Play Dirty (The Devil's Share #2)

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Play Dirty (The Devil's Share #2) Page 14

by L. P. Maxa

  The sex was the best I’ve ever fucking had. I literally couldn’t get enough of Dylan’s tight little body. I had to have her at least twice a day. We usually did shower sex in the morning and then cramped bunk sex after Dash and Lexi went to bed but before Jacks and Luke got home. Luke had been staying out and partying with Jacks a lot lately. Lexi always seemed irritated with him in the morning, when his hungover ass stumbled into the living room seeking her attention. I longed for another weekend in a hotel away from my friends where I could keep Dylan naked and in a huge bed. I fantasized about fucking her on the kitchen counter or the floor, just to have more room to work.

  Dash and Lexi were on the couch, his hand always on her stomach. Jacks was stretched out on the pallet he made him and Dagger this morning. Luke was sitting in one recliner and Dylan and I were sharing the other. She was so tiny she didn’t really take up that much space. The documentary we were watching was about this crazy family in West Virginia. They were constantly in and out of jail, dealing drugs, losing their kids to the state… “This family is actually a lot like mine. Except we have fewer unplanned pregnancies.” I was condom OCD even before Dash knocked up Lexi. Jared never was, which was why I am almost positive that chick from home had his baby. The paternity test proved it wasn’t mine, but the label paid her off anyway. She got a huge lump sum of money to make the scandal go away.

  Dylan spoke softly. “Will you tell me about them? Your family, I mean.”

  I kissed the top of her head. “No. There isn’t anything about them worth knowing. Besides, you’re never going to meet them.” I didn’t think I said anything wrong, so I was confused by the sudden look of hurt that crossed her face.

  “Oh, uh, yeah. You’re right. It’s just with the festival coming up and it being your hometown, I thought…but that’s the end of the tour…so…I guess I’ll be heading home…. I guess…Yeah…”

  I wrapped my arms around her tighter, realization dawning on me. “No, wait, that’s not what I meant. I’m sure my fucked up family will make an appearance at the festival—if there’s booze within a fifty-mile radius you can’t keep ’em away—but…uh, I just…don’t want you around them…”

  I trailed off when I heard Luke snort with laughter. “I swear, you are bad with words around this chick.”

  I flipped him off and put my mouth close to her ear so he couldn’t hear me, “I want you, Cher. During the tour, after the tour…I want you. But I don’t ever want you around my family. They are bad people. If they even had a clue how much you mean to me…they would try to use you against me.”

  She looked up at me. “What about you? It’s not going to be easy to see your family and I don’t want you to get down…I know you’ll be with the band, but—”

  I silenced her with a kiss. “Thank you for worrying about me. For wanting to make sure I’m okay. But if I have any control over the situation, I won’t be around them either. I’ll go from the bus, to backstage, and then back home to you.”

  Her eyes got wide and she smiled. “Did I really get a ‘how much you mean to me’ AND a ‘home to you’ comment in one conversation?” She reached up and placed the back of her hand to my forehead. “Should I get my medical bag to check your vitals?”

  I stood, tossed her over my shoulder and then slapped her ass making her giggle. “We’re going to bed. Dylan thinks I have a fever.” I tossed the remote to Luke. “Turn the volume up. Loud.” I didn’t need to finish the documentary; I knew how it ended. I’d fucking lived it. I plopped her down in our bed—that’s right, I said our bed—and climbed in next to her. “I was sweet, right?”

  She grinned. “Yes, babe. You were every sweet.”

  “That means I get a reward, right?”

  She rolled her eyes and let out an irritated sigh. “Take your pants off.”


  Later that night when I’d recovered from my reward (I got head by the way) and we were just lying in bed listening to the rain and the road noise, she broke the calmness. “Tell me about your mom.”

  I stopped breathing. “No, Cher.”

  “Why not? Why can’t we talk about your family? Why can’t we ever talk about what’s bothering you? We’re together, right?”

