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Promises Page 31

by Lisa L Wiedmeier

  Curiosity got the better of me. “What’s out there?” I asked.

  “The men are a bit superstitious, but you don’t need to worry,” Marcus said. “You’re completely safe with me. It’ll pass soon.”

  “What will pass soon?”

  His hand squeezed my hip. “You don’t want to know what the men think it is. Trust me.”

  I knew I wouldn’t get any answers, so I didn’t question further. Marcus could be as evasive as Mr. Evasive himself sometimes. Although I couldn’t help but wonder what lurked in the leafy shadows. What could frighten an entire army like that? The memory of the Ghosters came to mind, and I shuddered. I’d have to keep on my guard.

  For hours, the crackling and rustling accompanied us, sometimes slowing, only to come back just as loud. Whatever was following us wanted to make sure we were aware of its presence. I was becoming uneasy, and against my better judgment, I held on to Marcus’s arms tighter.

  The mountain pass came into view. It was narrow and full of sharp rocks. Worse, the trail wound upwards as a steep path, and even from here, I could see chunks of broken stone from previous avalanches. Treacherous didn’t even come close to describing it…

  Marcus raised his hand to my neck. He held it there for a few moments.

  “Why’s your heart racing?” he asked.

  “The pass.” I didn’t see the point in lying.

  “You’re afraid of heights?”

  “Sheer drops particularly.”

  He chuckled. I frowned. What was funny about that?

  “Did you ever think that you could probably prevent the fall in the first place?” he said.

  I glanced at him, confused.

  “You hold power over air, Cheyenne. Think about it…”

  I turned around and realized I probably could save myself, but if I panicked, I’d surely die. “I don’t know if I’m ready to test my powers like that yet.”

  Marcus smiled.

  “This is why you’re better off with me. I’ll teach you all the things that Callon has been neglecting.”

  I didn’t acknowledge his comment, keeping my vision on the horizon. He was trying to stir my previous bitterness. I couldn’t let him turn my feelings against me.

  We stopped just before the narrow trail leading up the pass. It would be our last chance to stop for a rest, so the men scattered, watering their horses by the small creek.

  I searched for Maes. I hadn’t seen him since he’d departed. Not that it concerned me, but he’d been staying close by the previous days. Was he out there with the beast that was knocking down the trees? Or was he sniffing around for my guardians, trying to throw them off our trail…

  Darrien, Jahlem and Ryder approached. Ryder’s nasty glare made me uneasy. They began speaking in French, and this time I managed to pick out a few words: dangerous, narrow and unsecured. They must be discussing the pass. Ryder’s eyes remained on me until Marcus suddenly growled. Ryder slowly snapped his attention back to Marcus as they continued their conversation. I looked away.

  They finished their conversation. Marcus turned towards me. “Does Ryder frighten you, Cheyenne?” he said quietly next to my ear.

  “I’m not afraid of him, Marcus. I’m quite capable of defending myself.”

  He gave a faint grin, but it quickly disappeared as he gave a warning. “Ryder will harm you if given the chance. Be wary with him. He never liked Sahara either.”

  I blinked. He didn’t like my mother, just as Maes hadn’t. What was she truly like that caused people to hate her so?

  “They’ll be keeping a close eye on you. They’re my best warriors.”

  I nodded and stared at the pass again. I didn’t like what I saw before me at all. Dark, uneven terrain with a narrow path that wound around the side of the mountain with sheer drops into the valley below.

  “Are we crossing the pass tonight?” I asked.

  “Yes. We’ll start off on horseback, but then we’ll have to move to foot. It’ll be better if you don’t see it in the daylight. Just keep your attention focused ahead, and you’ll be fine.”

  “Isn’t it more dangerous at night?” I looked up wide-eyed.

  “I won’t let you fall.”

  “Isn’t there another way around?”

  “This is the way we’re going.”

  “Then what after this?” I asked. “How much farther to wherever we’re heading in Canada?” Perhaps this would help me decipher my current location.

  “You don’t need to worry about that.”

  I sighed. I’d have to be more subtle.

  “How long will it take to cross the pass?”

