’s scolding shrieks spilled out into the bar almost instantly.

  “Sorry.” Natalie cringed.

  “I feel like I should get a fucking medal for not ringing the last call bell after what you just offered me. He threatens to fire me at least once a week. As you can see, I have a bar full of job security. Don’t worry about it.”

  If she traced her finger along the woodgrain in the bar once more, Natalie was going to lose her mind. Her fingertip was raw. It was five minutes until last call and she was counting the seconds. Flirting with Aaron made the time fly by but she would not lose him his job.

  Constantly reviewing everything she’d admitted to him in the last two hours simultaneously served to embarrass her and enliven her. A heady sense of power was birthed deep inside her when she’d admitted that she liked when he directed their lovemaking. Tonight, she wanted more than she’d had the day before.

  Eventually she wanted to know what he was like in full form. The same set of adjacent emotions taunted her again. She both appreciated the women who’d come before her and hated them.

  “What’s the frown for?” Once again his voice reached through the mire of confusion in her head and pulled her out of the tidal waters.

  “Nothing.” She refocused on those deep blue eyes.

  “Not nothing. Tell me.”

  “Eventually I’ll figure out how not to feel ashamed about the things I want to ask for and I’ll stop being afraid that if you do something I’ll have a panic attack, right? Time is supposed to heal all wounds or whatever.”

  Compassion, worry, and love paraded through his gaze right after a flash of vengeance. Her heart pounded out a warning. “I’m not sure time does heal all wounds, sweetheart.” He came around the bar and wrapped his arms around her.

  “You’re going to get in trouble again.”

  “I don’t give a shit. You need me. That is all that will ever matter to me.” His pecs flexed against her cheek as he reached over her head and rang the bell just a little early. Tremendously thankful, she squeezed him tighter.

  “What does heal wounds if it isn’t time?” she asked almost an hour later when he’d finally been able to leave the empty bar. The crunch of gravel under her boots disturbed the quiet night. Pleasant Glen was tucked in safe and secure just like always.

  “I kind of figure it depends on the wound.” Exhaust assaulted the cool air as he cranked his truck. “Do you remember when you told me that your therapist explained to you that sometimes your dreams are your brain’s way of healing?”

  “Yeah. Of all the times I talked with her that was the one thing that helped the most I think. It made me not hate myself for having them.”

  “It kills me that you hated yourself for anything but I think fantasies can be the same way. That was the way Dec explained it to me anyway. Trusting me with some of them can help you keep what happened in the past from being in the present.”

  “You talked to Dec about your sexual fantasies?” Natalie tried to process that. The thought of it scalded her cheeks.

  “Not much. He knows a little bit about my past.”

  “Oh.” So, Dec can know but I can’t. It’s a two-way street, Nat. Her mind readily came to Aaron’s defense, even taking up his verbiage as its banner. Sometimes she hated her brain. “What’s one of your fantasies then?”

  She felt the hot lick of his gaze as he turned toward her. “I plan on showing you as soon as I get you home, baby.”

  “But I want you to tell me now.”

  “How about I tell you one we’re not going to do for a while?”


  “You on your knees, your hands behind your back, me feeding you my cock slowly and then faster. Seeing my pre-cum cover your sweet little mouth. My hands wrapped up in your hair. Feeling you moan instead of just hearing you. Then pulling out and coming all over your tits, watching it drip down your nipples. But I told you I like it dirty.”

  Wet heat rushed to fill the lips of her pussy, readying her for him. It seeped into her panties. She needed him to free her from their constraint. “I like your kind of dirty.”

  “Let me guess, I don’t get to hear one of yours.”

  The direct challenge stirred the very marrow of her bones. She was a cowgirl and this time she wasn’t going to shy away. “You naked, tied to my bed with one of my lariats. I get to touch, and lick, and feel all of you. I don’t even know exactly what I want to do once I have you like that, but I know I want to taste you and to climb on top of you and ride you. I want to see the way you look when I do that. I want to be in control just for a little while. It morphs from there.”

  An anguished sound of pure need filled the truck cab. “Morphs into what?” Carnality dominated his question.

  “Into you taking control, taking what you want, making me beg just like you like.”

  “How wet are you right this moment, sweetheart? How wet does me taking control make you?”

  Riding the arc of electricity between them, she popped the snap on her jeans. “Why don’t you find out?”

  Instead of his hand diving inside her panties like she’d envisioned, he stroked his fingers outside the cotton crotch. Her jeans trapped his hand there. Each touch made her eager for more. “Touch me,” she whimpered.

