Under a Warlock's Spell

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Under a Warlock's Spell Page 4

by Ann Cory

  Exhaustion coursed through her body, and she shuffled her feet over to the bed. For the first time since he disappeared, she was able to let sleep find her. If only she could find Derik as easily.

  * * *

  Derik wandered among the forest, the place he called home. He looked in disgust at his monstrous hands and claws encrusted with dried blood. Another helpless victim had fallen prey to his untamable rage. A victim who didn't deserve to die in such an unfair battle, for no one could fight him and win. He was walking destruction. Even the trees parted as he walked to keep their branches intact.

  As it did every night, a sea of anger swelled deep inside. All he wanted was to be free of his hideous mask and be free of the curse. He wanted to be rid of the instincts and cravings of the beastly part of his mind and go back to being the peaceful man he once was.

  With each passing day, he remembered less—a mind trick the old warlock enjoyed torturing him with. Many times Derik wished for the ability to go back in time and do things differently. He was sorry he ever offered his help. His kindness had not been rewarded. From that day, he had left behind everything he was familiar with, who he was, and most of all, the woman he loved. Minna.

  The thought of her kept him going. He feared the time when she would become nothing more than a distant memory and he would forget there ever was such a person in his life. He was powerless to stop it. In his monstrous form, he shouldn't have any trouble slicing Blagden into pieces, and he'd considered it often, but the warlock was clever. The jewel around his neck kept him from harm. If Derik could only get close enough to swipe it, his misery would be over.

  Time was a concept he had little understanding of anymore. It was only the rise and fall of the sun that gave him an inkling of how long he had been away from Minna. He hoped she had not given up, or worse, run into the arms of another man. No, somehow he knew she wouldn't without knowing his fate.

  Minna was a loving woman with much life in her. He loved the way she fawned over him and made sure he was always content. She was his air. His lungs had been begging for her for what felt like an eternity. To picture her beautiful face and soft womanly features was becoming increasingly difficult. His hands had forgotten what it felt like to touch her skin and luminous tresses. Her mannerisms were fading from his memory, yet her smile and deep blue eyes held strong. They were what drew him to her in the first place.

  She had been the talk of the town, at least when the talking was done by men. No one could believe she was the thin, scraggly thing that used to come to school late with dresses that were much too long for her. Overnight she'd sprouted and developed into a stylish young lady with long auburn hair and an adoring smile. Her dress changed, her temperament mellowed, and her smile lit up the darkest of nights.

  His friends had dared him to ask her to dance at a social function. There hadn't been any music playing, but he asked her just the same. Her sapphire-blue eyes blinked at him lazily several times, staring beyond his eyes and into his future. That was when he knew he had to have her. She had danced with him beneath a sky full of stars to the sound of crickets and his nervous breath. They spent that night talking, and he had sworn right then never to leave her side. And he'd meant it. Now he would give anything to be dancing with her once again.

  "Oh Minna, I hope you know I am thinking of you," he whispered to his audience of trees.

  Derik looked to the stars and imagined her as one of them, a guide to watch over him and keep him safe.

  "Please, help me find my way back to you."

  A tiny light floated down from the sky, taking its time reaching the earth. It grew larger, and the brightness lit up the trees. He shielded his eyes until the light dissipated and a familiar figure emerged. It was his Minna, she had come to him at last.

  "Derik, my love."

  He reached for her, nestling her safe in his arms. "Is this real? Are you really here with me?"

  "I am as real as you want me to be."

  "I've missed you so very much, my darling. I hunger for your kisses."

  "Then let us not waste time talking."

  She pressed her lips to his and immediately the ravenous pangs were sated. His hands roamed her body with urgency, excited at the familiarity of her curves, the softness of her skin, and the way her hair reminded him of spun silk.

  Minna pulled back and removed her clothing. The light of the pale moon illuminated her body like she herself was a star. Her luscious breasts brought about a new kind of hunger and he brushed his fingers along her raised nipples. He brought his mouth to the hardened pebbles and suckled at them, feeling her body melt into his.

  "Take me, Derik. I need you, please."

  He lifted her in his arms and carried her to a soft patch of grass on the hill. His clothes were off in one swoop, revealing the body of the man he once was. It was then he realized it was all a dream, an illusion built up in his mind, but he wasn't about to change it for anything. If the only way he could see Minna was as an illusion, than that was how it needed to be.

  Derik paused a moment, his eyes feasting on the woman who'd stolen his heart. She was real. He had to believe it. He needed to believe it to push through each day with the hope it would all end soon. Blagden would one day tire of him and not need his services. He only hoped his freedom was an option.

  The Minna apparition rustled his hair. "Your mind is wandering. What can I do to keep you here with me?"

  Her cheeks blushed pink and her breasts were soft to the touch.

  "I am sorry. My mind seems to stray often these days. All thoughts are of you, the most beautiful woman in the world. I love you."

  She spread her thighs, accommodating for his size, and stared deeply at him. Their time apart would make it difficult for him to hold back an orgasm for long, but he would try. His cock was so hard he nearly cried out.

  "Come. Fill me up with all of your love."

