Crash and Burn

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Crash and Burn Page 5

by London Casey

  “Don’t worry about that,” Landon said. “That was a little relief.”

  “What do I care?” Avery asked.

  Landon touched her face and made Avery look at him. “You care. I see it in your eyes. You want to know if your tits are bigger than hers. You want to know if I’ll suck on them the same. You want to know how tight her pussy was, and if yours can match. You want to know if you can fuck the way she does…”

  Avery swallowed as her cheeks flushed. Yeah, she thought that, but so what? Didn’t all women compare themselves to each other?

  “Right now, you stay right here. I have some things to tend to and then I have to decide what to do with you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Landon stood up and looked down at Avery. “You better think long and hard about why you’re here. Because I want answers when I get back. And if they aren’t the answers I’m hoping for, you will get chained to a block and put in the fucking ocean, sweetheart.”

  “My name is Avery, asshole.”

  “I love it when you call me asshole.” Landon winked.

  “Fuck you.”

  Landon turned and Avery watched in awe as he unzipped his jeans. His hand disappeared and she leaned back a little on the bed.

  “Is that what you really want?” Landon asked. “You’ve been making me hard for the past couple of hours, sweetheart. I’ll fill your mouth right now.”

  Avery let out a shaky breath. She was so tempted. So fucking tempted…

  Of course there was a knock at the door.

  “It’s open,” Landon yelled.

  The door opened and Avery adverted her eyes for a second to see another biker poking his head into the room. Landon turned and the man said, “Nice, bro.”

  “What do you want, Blaine?”

  “We’re talking,” Blaine said. “If you want to join.”

  “I’m coming.”

  “I can see that,” Blaine said. “Need any help with this?”

  “Fuck off, bro.”

  “Just saying…” Blaine looked at Avery. “Hey, beautiful. What do you say? You want two cocks in you?”

  “Christ,” Landon said. He lunged at the door and Blaine slammed it. Through the door, Avery heard Blaine laughing. Landon looked over his shoulder.

  “Stay here. Someone will be watching the room. I’ll be back later.”

  He zipped his pants and left. The door shut and locked.

  Avery looked around the room and remembered something she had told herself.

  No more fucking bikers…

  “Yeah, right,” she whispered as she fell back to the bed.


  Landon lit a joint, took two deep hits, and reached to pass it to Shay. The table wasn’t quite full, but Miller didn’t seem to give a shit. It was Miller, Blaine, Shay, Landon, Griffin, and Gaige.

  “Where’s everyone else?” Landon asked.

  “Jace is on a run with Nate,” Griffin said. “Working out some details for the fight.”


  “We’ve got one about five miles north of here,” Gaige said. “Set up by Jimmy from the garage.”

  “Jimmy,” Miller said. “Dirty fucking prick. Must have run out of pussy money.”

  “He’s charging ten a head to get in,” Griffin said.

  “That’s fucked,” Shay said. “Nobody will pay that.”

  “Some assholes will, because they think they need to,” Landon said.

  “Whatever,” Miller said. “Right now we need to decide on the action. Our friend, Jonesy, is really looking for some serious cash to figure out this bombing bullshit. I’m not in the mood to fuck around with him, so we need to clean up. Big time.”

  “Well, what cash do we have?” Shay asked.

  “Not much,” Griffin said. “Not enough to pay Jonesy and keep ourselves happy.”

  “I’m out six bills today already,” Landon said.

  “What?” Blaine asked.

  “Had to take care of something with Pop.”

  “Pop?” Blaine asked. “That old fuck’s heart is still ticking.”

  “What happened with Pop?” Miller asked.

  “Personal,” Landon said.

  “Does it have anything to do with that pretty number in your bed?” Blaine asked.

  “Whoa,” Shay called out and whistled. “What are you working on?”

  “Let it go,” Landon said. “It’s not what it looks like. She had a run in with Pop and I took care of it. Some motherfucker from Eight Under stormed me and she smacked the guy in the head with a fucking pizza tray.”

  Everyone laughed and Miller slapped the table. “Get out of here, brother.”

