A Reluctant Vampire

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A Reluctant Vampire Page 7

by George, G. R. ; George, Renee;

  Nathan grabbed her hand and pulled her close into his body. The weight of her breasts pushed against him. Her breath grew rapid with anger—the anger worked as an aphrodisiac, arousing his cock and the Beast. His voice lowered with need. “This is a mistake.”

  Her free hand caressed the swelling in his jeans and made him writhe as she pushed him back against the wall. “Maybe,” she said, snaking her hand between his legs to squeeze his balls. “Maybe not.”

  Nathan grabbed Anna’s shirt at the shoulders and ripped down, tearing the blouse in two, revealing a lacy cream-colored bra. They stared at each other for less than a second then plunged in, mouths connecting in a hot, sultry kiss. Nathan bent at the waist wrapping an arm under her buttocks and lifting her off the floor. He carried her to the desk, sweeping the contents away with a swipe of his free hand, while he fed on her lips and tongue. He felt a pain in his eyes as his Beast spilled forward to join the lust-filled dance. “No,” he moaned.

  Anna brought up both her hands to hold his face; Nathan closed his eyes to hide the unnatural glow. Her voice breathless, she said, “Open your eyes, Nathan. Look at me.”

  Nathan’s eyes flickered for a moment, then opened to stare at the horror and fascination on her face.

  “What are you? I can’t read you, Nathan. I could always read you.” Her words were soft, tender.

  “An animal.” He tried to push her away. She held on to his face. His fangs slid down, a feral growl emanating from his throat.

  “I don’t understand. You’re scaring me.” Anna moved her head back to give him some distance.

  Nathan expected the Beast to devour her there and then; fear heightened its senses. The Beast held back, inviting Nathan to take control as the fangs retracted. He knew that his eyes were still not human, but the Beast had made a concession. It wanted to feed, and not on blood. “I don’t want you to fear me, Anna.”

  “I don’t want to be afraid of you.”

  The cold glow of his green eyes warmed with lustful ardor. Anna’s lips met his mouth with a moan—her doubts seemed to vanish as their kiss burned with white-hot passion. His hands moved deftly over her body until most of her clothing spilled to the floor. Nathan pulled away from the kiss, wanting to drink in the view of her pale-honey skin that shimmered softly, even under the stark fluorescent lighting in her office.

  Anna squirmed her ass to the edge of the desk, pressing her soaked panties against the taut bulge in his jeans. She ground her hips against him until they were both wet with the juices from her pussy. She reached down, unsnapped his jeans, then slid her hands around the top edge of the pants. When they reached his firm, muscled buttocks, she pushed the jeans down. Nathan’s thick cock sprang out, slapping her swollen clit through the sheer lace. He held his hard shaft, rubbing the bulbous head over the see-through material. His hand slid up to meet the fabric, amazed at how her sex pulsed under his fingertips. Anna moaned and pushed harder against him. He ripped the small strap that held her panties in place, revealing the pink folds of her wet cunt. She bucked as his fingers moved against her moist, sensitive flesh.

  Gasping at his touch, her breath jagged and uneven, she said, “I want you in me, Nathan. I want you to fuck me.”

  The warm press of her lips met his cool mouth as he thrust his engorged shaft into waiting and ready flesh. She writhed against him as the head of his cock reached the rounded muscle in the back of her silky depths, eliciting a low growl from Nathan. He withdrew slowly until only the thick head remained inside, then plunged back in, burying his cock deep within her pussy.

  He withdrew again, this time all the way out of her. Small protest noises came from her throat and he lifted her off the desk, turned her around and bent her over the hard wooden top. He knelt on the floor behind her, pushing her thighs apart as he licked her throbbing clit. He thrust his tongue into her swollen cunt and lapped the fluid that dripped freely from her convulsing organ. His lips sucked on her inflamed clitoris, tugging with gentle teeth, feeding from its stimulated warmth. He worked his mouth to the soft flesh between her opening and anus. She rewarded him with a shivering vibration that ran through her body.

  Nathan’s undulating tongue flicked over the tight circular muscle of her anus. She relaxed against his mouth. “Oh God, that feels good.”

