The Kingmaker Complete Trilogy (The Kingmaker Trilogy #1-3)

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The Kingmaker Complete Trilogy (The Kingmaker Trilogy #1-3) Page 35

by Gemma Perfect

  Everleigh is smiling down at me as though I am the most wonderfully clever woman she has ever seen. I think she likes my idea.

  “Would you really do that for me? For Lanorie?”

  I nod. “Weaver can lurk around outside and step in if I need him to.”

  Weaver is nodding along. I know he’ll do what I want him to.

  There is one problem though. I reach up to my mask, Weaver puts a hand out to me as though he’d stop me, but I shake my head at him.

  “I’ll need some help, though. To cover this.”

  I let my mask fall and close my eyes so I cannot see the looks on the faces of the group that sits and stands gathered around me. Addyson’s hand slips into mine and I give it a squeeze.

  There is silence but I don’t mind that. No one screams or shouts or tries to shoo me out of the door.

  I give it a few seconds and then I open my eyes.

  Instead of disgust and fear, I see sympathy and kindness on these faces and I feel glad that Archer came here, glad that we came here too and glad that we can do something to help.


  GINATA IS THE FIRST to speak. “I know what they call your mark, but that’s not what it is.”

  Della nods and steps towards Ceryn, leaning down to hug her, enveloping her in the same non-judgemental love she’s been showing to Addyson. “There’s no devils in this world,” Della says, rubbing at the mark like she would smooth it away, happy to show Ceryn that she’s not scared.

  “People fear me.” Ceryn shrugs.

  “We don’t,” Finn says, smiling at her. “I’m Finn, by the way.”

  Ceryn smiles at him, blushing a little bit. “You’re not scared? Really?”

  Everybody nods. Everleigh pulls Ceryn to her feet and hugs her. “I know you can’t like me. I know what it’s like to love Archer, to lose him, but if you would help me, despite how cross you are with me, that shows who you are in your heart.”

  Weaver jumps up and claps Ceryn on the back. “See?” He is grinning like an idiot, pleased for his friend.

  Ceryn wipes at her tears, not able to look anyone in the eye. “My heart is angry. Always,” she says to Everleigh. “But I am happy to help. It’s what Archer would have done.”

  “What about the mark?” Addyson asks. “Can we cover it?”

  Ginata nods. “I think a paste would do it, a chalky, floury paste. It doesn’t have to last long.”

  “What if Millard is watching the kitchen, after the last time?”

  Finn explains for the benefit of Ceryn and Weaver: “Last night we asked one of the little maids to give the tower guards some ale, laced with a sleeping draught. We wanted to rescue Lanorie. But Millard was watching because the night before that, Everleigh tried to kill him, after drugging his guards with a sleeping draught.”

  Ceryn looks at Everleigh, respect and admiration in her eyes. “You tried to kill him?”

  “I had a knife to his throat. But he told me that if anyone found him dead, they’d kill Addyson. Of course, he didn’t know that Addyson was out of the tower and Lanorie was in, but I couldn’t let him kill Lanorie either. She’s looked after me since she was seven and I was nine.”

  “But he’s on alert. He’s also sent men out trying to find her. He’s desperate to lock her up, or kill her. He cannot stand her being out of his reach, plotting to take his crown.”

  “My crown,” Everleigh butts in.

  Finn laughs. “Sorry. Her crown.”

  Ceryn is nodding, as is Weaver. Their minds already trying to work this out. They love a fight, a battle, a war. “So, the little maids get Lanorie’s food from the kitchen and take it up to her?”

  Everyone but Weaver nods.

  “So, if the little maids have been in the tower, they know Addyson is gone?”

  Everyone but Ceryn nods.

  “So, then the cook must know that Addyson is gone and Lanorie has taken her place as well.”

  Again, everyone nods.

  “So, if we can get Ceryn into the kitchen, we can get the cook to help us, and then we can send Ceryn into the tower, dressed as a little maid with the food and her sword hidden in her skirts.”

  “Easy.” Ceryn sounds as though she means it.