  “Swear on it. Then she saw me gut the asshole so I made her come with me so I can feel her out. She’s not from around here and it bothers me.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Shay said. “She saw you murder someone?”

  “That’s rough shit,” Blaine said. “She needs a real man to take that memory away.”

  “Fuck off,” Landon said. “You’re not getting into her pants.”

  “Man, those ripped jeans and innocent eyes,” Blaine said. “She just needs her face covered in-”

  “Okay,” Miller cut in. “So back to the point here. We’re low on cash and we need some. Who’s getting the action then?”

  “I’m always in,” Blaine said.

  “I want it,” Landon said. “I’m in.”

  “That’s a brother,” Shay said. “Get those fists bloodied.”

  “I can take one too,” Gaige offered.

  “No,” Miller said. “You fought last time. I need you with me. I want to check out the crowd and see if anything looks different. We have so many goddamn targets on our backs right now…”

  “So we’ve got Landon and Blaine down for some action,” Griffin said. “I’ll make the call and set it up.”

  “I’ll go until I can’t fucking stand,” Landon said. “Whatever it takes to get the money.”

  “Relax now,” Shay said.

  “I’m serious,” Landon said. “Put me down for a triple threat.”

  “Fucking right,” Blaine said. “We’ll get you nice and fucked up.”

  “I’ll do three rounds,” Landon said. “I don’t give a fuck.”

  Landon stared at Miller, waiting for the approval. Griffin did the same, his hands open.

  Miller stared back at Landon. Slowly, he started to nod. “Okay. Get it all set up, Griffin. Landon represents us. Only him fighting. We bet all we can on it, take some outside action, and keep a cut. Whatever we need to do to keep the money collecting. The last thing I want is to call in any favors on this with Jonsey, got it?”

  “Yeah,” Gaige said.

  “I’ll take care of myself tonight,” Landon said.

  “I don’t doubt it,” Blaine said. “Now, go get your cock taken care of so you can focus on these fights.”

  “He’s right,” Miller said. “Everyone out.”

  Everyone stood except for Griffin. He had papers to review with Miller. As the guys lined up at the door, Blaine put up his fists and took some air shots around Landon’s head.

  “Come on,” Blaine said. “Give me your best shot.”

  Landon wasn’t in the mood so he punched Blaine in the gut. Blaine toppled over and reached for Shay as he gasped for air.

  “Fuck,” Blaine whispered in a hoarse voice. “Nice shot.”

  “Hey, Landon, come here,” Miller called out.

  Landon stepped back to the far opposite end of the table. “I’m right here.”

  “Griffin,” Miller said, “take a walk for a minute.”

  Griffin stood and left the room.

  For a few seconds, Miller and Landon eyed each other.

  “You’ve got this?” Miller asked.

  “Nobody ever doubted me before.”

  “I know. But you’ve got something burning in you, brother. The kind of shit that makes a man do stupid shit.”

  “Not me,” Landon s
aid. “I want to fucking rip people apart tonight. I want to finish ripping apart Eight Under. And when we find out who tried to kill Erik, I want to gut them with my bare hands.”

  “That’s a shit ton of anger, brother.”

  “Is there any other way to live?”

  Miller smiled. “Not right now, no. Keep your head focused.”

  “I’m focused,” Landon said. “Need anything else?”

  “Nope. I’ll catch you tonight then.”

  Landon left the room and walked up to Griffin. He patted him on the back and said, “All yours, bro.”

  “Everything good in there?” Griffin asked.

  “Yeah. Miller was just…”

  Griffin smiled and put a finger to his temple. “I meant here. Upstairs. Your head.”

  “My head? What’s wrong with my head?”

  “Just checking,” Griffin said. “That’s all.”

  “I’m fine. I’m tired of these little wars breaking out. I was standing there eating a slice of fucking pizza and some skinny punk runs up on me with a gun. He doesn’t know the blood between Back Down Devil and the rest of the crews around here. He’s willing to pull a trigger on anyone, hoping for that last piece of his tat to be patched in with Eight Under. That fucking pisses me off.”

