Fallen (Daughters Of The Gods Book 3)

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Fallen (Daughters Of The Gods Book 3) Page 9

by Tamara Gill

  “I’ve been watching you these past days and I can see what Hermes finds appealing about you. You’re a very beautiful mortal.”

  “Thank you.” Sara crossed her arms and turned to stare at the gods below. “Was there anything else?”

  “Perhaps.” He paused. “Would you be interested in being my concubine?”

  Sara gasped and stepped away. “Certainly not. I’m here with your son and even if I wasn’t, the answer would still be no. How could you ask such a thing of me?”

  “Because I want you and I won’t rest until I’ve secured the chance of hurting Hermes in some way. I’ve not been close to my wife for many years, but even I will not allow such a traitorous action to go unpunished. Sleeping with the woman my son loves will make my revenge complete.”

  The words that Hermes loved her warmed her soul, even if being before Zeus chilled her core. “I won’t be a part of it. You forget that Hera was to blame. She is, in fact, a liar. What of the revenge you should be seeking from her?”

  “She’s been banished from Olympus for the time being and is less than pleased about it. The fact she cannot have Hermes because he’s in love with you only makes my plan to hurt him easier. You’ve enabled me to do very little and yet be content. But I want you.” Zeus pulled her against his armour-clad chest and she gasped at its coldness. “Sleep with me. I promise you’ll not be disappointed.”

  Sara pushed away from him and she stumbled. “I will not. I could never do that to myself or Hermes.”

  “He would do it to you.” Zeus waved his hand and a vision appeared before her of Hermes in the throes of passion with an unknown goddess she’d never seen before.

  Bile rose in her throat. “You lie.”

  Zeus raised his brow. “I am many things, but I’m not a liar. Of that, you may be certain.”

  Tears welled up in Sara’s eyes and she turned away, her only thought to get the hell away from Zeus and all the other fickle gods and return to her room. What she was seeing wasn’t real. She had to believe that.

  “I have not dismissed you, Sara. Do not walk away from me.”

  Her legs refused to move another step and she growled at the stubborn, nasty immortal. “Let me go!”

  “If you’ll not sleep with me, grant me one kiss and if you feel afterwards that you could not take our association any further, I will not press you again.”

  “No.” Never

  A flicker of anger burned in his gaze before he blinked and it was gone. He stormed toward her and clasping her face, kissed her. Hard.

  Sara pushed at his chest, his lips, soft and beckoning, made her want to scream. It was so wrong on so many levels. How could Zeus not know this?

  “Kiss me, Sara,” he demanded, catching her gaze.

  She felt her body respond to his words, while her mind remained steadfast to deny him. He seemed to enjoy tormenting her with his touch. Sara tried to refuse him, but her body refused to cooperate.

  “Do not fight me, Sara. It’ll only cause you distress. Enjoy what I’m bestowing on you and think of it as a gift from the father of the gods.”

  “I will never think of it that way. You’re an asshole!” She pushed him back and he stumbled.

  Zeus thrummed with anger at being denied. He clasped her upper arm, his fingers pinching her skin. “Come.”

  She fought to get away. “Let me go!”

  “It was just a little fun.” He laughed, the sound rumbling all around them.

  “Stop. I don’t want to go anywhere with you.” Sara fought with all her might to move in another direction, but without luck. Panic clawed at her throat and threatened to choke her. If Hermes thought she enjoyed Zeus attention, she’d die. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  “Hermes won’t care. If you don’t believe the vision I showed you, perhaps it was time you saw the being you love for who he really is.” Zeus waved his hand and thunder rumbled around them. He pulled her into the throne room where the gods sat relaxing and eating before their king and gestured to where Hermes sat. “Take a look yourself.”

  Sara skidded to a stop as her attention snapped on Hermes. No longer sitting at the table, but now relaxing on decadent cushions with an array of women and men about him. His laughter rang out about the room, but it wasn’t the carefree sound to which she was accustomed. Instead, it was replaced with mockery, a falseness for whatever or whoever it was, at whom he was laughing.

