“Then might I suggest we take this opportunity to search our surroundings?” offered Gallion.
The trio separated, each searching a large area of the extensive hall, checking the candle sconce and tapping at the wooden panels in hope of finding a hidden exit or passage. Valmont personally inspected the stone alter. Testing each chain that lay on the cold slab his anger grew at the thought of Darla restrained and helpless, her life mercilessly snatch from her.
A light such as hers should never be extinguished and woe betides anyone who tried!
* * * *
Quinn stirred groaning loudly. Breathing deeply he inhaled the sweet familiar scent of Darla. Her hand toying softly with his hair was a sensation he found strangely comforting. Warily opening his eyes he was met by the entrancing stare of her ice blue pools. Her welcoming smile melted his heart warming him to the very depths of his soul.
“You’re back with me them,” she whispered softly continuing to stroke her fingers through his hair.
“How long was I out?”
“About ten minutes or so.”
Forcing himself to an upright position he was hit with the mother of all headaches. Pounding pressure exploded across his forehead followed closely by nausea and dizziness.
“Perhaps you shouldn’t be moving just yet,” Darla suggested bracing him as he dropped back onto his elbow.
He grinned up at her. “It’ll take more than a thumping head to keep me down. Trust me I’ve had years of practise.”
She couldn’t help but smile. The thought of him stomping around his apartment with a hangover from hell made everything seem so normal even if it was just for a brief moment.
Gingerly edging to the side of the bed, he swung his legs to the floor while waiting for another wave of dizziness to pass. “Some rescue attempt huh!”
Darla moved to sit beside him. Sliding her hand under his she interlaced their fingers all the while avoiding eye contact.
Albeit a simple gesture Quinn felt an instant response. His heart tightened, his breath quickened and he couldn’t raise his eyes from her lips if his life had depended on it. Dear God, I could never get bored of kissing those lips.
“Quinn, if I were to ask you to do something for me, would you do it?”
He felt her hand tremble beneath his. How could he ever deny her anything? “Yes.”
Raising her beautiful eyes, she softly swept her free hand down the strong contours of his face, taking in every feature as if burning them to memory. “I want you to kill me,” she whispered.
Quinn couldn’t move! Her words echoed in his head. I want you to kill me! Shock and horror swept across his face as her flung her hand way. “What… Fuck…..Hell no!” he stormed. Leaping to his feet he swayed momentarily before furiously raking his hand through his hair. “What the fuck are you thinking?”
Darla jumped to her feet grabbing both his hands in hers. “No listen to me please.”
“No!” Snatching his hands from her grasp he began furiously pacing.
“Quinn please… you know this makes sense,” she pleaded. “This has to end, here and now. You can not save me. No one can save me. Beelzebub has thought of every possible outcome over and over again.”
Quinn stopped directly in front of her his face a mask of anger. “It doesn’t matter what you think, this isn’t over. Not now, not ever. We will find a way to get you out of here.”
Darla’s temper flared at his stubbornness. “How? Tell me how Quinn? You can’t blink us out and Beelzebub now has the others. Five of us cannot take on an army.”
Quinn shrugged. “They’re not the best of odds, but they won’t find us a pushover.”
“Aarrrgghhh, you insufferable man!” Darla slammed her fists against his chest. “I will not stand by and let anyone else get hurt in a futile attempt to save me. I can’t… I just can’t do it.” Darla dropped her head onto his chest. “Please Quinn…you have to help me.”
Quinn gripped her head fiercely pulling her in closer. “There has to be another way,” he snarled.
“You know there’s not. Beelzebub will succeed. The prophecy will be fulfilled and it will be my blood that brings about the destruction of heaven. How will my soul ever recover from that?” Darla looked up at him. “And when Beelzebub kills me, do you imagine he will care whether I suffer or not?”
Quinn starred into her face. How could he imagine a life without her? To live each day knowing what he had lost… “I can’t do what you’re asking. It’s too much.”
Darla took his face in her hands. “Quinn, believe me I have been where you are. I would have done anything to save my son…anything. But in the end I had to accept that it was time to let go. I had to do what I knew was right even though it killed me inside.” Darla drew his lips down to hers in a kiss filled with reverence and love. “You could make it quick and painless for me.” Her soft whispered words caressed his mouth. “One quick act of mercy and the prophecy ends here. You told me yourself, it’s what Lucifer did.”
No! No! No! His mind screamed in protest but her words rang so true. With his demon strength he could snap her neck like a twig; quick and painless. No prolonged suffering; but what of his suffering!!! What of his torment after the deed was done!!! He wasn’t like her, always putting others first. He was selfish and arrogant always looking out for no.1. Could he really continue to exist in a world where he would never again know the taste of her lips or feel her breath on his face, knowing that even in death their souls would never be united?
Mis-judging his silence as acceptance Darla tenderly kissed his lips with all the love she wished they could have shared. Slowly turning she presented her back to him. Closing her eyes she tried to calm her erratic breathing as she nervously awaited his hands on her throat.
One fleeting moment…that’s all it will take and heaven will be saved. Breathe Darla, breathe. You can do this.