  He knew how good it felt. Guillermo had taught him the art, using Nathan’s own ass as a canvass. He wanted Guillermo there with him, cupping his balls, stroking his cock, while he licked and sucked Anna. The thought of Gui, coming at him from behind while he knelt, face buried in the cunt and ass of this woman, caused his aching cock to jerk for attention. He stood and sank his solid staff into her moist sheath once more. He closed his eyes as he thrust in and out in forceful rhythmic movements.

  Open your eyes, called the Beast. I want to watch you fuck her.

  Nathan obeyed. He opened his eyes, used one knee to drive her legs farther apart and spread her buttocks with his hands so that the Beast could watch his cock slide in and out of her drenched sex.

  Yes, his Beast roared in his ears. He could feel the charge of an orgasm building with each surge as tiny sparks tripped off the curly nest above his shaft, popping little releases onto her smooth ass. The mild shocks caused her sopping passage to quiver around him, driving his passion further. He slipped his thumb between the crack of her cheeks, gliding it in fine, subtle, circling movements around the constricted opening. Her breathing became rapid and shallow. Forceful grunts emanated from her throat.

  “Jesus, fuck me, Nathan. Fuck me. It’s all I want… all I want…” Her voice trailed off as he eased his thumb into her ass. She arched her back like a cat, meeting his thrusts and matching them. She screamed as her pussy spasmodically compressed his cock.

  His shaft burned with the heat of her cunt, as if engulfed in a fireball. His head snapped back and a low howl poured from his mouth as he came.

  “Oh man,” she panted. “I’d have never left if I thought it could be this wonderful.”

  The words stung Nathan, causing his Beast to come forward. Take her blood.

  No, Nathan told it, I won’t. His cock softened inside her. He withdrew, and so did the Beast. They were beginning to develop an understanding.

  Anna turned around, watching him fasten his jeans. “So that’s it. Fuck me and leave?”

  Nathan wasn’t certain why he had come to see her in the first place. He rationalized closure, whatever the hell that meant. “Look. I don’t think this is going to work.”

  “Work? I’m not asking for a commitment from you.” Tears pooled, her eyes glistened. “I miss you, Nathan. I miss our friendship.”

  Fucking her had been great, even moving. In truth, this encounter showed him his feelings for her were not the same as they had once been. The insight came as a relief. He still loved her, yet he wasn’t in love with her.

  “I miss our friendship as well. I’m an ass. Sorry.”

  Anna smiled. “So, why did you come to see me?”

  He pointed to the pictures on the board. “What do you know about these deaths?”

  “Do you want my medical opinion or personal?”


  “Well, I have only examined one of the victims. Medically, the cause of death is removal of the heart and larynx.” She shrugged. “Personally, I can’t read a damn thing. I can usually sense a fresh soul still lingering around a newly dead body. It’s like this guy died long before his body and there is no remnant of a spirit to detect.”

  “Hmpf,” Nathan grunted. She didn’t know anything he could tell Guillermo. “I have to go. I’ll call you.”

  “Wait.” She grabbed his arm before he could turn to the door. “What are you, Nathan? Your mind is blank to me. You might as well be one of those bodies.”

  He chuckled, low and soft. “I am.”


  “They’re vampires, Anna. They haven’t got a soul, and neither do I.”

  Chapter 10

  Guillermo prepared himsel
f for the encounter with Min, agreeing to meet with the vampire, only under certain conditions. He’d chosen an empty warehouse on Front Street. Gui had chosen the secluded location out of respect for the ancient vampire’s power. No sense in exposing his club to the Egyptian vampire. Min arrived, of course with a full entourage. Gui had no trouble spotting him—he was nearly seven feet tall with skin as dark as night.

  Min wore a gray Armani suit, tapered to fit his broad shoulders and narrow waist. “Guillermo. How nice it is to see you again.”

  It surprised Gui to see Min’s formerly ass-length hair had been sheared into a short, flattering buzz-cut. The vampire looked very masculine in an American drill sergeant way, which somehow fit with the tailored suit. Then again, it had been several hundred years since he’d last seen the Egyptian vampire, and his hairstyle could have changed many times.

