Shadowing Me (Breakneck Series, Book Three)

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Shadowing Me (Breakneck Series, Book Three) Page 11

by Crystal Spears

  I leave the comfort of my bathroom, and Shadow still hasn’t moved. Okay, what do I do with this? He is trying to stay comfortable before reminding me that we can’t let something like last night happen again.

  “Have a handful more nights like last night, darlin’, and you’ll be ready to scene for real.”

  Seriously! What a fucking jerk! He fucked the shit out of my ass last night, and he’s already talking about me doing scenes with other men? Jesus! Could he make me feel more like a slut?

  “Gee, thanks, that gives me the warm fuzzies,” I smart off. “My pussy tingles at the thought of other men doing what you did to me last night. Seriously. I’m dripping wet,” I purr sarcastically.

  If he can be a prick, I can be a bitch as well.

  Shadow sits up all of a sudden with a confused look on his face.

  “I wonder if I could get two different men to do me at the same time.” I pretend to enjoy the very idea of it, even though I already know it isn’t for me. “Damn, I can’t wait for the club to take over Euphoria.”

  He hops up from my bed, shaking his head back and forth as if he is confused at my sudden behavior. It is a show. He’s going to use my attitude as his excuse.

  Come on, Shadow, give it to me so I can forget all about this shit.

  “Tea, what the fuck is going on with you this morning? I’m startin’ to think I gave you brain damage last night.”

  What in the freaking, flippity fuck!

  “What?” I ask in disbelief. He can’t be serious. I think my mood is very normal for this type of situation. I have never had a one-night stand. I don’t count the asshole that almost killed me. I’m distancing myself from him with this conversation. Isn’t that what he planned to do as well? Tell me how it shouldn’t have happened, and how we can’t let it happen again? I’m so confused.

  “You’re kinda bein’ a bigger bitch than normal,” he says while putting on his jeans.

  I can’t even enjoy the sight of him being naked and out of the bed. I should be able to appreciate watching him get dressed. Instead, I’m still hanging onto the bitch comment.

  “I never knew you thought I was a bitch.” Wow. I can’t even be around him after that comment.

  His mouth opens and shuts several times before he can back himself out of the hole he dug. “I didn’t mean it like that!”

  How else am I supposed to take that comment?

  “Look, I am starving. Get your shit, and get out of my room. Last night was fun. Thanks for taking me on a ride of a lifetime.” I smart off and wink as I flee from my room, leaving an open-mouthed Shadow behind me.

  When I get downstairs and turn the corner to the kitchen, Winter is already sitting at the table. She must be the only one up beside Shadow and me right now. Usually the kitchen is bustling with people if they aren’t hung-over. I study her, noticing she looks a bit pale. It worries me.

  “Umm… Win… don’t take this the wrong way, but you look sick.”

  She nibbles the toast that is on the plate in front of her. “I haven’t been feeling all that great. Pregnancy hasn’t been kind to me,” she answers with a sad tone that breaks my heart.

  I move to the cabinets, grab a glass, get the orange juice out of the fridge, and pour her a glass. “Drink this,” I say as I hand it to her. “You should have already had a glass this morning.”

  “Thanks. I think since I can’t keep my food down, it’s messing with me.” Her hand shakes as she reaches for it.

  That’s understandable. Throwing up so much is hard on a woman, let alone a pregnant woman. I don’t really know if orange juice is good for pregnant women, but I know it makes me feel brand new if I have a glass every morning.

  “Honestly, I haven’t been sleeping very well, and Braxx has been on edge since the day with the gun bullshit, and now this BDSM takeover. I know he’s worried, and I don’t want him to know that his stress is stressing me out.”

  I listen to her. Winter doesn’t open up much about what goes on between her and Godfather. I get it, though, because they’re married. You don’t go sharing all your private feelings and emotions about something so personal.

  “Stop stressing, Win. It’ll all be okay. I stopped worrying about lockdowns, takeovers, and all the other bullshit that comes along with being in an MC family, months ago. I got tired of it ruling my life. You need to stop letting this get to you, especially with you being pregnant.”

  She looks at me, and I mean really looks at me, before smiling. “You’ve grown a lot over the last six months, Tea.”

  My lips pull into a grin. “I know,” I say with a wink before pouring my own orange juice. I was so worried about her that I forgot to make myself one.

  “Honestly, everything will be okay.” I open the cabinet and grab a glass while peering around the cabinet door. “You’ll see.”

  When she gets up to put her plate into the dishwasher, she stops and stares at me. “You’re glowing.”