  “About two days. We’ll stop at the summit and rest before we continue down the back of the mountain.”

  At least I knew we’d stop before continuing on, not that I knew what I could or would do other than what I’d been doing already—nothing. We’d be in the mountains, though. Perhaps I could fall down a ravine and find my way out…

  I shook the idea away. Jumping waterfalls aside, the idea of falling into a pit of blackness terrified me. And I didn’t have the luxury of Colt’s arms this time, either. But it would be dark, and if I survived, there was a real chance I could escape. On the other hand, once I was gone, Marcus would just set his sights on Callon, Colt and Daniel and kill them all.

  It was like trying to avoid air; Marcus was everywhere. And if not Marcus, then Maes; a second pair of eyes, spying on me…

  Suddenly, a large tree crashed on our left. Marcus quickly grabbed hold of my arm, as the enormous pine thundered into the ground. The shockwave jarred my knees, and I had to hold on to Marcus for support. Marcus watched the fallen tree, muttering in French. Quickly, though, he waved at his Trackers. The horses were brought at once, and we were soon mounted and getting into a line to begin our climb. Marcus made sure we were placed in the middle.

  I clasped the saddle horn nervously, while Marcus focused his attention on the path. I listened to the horses’ hooves clamoring on the rocky surface and looked towards my right. The ravine was widening.

  The sun’s rays were fading, allowing dusk to take over. It wouldn’t be long until night fell proper on the mountain, made even darker by the thick tree cover. Masking the great drop below…

  Marcus’s horse stumbled, and I flinched from the ledge, my heart racing. Marcus grunted and pushed me back. The thought of being so close to the edge was too much, and I leaned forward in the saddle, trying to bury my head in my arms.

  “Cheyenne,” Marcus said, “you’re making this more difficult than it needs to be. You’re not going to fall off, I promise.”

  I could only nod weakly.

  The night dragged on, and my back began to ache from holding myself so rigid. A horse suddenly whinnied in front of us, and his skittishness sent rocks tumbling into the abyss. I hissed through my teeth, shrinking back into Marcus’s chest. How far was it to the bottom now? A hundred feet, three hundred feet? Could a Timeless survive such a drop? If there was water below, maybe…but could I take that chance? My mind began whirling around different scenarios. What if Callon, Colt and Daniel attempted to free me again? If Colt saw me fall into the blackness…

  Marcus placed the reins in one hand and rubbed my back. “Calm down.”

  “Put both your hands on the reins!” I screeched, burrowing a hand into the horse’s mane. My panic must have transmitted. In the same instant, our horse reared up on its hind legs, suddenly terrified. Marcus gasped as his arms fell away from me. A single thought blotted out my fear—escape—and at once I knew what I had to do. Channeling my thoughts, I focused everything on the horse. It dropped back to all fours, and I caught a flash of its memory; Marcus beating it with a whip. It didn’t like him anymore than I did. I teased out the animal’s rage, and it neighed, kicking out its hind legs. Marcus was totally unprepared. He lost his grip and yelped as he went flying to the rocks behind us.

  Go! I shouted in my head.

  We bolted off at an impossible speed. We cli
pped another rider, but my heart was dancing. I didn’t care about the drop; I just wanted to be free. Jostling, bumping and total chaos ensued as we drove past the other horses.

  I laced my other hand into the horse’s mane, and whispered in its mind again. Run like the wind and keep me safe. I felt the creature answer and held tight. I didn’t need the reins; I had much more control this way. At last we came towards a break in the trees, hailed by a patch of moonlight. My hair flying, I glanced back to see how many were in pursuit. My breath caught when I spotted a shadowy creature in the trees. What was it?

  Wild snorts from the strange beast made me crouch lower, urging the horse on faster. I couldn’t let it get hold of me!

  However, the horse was tiring. We’d started on an incline, and already the snap of the wind in my face was dying. The roar of hooves against stone told me Marcus was closing in. I was trapped…

  Another tree splintered and fell ahead of us. My horse stumbled, and then jerked. My fingers slipped from its mane and I slammed into the ground, catching my shoulder on a log. Dazed, I tried to stand, when shadows cloaked my vision. I was too late; the monster in the forest had come for me. It reached out a clawed hand, and I screamed, fighting to get away, but it was stronger and snatched my collar. Thrusting me into the air, it threw me onto its back, before cantering away.

