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Promises Page 24

by Lisa L Wiedmeier

  I glanced at Maes, who remained stoic.

  “I don’t know why he sent them.” I admitted. “Can I see the card?”

  “Where does he live?” Colt asked between his teeth. His brows were pinched tight and his lips thinned.

  I sighed.

  “It doesn’t matter. He’d told me he was leaving town on business.”

  Callon moved closer and sat on the coffee table. “How often has he been coming around?”

  “I’ve only seen him when I’ve been out, at the grocery store or on my walks. He’s never done anything more than talk with me.” Although he did make me dinner…

  “Is that all?”


  “Is he stalking you?” Daniel asked.

  I stared at the ground. They were questioning my judgment…I had to let it go. A big blowout was what I was trying to avoid.

  “We’re just friends.”

  Silence fell as they talked out the situation in their heads. It was more than jealousy; they were afraid of something. But what? Maes had been here protecting me. If there were real danger, he would have told them or helped me.

  Callon sighed and caught my gaze.

  “Cheyenne, we’ll talk this out with Maes. If we can’t get this cleared up, we won’t have any choice but to take you with us when we leave. Do you understand?” He waited for a reply I wasn’t sure I wanted to give. “Every part of me says we should leave right now. But I don’t want to cause you any more difficulties when you are so near to some closure.”

  I looked down at the hardwood floor. I didn’t understand why Matt would do something like this. It didn’t make sense. He was nothing more than a friend. He’d even agreed to keep out of the limelight while they visited. So why would he do something that would obviously rile my guardians?

  Unless he was doing it to proclaim that if they wanted me back, they have competition…

  Sighing, I grabbed the flowers and dumped them in the trash. I slammed the lid down, making sure each petal lay crushed with the empty tins and dirty wrappers.

  When I returned, all four were on their feet.

  “Cheyenne,” Callon said, somewhat nervous. “You have to understand…”

  “I understand, Callon.” I glanced up into his uncertainty. “I’m not mad. I know you’re still not all that keen for me to be here myself.” I swallowed. “I’m…almost done thinking about things. So please, I’ll go with you if I have to, but I would like to talk it out first. Promise me you’ll do that before you make any decisions.”

  Callon remained quiet. A flicker of emotion passed through his eyes, and he didn’t try and hide it. He knew I was letting go, trusting him. Starting over…

  “We only want to do what’s best for you,” he said at last.

  “I know.”

  “So,” Daniel spoke to ease the tension. “How about we do something fun? Any suggestions?”

  His bright smile made my lips twitch into an answering grin. “There are loads of trails, a few shops, the lake…”

  “Have you been out to explore it?” he asked. “And what about that small island? I bet that would be fun.”

  “It’s a bit chilly this morning for a swim, but this afternoon it’ll be perfect.”

  “This afternoon it is, then!”

  “In the meantime,” Callon said. “There are things we need to talk about.”

  I rolled my eyes but didn’t argue. The social part of their visit could come later.

  “Maes informed us Tresezes have been reported in the area,” Callon stated. “Have you been careful?”

  “Of course.” But I sure wasn’t going to tell him about my last incident.

  He nodded, his eyes searching.

  “It seems they’ve followed you here,” he added. “They’ve not come around the cabin since you left.” His eyes darted towards Maes suspiciously.

  “Nothing out of the ordinary, Callon. Maes has kept me safe.”

  “You lost your phone?”

  I nodded.

  “We brought you a new one.” He shifted uncomfortably. “Tracking device attached.”

  “Thanks,” I replied.

  “Mandi misses you,” Daniel blurted out. “Actually, she’s been bugging Sam, and I think Sam would be grateful if you came back.” He gave me a playful grin.

  Callon continued on with questioning, and Daniel jumped in as he saw fit to lighten the subject. Colt, however, remained quiet. As we sat beside each other, his fingers gently played with my hair. From time to time he’d glance down, as if he wanted to speak, but he always held back.