  “What have you done to him?” she asked, not caring that her tone was demanding.

  Zeus smirked. “I’ve removed all memory of you. He has no idea of my revenge or why I’ve done it. To him, you’re just a servant. A mere female who should bend her knees to his every whim. Go over and see for yourself if you don’t believe me.”

  “I hate you.” Sara strode toward Hermes, not bothering to react to the laughter and whispers that followed her every step. Her stomach rolled as the lover she’d come to adore, wrenched a goddess onto his lap, kissing her soundly.

  This couldn’t be happening. Not even Zeus could be so cruel. “Hermes?”

  He pulled back from the goddess and frowned. His eyes blazed with shock before he stood and came to tower over her. “How dare you address me in so informal manner? I should exile you for eternity for such vulgarity.”

  Sara bit her lip to stop the tears welling in her eyes. “You don’t remember me?”

  He laughed and the others in the hall joined in with his mirth. “Why would I? You’re a servant, a being beneath my notice.”

  “Wow.” She took a calming breath. “You really weren’t lying when you said your past wasn’t something of which to be proud. If I were you, I’d be ashamed of myself.” Sara ignored the hardening of his gaze and walked back toward Zeus. She caught the pitying gaze of Hebe, and raised her chin, refusing to bow to these immortal pigs.

  “What did I tell you, my dear? Hermes is a soldier, hardened by time and gifted to the gods. How long did you think a mortal woman like yourself could keep him occupied? He was never for you and until I have my revenge, I will keep you from him. I always get what I want. One way or another.”

  Sara sat down at his feet and caught Hermes watching her. Her heart crumbled in her chest at the cold and calculating visage of a person she no longer knew. The thought of never seeing him again, talking to him as she’d once done, threatened her sanity. He’d become so important to her. The whole reason why she’d come to Mount Olympus in the first place was to secure their future.

  She loved him…

  Sara played with her dress and tried to calm her rattling heart. Should Hermes ever find out what Zeus had done, he’d never forgive his father either. But Zeus held grudges for thousands of years. She could be an old woman or even dead before Zeus even thought to release Hermes from his forced amnesia.

  Hermes stood and pulled the goddess he’d been kissing just before into his arms. They laughed at something she said, before walking from the room. Sara was going to vomit. Her stomach churned as the realization struck her that Hermes was about to sleep with someone else. Make love to someone else.

  “Take heart, dear Sara. Better to end one’s infatuation before feelings become involved. I would hate for your pretty face to be blotchy and red from too much crying.”

  Sara stood, grabbed a jug of ambrosia and poured it over Zeus’s arrogant head. He roared as he stood and an invisible force threw her backwards. Sara stood on shaking legs and glared at the bastard god. “Any wonder Hera cuckolded you. You’re neither a god, nor a man. You’re a snivelling bastard who thrives on other people’s pain.”

  Zeus raised his thunderbolt and Sara beckoned him to strike her with it. Eros wanted her to force Zeus hand in anger, well now she’d done it, so where was her grandfather? If she died here, without being returned home before awakening, their plan was shot to hell.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Enough Zeus. I tire of your games.”

  Sara sighed in relief as Eros appeared beside her. Again, she was struck by the
beautiful crystal white wings and small arrow her grandfather carried. His muscular perfection was unsurpassed and around her she could hear the delighted sighs of the gods.

  Zeus chuckled, settling back on his throne, a self-satisfied grin on his lips. “The god of love himself and just in time to save your granddaughter from my ire. I do hate killing humans.”

  Eros scoffed. “Before I help you with whatever scheme you have planned against your wife, allow me to inform you of a few conditions of my own.”

  “Please, do enlighten us.” Zeus beckoned Eros to continue.

  “For whatever reason, fate or at the hand of the gods, my granddaughter and Hermes have created a bond, bound by love. Neither one of us are strong enough to keep them apart forever. If you wish me to help you’ll let Sara leave to continue on with her life with Hermes. Wherever that may be.”

