by Alla Kar
Oh, God. I needed him then. I wanted to grab his hair and yank him up. After another minute of torturous pleasure with his tongue, he stood up and entered me again.
This time I caught his piercing gaze in the mirror. “You’re so goddamn beautiful. And you’re fucking mine.”
My juices were all over his mouth and by the feral look in his eyes I knew he liked it. “Yours,” I whimpered out.
When Paxton smiled I knew this wasn’t just about sex. He was claiming me as his. And I was his willing victim, yet again.
Paxton slowed his pace, leaned over me and began cooing into my ear. Leaning my head back against him I closed my eyes and relaxed into his touch. “I want you to come with me,” he whispered.
“I don’t know how,” I said.
Paxton grinned into my hair. “You tell me when you’re about to come and I’ll come with you, baby. Just feel,” he whispered.
I sank back against him, my body molding against his. Paxton nipped a path from my ear to shoulder and back. One hand pinched my nipple while the other stroked me, but nothing felt better than him pulsing in and out of me. The smooth rhythm and the hardness of his hands against me sent me soaring—flying over the edge.
“I’m coming,” I whispered.
“Say it louder,” he growled.
“I’m coming!” I screamed.
Paxton pumped into me, his dick pulsing inside of me. “Look at me,” he whispered. The person in the mirror didn’t look like me at all. And it was the best feeling in the world.
My flushing cheeks, panting chest and wild sex hair didn’t look like me before but me now. “Only you,” he whispered into my ear.
I nodded. I knew what he meant because I felt it. I was the only one he wanted or needed.
His arm held me close to his chest. “Only me.”
I swallowed. “Only you.”
Three Months Later
Missy’s mouth dropped when I opened the taxi door for her.
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” she said, stepping out and into the humid Florida air. The breeze blew her hair from her shoulders, and gave me a chance to run my fingers over her tattoo.
“Nope. This is home,” I whispered against her ear. “It’s only a few miles away from the university and no neighbors around for a mile.”
She whipped around and looked up at me. Those too blue eyes were bright with excitement and her mouth open in a full-blown smile. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
Running my knuckles down her cheek, I grinned at her. “It’s happening, Sugar.” And I couldn’t have been happier. After Benton was sentenced to twelve months in prison we had no reason to stay in California.
Missy’s phone buzzed in her pocket. “Oh, great,” I grumbled. “That better not be Valeria or I’m kicking her ass.”
Missy looked at the screen. “You’ll be doing some ass kicking soon then. Hello! Yes, I’m here! It’s great! Ah!”
The taxi driver blew the horn. “Come on, Kids. I’ve got stuff to do!”
Throwing him a dirty glance over my shoulder, I grabbed our suitcases from the back and started toward the house. “Okay, Okay. I’ll send plenty of pictures, swear. Love you too, Bye.”
Missy raced toward the door but I grabbed her before she could grab the door. “First off, it’s locked.” I dug the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door, letting it swing open in invitation. “And secondly,” I grabbed her underneath her legs and swung her up into my arms. “You’re bringing the gentleman out in me.”
She lifted a brow. “Yeah, right.”
I snorted and carried her inside. I’d made a trip down here a few weeks before to check the place out, but since our things were here it looked completely different. “It goes right out to the beach!” she screeched. “I have to go look. Put me down.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I said, dropping her.
She immediately kicked off her death-trap shoes and ran toward the sliding glass door. She ran right past the new couch, TV, fireplace and toward the ocean. I couldn’t help but smile. That’s why I loved her so much. It wouldn’t have mattered if I didn’t have one penny, she didn’t care.
I brought our things inside and made my way out toward the beach. Missy was bent down examining something on the sand. “It’s a turtle’s nest.” She grinned down at it. “They’ll hatch and swim into the ocean by themselves.”
“Oh really?” I sank down next to her. “How long do they have?”
She shrugged. “It’s hard to tell. They normally hatch round fifty days after they were laid but I don’t know how long they’ve been here.”
Missy examined them closely and I chuckled beneath my breath. “What’s so funny?” she asked, sitting back on her legs.
“I can’t imagine anyone not loving you. You’re so perfect.”
She flushed, and smiled at the sand. “You’re leaving in the morning,” she said. I cringed and reached over to cup her jaw.
“Baby, we both knew I’d be gone next week. Don’t make me sadder about it than I already am.”