  “Buena, mi amigo. It is good to see you,” Guillermo greeted in a clear voice, then muttered, “Hijo de la gran puta,” effectively calling Min’s mother a whore.

  Min raised an eyebrow, but ignored the insult. He held out his hand. Guillermo declined.

  “You’ll forgive me for wanting to keep some distance between us.” Guillermo’s barriers were in place, but he didn’t want to take a chance that touching would bring them crashing down around him.

  “Of course. If you have such a great fear of me…” The Egyptian’s words were baiting.

  “I would be a fool not to be cautious. Do you not agree?”

  Min laughed. “I’ve missed my Latin love toy. You were always so quirky.”

  Guillermo, careful not to show any emotion, went straight to business. “Shall we discuss why you have come to Kansas City? Or would you rather reminisce about old times?”

  “Yes, yes. Two of my best men are dead.”

  “I know. One of mine has been killed as well.”

  “So I understand, but I have it on good authority that the killer is also one of yours.”

  Guillermo could feel the setup. Min planned to blame him for the deaths. “Mierda del toro. That is bullshit. If you are implying, cafré, that I am somehow responsible for the killing of vampires around the city, you are sadly mistaken. I am as concerned about the situation as you are.”

  Min smiled—his white teeth contrasting against his ebony lips. “Calm yourself, Guillermo. I have not accused you. Yet.”

  “I am investigating the incidents.” Guillermo bristled. “If the killer is mine, that person will be dealt with inmediatamente.”

  “You offer me no compensation for my own losses?” A hidden message of danger bordered around Min’s question.

  “Let us worry about recompense when and if we find that the animal responsible is mine.”

  Min snapped his large, long fingers, fingers that had once probed every orifice of Gui’s body. Fingers that could be both gentle and cruel. The snap brought a surge from his entourage, stalking forward toward Guillermo. “I think you need a lesson in manners.”

  Guillermo took one step and brought his hands down in a sweeping motion. Guillermo’s vampires, nearly fifty men and women, seemingly poured from all sides of the warehouse, surrounding the Egyptian and his men. “You can not enthrall them all before I bring you down. Are you certain this is a battle that you wish to fight?”

  “Very good.” Min’s voice carried confidence; only his face betrayed his surprise. “You have grown powerful over the last four hundred years.” The Egyptian gestured to Gui’s subjects. “Of course, I knew they were there.”

  Liar, Gui thought.

  “When the murderer has been apprehended, we will speak again.” The Egyptian narrowed his eyes. “That is a promise.”

  * * * *

  Anna promised to call if another body showed up. Actually, she’d taken the news quite well, which came as no surprise. He knew her psychic abilities opened her to possibilities that most people couldn’t even imagine. He didn’t tell her about Guillermo, although he did say that he’d been dating. She’d taken that news quite well, also.

  Looking at his watch, he thought about Gui. Only midnight. Guillermo had told him that he might not be able to see him for a couple of days. Waiting might be impossible. When his taxi was nearly at his apartment on the Plaza, he leaned forward. “Eighteenth and Oak.”

  He tipped the driver and got out in front of Corazon de la Muerte. From the outside, it looked like an abandoned building. Nathan knew the old auto glass shop would be wall-to-wall people on the inside. He walked through the unmarked door and saw Nadine at the hostess stand. She looked up, startled, then her face reddened in anger.

  “You,” she accused. “What are you doing here?”

  “None of your fucking business.” Stupid bitch, his mind added. “Where’s Gui?”

  “None of your fucking business.”

  Hmpf, Nathan thought. I guess two can play the none-ya game. “I’ll find him myself.”

  “Guillermo is not going to be happy to see you. I was in his office when he called you. You were supposed to wait for him to contact you.”

  Getting pissed, Nathan growled, “I guess I didn’t get the fucking message.”

  Nadine rolled her eyes. “Suit yourself.”

  Noises from the club seemed to bounce off the inside of his skull. Is this place always so loud? Probably. As he made his way through the throng of dancers on the floor, two arms snaked around his waist from behind him. He turned and saw Gina smiling radiantly at him.

