You Complete Me

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You Complete Me Page 8

by Wendi Zwaduk


  Emily ran into the main command room. She couldn’t breathe. “Kynan.” She gripped the desk. “I need you.”

  He glanced over at Lexa, who shrugged. “The last person who said they needed me ended up being my mate.” He crooked one eyebrow at Emily. “They’ve got Hagan.”

  “Yes.” A bit of her fury melted. “Wait, you knew?” Her anger grew. “You didn’t tell me?”

  “Hold up.” Lexa stepped between Kynan and Emily. “I’ll handle this.” She steered Emily away from the desk. “Yeah, we saw him being taken from the front porch. It was stupid to be out there without a guard, but he did. That doesn’t mean any of us are going to let them keep him.”

  “You’re damn right,” Emily spat.

  “Slow it down. Don’t get pissy with me.” Her eyes blazed and Lexa’s voice remained calm. “We’re going along according to plan. The only difference is that they’ve got him. Now you’ve got a better reason to go there. Use Ky as a bargaining chip. We’re backing you up. Understand me?”

  She sounded so much like Kynan. No wonder they were mates. She completed him perfectly. Emily nodded. “How am I going to get him out?”

  “No matter what, they’ll be suspicious.” Lexa folded her arms. “You know your partner. Will Ben accept you bringing Kynan in?”

  “Yes and no. I’ve made contact with Hagan. He’s being held in one of the rooms at Maslow’s. I don’t know which one. Through Hagan, I heard Ben there. Ben wants me to believe he’s searching for me. He truly wants to destroy me.”

  “I see.”

  “I know his weaknesses. Ben’s a threat, but if I’ve got you all on my side, we will get Hagan back and we will destroy the Rogues. I’m tired of living in fear, tired of having my friends killed and tired of wondering if doing my job is the right thing.” Emily stood tall. She had a mission.

  “That’s what we wanted to hear.” Kynan snapped a set of handcuffs on his wrists. “Captive ready and willing. Let’s get in there and stamp out the Rogue menace.”

  Lexa slipped the key to the cuffs into Emily’s pocket. “I’m trusting you with my mate. Don’t fuck this up.”

  “I won’t.” Emily turned her attention to Kynan. “Ready?”

  “I am.” He kissed Lexa, and then rested his forehead against hers. A tear slipped down Lexa’s cheek, but she didn’t say anything. Kynan kissed her again and looked into her eyes. “Only for a little while.”

  Emily’s heart ached for them. Was Kynan not only sacrificing himself, but putting Lexa in danger as well? Lexa would certainly go mad if anything happened to her mate.

  “We need to go.” Kynan led her out of the house to the garage area. “Take me to Ben. We need him to believe you’re on his side. Get rough with me if you have to. I can handle it.”

  “I’m sure you can.” She helped him into the Jeep before rounding the hood. Too many lives depended on her doing her job properly. She gripped the steering wheel as they drove to her apartment. Before meeting Hagan, she would’ve shot the Supers on sight. Thank the Goddess she’d learned the error of her ways.

  “What are you going to say to Ben?”

  “You’re never going to believe what I’ve bagged.” She flexed her hands around the wheel. “I’ve brought the devil to Maslow. Want in on the presentation?”

  “Good. Keep up that venom.” Kynan moved the gag he’d tied loosely around his neck and clasped the handkerchief between his teeth.

  Emily pulled into her driveway. Ben was already there, sitting in his truck. He opened the driver’s side door when she stopped. She’d forgotten how tall the man was and how he always seemed so angry, even when he wasn’t mad. He strode up to her.

  “Where have you been?” He gripped the doorframe of her Jeep. “Talk.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re never going to believe this, but I’ve made the capture of the century.” She flipped on the interior light. “I’ve got the devil himself.”

  Ben leaned in the window and gasped. “Holy mother of…you bagged Laing.” His eyes lit up and a wicked smile curled on his lips. “Laing. Such an evil sight for sore eyes.”

  “Care to get in on the presentation?” She drummed her fingers. “I’ve got room for one more.”

  “You bet.” He sprinted around the Jeep to the passenger side. “This bastard rides in the back.”