  Exhaustion was drawing near, but I wasn’t going to give up yet. I wasn’t going to let Callon, Colt and Daniel down. If I could escape Marcus, I could do anything. Growling, I started to writhe, kicking and punching the thing that held me. It flinched, before grabbing me by the back of my jacket and hauling me around so I could look in its face. I latched onto its neck, which was soft and velvety. It was too smooth to be fur. It was more like worn cotton…

  “Stop before Marcus’s army catches up!” hissed a husky voice.

  Dear Lord, this thing could talk?! I took a breath, about to scream, when a hand came up to cover my mouth.

  “Cheyenne, please, calm down! I’m here to help. You don’t need to be afraid.”

  His voice sent a chill through me. Why did it sound so familiar?

  “Cheyenne!” Marcus’s voice bellowed from the distance behind us, and I began to shake. I didn’t want to go back to him…but I had no reason to trust this brute, either. I was better off chancing it alone in the forest.

  “Let me go!” I struggled to free my arms.

  “Cheyenne, don’t fight me,” the man said. “Callon sent me.”

  I stilled almost instantly. “What? Callon sent you?”

  “Yes.” The man paused. “I’m Koda, from the Silloquize Clan. I’m here to help.”

  Suddenly it clicked. His voice…he sounded exactly like Colt!

  “We need to get away from here,” Koda said. “Hold on tight.”

  He righted me in the saddle—for he was riding a horse—and I clung to his arm. He folded his cloak around us both, and then we broke into a steady trot. My mind was giddy, running as fast as my heartbeat. Could it be? Had I escaped Marcus? Was I dreaming? Would I return to Marcus once the darkness cleared?

  We began to slow. I pressed Koda’s arm to my chest, wishing Colt was here with me instead. It seemed mean—Koda had obviously risked a lot to save me—but I needed Colt to wash away Marcus’s taint, to heal my darkness and give me my light back.

  Soon I caught the crackling of a fire nearby, but Koda said nothing as we came to a stop. I counted down the seconds in my head. When I reached three hundred, a twig snapped right beside me, and Koda opened his cloak.

  I lost my breath, my ability to speak. Colt was standing beside us, waiting. I couldn’t get out of the saddle quick enough, and I almost fell into his arms. I held on as tight as my arms would let me, as Colt pressed me to his chest. Tears began to pour out, and I buried myself in his warmth. Colt was here, I was with my Colt!

  “I thought…you might be dead,” I sobbed. “I didn’t know until Daniel came and even then…”

  He entwined his fingers in my hair and gently began stroking it. “Shh, it’s okay now.”

  I never wanted to let him go. I never wanted to leave his side again. Nothing else and no one else mattered except him. I buried my head in his neck, nuzzling as close as I could get.

  “You’re safe now, Cheyenne,” he whispered. “You’re safe, and I won’t ever let go.”

  I was always safe with him…

  I lifted my head and saw his beautiful eyes. Those eyes that always knew what I needed. How had I been so blind? I’d been confused with Callon, unsure of his true motives, but never with Colt—never. I touched his cheeks, the unshaven texture tickling my fingertips.

  He was the one who was there for me after my parent’s death; he’d been the one who helped me climb out from the pit of despair. Regardless of the truth he’d kept from me, he’d been there watching out for me before I ever knew he existed.

  He’d followed me to Montana, and he was there when I collapsed. He saved me from the Tresez and showed me wonders that took my breath away. Because he felt I was worth such things. He didn’t care that I was forbidden. He loved me, and he would fight to the end to prove it.

  “I’ve been such a fool, Colt,” I whispered, my lips trembling. “I had everything I ever wanted this whole time and I never saw it until now.” I inhaled a shaky breath. “I love you more than words can say. You’re my best friend, my light, and the greatest gift I could have ever been given. You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with…” Tears tumbled down my cheeks. “I choose you, Colt. You and only you are my true love.” I leaned closer and closed my eyes as my lips caressed his. “I love you, Colt O’Shea. I’m yours, forever.”

