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Bounced Page 3

by Brill Harper

He snakes his hand down the back of my pants and squeezes my ass, pushing and grinding me against his erection. There’s probably no way that monster will even fit. But there’s a hollowness inside me, low and achy. It’s pulling at my insides, growing bigger like a black hole. I need to be filled. I need him inside me to fill the hollow.

  “Fuck, you’re going to make me come in my pants,” he says, taking a break from bruising my mouth as he goes to my throat. His stubble is grazing my neck and his teeth are biting my skin. “Wife me, she says. Fuck. Why is that so fucking hot?”

  I don’t know.

  He’s my husband. I’m married to him. My pussy floods with wetness at the thought. I belong to him. But maybe what’s getting me so hot is realizing that he belongs to me. Mine. He’s all mine.

  I’ve made out with guys before and it was nothing like this. Anvil is primal and is stripping me down to my core animal. And he’s mine. The idea of him, of this, of us…I can’t fathom now how I made it this far in life without it. I feel like I was made to be his wife. How is that even possible? We just met.

  “I want to see you,” I say. Which for me, might be the most brazen thing I’ve ever said. But I want to touch his skin. Taste him. I lean back to make room for him to take off his shirt. My God, he’s beautiful.

  His chest is broad, of course. Lined with bulging muscles. He’s got thick hair at the center of his pecs that tapers down like a tour guide to his abs then lower still, drawing my eyes to the waistband of his jeans. I run my fingers through it. It’s course yet soft. I follow the path up and down with my hand; his skin seems to jump under my touch. I lean down and tongue the flat disc of his nipple and he moans, clutching my head there in case I move away too fast.

  “That’s good, baby. Oh fuck, that’s good.” The fact that I’m giving him pleasure turns me on more than I already was—and I didn’t think that was possible.

  But he’s impatient and his hands pull up on the hem of my shirt, so I lift my arms to get it off me. My bra is plain and boring. I didn’t know it would be my wedding night when I got dressed to go out. He flicks the front closure and it pops open, my breasts popping free like the biscuit dough in a can. His eye gets darker, dilating, and then the world shifts and I’m on my back and he’s sucking one of my breasts while he grinds into my pelvis.

  I cry out, the sensations pulling inside me like dark secrets. He keeps grinding, sucking, biting, and I feel like I’m falling, faster and faster. Racing toward the ground. My hands fist in his hair and I cry out as I come. My first time with someone in the room with me.

  He pulls back, his chin on my stomach, my skin stretching and puckering into goose bumps from the rough stubble. “I could get addicted to the sound you make when you come, angel. I think I need to hear it again.” He’s undoing the button of my jeans, yanking my pants down and off my legs. He puts his nose right into my panty-covered pussy and inhales deeply. “Oh yeah. That’s so good. Mmmm.”

  I want to cover myself with my hand. Push his nose away. It’s too much. He’s making me feel too many things at once. Shock. Modesty. Fear. Anticipation.

  He pulls the material over, exposing me to him, and dabs his tongue right into my slit. I arch like a current of electricity has just electrocuted me, the aftershocks still coming from my first orgasm. The shock and modesty melt away pretty quickly, to be honest. All that’s left is the fear and anticipation, and those two feelings play off each other in an interesting harmony that keeps me turned on.

  I look down at the juncture of my thighs to find him watching my face.

  “I’m going to wear this pretty little cunt out tonight.” He’s looking into my eyes, seeing how far he can go with his dirty talk. To find where I draw the line. Do I have a line? I don’t think I do. Not with him. Not with my husband. “You’re wet, angel. So wet for me. For my tongue and my fingers and my dick.”

  I nod.

  One yank and my panties are torn off. He pushes my legs wide apart. “Look at that pretty pussy. All creamy and juicy.” He spreads my lips apart. “I’m going to suck on that sweet, creamy clit of yours. Every last drop. My mouth is watering, angel.”

  And then I’m moaning as he kisses my pussy the way he took my mouth earlier. He’s tongue fucking me, his thumb on my clit. I should be embarrassed at the sounds I am making. The way I’m grinding against his face. But I’m not. I’m fucking free.

  “You make me so greedy, baby. I love drinking your sweet juices down. The more I eat you, the harder I get.

  He latches on again. I lose track of my orgasms. When he finally pulls away from me, I’m almost relieved at the break. I hear his zipper, so I raise up on my elbows to see him.