  Ben yanked the door open and manhandled Kynan, not that the vampire put up much resistance. She watched Ben thump Kynan a few times before he shoved Kynan into the back of the vehicle. She watched Ky for an extra moment. When he winked at her, she suppressed a sigh. At least he was all right.

  “Go.” Ben slapped the dashboard. “Fuck yeah. We bagged the devil.” He screamed and waved his arm out the window. “Yeah!”

  She faked excitement as she drove across town to the Maslow building. From the outside, the compound looked more like a bank, with its Doric columns and faux marble façade. She parked in the underground lot. “We’re here.”

  “Yes, we are.” Ben bounced out of the vehicle. “Time to kill the bastard.”

  “We need to take him to Maslow first. We can’t kill him without proof.” She helped Kynan to his feet. “Remember? If they die, they go poof.”

  “True. Fuck.” Ben yanked on Kynan’s bound arm and pulled him into the building. “Maslow will be thrilled.” He shoved a couple of Hunters out of his way as he hefted Kynan into a larger room.

  Emily bit back a gasp. She’d been in the compound plenty of times, but never in Maslow’s main space. Thick red velvet drapes covered the walls. Gold cording held some of the curtains back to reveal a large man sitting on an oversized wooden chair. She’d seen a chair similar to it in an old Catholic church before the church was torn down.

  She noticed the amount of Hunters in the room. Three? He’d said the army was larger. She wanted to contact Hagan, but feared she’d lose her composure.

  “So you’ve brought me the leader.” Maslow leaned forward on his chair. The thick man clutched his large belly. “Bring him closer to me.”

  Closer? She kept her hand under Kynan’s arm. “I’ve done what you’ve asked. He’s here. I want my possession back.” She stomped her foot. “Hand over the vampire Hagan.”

  “What? You desire the vampire?” Maslow leaned forward. He squinted. “Why?”

  “Yeah,” Ben said and shoved Kynan. “Why?”

  “He’s my prey.” She let go of Kynan and folded her arms. “Got a problem with my request?” She knew he did and wanted him to answer her truthfully.

  Ben’s lips curled in a sneer. “I told you she was bad. She’s been turned. I smell his filth on her.” He pulled his knife from his hip sheath. “She’s allowed the vampire to mate with her.” He shoved Kynan out of the way and grabbed the front of her shirt. “I see you’ve given yourself to him. Decide. Which of us do you want?”

  “Not a question.” She stood firm. “Hagan.”

  “Just as well.” He let go of her shirt, then pulled his hand back. “You’ve outlived your use.” He brought his palm down across her cheek. “Bitch.”

  The sting from his hand on her face radiated to her core, but it also made her stronger. She grabbed his arm and twisted, flinging him onto the floor. “Never pull your weapon on me or hit a woman.” She drove the blade of his knife into his chest. “Ever.”

  Beside her, Kynan wrestled free of the gag. “Maslow, you wanted me here. You wanted this fight. It ends tonight.” Emily shoved the key into the lock, freeing Kynan.

  “Everything ends, but not for me.” Maslow tipped his head back and laughed. He waved his hand. “Up, fool.” He snapped his fingers, pulling Ben up from the floor.

  With the knife still lodged in his chest, Ben leaned against Maslow. His eyes flashed and turned black. “Time for you to die.”

  Kynan stepped between Emily and Ben. “Maslow, you said I’m the devil. I’m tired of my friends being shot and killed. Supers don’t have to die.”

  “They always need to die,” Ben s
pat. “Sir, he’s not going to get past me this time.”

  “You can’t even see me,” Kynan said. “You’re battling against what you don’t know. You’re basing your knowledge on what your lackey tells you.” He withdrew two silver knives from his coat. “I’m tired of running and hiding.”

  “Don’t need to hide. You need to die.” Ben lunged at Kynan. “You’re destroying the human race.”

  “You are.” Emily whipped out her handgun. “You lied to me. You lied to everyone.” She navigated Ben away from Maslow, leaving the leader exposed. When Emily glanced over at them, she noticed Kynan swing his knife. In one slick move, he lopped Maslow’s head from his shoulders. The head flopped onto the floor with a sickening thud. Her stomach lurched. She’d seen plenty of individuals die—it was her profession to kill, but seeing the man who’d claimed to be the messiah of the Hunters, minus his head… She swallowed back bile.