  “No.” Zeus’s tone was unmovable.

  Sara swallowed and wondered how this conflict would play out. A movement to the side of the room caught her eye and she noted Hermes had returned, the goddess no longer with him. He narrowed his eyes on them and strode to stand beside Zeus.

  Her body wanted to go to him, to have him enfold her in his arms, and yet his gaze was cold and distant. How could he not remember her, even a little bit?

  She caught his eye and held his gaze, hoping beyond hope that a flicker of their time together flittered through his mind. He narrowed his eyes.

  “That is my decree. Take it or leave it Zeus,” Eros stated, just as adamant as Zeus was with his denial. The pair watched each other, the tension between them almost visible.

  Thunder rumbled in the distance and Sara’s palms began to sweat. She took in her grandfather, grand, mighty, old and wondered how he came to meet her grandmother all those years ago. This man was her mother’s father, the only family she had left. When all this was over, would he wish to know her better? He seemed so untouchable, his aura, his very being was so much more than she could ever hope to become.

  “I shall leave it, and you’ll do as I bid or the granddaughter you’ve found after all these years will cease to exist. I make the rules. You do not.”

  Again silence ensued. “Hurt her and your son will die.”

  Sara gasped and looked at Eros. He didn’t take his gaze from Zeus and the steel in his gaze only confirmed what he said was true. “Don’t touch him, Eros.”

  Hermes chuckled. “You do not need to enter my battles, servant. I can defend myself against the god of love,” he replied to her.

  Sara had never thought the word, ‘love’ could sound so demeaning, and yet somehow Hermes had managed it.

  “Careful, Hermes,” Eros murmured.

  “I tire of this.” Zeus sat. “Ask for forgiveness, Sara and I may grant your wish to return home, as long as Eros does as I bid him.”

  “Forgiveness for what?”

  “Your outburst earlier.”

  He waited patiently and she stared at him, surprised he’d even think she’d ever apologize to him. “No.”

  Hermes strode over to her and clasped her arm, dragging her before his father. “Apologize.”

  She whimpered and hit at his punishing grip on her arm. “No. How about you go fuck yourself instead?”

  His eyes widened and he shook her a little, the action bringing them chest to chest. “Apologize to Zeus.”

  “Let her go, Hermes.”

  Hermes scoffed at the threat from Eros and continued to watch her. “You’re very attractive for a servant. Perhaps you should come back to my quarters where I can fuck that defiant look off your face.”

  Sara slapped his face. Hard. His mouth dropped open and she cringed, knowing she’d hurt him. This wasn’t his fault. His treatment of her was Zeus’s doing and yet, had Hermes been like this before she’d met him, they never would’ve fallen in love.

  He raised his hand and out her peripheral vision, she saw Eros roar and raise his arrow. Hermes must have sensed the attack, he tried to shift them out of the way, but the arrow spiked through her, piercing her back, the arrowhead popping out the front of her gown.

  Sara’s mouth filled with the taste of lead. Dizziness swamped her and she swayed. Hermes laid her on the floor and came to stand over her.

  “You killed your own granddaughter.”

  “I would rather her dead than in your arms.” Eros knelt beside her, his warm hand pushing her hair away from her face. “I’m sorry, Sara, but you knew my course. I’ll protect you to the very end of your life. I promised you.”

  She tried to smile as cold seeped up from the tile floor. Her body shivered, her vision blurring. Hermes clasped her hand and she fleetingly wondered why he would, unless some part of him remembered.

  Zeus clapped his hand, laughing. “Remember my son.”

  Hermes’s mind cleared of the hazy thoughts swirling around within him and looked down to see Sara, pale, cold and barely alive. “Sara,” he yelled, touching her face, running his hand over her body and realizing she was hurt. “What happened?”

  “Hermes….” She touched his cheek, her hand falling limply to her side. “You forgot me. Not your fault. I love you.”

  He shook his head, her words disjointed. Running a hand through his hair he thought over the last hours and events and his memory cleared. He saw everything. How he’d treated her. What he’d done with the other goddess, without heed for Sara’s feelings.