  “Me too,” Griffin said. “But don’t forget, we were all young, dumb, and reckless at one point.”

  “We may not be young and dumb anymore,” Blaine said as he turned around from the bar, “but sure as fuck, we are reckless. We just have bigger cocks and guns now.”

  “I second that,” Shay called and lifted his beer bottle.

  “Take it easy, man,” Griffin said to Landon as he went back into the room to meet with Miller.

  “Landon, come here brother,” Blaine said.

  Landon went to the bar and Blaine wrapped an arm tight around him. It was no shock Blaine was piss drunk already and more than likely had taken pills to take the edge off a rough day in his fucked up mind.

  “Give this man a fucking drink,” Blaine said. “He’s going to fucking make lots of money soon.”

  Landon accepted a shot of whiskey and ordered two more. He needed to loosen up to deal with Avery. Thinking her name made his lip curl. Figures he would find someone worth looking at and she was probably a fucking rat. The hard part would be having to kill her. Then again, Blaine would do it. He’d probably fuck her and then kill her.

  “What’s with the deep thoughts?” Blaine asked.

  “My head… fuck it,” Landon said. “I need a good smoke.”

  Blaine laughed and reached into his leather. “Ask and you shall receive.”

  They lit up a fresh joint and the deep inhales started to calm Landon.

  “Now, we need to talk business,” Blaine said. “Double team business.”

  “Good Christ,” Landon said. “Let it go.”

  “No, no, not your treat in your room,” Blaine said. “My treat at the end of the bar.”

  Blaine pointed and Landon looked at a voluptuous woman leaning over the bar with massive breasts pouring from her small top. Everything about her was fake, other than her obvious desire to spend the evening with one of the guys in Back Down Devil.

  “You know they’re fake, right?” Landon asked.

  “What? Her tits? What the fuck do I care? They’ll still feel the same smashing off my face, won’t they?”

  “She’ll give you black eyes.”

  “Worth it,” Blaine said. Blaine gave Landon a serious look. “She wants a double, bro.”


  “You know what I mean… one in each hole downstairs.”

  Landon took another hit of the joint and shook his head. “Blaine…”

  “Come on. I’ll take the ass even. All you have to do is roll a condom down your dick and fuck her. That’s it. You do that for me and she’ll do anything else for me. I want to get lost between her tits, man.”

  “Not me,” Landon said. “Not tonight. I’ve got too much going on.”

  “You’re breaking my heart.”

  Landon passed the joint to Blaine and asked, “Since when do you care about rules? You order her around. She’s a reliever, man.”

  “Yeah. I just wanted to play nice so I can go crazy on her later.”

  “Just take her and tell her I’ll be there soon. Start without me, if you get my drift. Do what you need to do and then make up some shit about me needing to go out on a call. Who gives a fuck? It’s just pussy.”

  Blaine slapped the bar and laughed. “Just pussy. Right. Is that what’s in your room? Just pussy?”

  Landon opened his mouth and knew that the second he was about to spill anything about Avery to Blaine, it would end up blowing back in his face. But he did it anyway.

  “Listen to me,” Landon whispered. “That chick in my room was here that day the car blew up on Erik, okay? She was speeding down the strip on a motorcycle and dropped it. There’s something about it all that’s bothering me. That’s why when I saw her with Pop, I took care of it. She saved my ass with that prick from Eight Under, but I’m going to drill her until I get information.”

  “She’s part of it?” Blaine asked, his eyes wide. “Bro, we need to chain her up and gut her…”

  “Let me do what I need to do here,” Landon said. “Okay? Promise me, Blaine, okay?”

  “As long as you help me with my friend over there,” Blaine said. He put his hands up. “Not tonight, but soon.”

  Landon looked at the reliever at the end of the bar. Pussy was pussy, right? None of it really mattered.

  “Fine,” Landon said. “But we do it like you said. And we’re not going to be fucking naked. That shit is too close for comfort as it is.”