  Emily focused her attention on Ben. “You said I was dangerous. Now you’ll find out how dangerous I can be.” She grabbed Ben into a headlock and pressed the knife to his throat. “Where is Hagan?”

  “In the sunshine,” Ben managed. He laughed. “I’ve fried him.”

  “Sorry, bastard. You wanted to kill the Supers. You’re one of them. We’re you planning on killing us yourself?” Kynan shredded the front of Ben’s shirt.

  “He’s been in on the deal the whole time.” Emily tightened her grip. “He used me to kill the others.”

  “Liar,” Ben growled.

  “You’ve gone mad,” Emily said. “Only a mad man would kill his own kind. Only a person who has gone berserk would destroy an entire group of people because he doesn’t like something about them. We were Hunters tasked with keeping the balance and order. You’re out of line.” Emily drew her knife against his throat and pulled. The sickening sound of skin breaking and blood spurting echoed in the room. Her fury took hold and she divided his head from his body. His head rolled across the floor and settled beside Maslow’s lifeless body.

  “Anyone else?” Kynan shouted. He held up his knife. “The Supers don’t need to die.”

  The two Hunters hovering by the doorway dropped to their knees. “Thank you.” The blond man offered both hands. “We’re forever in your debt.”

  “Screw the debt. I need to find Hagan.” Emily shoved past them and sprinted to the front of the building. She threw open the doors. Bright sunshine splashed over her. “Damn it,” she screamed. “Where are you?” She shook with fear. Where was Hagan?

  “He’s here.” Kynan ran across the steps to what looked like a pile of human-shaped pile of charred mess. “Get your Jeep.”

  “I’m not leaving him.” She scooped Hagan into her arms. The man was just as light as the night she’d found him. She carried him into the darkness of the building. “Don’t you dare die on me.” She petted his hair. “You can’t leave me.” With her knife in hand, she slit her wrist. “Drink. I’m not going on without you.” She placed her arm against his lips and dribbled her blood into his mouth. Live. Come on, Hagan. Live. I love you. You’re the one I want.

  The char began to recede, but otherwise he wasn’t responding. She blinked back tears. “Help me.”

  Kynan bounded into the room. “I brought your Jeep around. We’ll do better if we can get him to the mansion. Come on.” The vampire scooped Hagan into his arms and carried him to the vehicle. “Drive. We’ll save him. Promise.”

  Although she couldn’t stop the tears, she forced herself to speed across town to the mansion. She’d put her faith in the wrong people for far too long. Time to believe in someone who truly cared in order to save the man she loved. At the house, Kynan bypassed the others and took Hagan directly to their suites. He placed Hagan on the bed and ripped his own wrist open. He added his blood to Hagan’s mouth.

  Emily crawled onto the bed beside Hagan. She rested her head on his chest. He didn’t have a heart, so trying to hear his heartbeat was pointless. Still, she needed to touch him.

  Kynan flicked his hand and lit the room with a ring of candles. “Stay with him. He will come around. Your faith in him is strong. He’s got someone to stick around for. Just don’t let your faith slip.”

  “I won’t.”

  Chapter Eight

  Emily sat beside the bed. She tried to keep her eyes open, but the harder she tried, the faster she slipped off to sleep. She gripped Hagan’s burnt hand. The possibility of losing him scared her. She loved the vampire and truly couldn’t see her life without him. She’d go mad and the Hunters, the very friends she used to hold dear, would end up hunting for her. She slumped over in the chair to sleep and fought back nightmares of her vampire dying a lasting death.

  When she woke, she scooted the chair closer to the bed and rested her head on his chest. She murmured prayers to anyone she thought might be listening. “Goddess, please save him and allow him to come back to me.” More tears slipped down her cheeks. “I was foolish to deny my feelings. Please don’t punish him because I didn’t believe.”

  Her voice cracked. She knew he wouldn’t come around right at that moment. Healing couldn’t be instantaneous. “God, don’t take him. I’ll do anything.”

  The candles around them flickered before blowing out. Her breath stuck fast in her throat. The flames extinguishing couldn’t be good.

  “I should’ve given him more blood.” She sat up and wiped her face with the back of her hand. “I should’ve been honest faster. Should’ve believed.” She spread her palm across his pec. “I should’ve believed.”

