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Fallen (Daughters Of The Gods Book 3)

Page 8

by Tamara Gill

  Sara bit her lip having not expected this much honesty. Of course, she loved that he was telling her his sins, but she wasn’t a priest. How could she forgive him, or help him forgive himself for such actions? And did they warrant forgiveness? She couldn’t answer that.

  “But that’s not my only treachery. Hundreds of years ago, another sister of mine Chloe, fell in love with a powerful Scottish druid. I was the one who informed Zeus and caused many years of pain for her and all because I was bored. There is no excuse for the betrayal to my own blood. All I can put it down to is fear of banishment from the only home I’ve ever known.”

  “How does Hera fit into all this?” Hermes sat before her and clasped her hands, his thumb gently stroking her fingers.

  “When my sister tried to free her Titan at Mount Olympus, she accidently imprisoned herself in the catacombs. At that time, I was summoned to Hera’s chambers. This was not unusual, considering the position I held in court. However, what I didn’t know was it was a ruse to get me away from the prison cells so that my other sister could help Cat and her Titan to escape.” He stopped for a moment, then went on.

  “Hera also had an alternative motive. For as long as I can remember, the relationship between Hera and Zeus has been temperamental, with flashes of serenity. Zeus had been courting a new servant wench and Hera was jealous, so she thought to make him so as well. It was unfortunate that the time she threw herself at me, was the exact moment Zeus came into the chamber. I fled, knowing his wrath and only just made it to earth before my powers were stripped from me. And that’s where you came into my life.”

  He frowned and held her gaze, silently begging her to say something. “But surely, if Zeus knew the truth, he would forgive you. And for you to be back here, alive, I think you’re already half forgiven.” god

  Hermes shook his head. “He does not care for the truth. If Hera states I seduced her, nothing could possibly assuage the anger such a treacherous action would bring forth in him. He becomes blinded by jealousy and thoughts of vengeance.”

  “I don’t believe that. I’ll never believe that. He’s your father and she’s a liar. He must know deep down that she has faults.”

  Hermes pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms about her waist. “I’ve never wanted anyone or cared so much about another living being as much as I do about you. Your being here worries me. One must watch one’s back every moment in this place, no matter your status. I cannot lose you.”

  Sara let out a relieved sigh. “I don’t want to lose you either.” She paused. “Can you tell me what happened to your sisters?”

  “They’re both living somewhere happily on earth with their partners. I’m not sure what the future holds for us, but I need you to understand that no matter what takes place here, I’ll never allow anyone to bring harm to you. Do you understand?”

  “I understand.” Sara wrapped her arms about his neck, feeling a pang of guilt for not being totally honest with him. Especially with what Eros had planned. “Everyone has a past, Hermes and not everything can always be perfect. You’re a god and under the command of Zeus. There are very few who would deny him.”

  He ran a finger down her cheek and across her lip. “How do you do it?”

  Sara read the confusion in his gaze and frowned. “What?”

  “Be so accepting of everything I’ve told you?”

  “I trust you, that’s why. And I think you need to give yourself a break.” Not that he thought he deserved one, but Sara did. She knew if she had been Zeus’s daughter, she would have done anything and everything he asked of her. The god was fickle and yet the most powerful god in the universe. Not someone you wanted as your enemy.

  “I wanted you to know I have faults. Many of them and some that will haunt me for the rest of eternity.”

  Sara ran her hands into his soft hair and kissed him. “We all have faults. What you’ve told me today does not change how I feel about you.” And Sara didn’t think much could. To her, Hermes had been kind, gentle and loving. What wasn’t there to like? As for Hera and her vindictiveness, Sara would keep an eye on her. With all the gods in Mount Olympus, to engage your own husband’s son in a scheme of revenge was the lowest of acts.

  “So your feelings have not changed?” Hermes pulled her against him, the fresh scent of soap wafting from his skin and intoxicating her senses.

  “No. I doubt they ever could.” No truer words had she ever spoken. “I love you.” She shrugged.