  “No, baby. Tell me how bad you want my fingers against your clit. Tell me how empty you feel. Beg me.”

  “So bad. Please.” Her body rolled. She spread her legs farther. “Please, please.”

  Three fingers pressed wet cotton to her clit. The fabric amplified every stroke. “So wet, baby. You get so nice and wet for me.”
r />   “Please touch me.”

  “Not yet. Not until I’m good and ready.” He circled his fingers. The elastic bands taunted her lips. She wriggled in the seat and clawed at his forearm.

  He growled out his adamant approval. “When I get you home, baby, my God, we are gonna make your fantasies come true. Every fucking one of them and a few of my own. Be ready for me. I’m gonna keep you so wet we have to change to sheets. I’m gonna make you drip for me. Down my throat, all over my cock, all over me.”


  The rear tires on the truck skidded as Aaron slammed on the brakes outside the largest barn on Camden Ranch.

  “Why did you stop?” Her breathy inquisition did nothing to stem the tide of his wanton desires.

  “Get a rope.”

  Realization slowly softened the furrow of her brow. “Are you serious?”


  Without further prompting she hopped out and returned with a well-worn round of rope. Every fiber of his being hated what he was about to do but loved her enough to do it.

  Carrying the rope in her trembling hands, she managed to flip on a light switch as they entered her home and a few more on the way to her bedroom.

  “Nat, look at me.”

  She obeyed readily. “A few things you need to understand. There’s a give and a take between the Dom and the sub. It’s in constant flux. Back and forth. The yin and yang of it. They must always remain in balance. The desires for power and control are in all of us. It’s a universal thing. Everyone has them. Never believe for one second that wanting to tie me up and having me at your mercy is something you should be ashamed of wanting to experience. But far more importantly I need you to understand that wanting to be dominated by me, you wanting me to be in control, is a normal healthy desire. That also exists in every human being.”

  “I know.”

  “You’re the one holding the rope, Nat. If you know, why do you look more terrified than I’ve ever seen you?”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  Cradling her face in his capable hands he willed her to understand. “You’re going to allow yourself to take what you want, to explore. You’re going to leave all of the rules and other shit society tells you not to want outside your bedroom door. You’re going to fight through the fear and find the pleasure, baby. You’re going to take away the power it’s held over you for so long. You’re going to give it back to yourself and ultimately I want you to trust me enough to give it to me. Can you do that?”

  A timid nod stroked his thumbs against her cheeks. “I already trust you that much.”

  “Good. There’s one more thing I need you to know.” He waited on the heat of her gaze to return to his. “I do not give up my control, ever. I have never done this with anyone and I would never do this for anyone but you. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

  “You don’t have…” She offered him the rope as her lips sealed shut.

  “I love you. I will always give you anything you need. Tonight, you need to be in control. All I’m asking is that you recognize that this isn’t easy for me. Also understand there are very few physical situations I can’t get out of. I spent months in Special Forces training learning to get out of most anywhere. I sure as hell can get out of a fucking lasso. I’ll do my best but I make you no promises that I will remain bound.”


  “Then let’s do this.”

  Refusing the haunting memories, damming every recollection of bindings on his young body, denying the knowledge of the scars her hands would touch once he was tied to her bed, Aaron took the rope from her. He tossed it on the bed. This wouldn’t be the first time he’d been held. It sure as hell would be the last. “I undress you,” he informed her.

  “Yes. Now.”

  “Not feeling particularly gentle tonight, baby, you sure you want to do this?”

  “I don’t want gentle, Aaron. I want you.”

  “If you want me to stop, I will. Just speak up.”

  “If you need me to untie you…”

  Laughing at the very idea, he shook his head. “I won’t.”

  Jerking her forward, he thrust as her mound collided with his cock. “You feel how hard you make me?” She nodded. “Good. You want a ride, honey, I’m gonna let you ride. But after that I’m gonna turn you over and take you exactly the way I want. And what I want tonight is every bit as hard as I feel right now. Say you understand.”

  “I more than understand. It’s exactly what I want, too.” Another one of those delectable little trembles shuddered through her.

  “Good. Take your boots off.” Once again she complied.

  His fingers made quick work of the pearl buttons on her blouse. Her jeans were already unsnapped so he continued his downward trek, stripping her of the denim blocking the wet heat he’d already explored.

  Determination glimmered in her eyes from the lamplight. She stood before him in nothing but a lace bra, a pair of socks, and a pair of wet panties. Her shirt hung open, framing the tender swells of her breasts. Innocence personified. Everything he was about to give at odds with everything he would take away.