  “Hello, lover,” she purred. Her blonde hair brushed against his arm. Gina, one of Guillermo’s familiars, or in lay terms, human servants, had been Nathan’s first encounter with sex that hadn’t ended badly since becoming a vampire. At the time, he’d felt manipulated by both her and Guillermo. After the initial anger had worn off, a small amount of gratitude surfaced and they had become friends.

  He kissed her cheek. “Hi, Gina.” Nathan looked around. “Have you seen Gui tonight?”

  Her eyes brightened. “Sure! He arrived about an hour ago with a shitload of vamps. They’re all over the club now. Gui went straight back to his office.” She shook her head. “He didn’t look very happy.”

  Nathan nodded. Unhappy seemed to be the consensus.

  “Come grab me for a dance later, lover.” She wriggled her eyebrows up and down in an imitation of Groucho Marx.

  Nathan laughed. “Sure thing.” He kissed her again and gave her short, slim body a squeeze. “Talk to you later.”

  The door to Guillermo’s office was closed. He knocked.

  “Váyase,” he heard Guillermo say from within, an effective dismissal.

  “It’s me, Nathan.”

  There was a pause, then “Entre.”

  Nathan opened the door. Guillermo lounged on the couch with a half-naked man lying over his lap, sucking his cock. The master vampire stroked the young man’s back, as if he were a pet. A twinge of jealousy shot through Nathan. Shit, I can’t be jealous! “Is this why you didn’t want to see me tonight, because of him?”

  The boy, no more than twenty years old, continued to work his head up and down over Gui’s broad shaft. Guillermo’s dark pupils swirled as his eyes lowered to the young man. “Chachi?” He shook his head. “No. He is merely a diversion, to help me think.”

  “Chachi? What kind of name is that?”

  Guillermo reached down and pulled the boy’s mouth off his cock so that Nathan could see the face. “A nickname, Nathaniel. He looks like Scott Baio, no?” He placed Chachi’s mouth back over his hard erection.

  Nathan almost laughed. He did look like Scott Baio.

  “I have had business to attend to, Nathaniel. That is why I did not wish to see you tonight.” An accusation edged Gui’s words.

  “I see,” Nathan grunted, watching the young man’s greedy mouth sucking on Gui’s hard flesh. “You look busy… with business.”

  “Why have you come, Nathaniel?”

  Stunned, Nathan’s face reddened. “I…” He couldn’t understand Guillermo’s cold attitude, and
hated the fact Gui’s abrupt behavior hurt. “I have some news on the killings.” He fought to keep his voice from trembling.

  Guillermo pushed Chachi off his glistening cock, wet with saliva. He stood, not bothering to lace his black leather pants. “What do you know?”

  The spearing erection made Nathan shift his stance, fighting the urge to touch Gui’s substantial cock. “The medical examiner in charge of the case is my ex. I fucked her for information.” He wanted to hurt Guillermo. The master vampire merely nodded.

  “And what information did you fuck out of her?”

  Nathan, suddenly embarrassed, realized that he didn’t know much. “Well, the… uh… victims were mutilated, their hearts ripped out and their throats savaged.”

  “I hope she was a good fuck, because that is old information.”

  Nathan felt like a total ass. “She did say that she would call if a new body showed up.”

  Guillermo raised an eyebrow. “That might be useful.” He patted Nathan condescendingly on the arm. “Good work, Nathaniel.”

  An electric spark connected the two men in that simple gesture, as their skin made brief contact. Instantly, need warmed Gui’s dark eyes. Nathan knew the look all too well, and in that moment, he hoped. Almost as quickly, Guillermo’s back stiffened and his face went cold and stern.

  Too late, Nathan thought, having seen the powerful ardor Guillermo tried so fiercely to conceal. Why is he pushing me away?

  “Thanks,” Nathan said, his body rigid with a combination of fury and desire. “Why are you being such an asshole?”

  “I am being no such thing. I am a business man, Nathaniel.”

  Nathan grimaced. He longed for Gui to call him his amante. If the vampire called him Nathaniel one more time, he would scream. He stretched out his hand to touch Guillermo, to break down the façade once again. The master vampire moved quickly out of reach.

  “As I was saying. I am a business man, and lately, I have not been tending to that business.”


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