  “I can’t be seen with you,” Ginata says. “Now, the King trusts me and thinks I’m on his side. We need that connection.”

  “What about Will?” Finn asks. “Will could take Ceryn into the kitchen. Millard’s men are watching him, but if we dress her a little differently before she goes back to the castle, no one will look twice at her.”

  “Good idea. I’ll start making a paste, Addyson and Della can help me. Della, have you got flour? Any chalk?” They start talking amongst themselves, pondering the best way to cover Ceryn’s mark.

  Everleigh takes a seat and Ceryn sits next to her. Weaver and Finn wander outside, chatting about hunting and fishing.

  “I’m sorry about the way I spoke to you when I got here. I needed to attack someone.”

  “I understand. I was so angry at first, then heart broken, in a fog, you know. I can’t say anything to make it better, I’m sorry.”

  “Did you love him very much?”

  Everleigh nods, looking directly into Ceryn’s eyes. “He was easy to love. Did he know you loved him?”

  “No. I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t risk the rejection.”

  “I feel selfish, but I’m glad. I’m sorry, but if he had known about you, maybe he wouldn’t have had the space in his heart for me.”

  “I understand selfish. That’s why I wished you dead. Because you got to love him and have him love you too. You got what I wanted and I couldn’t stand to look at you, but...”


  “I haven’t had an easy life, with my mark, I’ve had to be hard-faced, hard-hearted. I can feel a real pain that Archer’s dead, but I have spent years hiding my feelings, determined to be strong. I can’t crumble like a little girl. I can’t faint or die. I just have to keep on fighting. Archer loved me as a friend, at least, and that’s one of the things he loved about me. I’m not a soppy girl, I’m a fierce one.”

  “You are. I can’t believe you’ve offered to rescue Lanorie. You don’t even know her. That’s so brave.”

  “You trying to kill your brother was brave.”

  “Or stupid.”

  “Not stupid. Brave. I’m starting to see why Archer liked you.”

  “I can see why he liked you. You are a bit scary, but you have a good heart. It’s good for my sister to see.”

  “I know about her curse. Is it really that bad though? No one can see it...”

  “True. And I can’t imagine what your life’s been like, having to hide your face away, your lovely face. But Addyson has a different kind of mark on her. It’s not visible but it’s always there. Everyone knows. I don’t know how she’ll thrive in this Realm, but I love that she’s got a role model like you now.”

  “I don’t think I’m a role model, not really.”

  “Well you are. I can see the way she looks at you. She’s so impressed. You are what she wishes to be. Bold and bad despite her curse.”

  “Bold and bad!”

  “You know what I mean. You don’t take any messing off anyone; you can stick up for yourself, defend yourself.”

  “True. But I wish I didn’t have to.”

  They are both silent and then Addyson comes in, grinning and waving her arm at them. “Look, look at this.” There is a smear of white, chalky paste on her arm, covering the fine hairs and tiny freckles.

  Ceryn grins and touches her mark. She’s excited and follows Addyson into Della’s cottage.

  Everleigh is about to follow her when Finn pulls her back. “Are you alright? She was pretty nasty to you there for a bit.”

  “I am. I wasn’t. But I am. I...I know how she feels. We both lost someone we love, and...”

  She trails off, feeling strangely awkward talking about the love she had for Archer in front of Finn. He looks as awkward as
she feels and suggests they go next door.

  Della has fetched clothes for Ceryn to change in to. They are a little big but better than the boyish clothing she is wearing. Her face is unrecognisable. Without the mask, you can see she is a girl; a pretty one. She has lovely eyes, which don’t look so fierce and her skin is smooth. The paste has been blended in. Up close it is obvious, but the guards are not likely to notice, if she keeps her head down. They will also be able to approach Cook, with Will’s help, without her losing her mind over Ceryn’s face.

  Ceryn gives Everleigh a hug, and then a longer one to Addyson. “Thank you for coming after me.”

  “Thank you for coming back.”

  “Good luck. And thank you. Lanorie means so much to me. I need her to be safe.”

  “She will be.”


  SO, COOK HAS GONE AND my mind has gone and I am happy to wait for my life to be gone.