  Callon glanced disapprovingly at Colt, and Colt’s hand moved to the back of the couch. I tensed. Their relationship was still rocky, and it was all because of me. I shifted away from Colt slightly, ashamed to look at him. I had to be careful; I didn’t want them to get drawn into another fight.

  “Hey, is that the time?” Daniel asked, rubbing the back of his neck. He was trying to disperse the tension. “The water should be just about right now for a swim.”

  “Good idea,” I said. “We should go while it’s still warm.” I didn’t wait for an answer and hurried upstairs to change. I could only hope they wouldn’t bite each other’s heads off while I was gone. But one day I wouldn’t be able to run from this. I’d have to follow my heart, and accept whatever choice it decided. The thing was, I didn’t know if they would…

  I stopped at the top of the stairs and stared at three men who stood waiting for me. Heat rose in my cheeks, and I looked away, concentrating on climbing down the stairs without tripping.

  “Ready?” Daniel chirped, and I shook my head nervously.

  What was wrong with me? I’d seen them without shirts on before, and suddenly I was too shy to look up?

  “What’s wrong?” Colt asked as he walked beside me. “You’re all red.”

  I kept my eyes focused on the forest.

  “Where’s Maes?” He had disappeared when I was changing, before my arrival in this sauna of embarrassment.

  “He’ll be here soon. Are you okay?” Colt touched my bare shoulder.

  I fought to keep my cheeks from turning redder.

  Callon and Daniel moved closer, and I cringed.

  “Cheyenne?” Callon reached for my hand.

  “Stop!” I moved away, covering my face with my hands. “It’s been weeks since I’ve seen you—you—well, like this! It’s…making me…”

  At once, they hooted with laughter. Bravely, I snuck a peek through my fingers and saw bright smiles all around. Colt winked.

  “I’m glad to know I’ve still got what it takes,” he chuckled.

  I shook my head and started off towards the lake.

  I led the way. There was no need to embarrass myself further. We waited at the dock’s edge for Maes. Daniel moved up beside me as I stared out at the water.

  “You don’t need to be embarrassed, Chey,” he said lightly. “You’ve actually made their day.” I looked to see his genuine smile. “They’ve missed you greatly.”

  “Thanks, Daniel.”

  His eyes twinkled, and as I attempted to back up he snatched my wrists.

  “I’ve missed you too,” he said slyly.

  “Daniel, no!” I screamed. In the next moment, we were both splashed into the cold lake.

  “Daniel O’Shea!” I yelled as I broke the surface. “You are in so much trouble!” I twisted in the water, trying to find him. He’d disappeared halfway to the small island.

  “He’s missed teasing you, Cheyenne.” Colt said as he swam closer. His eyes were filled with delight. “We all have.”

  “He’s going to pay for that one,” I huffed.

  “Come on. I’ll race you to the island,” Colt said as he took off swimming.

  I dove under and pushed myself forward. I swam until I felt my lungs were going to burst. When I surfaced, Callon was beside me. “I’m impressed, Cheyenne. You held your breath for about five minutes.”

  I nodded. I glanced towards the beach;
I was only halfway there. I dove back under, determined to reach the shore on my own. I hadn’t gone as far as I would have liked when I surfaced. Callon was once again waiting. He saw my exhaustion and quickly wound his arm around my waist.

  “Let me help you.”

  I didn’t argue.

  I’d swum three-quarters of the way underwater; this definitely was an improvement from the last swim. Callon helped me ashore until my shaky legs gave way, and I dropped to the sandy beach. Breathlessly, I looked up.

  “That’s pretty amazing. Since when have you been able to swim like that?” Colt squatted beside me and pulled the wet hair from my eyes.

  I simply shrugged, too starved for air to vocalize a response.

  “How far around the island did you make it?” Daniel’s eyes searched the landscape.

  “Just to the shore,” I panted. “Maes was kind of a jerk that day so I didn’t stick around.” I instantly cringed. I hadn’t meant to let that slip out. I held up my hand as three sets of anxious eyes stared at me. “It’s not worth explaining. Besides, he apologized, and it’s fine now.”