Did she fear death? No! Death would reunite her with her son. Did she fear pain? No! Quinn would make sure she did not suffer. Did she have regrets? Before she had met Quinn her answer would have been no but now…her one and only regret was never having told him that she loved him. But how do you declare something so poignant to the person who was about to kill you? The answer was simple…you don’t. It was kinder to let him perform the act knowing that she was an assignment at worse and a friend at best. That he would be able to live with.
Darla couldn’t resist flinching the second his large hands circled her throat. Her legs turned to jelly and trembled beneath the strain of her weight. Please God do not let him falter.
With new found strength, she exhaled and braced herself for what was to come. Calmness descended on her and time seemed to stop.
“Darla,” Quinn’s tortured voice sounded so distant. “Forgive me,” he whispered.
Quinn spun her in his arms clutching her fiercely to his chest. “I can’t. Forgive me. I just can’t.”
Even with his head buried in her hair Darla could hear the raw emotion in his voice. She had asked too much of him. A killer he might be but a murderer he wasn’t. His integrity was too much for that.
Sliding her arms around him she held him tight. “It’s okay Quinn. Everything will be okay.”
“I’m not ready to give up, not yet.” He swept the hair back from her face. “While there is still time, there is still hope. I will fight for you Darla ‘til the last breath. Whatever it takes I will fight.”
Starring into his face she believed every word. In the short time she had known him she had she had come to see how fiercely protective he was of his friends. They may now never have the chance to explore what the future could have held for them, but she felt honoured and blessed that he had included her in such a small select group.
“You’re here with me now and no matter what happens I wouldn’t have wished for it any different. I couldn’t have faced being alone.” Her voice caught in her throat and a silent tear slip
ped down her face.
Lifting her in his arms as if she weighed nothing, he made his way to the bed laying her gently on the covers. Lying down beside her he pulled her into his arms nestling her body into his, relishing the way in which she fit so perfectly.
This was where she belonged, head resting in the curve of his shoulder and her slender arm draped across his chest. Her warmth invaded his body creating new and foreign sensations. Not passion, not desire, not even lust; just a consuming need to hold her forever and keep her safe. But was that even a possibility?
He had failed once before to save the ones he loved what if the same happened here?
He wrapped his hand in the liquid silk of her hair. If this was what love truly felt like, how had he managed to live for so long without it? And now that he had found it how could he survive without it? Without her! Could fate really be that cruel?
Unaware of his turbulent thoughts, Darla smiled against the skin of his throat. The heat of his body warmed her body easing the cold feeling of dread that had seeped into her heart. A few days ago she would never have imagined that the abrupt angry man who had appeared out of nowhere to rescue her would be capable of displaying such tenderness.
It was impossible to denying that on previous occasions he had awakened a hunger and passion inside her, passion that had under his expert guidance driven her to the brink of ecstasy. But he held her now with such profane tenderness that she couldn’t help but wonder if maybe there would have been a chance for them had the circumstances been different.
Lifting her chin she looked onto his troubled stare. His brows were furrowed and a pulse ticked away in his jaw, a deluge of thoughts mirrored in his eyes. “Darla, baby…there’s something I wanna tell you.” His voice was thick with emotion.
Seeing a vulnerability that she had never once expected from someone such as he, Darla raised up on her elbow. Even with his pained expression his rugged beauty left her breathless. She understood how sad he must be feeling and her heart ached for him. He had sworn to protect her and now through no fault of his own the decision was out of his hands. Quinn would see it that he had failed her. But that wasn’t the case, just having him there offered more comfort than she could believe possible. If he thought she would allow him to shoulder any blame for this…
He lifted her hand from his chest, entwining his fingers in hers. “This isn’t something I ever thought I would hear myself saying, but I need you to know….”
Wishing to ease his pain she silenced his words with a gentle brush of her lips; a kiss so tender that it pulled at his heart.
No, I need to tell her I love her! The thought screamed in his head, but with her tongue now playing so beguilingly with his there was nothing that could make him pull away from her. Words failed him!
Clutching a handful of her hair he deepened their kiss as doubt filled his mind. What if this was just lust for her? What if she rejected his love? The doubt of not knowing drove him to pull away. He didn’t want just passion from her, he wanted it all.
“Darla, wait…” he whispered breathlessly, before succumbing to her sweet lips once more. “I have to do this. I have to tell you. I l…”
“Well, well, well. I seem to be making a habit of this,” Beelzebub laughed joyously from the open doorway. “Take her!” he barked at the Nephalim standing behind him.
Quinn was already on his feet, Darla thrust protectively behind his back. “No!” he roared with deadly intent.
Ignoring his warning the Nephilim guards obeyed their master and continued advancing.
Quinn crouched lower, his body coiled, tense and ready to attack anyone who dared threaten her. Seeing the slight movement of Beelzebub’s hand Quinn felt a leap of panic knowing what the demon planned.
“No wait…please just wait.” He threw his hands up in submission. Beelzebub stopped.
“I need you to know that if you do this… if you harm her in any way I swear on my father’s honour I will not rest until I hunt you down and destroy you.”