  I might sound dramatic but I am waiting for my death, so I think it’s fair enough.

  I think Everleigh has forgotten me. I have slept here two nights now and I am done.

  The spider is my only friend.

  Tears silently slip from my eyes and I don’t even bother to wipe them away.

  I did eat my breakfast but only because Cook had sent up my favourite. I didn’t want to be rude.

  I lie on my back on the hard bed and watch the spider.

  The tears drip down my face and pool into my ears tickling them.

  I don’t even wipe them away.


  THE WALK BACK TO THE castle is far more pleasant for all three of them than the walk down. It took a while for Ginata to convince Everleigh to stay at the cottage, but she listened eventually, with the promise that Lanorie would be with her by nightfall. Sooner.

  Ceryn and Weaver are armed, but they don’t look like they are. Ginata keeps sneaking looks at Ceryn; without her mask and dressed like a girl, even with her short hair, she looks completely different; free and happy.

  Weaver looks happy too; he strides along, filled with purpose.

  When they reach the castle, Ginata explains where to find Will. If he’s not in his room, they should listen for a laughing crowd, or ask one of the pages. If anyone asks they are friends of Halfreda’s, and are grieving after finding out about her death. Though the castle is often full of strangers, Ginata knows that Millard is on high alert.

  Ginata leaves them and goes to her rooms to wait. Whatever happens next, Millard will be alerted very quickly. If Ceryn and Weaver rescue Lanorie and injure or kill a few guards at the same time, she will know about it. If they fail and get caught, she will know about it. The only absolute is that in the next hour or so Millard is going to be furious about something. And she knows, just in this short time of knowing him, that he likes other people to share in his misery. She will find something to do in her rooms so when he comes he will find her innocent and unaware.

  WILL IS SKIPPING THROUGH the grounds, trying to shake off the guard who is still watching him when he spots Ceryn and Weaver heading towards him. He grins at them and somersaults towards them.

  “Impressive.” Ceryn’s voice is laced with warmth despite the sarcastic comment.

  “I am impressive,” he says with a laugh. “You look different.”

  “I took my mask off.”

  “That was brave.”

  “You think?”

  Will nods, steps closer to her and inspects her face and the white paste. “Do you ever take it off?”

  “Not in public, no.”

  “Very brave then.”

  Ceryn grins and Weaver laughs, patting her on the back. “Can we talk about how brave she is later? We’ve got a rescue to carry out.”

  “A rescue?”

  “Yup. We are going to send Ceryn into the tower and rescue Lanorie.”

  Will hoots and somersaults again. “Woo-hoo. Thank you.”

  “You like her?”

  “I love her. But she doesn’t like me. Not like that.”

  “I know how that feels. I was in love with Archer. Quietly.”

  Will smiles. “We’re losers in love, then, both of us.”

  “We’ll have to be losers together. Maybe after we rescue her, she’ll realise how much she’s missed you?”

  “Maybe. So, what’s the plan?”

  “We need to get Ceryn into the kitchen, we figure the castle cook must know that Lanorie is locked up instead of Addyson. We’ll enlist her help, send Ceryn up the tower.”

  “It’s probably best if I attack the guard upstairs and you get the one downstairs.”

  Weaver nods. “I’ll try to disarm him, knock him out maybe. I’d rather not kill them...”

  “But we can if we need to...”

  “Excuse her, she’s pretty blood thirsty.”

  Will stares at her, her face free of the mask, her eyes sparkling instead of being cloudy with anger, a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. “I kind of like it.”

  Ceryn smiles at him, a blush colouring her cheeks. “Let’s go.”

  Cook is busy icing a cake when they slip into the kitchen. Will gives her a tap on the shoulder. “Cook. We want to rescue Lanorie.”

  “Oh, thank the gods. I thought she would be in there forever. Who are these two?”

  Will introduces them. “We need to send Ceryn up to the tower with food. How long till her meal usually goes up?”

  “Just about a half hour. What’s on her face?”

  Ceryn steps closer, holding out her cheek for inspection. “I have a mark. It’s nothing to do with the devil.”

