The Virgin Threesome

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The Virgin Threesome Page 8

by Brit M.

  The sound of her name rolling off of his tongue made her want to shiver, but she held it in valiantly and smirked instead. “All right. I'll see you.”

  Hanging up was difficult, but she would see them once her day's work was over. See them, taste them, touch them—the images swirling around her mind were enough to make her feel lightheaded. Waiting to have a date and sex with Jeff had never made her feel like she was about to combust. It hadn't been bad, but it hadn't been like this, either. Obviously, she was on the right track and moving fast.

  “A date?” the auditor asked, and she was sure her face was flaming, because she realized all at once that he'd been watching her out of the corner of his eye while she chatted with Paul about a sex-weekend. Not that he knew that, but she did.

  “Yup,” she said shortly, with a grin that was only a little strained by embarrassment. “It should be fun.”

  “I'm sure,” he said.

  She shuffled her papers to give herself a moment to put her brain in order. “Wish me luck.”

  “Just don't get so damned nervous,” he said with a grin.

  She rolled her eyes at the teasing. When they were really co-workers on equal footing, she was sure he would be one of those insufferable types, always ready with a quip. For now, she knew he couldn't afford to say more or tease her further even if he wanted to. It would be unprofessional. All the same, she wondered what he was really thinking, and imagined him saying something corny like, “A lady like yourself will always have a good time on a date.”

  The ridiculousness of it made her chuckle a little, and he raised an eyebrow, but she shook her head. No need to share. The students began to filter in and she stood to start her lesson. The thought, only a few hours to go, lingered with her in the form of a shiver.

  * * * *

  Sitting in her car with the mirror down to check her makeup, Marissa was on edge. It was a pleasant edge, to be sure, one heated with arousal and uncertainty, but she was nervous all the same. The tiny suitcase with her necessities was in the back, she'd made one hundred percent sure she had extra condoms and was up to date on her birth control shot just in case—not that she'd ever missed an appointment for one; boyfriend or no, it still worried her—and she'd let Lita know the hotel they were going to after Adrian had texted her the location.

  “Show time,” she muttered to herself and climbed out of the driver's seat.

  The Japanese restaurant was busy during the dinner hour. She asked for a table for three and ended up seated in a window booth looking out onto the small lot. It meant that when they arrived, stepping out of their car in the same suave business-casual dress from the last date, she saw them before they saw her. Their handsome beauty stole her breath as Paul reached over with a small smile to straighten Adrian's tie. Adrian smiled back and batted at his hand playfully. They were so sweet.

  Dangerous, dangerous—that was what sweet was.

  She was still smiling wider than she should have been, and she was sure she had a bit of a twinkle in her eye, when the waitress led them to the table. Before she could scoot out of the booth to greet them both men leaned over and planted a kiss on either of her cheeks. The smell of aftershave and cologne mingled and Adrian's longer hair brushed her face.

  “Hello to you, too,” she said.

  They sat opposite her, goofy grins all around. There was a sort of giddy naughtiness in the air, at least for Marissa. She knew what they would be doing, all three of them, as soon as they left this restaurant. It almost made her want to rush the meal, but as she'd always heard, good things come to those who wait.

  “Excited?” Paul asked, innocently enough.

  Adrian's smirk was anything but.

  “Very much so,” she admitted.

  Her fingers played with the straw in her drink, twirling it between them. It was a nervous gesture but also a flirtatious one, she realized, as both men seemed to zero in on her hand at once, glancing at the way her fingertips teased at the plastic. She dropped her hand to the table after another moment and met their gazes with a grin of her own. These men weren't going to judge her for wanting what she wanted. They were just going to help, and get something for themselves, too.

  “What about you?” she asked. “Any second thoughts? I'll understand if you don't feel comfortable after all.”

  “Absolutely none,” Paul said, reaching across the table to clasp her hand in his. He wove their fingers together and gave a comforting squeeze. “You're smart, stable, and out for a good time. So are we. There's nothing to second guess.”

  “I know Paul, and I know myself,” Adrian added with a smile.