  I sighed, trying to not let my fear show. “Yes we are. But that doesn’t mean we have to discuss every fucked up thing in my life. Why don’t we talk about your past? Why don’t you tell me about your shit?” I knew I was being an ass, but I really, really didn’t want to talk about my mom. She’d leave me if I lied, and she’d leave me if she knew the truth.

  “You’ve never asked before. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. I don’t have anything to hide.” There was a new bite to her words.

  I did. “Then tell me about him.” I was deflecting again. Was she going to let me off? I knew one day I’d have to tell her about my mom, about that “tragedy”…but I couldn’t, not yet. Not when I knew I’d lose her over it.

  She was quiet for so long I didn’t think she was going to let it go. I closed my eyes, just waiting for her to lay into me and demand answers. I almost cried with relief when she started talking. “Reese and I were high school sweethearts. We started dating when I was a sophomore and he was a junior. We were in love, like that sickeningly adorable puppy dog love. He was my first…well, everything. He was an amazingly talented quarterback—all state his junior and senior year. College scouts showed up to almost all of his games. He chose Florida State and I didn’t hesitate to follow him after I graduated. Everything in high school came so easy to him. He was the best student and the best player. In college he wasn’t always number one…and he didn’t know how to handle it.” She stopped talking and rolled onto her back. I missed her body on mine, but I was grateful that she was talking and I wasn’t. “He started taking steroids. He wanted to be faster, stronger, better. I knew that he was taking them. He didn’t come right out and tell me, but I saw the signs. I heard him whispering on the phone; his attitude changed; he bulked up so fast. There were so many lies.”

  “Don’t they test for stuff like that?”

  “They do. I have no idea how he was getting around it. When I finally confronted him, he was so far gone. He was convinced he needed them to keep his spot on the team. He told me to keep my mouth shut, said that I would be ruining both our lives if I told anyone.” She wiped at her eyes. “It was his sophomore year, my freshman…the homecoming game. He was starting so both of our families were there to watch. He collapsed on the field right before half time…. They rushed him to the hospital but he was already gone.”

  “I’m so sorry, Cher.”

  Her voice was shaky. “They told us his heart just stopped. The strain he was putting on it was just too much. When the toxicology report was released and his family found out about the steroids they were so upset.” She wiped at her eyes again. “His mom came to my dorm room and screamed at me. She said it was all my fault, that I should have said something….”

  I couldn’t stand to hear the tears in her voice; it broke my heart. I grabbed her and pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her body. “Shhhh, baby. It wasn’t your fault. You weren’t responsible for the choices he made.” I felt like an asshole for asking her to relive this part of her life. I’d made her hurt just so I wouldn’t have to. I was a selfish bastard.

  “If I could go back and do things differently, I would. I would have told his coaches or his parents. I wouldn’t have lied for him. I would have saved him.”

  Saved him. “Is that what you’re doing with me? Trying to right a wrong?” My chest felt tight; I suddenly couldn’t breathe. Did she really want me? Or did she just want a second chance at making a difference? I was falling for this girl, more and more every damn day…but was she falling for me?

  She turned her face up, her eyes catching mine. “No.” She leaned in and kissed my lips softly. “In the beginning, I tried to stay away from you. I didn’t want to be with another self-destructive person. But you are such a good man. You have so m
uch light and strength inside you. It just gets bogged down in the darkness sometimes. I don’t need to save you because you are strong enough to save yourself. I’m just here to remind you of that when you forget.”

  I looked down at her with admiration in my eyes. “I don’t deserve you.” I didn’t. I was a liar and I was selfish and broken and weak, and I wasn’t worthy of her.

  “Yes you do.”

