Ley Cove_The Banshee's scream_Book Two

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Ley Cove_The Banshee's scream_Book Two Page 6

by M. L. Briers

  “And you’re wicked by nature.” I smiled. There were those quivers of anticipation bubbling inside of me again.

  “So very, very wicked.” He teased again, back to Mr Playful. The beast had been reined in.

  He pulled back from me and I heard him groan slightly as if in pain. I could only imagine what he was doing, but I’d lay odds that the man was readjusting himself in a certain area of his anatomy. I had to chuckle.

  “Do you need help with that?” My turn to tease. It’s what makes life fun. It’s what keeps men interested.

  “I would love to say yes.” Scott groaned again, but I felt as if his attention was now elsewhere. “But on the bright side, I’m a very fast reader.”

  I hoped so. I wouldn’t want to waste all of these good vibes that were going through my body. Some things just shouldn’t be put back inside the damn box.

  “Anything?” I could hear pages turning now.

  “Not that fast a reader.” Scott bit out.

  “Are you telling me that you don’t live up to my expectations?”

  “It depends how high you place that particular bar.” I could hear the amusement in his voice.

  “Oh, very, very high.”

  “Then I shall have to raise my game to meet your demands.”

  “I’m very demanding.”

  “I’m very accommodating.” There was that rush of excitement inside me again as my brain displayed images of what I hoped would happen in the very near future.

  I wasn’t in for the long haul. I never was. I found my interests seemed to fail me after a while. But for right now- he was Mr Right.

  I pitied my sister finding a mate and yet I envied her too. Joss was the best of us, of our family. Always had been and always would be, and even if I wanted to kill her at times, I loved her to the moon and back. She deserved to be happy.

  My mother was a flake and Joss was right when she said that I took after her. I guess I did. I learned by example while Joss made her own path in life.

  I never saw an upside to the whole responsibility thing. I didn’t want children. They might have turned out like me, and grey hairs and worry lines weren’t my style.

  Joss hated the way I dressed, but what she didn’t understand was this whole persona was my way of dealing with life. I painted my face and hid behind the clothes and hair. Deep down I bled too; sometimes on a daily basis.

  It wasn’t always easy to be the up-girl. The party-girl. The girl that just wanted to have fun.

  Generally and on the whole, life sucked. But there were different levels of suckage. I was doing my best to minimise the downward pull of my life going down the drain.

  I moved on, never stayed in one place long enough to be truly affected by those around me. Losing people close to you was the worst thing in the world and if you didn’t have roots, have ties, that risk was limited.

  Joss was a tree with thick roots that stretched far and wide. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to live like that, open myself up to that kind of pain…

  “I’m back…” Scott breathed against my ear and my body fired to life once more.

  “Anything in the book?” I had to ask. It was why I was here, and even if Joss didn’t believe that I could be a responsible adult, unfortunately there were times when I could. This was one of those.

  “Yes… and no.” Scott wasn’t giving anything away it seemed. There was always a price for everything. Information had a high value, but what was its cost here I wondered.

  “Do tell.” I teased again and waited for his price.

  “The banshee isn’t from the book.”

  Much to my surprise he offered that information for free. There had to be a kicker. I could just feel it; that waiting for the other shoe to drop moment.



  “You said yes and no.”

  “I did, didn’t I?” Scott teased me. Here it comes; the kicker, the bargaining, the… “I believe I know why she’s killing the alphas.” Scott was dangling that little morsel in front of me, sweetening the pot.

  “Want to share?” I purred. Hey, it was in my nature, and you couldn’t deny nature, it always found a way.

  I felt his arms around my waist. I felt his lips against my neck. His breath brushed over my skin like the silk of the scarf that covered my eyes.

  God, I wanted that banshee dead so I could get down to some good old fashioned frolicking.

  “There is a story in the book of a banshee that was tricked and slayed by this town many moons ago. The woman was deemed a threat to supernatural life because of her nature, her ability to kill, and the alphas took it upon themselves to kill her before she could kill them.” Scott was giving it up for free. What was the world coming too?