  “What's that mean?” Marissa asked.

  “I trust him, and I trust me, not to fuck this up,” he said. He laid his hand on theirs in a Three Musketeers sort of thing. She almost laughed but his voice was serious. “I just want to make sure we're giving you equally as much as we're asking for. I'm not a selfish guy. I want everyone to be happy.”

  “Thank you,” she said, genuinely touched.

  “We're comfortable enough to do this and to do it with you, so don't worry too much about getting between us or something,” Adrian concluded.

  “All right, I won't,” she said.

  “What about you?” Paul asked. “Are you seeing anyone right now?”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “I've never cheated.”

  “I didn't mean that. I was wondering if you had any other connections or if you were single,” he said.

  “Oh,” she answered. “No, I told you guys before, school and working to pay it off kept me very, very busy. I just now started making time to date. But I had to…I had to know if this was what I wanted.”

  Adrian nodded, as if something in her answer had satisfied a question he hadn't asked. The waitress returned and their hands slipped apart, away. Marissa ordered a salmon sushi appetizer and Paul tacked on a round of shots. She tilted her head curiously when the waitress left.

  “Dutch courage,” he said. “Or Japanese, either way.”

  “Only the one,” she said. “I have to drive, and so do you.”

  “Of course,” he said with an answering grin to hers.

  It amazed her as they made small talk that she never felt as if she was leaning to one man over the other. They were equally fascinating to her, so different yet so similar. Their senses of humor were almost identical and they shared a few speech quirks that must have come from living together. By the time the main course arrived, she was laughing full-throated at a story Adrian was telling while Paul chuckled, mirth clear in his eyes. It was so good to let loose. They were so good. Her laugh caught and she masked the moment with a sip of her drink.

  “So, how does this work?” she asked. “Afterwards, I mean.”

  Paul and Adrian shared a glance.

  “I don't know,” Paul said.

  “We'll work it out,” Adrian said with a shrug. “I've known people who could be friends after being, ah, intimate, and people who it was too weird for. I'd like to keep hanging out. You're a great woman. We'll see if you still want to when all's said and done.”

  “I'm not sure how I'll react,” she said truthfully. “I'm not feeling weird right now, so I would think I'd still want to talk.”

  “You never know,” he said, brushing his blond hair out of his eyes. “I hope you do, but it's your feelings at stake, and don't let us pressure you into anything you don't like. At all.”

  Again with the seriousness, she thought.

  “You've noticed Adrian was into BDSM, and still is,” Paul murmured, lower, so she had to lean in. “He takes negotiating and fairness to heart. Safe words and mutual consent all around, all the time. Things can get intense. He wants it to stay good-intense.”

  Adrian nodded.

  “I understand,” she said, feeling breathless and warmer than she had before at the mention of negotiations, of power shifting between them. “I will absolutely say so if I feel insecure, I promise.”

  “Good, shy-girl,” Ad
rian chimed in. “I remember what it was like to be new. You want to please so badly, sometimes you let a top get by with things he shouldn't. I won't judge you if you say no, and neither will he. I'm making sure you know that.”

  “I do,” she said.

  They seemed content and all leaned back as one, relaxing again from the serious moment. She wondered how it was so easy to go from laughing to mature, responsible sex-talk in a few minutes with them, but it just took its natural course. Now that the heavy things were out of the way Adrian seemed to let himself even further relax, a constant small smile on his mouth, his hands always brushing Paul's or Marissa's when he could manage. The brushes of warm skin on her wrist, her fingers, were like dull electric shocks. They stole her breath.

  When the waitress asked if they were interested in dessert, Marissa blurted out a quick, “Oh, no, we couldn't.”

  The tension had begun to build already, winding between them like a web. Adrian's eyes had tracked down to the mark, mostly healed, that still lingered as a shadow on her throat. The weight of his gaze was like a touch.

  “I got tired of scarves this week,” she murmured. “Somewhere else, this time?”