  “And I too,” he said, carrying her back to the bed and showing her just how much for the remainder of the night.

  The next day Sara stood in the great hall and was transfixed at the sight of Zeus sitting on his throne before an array of gods. The women were more beautiful than Sara had thought possible. Their gowns put her jeans and black T-shirt to shame.

  “I think I’m underdressed.” She pulled at her top, nerves making her fingers tremble.

  Hermes shook his head. “Not to me, you’re not. You’re beautiful.”

  Sara met his gaze and read the desire in his beautiful seductive orbs. She smiled. “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  Zeus watched them without letting one thought cross his visage that she could read. Just a cold, calculating mask of a god who could never be capable of humanity. “How very lovely to see you again so soon, Sara. I hope Hermes has made his home comfortable for our new friend.”

  “Get to the point, Zeus.” Hermes’ clasp of her hand increased and Sara could feel the tension radiating from his every pore.

  “We cannot have our only guest leaving and saying we were uncivil.” Zeus laughed and all the gods in the hall followed. Sara watched them, each one seeming to copy the mood and reactions of their leader. Did they not have their own thoughts, wants and needs of their own?

  “Now that you are here, I can tell you what will be required of you. From this day forth, you will be a servant to the gods, Sara. I’m sure after a lengthy period of time, your elusive grandfather will reveal himself to me and you may go free.”

  “I’ll not allow you to humiliate her in such a way.”

  Zeus smirked and Hermes glared, his eyes full of fury and dislike.

  “You have no say in this, son. I am Zeus. I can and will do whatever I wish. And for the moment, I wish for Sara to serve me. To be a good and faithful demigod.”

  “I have a life, beside catering to yours. How long do you intend to keep me here?” Sara asked, already sick of this deity’s games.

  Zeus looked at the gathered throng of gods and shrugged. “It may take a day, weeks or months for Eros to appear. Like us, he has no concept of time.”

  “You have something to say, son?”

  Hermes took a menacing step toward his father. “You know the hours here equal to untold time back on earth. Sara cannot return to her home if she’s here for an extended period. Everything she holds dear, friends and family will cease to exist. You cannot do this to her.”

  Zeus’s cold smile told Sara that was exactly what he could do. “Can I not?”

  “No. I will not allow it.”

  Zeus laughed, but the other gods, so jovial a moment before, remained silent, as if they knew the time for merriment was over. “Sara will aid me in getting what I want and you will follow the rules without further question.” He paused, turning his head to one side in thought. “However, I am willing to forget my need for Eros’s help and allow Sara to return to Earth under one condition.”

  “What?” Sara clasped Hermes arm and shook him a little. “Don’t bargain with him. Eros will turn up soon. I’m sure of it.”

  “What is your condition?” Hermes asked, not meeting her gaze.

  Since you’ve proven to hold no value in marriage, I will choose a goddess for you to become your wife. You will marry her and be faithful, or Sara dies.”

  “You cannot be considering this?” Sara stepped away from Hermes, her body shaking with uncontrollable rage. This was stupid. She loved him, no one was
going to marry him unless it was her. He was hers. He supposedly loved her. Why were they even discussing such nonsense?

  He turned and clasped her hand. “I will not allow you to be a servant to him. What kind of life is that for you? Zeus is never going to allow you such favour again. You must consider this, Sara. It may be your only chance to return home.”

  “But I’d be returning home without you.” Tears threatened her view and she swiped at her eyes. “You would be made to marry another. And he could choose Medusa, the snake haired immortal for all you know.”

  Zeus chuckled. “Are we in agreement then, son?”

  Hermes clasped her about the waist and within an instant they were in his quarters.

  “What are you thinking?” She pushed him away and stalked to the window. This day was turning into a nightmare.

  He sat on the bed and ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t stand by and watch you serve the gods. They’ll ridicule you, talk down to you, try and tease you as much as they can before Eros arrives. They’ll trick and try to seduce you. You don’t deserve that, Sara. You’re not our plaything.”