  “How like men to deem a woman of power a threat and kill her. Now where have I heard that one before? Something to do with witches…” I played it to the last.

  “I mourn your heritage.” Scott surprised me again. Not many people do that; it was slightly unnerving.

  “So, you think someone resurrected her?”

  “No.” He didn’t elaborate. Are, here comes the bargaining… “Marmaduke’s ancestor discovered a child. A daughter of the banshee and took her away to be safe.”

  Hmm, interesting. Ancestry at its finest. Could this be the kin coming back for vengeance?

  “I believe it might be.” Scott answered the question in my mind and I groaned inwardly.

  “Don’t read my mind.”

  “You allowed it when you let your shields to lapse.” Scott chuckled.

  “They lapsed because you were busying me with other things.” I snapped them back into place and locked the door to my mind. I was going to mentally swallow that damn key for the next time…

  “The next time?” Scott asked and I frowned. I’d locked that door. I know I did.

  “Too late. I’m in and I’m staying.” Scott informed me.

  “Impossible.” I went to reach for the scarf. I wanted to turn and see his eyes, figure out how he was still inside of my mind. His hands snagged mine and he held me there.

  “Now for the good part.” Scott’s voice was teasing, but my mind was running riot. “Want to know how I did it?” Scott asked.

  I scowled. Do I? Bloody right I do.

  “I’m your mate.” Scott’s words hit me hard. My mind spun, churned. I couldn’t hold onto one rational thought. Not that I claim to have many, but just one every now and then wouldn’t go a miss…

  “That’s not…” Funny. That’s not possible.

  Joss had a mate. I wasn’t Joss, I was a free spirit. I was untameable. I was… buggered beyond all damn belief.

  “Not yet, maybe later. First I want to be deep inside of your…”

  “Hold up. Wait one damn minute. Let’s go back to the mate part. You haven’t tasted my blood, so how would you know that you’re my mate?” Even if the other part was very tempting.

  “I have the book to thank for that.”

  I was damn well going to burn that book at my first opportunity. Scott chuckled and his arms tightened around me. Sex… damn, there it goes again. Rational thought is good… sometimes.

  “If I can get through your shields, ward off your magic, then I’m your mate.” Scott said.

  “So, you don’t know for sure…” I wasn’t going to give the man the opportunity to find out. Lunch was off. Sex was off the menu. Sex and lunch was definitely not the way to go…

  “It won’t be sex, Sydney. I’m going to make love to every inch of your body, morning, noon, and well into the night…”

  Damn, that was tempting. Too tempting. If he were my mate…

  “I am.”

  “Stop reading my damn mind.” I yanked my body away from his. This whole mate thing wasn’t part of the plan. The deal…

  “All bets are off. You’re my mate and I will claim you.”

  I yanked the scarf from my eyes and it took me a minute to be able to see anything, him. Then there i
t was written all over the smirk on his face. Damn, that’s not good.

  Oh, I’m going to hell.



  I paced back and forth across the floor like a mother hen waiting for her chicks to return to the nest. I know I shouldn’t be like this. My sister is a grown ass woman for Goddess sake, but come on- this was Scott that she’d gone off with.

  “She’ll be fine.” Hawk sounded reassuring, but it didn’t work. Not this time.

  There was just something niggling me about Scott at the moment, and I had to wonder if it wasn’t to do with the damn banshee. Scott had the book in his possession; ergo, he could have been the only one to let it out. I don’t know how or why he’d be stupid enough to do that… but it was the only thing that made sense.

  “Bite your tongue.” I snapped. Ouch. I hadn’t meant to do that, but my sister found ways and means to make a Saint an evildoer.

  Hawk gave me one of those confused looks and I groaned inwardly.

  “Fine is not a good word. We don’t use fine when we believe something will be alright. We use nice words, comforting words, words that aren’t- fine.” I’m being irrational. Hawk’s choice of damn words aren’t going to change the outcome of my sister’s life. Not without a little magic to back it up.