  It was silent except for my heavy breathing while they talked it out in their heads, and I closed my eyes. Maes had a right to his own opinions about my mother; I just didn’t understand why he hated her. I also didn’t need to get my head clogged with these thoughts right now. I just wanted to enjoy my time with the trio this weekend. I’d been doing enough soul searching lately.

  I sat up, still not recovered. I looked at Daniel and Colt. “Go ahead. Don’t wait on me. I’m just going to sit and rest before I move on.”

  “You sure you’re okay?” Colt asked.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  They nodded and were off to explore the small island. I was positive Daniel would find something creepy and crawly to torture me with. I lay back again, purposely slowing my breathing to normal. Callon sat close. We didn’t say a word as I absorbed the warmth the sun brought. I closed my eyes again.

  “This Matt is a distraction for you, isn’t he? That’s why you asked us to visit,” Callon said calmly.

  My hand curled into a fist. I knew it was only a matter of time before they probed further. “I asked you here because I missed you. If I hadn’t lost my phone, I would have called sooner.”

  “You’re not being completely honest with me.”

  My eyes flew open, and I sat upright. “You don’t believe me?”

  “I believe you wanted us here because Matt was becoming too much of a distraction for you,” he said with a sharpness I’d never heard before. “I can’t say I blame anyone for not trying hard to get your attention.” His eyes narrowed. “I won’t allow it to happen. It’s hard enough to keep it under control with Colt.”

  Anger burned in my veins.

  “How dare you accuse me of something you know nothing about!” I fought to control the fury that was building. “I told you Matt was nothing more than a friend!”

  Callon stared back coldly. “I don’t think so, Cheyenne. You’re not being truthful with me.”

  “What?” I bolted to my feet. How dare he accuse me of being untruthful!

  “You are mine and only mine,” his low voice rumbled.

  “I am not a possession, Callon!” My arms began to shake. “I have feelings, and I thought I clearly expressed them this morning.”

  “I want all of you, not a part. You’ll be with me and only me.” His gaze was piercing. “You don’t realize how dangerous this world is for you. The only reason I allowed you to stay this long was because Maes was here. Even now, I’m starting to regret my decision.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?” My voice was blazing with rage. “One minute you say I can have all the time I need, and the next you treat me like I’m a treasure to be locked away!” My hands flew in the air. “You say I can stay and then you change your mind? Don’t you think I can keep myself safe?” I shouted.

  “No,” he replied flatly. “Actually, I know you can’t.”

  A deep growl rose in the back of my throat.

  “Let me show you what I can do, Callon. I don’t need you or anyone else to look after me anymore!”

  I narrowed my eyes, and all my bitterness and fury began to build. My palms opened, and I concentrated on the air around me. The breeze began to pick up, building in intensity. I forced more out, made it stronger and thrust my hands outward. Water droplets stung my cheeks, and I knew I’d merged it with the winds. I twisted my hands around, like a conductor orchestrating a great symphony. The wet sand bit at my skin.

  My arms flew to the right. The large boulder on the beach whizzed past, crashing into the water and sending spray everywhere. The earth trembled under my feet; the trees were shaken from their foundations, and they began flying into the open space around me. I twirled my hands, so I could hold them all together.

  My fingers were tingling, and soon they were stiff with pain. Next my breathing became labored, and that dark feeling in the pit of my stomach rumbled to life. I opened my mouth to suck in air and couldn’t get enough. A faint voice was calling my name…

  “Cheyenne, stop!” Colt called out. I turned, and suddenly every ounce of energy left me. I collapsed to my knees and pressed my hands to my face. My head was aching.

  Colt held me steady. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”

  I struggled to catch my breath and began to shiver. What had I done?

  Footsteps neared.

  “I wouldn’t have believed it myself if I hadn’t seen it firsthand, Maes,” Callon said. “You were right. She is pretty incredible.”

  What was he talking about?

  Maes’s voice echoed behind us. “She is incredible, and it’s obvious anger is a trigger. Did one of those trees hit you?”

  I raised my head enough to see both Maes and Callon now standing in front of me.