  “You did.” Hagan smiled. Weak, but a smile. He slowly moved his hand to cover hers over his heart. The char melted away from his face and the color returned to his body. “You did it, hon.”

  “Thank you, Goddess…God or whoever listened.” With her free hand, she brushed his sweat-stiffened hair from his face. “I saved you because I need you.”

  “No one else died?” He rubbed her arm with the pad of his thumb.

  “Maslow and Ben are dead. It’s over.” She shoved the chair away and sat beside him on the bed. “It’s over. You’re safe with me at the mansion. Kynan helped me get you out of the sunshine.”

  “Good.” His smile strengthened.

  “I meant what I said. I love you. The moment I realized you’d gone, I got mad and screwed my head on straight. We belong together.” She gripped his hand. “I have trust issues, yes, but I trust you all the way.”

  “I knew you did.”

  “Soon you’ll be healed.” She measured her breaths. Holy crap, asking him to be her mate became scary all of a sudden. “I want to do the mating ceremony. No more waiting. I love you and want to be your Pasha. Will you take me as…your mate? I want to be yours forever.”

  “I love you, Emily. Yes, I will—once I’m on my feet.” He struggled to sit up. “So the real devil is dead? He couldn’t see Kynan could he?”

  “No, he used Ben as his eyes and ears. The other Hunters who were there surrendered to Kynan. They were relieved to be going back to their actual mission of keeping order. None of them wanted to follow Maslow and his madness.”

  “Understandable. What about you? How are you feeling?” He trailed his fingertips down her cheek. “You’ve been through a lot in a short period of time.”

  She sighed. How was she feeling? She hadn’t given a thought to dealing with what she’d been through. Her focus had been on saving Hagan. She sagged beside him. “Well…I’m back to being a regular Hunter. The war is over.” She laughed. For the first time in over a year, she allowed herself to laugh. “Maslow can’t hurt anyone. His main disciple is dead and I feel free.” She looked up at him. “I found you. I’m good. Better than good…I’m invincible.”

  “I like hearing that.” He cuddled her closer. “Give me one more day and I’ll be ready. I want to make you mine, so much.”

  “I’m yours.” She closed her eyes and allowed herself to succumb to sleep. Her vampire had lived and they had a future. Everything else was icing on her cake.


  Hagan rolled over and watched the woman he loved sleep. He’d barely been able to keep his eyes closed during the daylight. His brain buzzed. How could someone so beautiful, so perfect, be his? He chuckled. Not long ago, he’d thought he had no journey and nothing else to learn. He’d been so wrong. The moment he found himself in her Jeep was the moment he’d come back to life.

  “You’re staring again,” she said, without opening her eyes. “I’ve felt your gaze on me all day.”

  She’d gone to bed naked. God, he loved her and the way she thought. “You’re sexy.” He palmed her ass through the fabric of the sheets and blankets. “I’ve been thinking about you since we crashed this morning.” With the clothes out of the way, they could make love and recharge. Hell, they could mate right now. He wanted to be inside her, to have her beneath him as they cried out in orgasm and then to start all over again

  “I know what you’ve been thinking about.” She rolled onto her side and wrapped her body around him, situating his knee between her legs. She grinned at him. “I can read your thoughts. All day you’ve been fantasizing. I have to admit, I look good in your fantasies.”

  “You look good no matter what.” He cupped her cheek. Every cell in his body longed to bite her. He needed her. Hagan mashed his lips down over hers, tasting her. He vibrated with desire for her. Good Goddess. His cock had been semi-hard most of the day, but now that he’d connected with her, he needed more.

  “Make love to me, Hagan.” Emily rubbed her cunt on his thigh. Her juices slickened on his skin. Her heart radiated through him. He shuddered. “Please?” she asked.

  She didn’t have to beg, but according to the ancient mandates, she had to ask him to do the ritual. Silly, her having to ask. If she wanted him, she should be able to demand him. He rather liked the switch in roles, her having to be temporarily submissive to him. He preferred her playing the dominant role.

  “Do you wish to take me as your mate? To be mine forever and love me as long as we both live?” He needed to know. Had to hear the words out loud and feel the overwhelming desire coming from her.


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