  Her finger sauntered down between her legs and stroked her clit. The memory of her warmth made him shudder. Derik couldn't wait another minute; he had to be inside her. With ease, he slid between her saturated folds and let the first of many spasms tear through his body. She squeezed his cock with her damp sex, clinging to him while he thrust in and out.

  Minna brought her legs up and over his shoulders, scooting closer to him. All at once, the beginnings of an orgasm gathered in the pit of his stomach. He didn't know how near to one she was, but he wouldn't be able to hold back, especially with the way she squeezed him.

  "Faster, my darling. I am almost there."

  He wanted her to reach the point he was nearing.

  A blinding light rendered him motionless, followed by a searing pain in his temples. Derik closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to dislodge whatever was pinging away at his brain. When he opened his eyes again, she was gone.

  He sank to his knees and pounded his fists against the ground. Fists that were no longer attached to a man but to a beast. It was too damn much. He'd had enough. There may be nothing honorable about giving up, but he tired of the tragedy that had befallen him. This wasn't how his life was meant to be. Derik wanted life to go back to normal, to be free of this wretched curse and spend each night with Minna.

  Another stab of pain knocked him forward. The beast's thoughts entered his mind and made him a stranger to himself. It possessed him and made him a killing machine. Be it human or animal, he left a trail of blood and anguish in his path.

  Chapter Six

  Minna woke in the late morning feeling rested. There was much to get done before she went on her second journey. She rummaged through her coin purse and frowned at the small amount of money she had left to buy food. Her only means of profit since Derik's disappearance had been designing jewelry. It was an enjoyable pastime and it made her feel good to create pretty things for others to cherish.

  She finished getting ready and went into town. Her first stop was Lillian's gift shop. The day was pleasant, with some patches of clouds in the sky and a slight breeze. Far
off in the distance she could see gray clouds and hoped that if it did rain, it would be minimal. Flying was hard enough as it was, she didn't need the elements adding to it.

  She walked up the steps of the store and opened the door.

  "Morning, Lillian. How is business today?"

  Her fair-haired friend looked up from the counter and smiled graciously.

  "It is so good to see you, Minna. You look as if you've had a good night's sleep for once. Those circles under your eyes aren't quite so black."

  "I did sleep last night. It was a welcome change."

  "I haven't seen you around town for several weeks. What brings you by the store today?"

  "I need to buy some food from the market, but I'm afraid my pocket change is wearing thin."

  Her friend took out a pile of lace handkerchiefs from a box and began folding them into triangles. "No need to worry. You've been doing well with sales from the jewelry you brought in last month. There is an envelope in the drawer next to the register with your profits."

  "I'm thrilled to hear people enjoy them. I am grateful you sell my jewelry here."

  "Oh honey, it's my pleasure. People are always asking when you'll be bringing new pieces in. Pretty and sparkly, they catch everyone's attention. The other day Dell Chambers said something about inviting you over for supper. I had to laugh; he is such a sweet old man, so lonely without his Ethel around. He thinks the world of your jewelry and buys several pieces every week. Don't ask me what he does with them. Considers you a daughter."

  "Bless his heart. Any particular piece that has sold the most?"

  "Ah yes, the necklace with the silver moon seems to be everyone's favorite. Of course it is mine as well." She folded down the top of her apron and pointed to one that hung around her neck.

  Minna laughed. She was bursting with her good news but feared talking about it yet. Maybe once she'd actually made contact with Derik she could tell Lillian, but until then she'd have to find a way to contain herself.

  "Your jewelry does so well in here. In fact, I think you have only a few pieces left."

  "Then I guess I'd better get to making more necklaces if I want to continue to eat."

  Lillian's smile faltered and she stared at her in concern.

  "If I can help, please let me know."

  "Don't worry about me. I am managing," Minna insisted. "Besides, if eating becomes a problem, then I guess I will have to take Dell up on his offer. Now wouldn't that be something."

  "You know, anytime you need a job I would gladly hire you."

  Minna reached out and patted her friend's hand. "You are a dear, and I will consider it. I happen to know you don't have enough money to pay me with, and besides, I don't have the focus for a job right now. I'd be completely useless to you."

  "I'd find a way to make it work, really I would."

  Minna went behind the counter and pulled open the drawer. She found the envelope with her name on it and looked inside. Pleasantly there was more money than she had expected. "I know you would, Lil, and that's why I think the world of you."

  "I wish you wouldn't be such a stranger. I miss our times of picking flowers in the fields."

  "As do I."

  Her friend gave her a serious look—the one Minna had grown used to when someone was about to mention Derik.

  "And how have you been doing? I mean, really doing. As I mentioned, you look rested. Things are getting easier?"

  "I am doing fine. My legs were in need of a walk and my kitchen was in need of some food."

  "Remember I'm always here for you."

  "You are my dearest friend. It has been wonderful talking with you, but I have many things to get done today and must be off."

  Minna hugged her friend tightly and hurried out the door with her envelope of money.

  The skies were darker than they had been when she first came into town. She would have to hurry to make it back home before it poured.