  “Ok. How about, if anything happens to your sister I’ll rip that vampire limb from limb.” Hawk gave a little alpha growl and I liked it.

  “If anything happens to my sister, you’ll have to get in line. Plus, that’s past tense and the harm will have been done.” Boy would he have to get in line. Me, my mother, my other sister, who shall remain nameless, because I don’t want to speak ill of the plain stupid…

  Oops, just did. My bad.

  “I really hate to be the one to say this, but Scott isn’t such a bad guy.” There was an underlying growl along with those words.

  “There, that didn’t hurt to say, did it?” I’d tried to get him to admit to that for a while now, and now when I wasn’t so damn sure, he went as said it. Sods law.

  “Yeah, it really, really did.” Hawk growled again and I chuckled. The man looked as if he was chewing a wasp. Bless.

  “Ah, poor baby…”

  “Baby!” He growled again and those sexy eyes of his grew wide like saucers.

  “You’re just such a softie at heart.”

  “Softie?” He growled a lot this time and I wanted to pee my panties at the sour expression as he mulled that one over.

  “All squishy and cute…” I was walking a fine line and I knew it.

  “Joss…” Now he knew it too. That was my warning and it was probably the only one I was going to get. At least, I hoped so.

  “You have a warm and fuzzy feeling inside for Scott.” That was it. The tipping point. It was the moment when his male pride couldn’t take a word more.

  There I was standing on my own two feet, playfully teasing- and now I had my back against the wall, my legs wrapped around his hips, and he was growling like a demented wolf as he kissed me to oblivion. I like poking the wolf within.

  I especially liked the feeling of his hard length pressed against my sex as his hips moved…

  “Joss, open the damn door!” Doug invaded my space like a battering ram. He was hammering away and I don’t know if he’d been doing it for a while, but who cared? It was Doug.

  He hammered some more and Hawk really growled. When he brought his head up I could see his fangs had come down just a smidge. Ooo, he was in nipping mode, I liked nipping mode; it was usually followed by the best damn orgasm in the world…

  “Doug, you’re a bear, go hibernate.” I wanted that happily ever after right now. Not some bear with a sore head and shite manners hammering on my bloody door.

  I still hadn’t cloaked the damn front door, but I was gonna.

  “It’s the banshee…” He growled out and I groaned. I hated Doug more than words can say.

  “With you or in general…” I called out as Hawk put me down to my feet and I felt the loss of his presence as I made my way towards the front door. I pulled on my magic- just in case.

  I made a point of yanking open the door. Doug frowned. I made an even bigger point of looking around as if I was looking for her.

  “Scott wanted me to tell you…”

  “Scott did?” The vampire was amazeballs, and not in a good way.

  “Yes.” Doug looked a little peeved at having to stop mid flow. Well good, I was peeved at being pulled away from my happily ever bloody after for the second time.

  He went to open his mouth so I cut him off.

  “And where is Scott?” Doug bit down and rolled his eyes in his head. I guess the man couldn’t multitask like the rest of us.

  “With your sister.” Doug returned his gaze to mine on impatience and I raised my eyebrows.

  “Bastard.” I bit out. It just popped into my head and out of my mouth. There was little to nothing I could have done to control it… in theory.

  “Me or Scott?” Doug frowned. I brightened. I had a happy thought.

  “Both.” I snapped back.

  Doug took a long, deep breath and I watched as that large chest expanded. Then he blew it out down his nose and I felt a little cheerier that I’d pissed him off just as much as he’d done to me.

  “About the banshee…” Doug sounded annoyed. My job was complete- almost.

  “Is she here?” I looked around again.

  “No.” Now Doug sounded even more pissed off. Happy dance.

  “Then why are you?”

  Doug raised one large hand and pointed his index finger at me. I snapped my head back on my neck and raised one eyebrow. We both stared down at that finger until Doug snatched it away.