  I covered her mouth with mine, kissing her, gentle and slow. Sweeping my tongue into her mouth, trying to physically express what was so hard for me to say. I removed her loose drawstring pants and only broke our kiss to pull her shirt from her body. The feel of her naked skin against mine sent chills down my spine. I was head over heels for this girl. I hadn’t said I love you to anyone since my mom died…but the words were on the tip of my tongue right now. Dylan may think I don’t need saving, but she saved me. She brought me hope and laughter. She showed me what it was like to be cared for and thought of. In the past two weeks this girl had become my whole world. Sharing my life with someone, being faithful and coming home to her every night…it was something I never knew I wanted. But damn, I’d kill before I gave her up. And if that didn’t make me the biggest asshole I knew, I didn’t know what did. I positioned myself at her core. I knew she was ready for me. She was always ready for me. “Do you trust me, Cher?”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

  I surged inside of her, bare. For the first time in my life, there was nothing between me and heaven. I buried myself to the hilt and then stayed there. “You feel… God, baby… I can’t even come up with words to describe what it feels like to be inside you like this.” I pulled back, only slightly, no part of me wanted to leave her body. “You’re so tight and warm and… Fuck, you feel good.” So this was what all the fuss was about? I get it now.

  She brought her legs up and wrapped them around my waist. “Please.”

  I kissed her neck and bit her shoulder. “Please what, baby?” We were both whispering our words because everyone had gone to bed, but for some reason it was making everything feel more emotional, more sincere.

  “Please fuck me.”

  I bit my lip and locked down all my muscles. Between bare backing and hearing please fuck me come out of my girl’s mouth, I almost just came. I began to stroke myself, slowly, in and out. Everything about tonight felt different. I was not fast or hard or demanding—this was all so new to me. I pulled out and then sank back in, doing that grinding motion she loved so much once I was seated all the way inside her. “So good, baby.” I repeat: out, in, grind.

  “Don’t stop.” She arched her head back exposing her neck.

  I couldn’t help up put my mouth on her smooth skin. I kissed and sucked and nibbled, causing her to bite her lip and moan my name. “Look at me, Cher.” I waited until her eyes were on mine, and then started that slow grind inside her. Over and over, never leaving her body, never giving her any reprieve. Just how she liked it. “Come for me, baby.” She did what she was told, almost instantly, her core clenching me so damn tight. I can’t even tell you how fucking good it was to feel her body respond like that. I didn’t want to leave; I wanted to live with my dick inside her. “Fuck…I’m going to—”

  When I went to pull out she grabbed my ass and held me in place. “Do you trust me?”

  I nodded as I spill inside her.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  A few days later, I’d just finished letting everyone hear the baby’s heart and we were all piled in the living room once again. Last night Smith finally got the sex of the baby out of me. Dash took Lex out to a late movie and we had the whole bus to ourselves for hours. Let’s just say I lost another bet…and this one was a much higher number than three. Jacks looked up from the PS3 in his hands. “Hey, Dill?” Jacks and Luke had shortened Lexi’s nickname for me into “something they can stand.”


  “Can I bang one of your sisters?”

  Smith leaned down and smacked him on the side of his head, but I remained calm. “You can try…but my dad is a big man who loves guns. He’s won a lot of money over the years as a trick shooter and he’s very protective over his girls.”

  Jacks went back to playing his game. “What about Smith?”

  Smith sounded irritated, “What about me?”

  “You’re fucking one of his girls.”

  Smith smacked him again.

  “Stop hitting me! You are.” Jacks looked to the other side of the room at Dash. “What if you have a little girl?”

  “Why? Do you know something? Is it a girl?” I giggled. Dash was having a really hard time not knowing the sex of the baby.

  Jacks rolled his eyes. “No. I’m just saying if you had a daughter and you found out she was nailing a rock star like Smith, how would you feel?”

  Dash glanced over at Smith, then back to Jacks. “I’d shoot him.”

  I put my arm around Smith’s now tense shoulders and pulled him in for a hug. “Don’t worry, babe. I won’t make you meet him.” We were going to be stopping for two days in Charleston. I was meeting my family for dinner. I wanted them to come to the show, but they had plans the next night that they couldn’t change. I knew Smith was edgy about the festival in New Orleans, but I really wanted to ask my parents to come to that show.

  Smith sat up. “You don’t want me to meet him?”