  “You…You did that…to make me angry?” I shook my head. Why would they do such a thing?

  Callon turned slightly, so he didn’t have to look me in the eye.

  “Yes. Maes and I talked about it this morning. He told me what happened with the bear and Tresez. We decided the only way for you to know your true strength was for you to produce it out of anger.” He stared out across the lake. “When you got so worked up, you were able to focus your thoughts and bring forth your power.”

  Anger still pulsed through me. “So you didn’t mean what you said?”

  Callon managed a half smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  I rested my head in my palms. They wanted me to learn out of anger…why? I thought they wanted to help me contain it because it was too powerful, not give it free reign.

  Colt rubbed my back gently.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “No,” I replied. Did Callon and Maes have any idea what they were asking? All of a sudden, the restless nights trying to push those unsettling feelings down came to the surface. They were probing deeper, trying to let it escape. But I was terrified of what lurked within. They couldn’t do this, they couldn’t…

  Colt drew me close to his side. I let my head rest on his shoulder and kept my eyes closed. Callon and Maes walked away, retreating to the lake.

  “Is this why you were so quiet this morning?” I asked. “Did you know they were planning this?”

  “Yes,” Colt replied solemnly. “I didn’t like it, but Callon wouldn’t listen. I’d never want to anger you like that just to prove a point.” He let out a breath, ruffling my hair. “I just want to make you happy again.”

  I sighed. Somehow, I had a feeling it would be a long time before his wish would be granted.

  Chapter 16

  Colt helped me back to the dock. My head was hurting, similar to my transformation headaches, but not as intense. I was also completely exhausted, every ounce of energy drained, worse than when I had destroyed the trees the day before. Colt carried me on his back as we returned to the house. I barely held on.

  I fell onto the couch and didn’t move. After Dr. C
allon gave me medicine, he, Daniel and Maes sat outside on the deck, talking. I didn’t care what they were planning next; I was contemplating never speaking to Callon and Maes again.

  I rolled over, my head resting on Colt’s lap, and stared up into his beautiful eyes. All he wanted to do was make me happy. And all I needed to be happy was to be with him…

  Colt sighed.

  “You’re different, Cheyenne.” He brushed my hair aside. “It’s you, but something’s different.”

  Could he see it? Could he see what I’d been feeling inside, that thing I couldn’t describe? That fear of unleashing something terrible and hurting the ones I held dearest?

  “It’s as if you’ve lost that sparkle in your eyes. It’s been replaced with something else, but I don’t know what.”

  “It scares me, Colt.”

  Colt blinked. He hadn’t been expecting me to answer. He stroked my forehead.

  “How long have you had this?” he asked.

  “Since my last episode, after I transformed. I just don’t know how to describe it. It’s like an overwhelming feeling of doom and despair.” It was as if I’d lost my humanity. Was this what being Timeless was like? I seemed human on the outside, but was something completely different hid within me?

  “What can I do to help?” Colt’s lips twisted in a frown.

  I didn’t know what to say, caught by his handsome face. The sunlight reflecting off the grill shimmered in his eyes. He had always been my sunshine, the brightness in my darkest hours.

  “Be my light,” I whispered as tears began to stream down my cheek. “You’ve always been there for me when I needed you most. Bring me hope, Colt.”

  His large hand cupped my cheek. “I’ll be your light, sweetheart, just as you’ve been mine. We’ll work through this together. I won’t ever leave you.”


  “I promise.”

  I closed my eyes. If Colt was with me, I could face this. He’d give me strength when I’d spent my own.

  We soaked up our quiet moment together. Eventually, I mustered enough strength to get up and join Maes, Callon and Daniel on the deck.

  Dusk was approaching, and Maes was building a fire in the pit. I sat next to Colt again and leaned against his bulky arm. The flames began to take hold as Maes stoked the wood. I closed my eyes, lifted my fingers slightly, and pictured the surrounding air. Maes suddenly yelped, and I snapped my eyes open to see a bolt of flame scald the hairs on his arm. Colt started chuckling.


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