  “Deal,” Blaine said. “Now let me share the news with her and see if she wants to celebrate a little with me. I should be good for at least a hand job.”

  “Christ,” Landon whispered.

  Blaine walked away and Landon ordered one more shot. He downed it and then left the bar. The hallway looked a little fuzzy at first but his senses were just fine. A little weed and whiskey always made the body feel right. Tonight, Landon needed to crack Avery wide open and figure out who the hell she was and why she was in town. Inside, he knew part of the reason he told Blaine about her was so that Blaine would keep his head on straight. Just in case anything happened…

  Landon opened the door to the bedroom and saw Avery pop up from the bed. She had been sleeping.

  “Don’t mind me,” Landon said.

  “Sorry,” Avery said. “Fell asleep. Haven’t been in a bed in a while.”

  Landon shut the door and locked it. He took off his leather cut and stood in a black t-shirt and jeans. He hooked his thumbs into his pockets and stared at Avery.

  Fuck, she was beautiful… and naturally sexy…

  “Where have you been sleeping?”

  “Last night? I slept in a bakery.”

  Landon felt his lip curling. “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “I’m not here with anyone,” Avery said. “If that’s what you’re getting at. I didn’t mean to drop that motorcycle near your MC. I’m sorry for how that looked. Since then I’ve been hiding around here waiting for my leg to heal to make a decision on my next move.”

  “Next move,” Landon said. “Which is what?”

  “If I knew, I wouldn’t be here,” Avery said.

  Landon leaned against the bed. “You know, that kind of attitude won’t get you far with me. You’re not tough, sweetheart. You’re scared to death right now. You can put up your fucking wall, but I can see it in your eyes.”

  “Then I’ll shut my eyes when I talk,” Avery said.

  “If you’re not going to talk about what I want to hear, then don’t talk at all.”

  Landon felt himself inching even closer to Avery. He was drunk and high and he wanted Avery. His mind tried to push through the cloud in his head to tell him this was a bad idea, but his heart and cock were ready to go.

  “I don’t know what you want from me,” Avery said. “I didn’t do anything here.”

  “You’re going to tell me everything,” Landon said. “Whether you like it or not. Because if you don’t, you’ll die.”

  “And if I tell you everything?”

  “You might end up dead,” Landon said.

  “Some choice.”

  “Some life to live,” Landon said.

  Avery swallowed hard and sat up straight. Landon slowly reached down and let his fingers run through Avery’s hair. It was soft, slightly knotty, but when it moved from behind her ears to her face, it made her look even better.

  “Do it,” Landon said. “Right now.”

  Avery placed a hand between Landon’s legs and cupped him. Her face looked shocked at the realization that he was already hard. Landon smiled.

  Avery applied pressure and squeezed. Landon wasn’t in the mood to play games. He didn’t need seduction or foreplay. There wasn’t enough time in life to waste messing around. It was about sex, about fucking, about enjoying the moments that were still available.

  Landon unzipped his pants and this time, without the interruption from Blaine, he pulled himself from his pants. He held tight at the root of his cock. His length throbbed and the tip of his erection ached to be pleasured.

  For a few seconds, Avery looked hesitant but then she slowly came forward. She put her hand over Landon’s hand and pulled. The tip of her tongue then teasingly flicked at the bottom of Landon’s shaft. He groaned and thrust forward.

  “No games, sweetheart,” Landon said. “That ain’t my style.”

  Avery opened her mouth and accepted Landon. He moved his hand from his cock and let Avery stroke and suck him at the same time. She had a hell of a tongue. The first thing Landon noticed was the way the tip of her tongue put pressure on him and then how she swirled around the head of his cock.

  Landon put his head back and exhaled. He tried to convince himself that it was just like the night before the reliever. Nothing more. Just some chick sucking him off before they got to the real business of the night.

  The faster Avery moved, the better it felt. The wet noises of himself in her mouth, mixed with her own moans made Landon’s muscle tense. He wanted to explode in her mouth and he knew it would happen soon enough. When he thrust hard at Avery, he caught the back of her mouth and she let out a muffled sound and pulled away from him.


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