  It made her uncomfortable when people pitied her, especially her closest friends. She knew Lillian meant well. Minna imagined she'd be the same way to others if they had someone go missing. People were simply used to seeing her with Derik no matter where she went. Something she hoped would resume very soon.

  With money in hand, she headed off to stock up on fruits, vegetables, and all the fixings for a modest stew. After her time as a blue jay, her appetite had greatly increased. Fortunately it wasn't for bug stew.

  "Minna," shouted a male voice behind her.

  She looked over her shoulder and a row of knots formed in her stomach. For reasons she didn't understand, she was not in the mood for Lessier.

  "Minna, I've been calling your name," he whined as he caught up to her. "Are you ignoring me on purpose? Have I done something that has offended you?"

  She tried to keep walking, but he blocked her way.

  "My apologies. My mind happens to be on other things today. I did not mean to disregard your presence, forgive me."

  Couldn't people just let her be? Lessier had a habit of asking too many questions. She didn't have the patience today.

  "I am sensitive to the fact that your thoughts and energies are focused on Derik."

  "I am glad you understand." Minna rushed a smile and looked around distractedly. Could he not see she was in a hurry?

  He reached his hand out and brushed a strand of her hair from her eyes. Minna stepped back, offended he would think to touch her, let alone in public.

  She clicked her tongue and sighed. "What is it you wanted?"

  "To tell you I'm planning to stop by your home tomorrow evening. By then I'll have heard from Mico and Pram, two of my best searchers. I am confident they will have news for me."

  Minna fidgeted with the envelope of money. Had the men been such experts at locating people, they would have found Derik's pendant. It had been in clear view. "I see. In most cases I would say I'd be delighted to have you over for tea, but I'm afraid I've made other arrangements that can't be altered."

  His eyes widened and Minna stifled a laugh. "I beg your pardon? Other arrangements?"

  She sighed and tried a different tactic. "I'm expecting company tomorrow night and would appreciate it if you could come by the night after instead."

  As much as she hoped that would be enough of an excuse for him, it was clear he would try to scout for more of an answer.

  "What? A lady can't entertain a friend without requesting permission from everyone in the village?"

  Lessier fumbled his hands around and cleared his throat. "I'm afraid I've misrepresented my intentions. I was under the impression you would want to hear any and all news when it related to Derik, and I felt it should be in private. I've never known you to decline my visit before, even if there wasn't any news. That's all I meant."

  She shrugged. "So much fuss over nothing. My usual plans have changed and that is all. I am not saying your visit is unimportant."

  Minna wanted to get to the market quickly, but Lessier was too curious for his own good. She sighed and folded her hands behind her back.

  "Is your friend's visit more important than Derik?" The words were like a harsh kick to her stomach and she could taste the bile creeping upwards.

  "Watch your tongue, Lessier. You are walking a thin line with me this moment."

  She hadn't meant to snap at him rudely, but he was behaving like an insolent child.

  His face turned several shades of color before he spoke again. "I do beg your forgiveness. It isn't my intent to upset you. Perhaps I wouldn't ask such erroneous questions if I understood more. Who will be staying with you, if I might venture to ask?"

  Minna shook her head; she tired of the endless questions. It was obvious she would have to make up something to appease him.

  "Just a friend whom I haven't seen in ages. It's really quite harmless and I can't understand why you're making such a big to-do about it. I wish to be a good hostess and make her feel welcome. If you come by, then my thoughts will solely be on Derik and it will spoil her visit
. Surely you can understand, can't you?" She tapped her foot impatiently.

  He paused a moment and then broke out into a thin smile. "Ah, I see, a woman friend. I will gladly postpone my original appointment with you and reschedule it for the following evening."

  "So it would have bothered you if I had a male friend over?"

  His sheepish glance spoke volumes.

  "I didn't say that."

  Minna wanted to scream. "You didn't have to. Your expression said it for you. Honestly, I am a grown woman and can look after myself. While I appreciate your kind gestures, I need time to myself as well."

  "Of course. All I have ever wanted was your happiness."

  "I know, and I do thank you. You'll have to forgive me, but I'm in a terrible hurry. The sky looks like it could open up and pour at any time and I am not dressed for such an occasion."

  She started to move forward but he blocked her again. "If you'd like, I can escort you wherever you are headed. Help carry your load?"

  "That won't be necessary. I'm simply off to buy

  Lessier turned his attention to his feet. "I am in dire need of a new pair of boots. I am afraid the pair I own here have become quite worn over the last year. My apologies for taking up your time, I see you are well enough to take care of your business without me holding you up. Enjoy your lovely company. Good day."

  He bowed respectfully, and she reciprocated with a nod. As he walked away, she fumed inside. The nerve. All his prodding for answers. She had to bite her tongue to keep from telling him exactly where he could stick his old pair of boots. But she wasn't one to make a public spectacle or disrespect her friends. It seemed odd how he felt the need to know her business. She told herself it was his way of showing concern, but it never sat right with her. A voice in the back of her mind kept trying to tell her that Derik wouldn't be pleased with the amount of attention Lessier had shown since his disappearance.


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