  He swallowed visibly, and Paul stroked a knuckle down his cheek. Adrian turned his head and caught the offending finger in his mouth for a quick nibble. Paul's eyes narrowed in a sensual, fierce expression. For a moment they were frozen in place, but Marissa managed to move first, edging out of the booth. The sound of them shifting and standing behind her made her back go tight, almost arching, in anticipation.

  A hand landed at the small of her spine, as she'd suspected, and she shivered. A quick glance revealed it was Paul, who escorted her gently out the door while Adrian paid the bill. The balmy evening air was cooler than it had been for days, but still warm. She took a deep breath. Paul's fingers found the hem of her dress pants and his thumb stroked a long line across the waistband. She turned to him, appreciating the line of his jaw and the curly, close cut of his hair as she looked up at his face. He was devastatingly handsome, almost textbook gorgeous.

  And she was going to be naked, underneath him, before the night was through. She leaned into his open arms and lifted her chin for a kiss, mouths sliding together with the softest of catches, skin on skin. His lips were faintly dry, but the kiss deepened quickly into a damp and slick affair. She gasped into his mouth as he gathered her close, his hands tight around her.

  Another body pressed up against her from behind, from hip to the lips that teased her ear. She broke away with another soft breath and Adrian hummed his amusement.

  “Starting so soon,” he murmured. “Come now, we still have to make it to the hotel.”

  “I'll meet you?” she said breathlessly.

  “Fifteen minutes, my dear,” Adrian said and stepped away, drawing Paul with him. “That's not too much longer.”

  He was right, but it still made her ache to lose the hot pressure of them against her, pinning her. She wove her way through the lot to her car, casting glances back at them the whole way, and caught Paul's eye at least once, Adrian's more than that. Maybe a quickie in the backseat would have taken the edge off, but for now she was starving for their touch.

  She wanted so much more than a quickie from this. Her anticipation had grown and grown through the entire week as she researched things on the Web, looked at photos, read stories, expanded her imagination. She wanted to have a little idea of what they might suggest to her before she tried it. She'd found a wealth of kinky, hungry desire in herself that she wanted desperately to have indulged.

  Fifteen minutes was only if she did the speed limit, she thought as she got behind the wheel of her car and started the engine. Alternately, she very much did not want a ticket at this juncture of the evening, so despite a lead foot, she kept to the green lights, obeyed the traffic laws, and found herself at the nice hotel in more like twenty minutes. She snagged her suitcase and walked into the atrium with her head held high, reveling in the knowledge of what she was here for.

  She found she didn't care if anyone knew. It wasn't their business. That was terribly, wonderfully freeing.

  The boys, as she'd started to think of them, were waiting on plush couches for her. Paul stood, took her bag, and handed her a key. They'd already checked in. She could find no words, and neither could they, it seemed. They rode the elevator up in silence, breathing tight and controlled, but with invisible sparks seeming to shatter the air between them in a triangular web.

  Her hands shook as she slid the key through the lock and opened the door.

  This was it.

  She wanted them so badly, so fiercely, that it frightened her just a bit, the way watching a caged lion was frightening. A hint of danger. Safe, but not quite. She flipped the light on. The suite was broad and nice. The outer room was small and held a couch, coffee table, and television. Through a dimly shadowed door she saw the bedroom, and it was expansive. She walked through to it and flicked another light switch.

  The huge, multi-jet tub set into the floor in the corner of the room drew her eye. It was big enough for five, let alone three, to share it at once. The bed was colossal as well. She wondered how much Paul and Adrian had agreed to spend on this weekend, since they had refused to let her pay for a bit of it. It made sense, since it was their offer in the first place, but a part of her did thrill at being so pampered.

  “I find myself very interested in that bathtub,” Paul remarked.

  “Me, too,” she said.

  The moment of silence that followed was tinged with awkwardness as she moved to put her suitcase down and so did they, all three shifting restlessly, eyes catching and skating off of each other. Dinner with them and the easy laughter had made her eager, but now she felt out of her depth, in a hotel room and unsure of what came next.