  His stomach lurched and he pushed Eros away. “Do not touch her. You murdering bastard.”

  Sara grabbed his hand and squeezed it weakly. “No Hermes. Not his fault.”

  He hugged her to him, the blood at the back of her gown sticky and warm against his palms. “I love you. Forgive me, please. This was never what I wanted.”

  “I know,” she said closing her eyes for a moment. She looked at Eros. “Take me home. I don’t want to die here.”

  “Does it hurt, Hermes? Treachery, loss, love? Remember this day I taught you this lesson, even if I wasn’t the one to make the deathly blow.”

  “Fuck you,” he said to his father, picking up Sara and handing her to Eros. No matter what he thought of the god of love, Sara deserved to have her final wish.

  Eros pulled her tighter against him and disappeared.

  Hermes fell to his knees and stared at the space they’d just consumed. He’d lost her. She was going to die and it was all his fault. He should’ve known not to trust Zeus and bring her here. He should have hidden her on Earth, somewhere where Zeus would never have found them. His sisters had managed it; there was no reason why he couldn’t have as well.

  But no. He’d brought her here and now she was dead.

  His soul tore in two, no longer whole or complete, but broken and empty.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sara sat up and gasped for air. Curtains billowed with a cooling breeze on the hot day, her skin felt slick with sweat and she felt like she’d been run over by a truck.

  Taking a deep breath, she looked about and found Eros watching from the door.

  “Did it work?” her voice sounded hoarse. Eros came and poured her a glass of water and handed it to her.

  “Yes. Of course. Your reawakening took longer than I’d hoped, but no one has come looking for you. I think you’ll be safe.”

  Fresh pain tore through her heart with the knowledge that Hermes hadn’t bothered to help Eros lay her to rest. Why? Had she lost him in such a way she would have wanted to say goodbye in private. To ensure he was laid to rest.

  “Hermes hasn’t…”

  “I have not seen Hermes, my dear. I will return to Olympus and do Zeus’ bidding if only to keep him satisfied and away from you. He thinks he’s won We must ensure he believes that forever more.”

  “So I really am going to live forever?” The thought still didn’t sit quite right for her, but then, she had no one left. Not really, other than her immortal grandfather and Josie, of course.

  “Are you going to tell Hermes I’m okay?”

  “No, I’m not. If he
loves you as much as I believe he did, he’ll find you again. Be patient, my child and bide your time. Love will find you.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Thank you Eros, for getting me out of there. I’ll be forever grateful.”

  “I loved your grandmother. I loved your mother and I love you. I’ll always look out for you.”

  She smiled and watched as his crystal wings spread out behind him before he disappeared into a blaze of light. It was both awe-inspiring and crazy at the same time and without doubt, comforting. That there was someone out there, who had her back, who would fight for her no matter what situation she found herself in…. it humbled her.


  Weeks passed in a haze of despair. Sara didn’t bother going back to Aspen Creek, but instead moved into to her grandmother’s farm house permanently. With the farm making enough money to support her, she told herself that was why she didn’t leave, even though she knew she couldn’t stay forever. Not that it was because Hermes may one day come looking for her.

  She missed him.

  Everyday something would trigger a memory of their time together. Music, hay, the truck, shovelling horseshit…

  And with each reminder came the stabbing pain as her heart crumbled a little more in her chest.

  Why hadn’t he come?

  The scar on her chest ached and she rubbed it, looking up to the starlight night. He was out there, somewhere. Trying to move on with his existence, just like she was.

  But she was here, Hermes, she wanted to shout. Come and see.

  Sara sat on the front steps and sipped her cup of tea. Her life as it was now wasn’t so bad. Being the granddaughter to Eros had brought some strange and wonderful complexities into her life.

  Like the fact, she could now think of a location and be there within an instant. Could change her clothes without lifting one finger to do it and with only a special word placed here or there she could make single people fall in love. Toby down at the clothing store had been her first unknown recipient of her gift.


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