  Tracing his fingertips along her collarbone he eased the shirt from her shoulders. Her eyes closed and she swayed with the motion. “The things I want to do to you, honey. The things I want to teach you…”

  “Do them. I want them.” Her breathy vow was fervent. Her fingertips brushed over his zipper line. Her palm centering on his head and crown. His cock throbbed out its demand to be released from his jeans. A low murmured moan escaped her lips. “I want it to do that in my mouth. I want to feel it.” Certainty seemed to be erasing the hesitant doubt locked in her limbs.

  “Fucking hell.” He seized giving himself one moment to rock against her hand. “Trust me, baby, my cock’s gonna love being in your mouth.” Shoving the sleeves of her shirt down her arms, he dropped it in a pile of cotton at her feet.

  He heard Lulu pawing at her bedroom door. “Should we let them in?” Natalie sounded horrified by the idea of a canine audience. Aaron happened to agree.

  “No. I’m not putting on a show tonight. They can come in when we’re finished.” Refocusing her on her mission, he swept his palms up her belly and wrapped his hands around her breasts. He pressed the lace of her bra to her and groped.

  Her nipples obediently tightened beneath his touch. Tearing off his shirt, desperate to feel her skin on his, he stalked behind her and returned his hands to her breasts. “Feels so good doesn’t it, honey?”

  “Oh God,” she hummed. Using one hand to pop the clasp of the slight bra, he exposed her all for himself. She let it slip to the floor with her blouse.

  “There. That’s what you wanted isn’t it?” With practiced patience, he lifted her breasts letting her nipples spill between his fingers. He squeezed. She cried out for more. Her ass rocked back against his erection, decimating any hope he had of drawing this out.

  “Someday, sweetheart…” his right hand skated down her abdomen and pressed her back against him, “…someday I’m gonna take that gorgeous ass, too. There won’t be one thing on your body that doesn’t belong to me.”

  “Yes.” She rocked harder. Every contact point of her back to his chest sizzled with a hunger he wasn’t certain would ever be satisfied. He’d never get enough of her, enough of this. Nothing else made sense but to take more, to take every single thing she offered him.

  Making another turn, he fell to his knees before her. Impatience surged through his bloodstream. “Before you tie me up, I need another taste, Nat. I want more of that sweet cream you make so good for me.”

  “Please. Now.” She hooked her thumbs in the elastic band of her panties but he caught her hands.

  “Look at me.”

  She obeyed.

  “Who undresses you?”

  “Oh God, you do.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Do it faster,” she whimpered.

  “I love that you’
re not afraid to tell me how bad you’re needing it, baby. How fucking much you want me to take you. But you need to remember who’s in charge for the moment.” Rotating the wet cotton against her clit, he listened to her moans turn to pleading. Slipping the panties slowly down her legs, his mouth watered, his eyes centered on the glistening pearl of her clit with laser-sight precision. Dragging his fingers up and down her wet curls, she begged in earnest now.

  “Open yourself for me, baby. Show me where you want my mouth.”

  Apprehension flashed in her eyes, but again she complied. Her hands trembled as she gently spread the lips of her pussy with her fingertips.

  Blowing a quick cool breath over her, he reveled in her anguished choke of his name. Leaning in, he caressed that tiny bundle of nerve endings back and forth with his tongue. She rose up on her toes, making him chuckle.

  Ever resourceful, she spread herself with one hand now, and tunneled her fingers through his hair granting herself leverage. She tried to push his face back to her pussy. “Please, please,” sang from her constantly.

  “Fucking wish I’d recorded you swearing to me you’d never beg,” he taunted. Clamping his hands on her ass, he gave her two more languid laps with his tongue. Standing, he lifted her into his arms and laid her out on the bed. He spread her legs with a ragged warning. “I need more.”

  Taking her hands in his own, he relocated them both back to her pussy. Remembering the two words he would never utter again, he skipped his typical statement of encouragement. “Hold yourself open just like that. Do it until I tell you to stop.”

  She writhed and bucked so anxious for his mouth only amping the edgy spike of hunger consuming him. Zeroing in on her slippery clit he coaxed it into his mouth. She rocked against his mouth, pressing her thighs against his beard.

  “No, baby. Open for me.” He pinned her thighs back to the bed and returned to his work. A ragged growl tore from his lungs as her juices filled his mouth. Dipping low, he drank at her inner folds then pressed his tongue deep inside her and spun it back to where she most wanted his attention.


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