  “I’m a big girl and if putting up with spoilt immortal gods for a few days enables me to return home, for you to remain mine…possibly and Eros to be free to do whatever he likes once he helps Zeus, then it’s a small price to pay.” Sara came to stand before him and seeing the concern etched on his every feature her anger abated. “I can’t stand by and watch you marry someone you do not love. You deserve so much more than that.” She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms about his neck. “If we’re made to part for whatever reason, I want to know that you’re happy and not stuck in some prison or running about earth trying to get away from your father or married to some hideous snake haired monster.” She stroked his hair, pulling it a little to make her point.

  “We are not parting, Sara. Ever?”

  “But if it happens, please promise me you’ll walk away from this conflict and let it go.”

  He rolled her onto her back and nestled himself between her legs. The position pooled heat at her core and she rubbed herself against his maleness, needing to feel him, be with him in any way she could. He sucked in a breath and the atmosphere in the room thickened with arousal.

  Hermes quickly kneeled and made short work of her jeans and panties. He came down on top of her, having banished his robe to the floor, before thrusting into her.

  She moaned and wrapped her legs about his waist. He filled her, created the most tantalizing feelings to course throughout her body. Their lovemaking was fast, hard and oh, so hot. She’d never had sex like this before, as if they didn’t do it quick enough, bring completion to both of them before a certain amount of time, the world would end.

  Sara clawed at his back, thrusting her head against the bedding as she came, wave after wave of pleasure shot to every limb, every fibre of her being. She pulled him down for a kiss, suckled his tongue as he found his own release a moment later.

  “I can’t lose you. You’re everything to me.” The sincerity of his tone brought tears to her eyes.

  “It’ll all work out. Trust me.” Sara hoped her words conveyed her determination for Eros’ plan to succeed, but with all things, risks were still part of the solution.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Forgive my intrusion.”

  Sara screamed and the next moment she found herself under the blankets instead of on top of them. “I should imagine that trick is very handy on occasion,” she said, watching Zeus.

  Hermes didn’t laugh, only glared at his father. “Get out.”

  “Sara has duties, the first is that of being my cup bearer. Bring her to the main hall, where she can begin.”

  “Why are you doing this? I’m the one you’re angry with. Punish me, not Sara.”

  “I am punishing you by punishing the woman you care about.” Zeus smiled. “Unless you’re willing to marry, as I suggested.” He paused and Hermes remained silent. “Do not make me follow you again.”

  Sara watched him go and wondered just how long he’d been standing there. “Hermes, you need to let me do this. I’ll be fine, really. Don’t worry about it, I’m a big girl.”

  He nodded and pulled her from the bed. “We’ll go back after we shower.”

  “You’re incorrigible.” She laughed.

  “Only around you,” Hermes replied.


  Hermes watched as Sara walked around the hall with a platter of ambrosia-filled glasses. She was steadier than he thought she would be and she’d stayed true to her word and refused to enter into the petty arguments the gods loved to create.

  Hebe, his sister, came and sat beside him and raised her brow. “So, the great god Hermes, after all these thousands of years has fallen in love? And not only that, but with a mortal woman.” Hebe shook her head. “What would Cat and Chloe say about you now?”

  “I owe them both an apology.” Hermes tensed as Pothos leaned down close to Sara’s ear, the seductive turn of Pothos lips not favouring him to continue his long life. The fact that the god, over the past two days, had been attentive and kind to the woman he loved, only made the blood in Hermes’ veins boil molten hot.

  “I heard Zeus talking about sending you to Roma where Eros is rumoured to be living. It seems he may have forgiven you for your ‘supposed’ indiscretion.”

  “Do not mention Hera to me again. I’ve had enough of that goddess’s games to last me two lifetimes. As for Eros, I’m surprised he’s not arrived already.” He frowned. “It makes no sense. He knows of her, warned me to keep her safe. So for him not to arrive is odd, but then,” he shrugged. “He’s never cared about her welfare before. I wonder why Zeus should think he would take an interest now.”