Sighing, she stood up; sand stuck to her legs, and started walking down the beach. Of course, I ran after her. “Missy—,”
“I’m fine,” she said, interlacing our fingers. “We’ll be fine. Plus we can talk and see each other. Webcams remember?” She wiggled her brows.
I wasn’t one hundred percent reassured but I nodded. “You start work tomorrow,” I said.
That got her smiling. “Yep. At the aquarium,” she said smugly. “I guess your charming ways do come in handy.”
It’s nearly impossible for a freshman to get a job there, but when I told the lady who I was she decided she’d let Missy on after all. “We all have our gifts.”
We walked for a few minutes and turned back around to head back. Missy picked up seashells along the way, and hummed underneath her breath. Her bare toes sunk into the damp sand, and her hair blew in the breeze. There was no way we weren’t meant to be there. It was inevitable.
“I’m going to miss you though,” she whispered. She looked so childlike holding an arm full of seashells and her eyes wide with innocence.
“You won’t even realize that I’m gone,” I lied. I missed her every goddamn second we were away from each other.
She smiled. “Now we know that isn’t true. Who is going to fulfill my womanly needs?” She held up her hand and wiggled her fingers. “I guess I’m going to get acquainted with these babies while you’re gone.”
The image of her masturbating had me hard as a fucking rock. “Don’t make me take you on the damn beach, Sugar.”
A mischievous smile curled on her face. “You did tell me we’d have sex on the beach.”
Caressing her face she leaned into my hand. “You’re turning into a sex maniac. The monster has reawakened.”
She poked her bottom lip out. “You don’t want me?”
“Now, I didn’t say that.” Grabbing her waist I drug her down to the sand and on top of me. “I’ll never not want you, Sugar.”
She grinned. “Good to know.”
We made love on the beach in front of our house, and held each other until the sun lowered in the sky. There wasn’t one place in the world I’d rather been than there with her.
Paxton had been gone an entire week. It was the longest week of my life. Pulling my aquarium polo over my head, I tossed it into the laundry.
My body was humming because we were going to have another ‘webcam’ session. I don’t remember what I thought would happen, but when he pulled his dick out and started stroking it my body ignited. I’d watched porn when I was younger, but none of them looked like Paxton.
I slipped into one of Paxton’s T-shirts and turned the laptop on. “Hey, Sugar,” his gritty voice came over the screen.
“Hey! How was practice today?”
He frowned. “It went okay.”
“Why are you frowning?”
I asked. Panic set in. “Are you going to have to stay longer?”
His gaze shifted and I knew he did. I wanted to scream at the screen but I bit my tongue to stop myself. “It’s okay. I understand, Paxton. It’s part of the life, right?”
He nodded, and scratched the back of his neck. “Where are you right now? The screen keeps moving.”
“I’m actually not in a good place to chat right now, babe. I’m so, so sorry.”
My mouth felt dry, and I felt so stupid for being upset. But I missed him like crazy. “I understand, Paxton.”
Sighing, he ran his fingers over his face and laughed bitterly. “I’m going to go now. I can’t stand seeing you in my shirt. I just want to touch you. Goddammit, I want to touch you right now.”
“I know exactly what you mean,” I whispered.
“I love you.” He ended the message before I could say anything. Everything around me was unnoticeable. All I could do was stare blankly at the screen that mocked me.
“Ugh!” I tossed my laptop to the side and stormed into the living room. The sun hadn’t dipped beneath the water yet, so I plopped down on the swing and crossed my arms like a five-year-old.
It wasn’t until I heard a seagull and looked to my right that I actually saw the beach. “What the—,”
I jumped out of the swing and barreled toward the steps so I could get a better look.
My heart swelled to the point that I thought it may explode from overwhelming happiness. ‘I love you, Sugar' was spelled out in seashells along the beach in front of our house.
“But,” I whispered to myself. Paxton was there. “Where are you?” I shouted and then felt his presence behind me. The musky scent of his soap made my legs threaten to buckle.
“Right here, baby.” He turned me around to face him, running his fingers through my hair. “Right were I’m supposed to be.”
The End.
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Other Books By Alla:
Ranch Hand
Covert Ops: Shifting Pleasures
Make Me Yours (Forever #1)
You Are Mine (Forever #2)
Forever Yours (Forever #3)
Teach Me
Play Me
Where You Are (Coming July 2014 from Swoon Romance)
Here With You (Coming November 2014 from Swoon Romance)