  “Scott found something in the book.” Doug started again. My interest piqued. I was right, the damn vampire had released the banshee. I am going to tear him limb from limb…

  “Bastard.” I bit out again.

  “Who now?” Doug growled.

  “Still both, but him a little more than you.” I snapped back and felt the warming presence of my mate as he came up behind me. Soothed.

  “Apparently the book tells of an incident in the long ago past where the alphas of the Cove killed a banshee…”

  “So, someone resurrected her?” I was talking to myself but Doug jumped in anyway.

  “Not according to Scott. He thinks this banshee is kin to the dead one.”

  Ok, so I was wrong, maybe.

  “Revenge.” Hawk said from behind me. “Always a good reason for murder.”

  “But why now?” I looked up at Hawk.

  “Maybe she only just found her power. Maybe she only just found out about her kin…” He was rhyming of reasons and my mind was going off in a completely different direction.

  “Maybe the person who is caretaking the book only just discovered the truth?” Both men made Scooby Doo style noises and I looked from one to the other. “What?”

  “So, you think Scott’s the bad guy?” Doug narrowed his eyes on mine.

  “Of course Scott is a bad guy. He’s a vampire. They aren’t exactly known for being sweetness and light.” I growled. It was something I was learning from my mate. They both growled in return, like I’d stepped on their male pride or something.

  “You’re usually the one to rush to Scott’s defence.” Hawk had to bring that up.

  “That was before, this is…”

  “Because he’s mating your sister?” Doug accused and I poured scorn on that idea.

  “Don’t be stupid every day of the week.” I snapped. “What do you mean by mating?” Doug looked as if I’d slapped him around the face.

  “I know nothing.” Doug shook his head on a frown. “I’m stupid.” He gave me a satisfied grin and I sighed in a way that only a woman can. It was a warning of doom for anyone who pissed me off, and it was usually best done around the time of the month when a woman’s friend, pah!, came to visit.

  Doug got the message.

might have overheard something…” He offered and I sighed again. This time I folded my arms across my chest and assumed the position where I could tap my foot. Doug squirmed.

  “Ok, ok! You sister is his mate.” Doug offered and I literally felt my jaw slam down onto the ground, well, almost, not quite that far, but come on! His damn mate!

  “I think I’m going to be sick.” I announced, even if I wasn’t. Or maybe I was. I don’t know, everything felt like it was swirling…

  “A little over-reaction, don’t you think?” Doug asked and I stabbed him to death with my glare.

  “No!” I announced to the world. “How would you feel if Scott was mating your sister?” I demanded an answer and Doug’s mouth opened and stayed that way. His eyes roamed, his brain worked, and his index finger came up in front of him.

  I had the urge to snap it off.

  “Fair point. And on that note, I’m going.” Doug turned on his heels and stalked away.

  “Thanks for delivering the happy, bloody news.” I shouted after him. I wanted to hit something and I wanted Doug to come back so I could take a swing at him. Hawk run his fingers down my spine and I felt that soothing spell work inside of me.

  “At least Sydney is Scott’s problem now, and you know she’ll have lifelong protection from a man that will die to keep her safe.” Hawk’s words rattled around inside of my head for a long moment.

  “Oh goody.” Nope, I wasn’t happy.

  What if they stayed in the Cove? My sister for a neighbour… I’d have to see her on a regular basis.

  How unfair was life? I’d just got myself a mate and now my sister was…

  Ah, what was the point? It was done. Fate had intervened and given me a big black eye.

  Maybe I could move away?




  “Damn, but he’s good!” I bit out as we rounded the driveway of the witch’s house and there was Scott’s car. I felt annoyance just at seeing it.

  “When you say- good?” Hawk asked. I felt the urge to growl again.

  “Shut it.” I snapped back. I didn’t want to hear what a nice person the bloodsucking leech of a vampire was, especially from his new bestie. Hawk sniggered, actually bloody sniggered.


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