  “Yeah, sweetness. Look at my cock. Baby, what have you gotten yourself in to?” He rests his cock on my mound. It’s the size of my forearm and so heavy against me. “See how hard it is for you. See what you do to me? My face is fucking covered in your girl come and my dick wants some too.” He taps it on my pussy. “You were such a good girl before you met me, weren’t you?”

  I nod, mesmerized by the beast oozing pre-come from the mushroom tip. It’s porno big. And I don’t think there’s room inside me for both of us, I really don’t. But when he slides it through the lips of my pussy, my juices combining with his to let it glide smooth, I feel that hollowness inside again. There is only one thing that will ease the ache. I know it and he knows it.

  He pushes my legs back and rest them on his shoulders. Then he pulls my arms until they are pinned above my head, my wrists in his hand. With his other hand, he adjusts the angle of his cock so just the tip is poised at my entrance. He leans forward, pressuring the head in.

  “That feels so good already, baby.” He turns his face into my legs and kisses it tenderly. “Your pussy is grabbing my cock so tightly, honey.”

  My legs start shaking as he works in a little more. I move my hips as the sensation of being filled too much increases.

  “You on the pill, honey?”

  How could I have forgotten about condoms? I shake my head. “No, we need…” He pushes in a little more, and I forget what I was saying.

  “I don’t want anything between us,” he says.

  Alarm bells jangle in my brain. “But—”

  “Look at me,” he commands. His face is red, pinched with lust for me. “I kept you safe all night, yeah?” I nod. “I promise you, I’m clean. I’ve never had sex without a condom. Not once. And I get tested regularly. I would never endanger you. Do you believe me?”

  God help me, I do. “But—”

  “Babies aren’t in your five-year-plan. I get it. Neither was a husband.”

  His fingers do magical things to my clit while he talks, rendering me unable to think. “I want to fill you with my come, Sarah. I want to come inside you over and over.” He pushes all the way in and pauses, letting me adjust to the pain, the fullness. “That’s it, baby. Relax and get used to my cock.”

  My breath comes hard and fast, the pain blinding at first. I blink rapidly as it begins to fade, like I’m coming to. And there he is, watching me closely, rubbing his bearded face on my leg while he waits patiently for me to relax again.

  I’m not a virgin anymore.

  And I somehow made it to my wedding day as one.

  And I married the scariest man I’ve ever seen. Who I believe in my heart will protect me and do anything to make me happy. I don’t have enough data to make that judgement. I don’t have facts or comps or anything but what my untried heart is telling me.

  I’m completely open to him. My arms and legs immobile. “I need you to kiss me,” I whisper.

  He maneuvers my limbs around his waist and he takes my mouth. I rock my hips up, now aching to get closer. It hurts a little again, but he soothes it when he starts moving. Slowly at first, as he pulls back and hisses with pleasure when he eases back in.

  “You feel so fucking good.” He starts playing with my clit again. “I need yo
u to come around my cock this time, baby. I need it so bad. You’re so tight. So sweet.”

  I don’t have any defense for this. For his words. For his fat cock. For the way every inch of me feels full. I start coming again, only this time, I don’t think I will ever stop.

  “You’re milking my cock, angel. You’re going to pull all my come out of me, aren’t you? You want it inside you?”

  He’s on the edge of coming. I haven’t stopped. He should pull out. I should tell him to pull out. Instead, I dig my heels into his back, locking my legs around him, pulling him deeper into my body. “Make me yours.”

  He freezes, shaking with his need as he stares at me to be sure. He lets go of my wrists so he can angle my hips and he starts thrusting like he’s trying to fuck me through to the box spring of his bed. “My horny girl wants to be bred on her first ride,” he grunts out. “Gonna give her everything she wants.” One final thrust and he curses as his warm seed shoots into me. He clutches my hips in those big hands, holding me still to accept all his come. As his cock throbs, I have another orgasm, drawing him deeper into my body.

  We lay like this for a long time. Until the sweat on my body chills. Until I begin to feel sore where his cock still remains.

  “Never letting you go now, babe,” he says. “I think I was unconscious there for a minute.”

  “Me too,” I say.

  He takes me to his shower and sweetly cleans me up. Then he carries me back to his bed…our bed…and we fall asleep until noon.

  I’m certainly not feeling restless anymore.

  The rest of the day, we eat, make love, and eat some more. He tells me how he lost his eye. About his business plan for a bar of his own. At midnight, he takes me to Billy’s Suds for my first legal drink.

  It’s weird, getting to know my husband after the wedding instead of before it. But I have a feeling he’s worth the risk.





  MY WIFE WILL BE HOME from work in half an hour and the house is a disaster. I’m trying to keep it clean as we go, but our daughter is a holy terror since she learned to walk a few months ago.