  Hermes continued to watch Sara with an intensity that was starting to strain his eyes. Who knew what dangers lurked behind the pretty veneer of the gods? They could turn chilling, make sport of her at any moment. He stretched his neck, hoping to relieve the stress.

  Hebe shook her head. “I suppose Zeus has his reasons, as we all do in certain situations.” She paused. “Hermes, do you understand why I notified you to go to Hera’s quarters? I thought the rumours were true and that you were enamoured of her. When Hera came to me and asked for my help, I saw it as an opportunity to remove you from the catacombs for a time so I could free Cat. Had I known Hera was setting you up, I would never have fallen into her plan.”

  Hermes thought back to that day and shuddered. Zeus had walked in just at the moment Hera had dropped to her knees before him, to do anything he would bid her to do. Innocent as it was, Hera had played the part of seduced seductress to a tee and Zeus’ reaction was what one could expect from the father of the gods.

  Zeus had pointed his thunderbolt at him and Hermes knew to flee immediately or die. It had taken him only a moment to reach earth, before his powers had been stripped away, but months to disappear so no one could find him. He’d travelled on foot to leave no trace of his location and that’s when he’d found Sara. She was the best thing that had happened to him in a very long time. She made him a better being in every possible way. Inside and out.

  “I understand and oddly enough, I thank you for it. Had you not placed me in Hera’s room that day, I would never have found Sara.” He caught Sara’s eye and winked. Today, she was dressed in the flowing green silk robe that the servants wore. With her fiery hair and striking green eyes, never had he seen anyone so beautiful.

  “You’re in love with her.” Hebe laughed and took a sip of wine. “She’s very beautiful and I know more than one goddess who is jealous.”

  “And why wouldn’t they be?” Hermes smiled. “Sara is the most beautiful female here.”

  “And have you told her?”


  “That you love her?”

  Hermes nodded. “I have, but not much good it will do us now. Even if Zeus gets what he wants, he’ll not allow me to leave. And I fear for her safety. I can’t lose her.”

“Ask her to stay here. To live at Mount Olympus with you. Women do have a tendency to change their mind. She may surprise you.” Hebe patted his arm, stood and walked away.

  Hermes wondered at his sister’s words. Would Sara stay if he asked? She was Eros’s granddaughter, so Zeus might allow her to make Mount Olympus her home. He took a sip of wine and knew that no matter what, he couldn’t live without her. She’d wiggled her way into his heart and he was lost.

  His body tensed when Zeus appeared beside her in full armour and as his youthful self. What was his father playing at? He narrowed his eyes when Sara took Zeus proffered hand and was led from the room.

  She looked over her shoulder, her gaze searching for Hermes, before he lost sight of her.

  He stood to follow, but found himself stuck to where he sat. He fought to move, his body seemingly unable to rise.

  “Zeus,” he roared, not caring about the startled gasps of the other gods. Zeus had Sara and there was nothing he could do to stop whatever game was about to ensue.

  At that moment, he couldn’t have hated his father more.

  Sara looked at Zeus and knew her visage would appear a little bedazzled. He was stunning in his younger form and as for the armor. Well, was it any wonder he could seduce anyone he wished? He reminded her of Hermes.

  “How are you finding your position here, Sara? I hope you’re not unhappy.”

  They walked along a bridge type corridor which joined two buildings together. From where they stood, they could see out over either side of Olympus. People milled about in the streets below, gossiping, eating and just enjoying themselves with little care for anything else.

  “I’d prefer to be home and not a ploy in whatever game you’re playing. Has Eros contacted you yet?”

  “He will.” His gaze searched hers and he smiled.

  Sara didn’t trust one thing, including the looks that Zeus was sending in her direction. A cold chill swept down her spine. Zeus was up to something, something that was separate to his plan with Eros.


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