  It was Paul who broke the uncertain moment first. He sat on the edge of the bed, eyebrows raised at both Adrian and Marissa, and quirked a finger at her. She stepped forward with her breath stuck in her chest, nearly trembling—this was happening, it was truly happening—and came to stand between his legs, his thighs warm against hers. He smoothed his broad palms up her arms to her shoulder and kneaded the tightness in them. The light caught auburn highlights in his dark hair. Marissa leaned into the massaging hands, bracing her own on his shoulders.

  Adrian crawled up onto the bed behind Paul and pressed against his back, rising up on his knees. He unbuttoned the first few buttons of his vivid blue dress shirt and Marissa found her eyes locked on the peek at his pale chest. Paul leaned his head back and nosed against the fabric, pink tongue drawing a wet line on the bare skin. She stroked her thumbs over Paul's throat, tracing her fingers up and down the warm column of skin. The passion she'd felt before had muted, grown into something encompassing and slow. This first time, they were finding their way—all of them, not just her.

  Paul's fingers crept down her arms again and slipped to her waist, dipping under her shirt. The brush of them on her sides nearly tickled and it made her shift in his grip, biting the inside of her cheek as her eyelids fluttered. The quiet of their huffing breaths as Adrian opened Paul's shirt button by button was a heavy caress of its own. Marissa looked down, watching those long, slim fingers tease each button out of its hole and spread the shirt wide, baring a muscled chest. She placed her fingertips on the toned shape of Paul's pectorals and ran her thumbs over his small pink nipples.

  He sighed, a quiet noise of pleasure, and Adrian hummed against his neck as he undid the last button and stripped the shirt down his arms. Marissa ran her hands down his stomach, feeling the tautness of his toned muscles under soft skin. He'd been working out since those original photos, she thought, though not too much—he was sculpted, not overly bulky. It made her heart thud faster in her chest. Adrian's questing hands moved to her and tugged at her shirt. There was a confusing moment of too many arms, too many hands, before he pulled it over her head and left her standing in her purple lace bra. It was see-through, and both of their eyes se
emed to rivet on the sight of her breasts peeking through the cloth, nipples already firm buds.

  They both reached at the same time, fingers bumping to cup and squeeze her breasts. She made a sound that was half laughter, half a moan as four hands petted and teased her through the bra.

  “It's been a while, hasn't it?” she murmured as softly as she could.

  “I want you,” Adrian replied, husky. “I think we should take turns fucking you tonight. It really has been a while.”

  She reached back of her own accord and undid the snap, easing the bra down her arms. Their hungry attention made her skin prickle. No one had ever looked at her with that much need before, just from the sight of her bare upper body. Paul's thighs tightened around her minutely and she leaned in, hands sliding back to grasp Adrian instead. Paul took the hint, eyes drifting closed, and began to lap at her nipples. Each wet, hot rasp of his tongue brought a shiver over her. The sensation raced in waves through her body.

  Adrian's eyes were bright, and he caught bottom lip between his teeth. He nipped hard enough to make her jump in Paul's arms, then let the bite meld into a kiss, tongue sliding against her sore lip. The ache was sweet. Paul's broad hands clutched at her sides and he pulled her in closer, tighter.

  “Too many clothes,” she whispered to Adrian, feeling brave as she plucked at his shirt.

  “All right, shy-girl,” he whispered playfully and eased back.

  Paul turned his head from her to watch. Adrian braced himself on his heels, thighs spread on the mattress, and began to undo his cuffs. His cheeks were flushed red and his smirk was absolutely filthy. He took his time, knowing he had their attention, and each button took an eternity. He slid the shirt off just as slowly, coy but heated glances finding each of their eyes as he bared himself. He toyed with his belt a moment next, stroking the black leather in a hint before he unbuckled it.

  He stepped off the bed to unzip his slacks and took them down to his ankles with his underwear in one swift movement. He straightened, kicking off his socks and shoes, and grasped his cock in one hand. Marissa's mouth was open in delicious shock and arousal as he ran his fingers up his shaft, teasing the red-blushing skin and the darker head with his eyes on theirs. She couldn't look away. He was average in thickness but long, with a curve that tempted and thrilled her. He climbed back on the bed and crawled toward them.


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