  “Course it’s bloody not. What nonsense. Are people scared of you?”


  “Poor thing. Well, I’m not and I’ll be happy to help you. That poor girl is falling apart in there by herself.”

  “Thanks Cook.”

  “As if I wouldn’t have helped. You’ll need to keep your head down though; we need to make sure the guard doesn’t notice your face.”

  “I know. Thank you for not being frightened.”

  Cook snorts. “There’s some nasty people in this world, happy to blame others for their own evil, I’m not one of those. That mark is nothing to do with the devil or anyone else. Ridiculous. Now what have I got for you three...” She moves around the kitchen finding little scraps of deliciousness for them: little cakes, nutty bread, pastries, tarts. By the time they are ready for Ceryn to head to the tower, disguised as a little maid, they are all stuffed.

  “Are you nervous?” Will asks them both. “Our rescue plans haven’t worked so far.”

  “I’m not nervous at all,” Weaver says, checking his sword is ready at his side, hidden but there.

  “I love a good fight.” Ceryn’s eyes are gleaming and Will knows she’s telling the truth. She’s got spirit, this one.

  “Ready?” Cook hands Ceryn the tray and Will can see her hands aren’t shaking at all. Weaver kisses her forehead. “Be safe.”

  She walks alone to the tower, head down, tray steady.

  Will stays in the kitchen with Cook, but Weaver makes his way slowly across the courtyard.

  The guard barely glances at Ceryn but knocks on the tower door before unlocking it. He moves so she can walk past.

  She walks up the stairs, breathing steady, hands steady, imagining how this will go down. What she’ll say, what she’ll do. If this handmaiden is even worth all of this trouble. She supposes if Everleigh likes her, that’s enough. It’s what Archer would have done, and that is her new benchmark, her gauge of what’s right or wrong.

  The second guard is as conscientious as the first, namely not at all. He unlocks the prisoner’s door without looking up and Ceryn slips inside the door. She puts the tray down and looks the girl up and down. She’s pretty plain looking. Thin and miserable looking, actually, but that could be because of where she is. “I’m Ceryn. A friend of Archer’s. I’m here to get you out.”

  Lanorie rushes towards her and wraps her arms around her,
shaking and crying, whispering: “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Really?”

  Ceryn stands stock still not returning the hug; she doesn’t like strangers touching her. In fact, they never do.

  Lanorie pulls back. “Ooh, what’s wrong with your face?”

  Ceryn grimaces, thinking how charmless this girl is. Why Will is in love with her, she can’t imagine. He seems such a lovely chap.

  “They call it the devil’s mark.”

  Lanorie shrinks back and Ceryn loses her temper. “Listen, girl, everyone is worried about you, for some reason. Everleigh can’t wait for you to be safe, for some reason. I’m your only hope. If you think I’m too scary and I might eat you while you’re looking the other way, I’m happy to leave you here.”

  Lanorie shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I’ve just never seen anything like it before.”

  “Forget about it. Are you ready?”

  “I think so. I’m scared.”

  “Well, don’t be. I’ll sort out the guard, you just run.”

  “Where do I go?”

  “Just out. I’m here with my friend Weaver. We’ll take you somewhere safe. Ready?”

  Lanorie shakes her head, but Ceryn knocks on the door anyway. The second the guard swings it open, she leaps forward, lifting her arm up and smashing his nose. He screams and reaches for his sword, quick in spite of the shock attack, but she’s quicker than he is, ready for a fight. She slashes his sword arm, just a surface wound but enough to make him shriek and drop his sword. In all fairness, none of Millard’s guards are used to real fighting and he would never have been expecting a little kitchen maid to start slashing around with a sword.

  She pushes Lanorie past him and tells her to run.

  The guard closes his eyes and she grins. She hasn’t hurt him very much, but he has obviously decided that it’s not worth his life to keep fighting.

  She barrels down the stairs, catching up with Lanorie. Outside of the door, the other guard is flat on his back an egg-shaped bump on his forehead, but no blood shed. Weaver is standing there grinning, bouncing on his feet. “Let’s go.”


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