  I’m Mr. Mom, and if you think it’s funny now, you should have seen how funny it was the first time I took Kayla, our baby, to Mommy and Me swimming lessons. We’ve ironed out the rough spots. When Sarah was still in school, I worked nights at Billy’s. But once she got the new job, it made more sense for me to stay home. I’m not worried about fragile masculinity for damn sure. Someone else has a problem with it, I still have anvils for fists. They can take it up with them.

  I like my life just fine.

  We talk about opening the bar someday with what I’ve saved, but for now, I don’t want to be away from my family at night. I want to protect them, be with them. And fuck my wife every night after the baby goes to sleep.

  I pop Kayla in a playpen and do the best I can with the house. By the time Sarah gets home, the pancake batter is ready for her birthday celebration.

  When we get Kayla to sleep that night, I pull my wife into bed.

  “C’mon Mrs. Cartwright, it’s time to put another deposit down on baby number two.”

  “It’s my birthday, I get what I want. And what I want is your dick in my mouth.”

  Can’t argue with the lady. It’s her birthday, after all.

  She’s got me right where she wants me after just a few minutes of that talented tongue and her warm mouth. “Babe, c’mon. I don’t want to waste it in your mouth. Let me have your pussy.”

  I’m so hot thinking about getting her knocked up again. Fuck, she was so pretty all round with my baby.

  “You don’t want me to swallow your come?” she asks after taking my dick out of her mouth. She’s tapping it against her cheek. Her skin is flushed and her lips red and swollen. So damn pretty.

  “Another time. I want to get you pregnant. Now put your toy down and get over here.”

  She smiles. “You can’t get me pregnant tonight. Might as well let me finish you here.”

  “That sounds like a challenge. Let me try to get you pregnant anyway.”

  She shakes her head. “You can’t.”

  I sit up. “Why not?”

  She moves up the bed, straddling my cock and easing down on it. “Because I already am pregnant. I took a test on my lunch hour today.”

  I pull her as close to me as I can, and she fucks me slowly. “I love you so much, baby.”

  “I love you, too.”

  People thought we were crazy. They told us to give up back then. Get the annulment. Be reasonable. The bouncer and the actuary. What did we have in common? We didn’t even know each other. We’d never last.

  I squeeze my wife, my world, tighter to me. My whole fucking world.


  Did you love Anvil and Sarah? That combination of sweet and filthy? There’s more where that came from. The Blue Collar Bad Boy series is just beginning. Sign up for Brill’s Bites so you never miss a new release. Sexy bad boys who do sexy bad things with their rough hands and the innocent virgins who love them. What’s not to like?

  Nailed: A Blue Collar Bad Boy Novel


  I’m not the kind of guy you leave alone in your house.

  I’m especially not the kind you leave alone with your innocent daughter.

  My newest client doesn’t seem to care. He just wants his office remodeled.

  His college-aged daughter isn’t my usual type, but under those prim clothes and too big glasses, the sweet little bookworm hides a tight little body that’s tempting AF.

  I make her nervous.

  I should.

  I’m going to make her mine.

  She doesn’t know about men yet...

  She’s about to learn.


  Dad’s carpenter makes me feel things I don’t understand.

  I don’t have any experience with older guys like him, or any guys really.

  They look at me and see a quiet nerd. But this bad boy—I feel like he sees right through me.

  Like he knows the dirty fantasies that haunt my dreams. The things I do under the covers.

  He makes me needy and breathless.

  But I’m shy and awkward—what do I have to offer a man like him?

  Author’s Confession: This book is super sweet, unfailingly filthy, and the heroine is nerdilicious. And who doesn’t love a bad boy who’s good with his hands? Very good with his hands. Very, very good.



  LIKE FIRST TIMES? FORBIDDEN FRUIT? Yes, please. Love a hot, dominant alpha claiming what’s his? Fuck, yeah. Want to watch him fall hard for the sweetest fantasy he didn’t know he needed? Me too!

  I’m Brill Harper and I love happily ever afters, smokin’ hot bad boys, and quirky heroines that I’d love to be friends with off page. These ladies are not perfect—but they’re perfect for one man—and he’s always sexy AF.

  Seriously—these heroes only have one weakness, and it’s sticky, sweet love. They don’t let anything stand in the way of taking what belongs to them. When it comes to the woman they love, it’s hard cocks, dirty talk, and soft, mushy heart feels.

  *Brill is a sooper sekrit pen name for a better known author who just can’t handle all the dirty. Can you?

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