  “Uh, no, that’s not…I’d love for you to meet him. I just didn’t want you to feel pressured or anything.” I did not expect this reaction from him. I couldn’t stop smiling at the fact that he wanted to meet my family.

  “I don’t feel pressured.” He narrowed his eyes. “Is there pressure?”

  I shook my head. “No,” then thought better of it. “I mean, kind of, I guess. He’s my dad…and we’re, uh, whatever we are. And he’s going to see that we’re comfortable with each other and he knows we’ve been on this bus…. He’s going to assume…”

  “So he’s going to want to shoot me.”

  Lexi giggled. “I’d let Dash shoot you. You know, if you were some rock star boning my daughter.”

  Smith threw his hands in the air. “Well maybe if everyone on this damn bus would stop calling it boning and banging and nailing it wouldn’t have such a bad connotation! For that matter, I’m doing none of those things with Dylan. It’s different; she’s my girlfriend. And I don’t appreciate you guys trying to stress me out about meeting her fucking family. Families are hard for me and you aren’t helping!”

  Everyone was silent. Crickets chirped in the background.

  He stood, hands on his hips. “And I just now realized that I called her my girlfriend for the first time. So, if you’ll excuse us…” He reached down and took my hand firmly in his, pulling me into the bathroom and locking the door. Other than Dash and Lexi’s room, this really was the only place to get some privacy. He pushed my back against the door and took my face in his hands. “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I mean, we’ve never labeled anything.”

  “Do you want me to be your girlfriend?” I couldn’t help but chuckle as I asked him. It seemed so silly to be having this talk. We were two adults who’d been fucking like rabbit for over a week.

  He gave me a small smile. “With all my heart.” He leaned in and kissed me. “I’m going to screw up.” He kissed me again. “I’m going to say the wrong thing and do the wrong thing.” Kiss. “But if you want to give this a shot, I promise to try my best to be the man you deserve and to make you happy.”

  “You make me happy, every day. And you are the man I deserve. You’re the perfect combination of strong and sweet. You make me laugh and you’re amazingly talented in bed.” He snickered at the last part.

  “Can I meet your dad?”


  “As your boyfriend?”


  “Is he going to shoot me?”

  “I doubt it.”

  He nodded. “Okay then, glad all that is settled. I’d lo
ve nothing more than to fuck you against this door now. But, if I’m not mistaken…” He opened the door, and Dash, Luke, Jacks, and Lexi all kind of tumbled in. “That’s what I thought.”

  Jacks shrugged, never any shame in his game. “We just thought you guys were boning. We didn’t even know Smith was capable of being someone’s boyfriend.”

  I held Smith back as he made a weak attempt to smack him again and said, “Who wouldn’t want to date a sex god?”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  The second Dylan and I walked into our hotel room in Charleston, my phone rang. I silenced it instantly. All I wanted to do was strip my girlfriend naked and bury my dick in her tight pussy. And then stay there for hours. I snapped my fingers and pointed at her. “Call room service and order some ice, Cher. You’re going to need it.” My phone rang again as she rolled her eyes. I pulled it out of my pocket, chuckling when I saw her pickup the hotel phone. It was an unknown number… “Hello?”

  “Smith. Hey man, it’s Jared.”

  What in the holy hell? “What in the fuck do you want?”

  “Look, cuz, we need to talk this through. I need you on my side during this trial.”

  Dylan put her hand on my arm. I covered the receiver and mouthed, “It’s Jared” and her eyes went wide. “You threatened me with a gun! What in the hell is the matter with you people?! I am not going to lie in court to save your ass some jail time.”

  “We’re family.”

  “Ha! Family? We aren’t family. You almost shot Lexi AND her baby! They are my family. They are the people I stand by, the people I protect.”

  “It was a mistake, a misunderstanding. I never wanted anyone to get hurt, I swear.”

  “Then own up to what you did. I can’t help you, I don’t want to.” I dropped my head, suddenly feeling heavy and overwhelmed.

  “Look, man. Don’t force my hand on this, don’t make me drag your past out and parade it in front of the cameras.”

  “What is the hell are you talking about?”


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