Beelzebub read the look in Quinn’s eyes never doubting for a moment that he meant every word, but he had come too far to change course now. Everything was in place and by daylight tomorrow he had every intention of being back where he belonged. If the young demon fancied his chances he could seek him out in Heaven.
“So be it,” he whispered.
Quinn saw the instant Beelzebub’s fingers moved. Pivoting towards Darla at preternatural speed a torturous cry ripped from his throat. His arms reached out in desperation freezing as Beelzebub’s power engulfed him.
Tormented eyes fixed on her face, his fingers inches from reaching her.
Darla stifled her cry. Willing her body to move she stepped out from behind Quinn to face the demon. “Give me your word you will not harm him or any of the others and I will go willingly.”
“You have my word.”
Without saying another word the Nephilim stopped and looked towards Beelzebub who commanded their dismissal with a casual wave. Triumphantly smiling he held his hand out in invitation to Darla.
Taking one last hard look at Quinn she reached up on her toes for a final kiss goodbye, pressing the warmth of her lips to his. Releasing his face her heart tore in two.
Holding her head high she stepped forward and accepted the demons hand. Determined not to show any fear she walked from the room leaving Quinn behind and her hopes and her dreams with him.
* * * *
Valmont was the first to sense her, even before she entered the hall. Emerging from a hidden panel behind the stone alter-that for some reason they had been unable to find- she was followed closely by Beelzebub and a number of Nephilim guards.
“Darla! Are you alright?” he asked moving towards her along with Gallion and Larissa. His eyes searched the shadows behind her with the hope of finding Quinn. Any show of force would stand a better chance of succeeding if they all stood together.
Darla nodded. “I’m fine and so is Quinn. He’s immobilised in one of the upstairs rooms compliments of our host, but otherwise unharmed.”
Valmont cautiously edged closer wary of Beelzebub’s relaxed attitude. Stood with his hip resting against the stone alter and his arms folded across his chest, the demon appeared very confident and at ease.
“Have no fear; your friend will be joining you very shortly. As soon as my…gift wears off that is.”
His words confirmed what Valmont had already guessed; the demon had a trick up his sleeve, why else reunite Quinn with them knowing it would only strengthening their ranks?
Cautiously he continued edging forward.
From out of nowhere Larissa’s hand landed on his chest stopping him in his tracks. Acknowledging her warning Valmont fixed her with a questioning stare, but her attention was directed on the area just ahead of their position, an empty space between them and the alter.
Raising her head she sniffed at the air, her preternatural senses telling her there was definitely something there. Pulling a coin from her trouser pocket she tossed it into the air sending it sailing into the empty space. Almost immediately the hall was illuminated by a shimmering wall of electric blue light with height and width enough to cleave the cavernous space in two leaving them trapped on one side and Darla on the other.
Beelzebub clapped, a slow echoing applause. “Clever girl,” he said complimenting her on the discovery. “Well as you can now see for yourself, any attempt at interfering with tonight’s events will not only be pointless but also impossible.” The demon moved steadily towards the barrier, all signs of pleasantries gone. “I have planned this night too well and waited too long to allow for any hiccups this late in the game; especially with the prize so close at hand.” Abruptly turning, he strode towards the stone alter. “Enough of the pleasantries,” he snapped abruptly at Darla. “Would you like to take your position or shall I order the guards to assist? Time draws near and I will not tolerate any further delay.”
Darla noted the sinister looking shackles strategically hangin
g from all four corners of the Alter. Anchored in place with solid metal bolts deeply embedded in the stone, the restraints looked strong enough to hold an ox. Realising she had very little choice and not wishing to be manhandled by the strange looking Nephilim, she cautiously approached the alter. Knowing that each step she took drew her closer to death her feet dragged heavily beneath her. Not waiting for permission Beelzebub lifted her onto the stone table, seating her firmly in the centre.
“Are you ready?” Beelzebub asked.
“I will hold to my word if you keep to yours. Remember; not one of them is to be harmed,” she whispered, grateful at how steady her voice sounded in the face of her fear.
“On my honour.”
Darla lay back onto the cold hard surface. The drop in temperature seeped through the thin layer of the dress cooling her skin and causing her to gasp. The tiny sound alerted Beelzebub and for the briefest of moments she thought she saw something in the depths of his catlike eyes. Sadness even doubt maybe? Whatever it had been it had vanished as quickly as it had arrived replaced by his cold calculating stare that she had become so familiar with.
Taking the shackle nearest him Beelzebub wrapped it around her ankle locking it firmly in place before repeating the process on her other ankle. “I strangely find myself almost wishing that things could have been different now that I have met you,” he said, surprising her with such frank honesty. “I had not expected to feel…regret for your demise.”
“It’s not too late for you to end this,” she whispered as he locked the first steal cuff around her wrist.
“Now you and I both know that’s not true, our destinies were decided centuries ago, long…”
Quinn chose that moment to enter the hall from the furthest end of the room, preventing the demon from ever finishing what he was about to say. His face was a mask of torment. Seeing the chains that held her his anguish was quickly replaced by rage and a snarl of unbridled fury erupted from his chest resonating around the room.
Redemption - A Darla Gray Novel Page 27