  Our lips met, and it was as if the floodgates of my heart had burst open. I was floating in his hold as he pressed forward. He held my neck steady, his fingers spilling out over my cheeks. I parted my lips, and completely let myself go—giving in to him. I pushed closer, and he held tighter. Together we exposed our hearts, sharing with each other the pent-up feelings within. This was the man I loved; this was who I wanted to spend eternity with.

  Colt had always been the one. He held my heart and always would. Screw destiny, I’d make my own path.

  We’d make our own path together. And nobody was going to take that away from me, ever.

  Chapter 21

  Regardless of my exhaustion, sleep didn’t sweep me away like I hoped. Instead I felt heavier and more weighed down than before. I remained still, listening to Colt’s breathing and the fire crackling.

  “Is she okay, Colt?” Koda asked.

  Colt murmured in my ear, as I lay curled against his chest. “I think so.” He touched my forehead. “But she’s been through so much lately. I can only hope she’s strong enough.”

  Koda sighed uneasily, and I heard twigs snap; he must have been stoking the fire.

  “What about Callon? I heard what she said to you. You know she’s betrothed to him.” He hesitated. “How could you let this happen? This is his destiny, not yours.”

  Colt’s hold tightened slightly.

  “I can see your pain, and I can’t even begin to understand,” Koda said quietly. “But I’m surprised Callon’s tolerated it for this long. Even if you are brothers. I wouldn’t have been so kind.”

  A deep sorrow stirred inside me, and I shut my eyes tighter. In spite of my words to Colt, despite knowing this was what my heart truly wanted, I knew Callon wouldn’t let it happen without a fight. This was one battle he refused to lose. But why had he turned it into this? If he’d wanted to earn my trust, why had he made Colt the one to befriend and look after me?

  Why had Callon allowed me to fall in love with his brother?

  Koda sighed.

  “Colt, I’ve known you for a long time. You’re a good friend and a good man, but if push comes to shove, I’ll side with him. She was never yours.”

  “I can’t let go, Koda. I can’t walk away.” Colt shifted, resting his hands on my side. “I’ve tried. I’ve even hurt her profoun
dly and still…” He let out a long breath. “My hope was that she’d fall into his arms and forget about me.” He rested his cheek on my head. “She’s told me she loves Callon. It’s the same and yet different from what she feels for me. Callon has the ring, but what she and I have is stronger, and I can no longer push it away.”

  It was a struggle to keep my tears at bay. It wasn’t just the fact I couldn’t be with Colt; it was also knowing I was the reason the brothers had almost turned against each other. Why did it have to be like this? What I felt for Colt was real, governed by our long friendship and time spent together. But Callon and Marcus had both used the power of the rings to manipulate my feelings; now I’d never know if those feelings were genuine.

  My resolve broke, and salty tears began to roll down my cheeks. Steeped in the ruins of a broken vow, my heart would always be denied its true path.

  Colt adjusted his position and softly kissed my tears away. I lifted my fingers to his chest and slowly raised my hand to his neck. He moved his hand to cover mine.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I didn’t mean…”

  “I know,” I whispered. “We both know. But I don’t want to think about it right now. I just want this moment with you, a small piece of happiness to get me through.” He gave a weak smile, but we both knew what would become of this regardless of what we wanted.

  I turned my attention towards Koda. Even with the low lighting, his resemblance to Colt was uncanny. They could easily be mistaken for twins.

  “Were you the beast in the forest that knocked down the trees?” I asked.

  “You might say that,” Koda smiled.

  I pulled away from Colt so I was sitting properly.

  “You scared the crap out of me, you know.”

  Koda chuckled.

  “And most of the Trackers, I would hope, as well.”

  I laughed. “Yeah. Thanks for…saving me.”

  “I was glad I could help.” He hesitated slightly. “This isn’t the first time I’ve watched out for you.”

  “Somehow I’m not surprised.” I squeezed Colt’s hand. “Can I ask something?”



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