  Shouldn’t I be the one saying that to a pregnant woman? Even though I have that thought, and even though Shadow ruined it this morning, I find myself cheesing like crazy at her comment.

  “Last night…” I shake my head. “Shadow and I—”

  I don’t go any further. I let her pick up on it.

  “Really?” she asks in disbelief.

  “Yeah, it was fantastic,” I whisper. “But he ruined it this morning by trying to hit me with the morning after talk. I cut out quickly before he could.”

  She smacks me playfully on the arm. “Well, at least you got some.”

  We start to laugh. God, it feels good to do that freely and not have to force it. Our laughter stops when, on the kitchen monitor hanging under the wall cabinets, we see a taxi pull up to the gate.

  “Who could that be?” We say at the same time with confused faces. When a blonde haired woman steps out of the cab, Winter gasps.

  “It’s my sister. At least I think it is,” she says as she bends to get a better look at the monitor. “Yeah, it’s her. I video chatted her last week. What in the hell is she doing all the way here in the United States? My husband is going to flip the fuck out. We have too much shit going on for more company. We’re already hosting Akela. Dammit!”

  I follow her through the compound parking lot to the gate. This is unfuckingbelievable.

  “Mace, hit the gate button,” she says to my brother who is on night watch duty.

  “I was about to.”

  When the gate slowly opens, Winter stands there as her sister comes into view. For someone who has only video chatted and never met her sister in person, Winter doesn’t appear to be too happy. I have no idea what is going on with her lately. She is not acting like herself right now.

  “Sabine, what in the hell are you doing here?”

  The blonde’s smile fades. Winter’s tone shocks her, but it shouldn’t. It is beyond rude to fly across the world and show up unannounced. At least Akela had a reason to come here. She hadn’t heard from her sister, and it worried her.

  “Hello to you too, sister,” Sabine answers, her heavy accent lacing her English words.

  From here, I can tell Winter is rolling her eyes at her sister as she palms her slightly swollen stomach. Something is definitely going on with her. She is usually friendlier than this and for seeing her sister for the first time in person unannounced or not she is acting cold and that is not Winter like behavior.

  “If you must know I was involved in a scandal and our mother sent me here until it blows over,” she huffs out, rolling her suitcases into the compound. How long does she expect to stay here? By the looks of her bags, you’d think it was months!

  “I don’t understand, she couldn’t send you somewhere else? This is a really bad time.”

  I agree with Winter on this point. Right now, the club is under an enormous amount of stress. The last thing we need is for the reporters to get wind that a princess is laying low in our compound, especially when we have who knows how much illegal shit going on.
  “No, the media has no idea you even exist to me. This is the safest place she could send me without word spreading around.”

  I find that hard to believe. Of all the places in the world, this was the only location?

  “Where is our mother?” Winter asks as the gate closes.

  “She’ll be here after a little cleaning up behind me, and when she knows for sure no one is paying attention to her movements.”

  Her presence is going to irritate a lot of people, and to be honest, I don’t want Sabine anywhere near my uncles or Shadow. She looks like trouble to me. I have no desire to be around when she tells Godfather, so I stay outside when they go into the live-in. He’s going to be so damn pissed.


  Chapter Sixteen


  I wish the fuck I could leave the compound. When Winter announced her sister’s arrival, I thought the Prez would come unglued. We don’t need any attention right now. Even Winter doesn’t want her sister here. With the BDSM takeover, we have enough to keep us busy, without some bitch with royal blood showing up and making us worry about the media raining hell down on us.

  Akela’s quiet nature doesn’t bother the Prez, and she appears to be helping Pyro in ways that his brothers cannot. When Sabine showed up this morning, it put every single one of us in a foul mood, and Tatiana is taking her presence harder than the rest of us. Every time she is a few feet from Sabine, Tea glares at her as if, at any moment, she is going to cause her bodily harm. I have tried to approach her about it, and when I go near her, she turns that glare on me.

  So, yeah, I am not proud to be waiting in Tatiana’s bedroom, but I need fucking answers from her. I thought we were good. That everything was washed away. From the way Tea has been acting, it’s apparent this issue needs to be resolved.

  Sitting in a chair by her bed, I flash back to our sexy as fuck time together, and again, I wonder why the fuck she left in such a rush. She won’t talk to me about it. For someone who wanted so bad for me to fuck her, I wouldn’t have thought she would have run off like that this morning. Her behavior, hell, everyone’s behavior these past few weeks has been confusing as hell. When I add in our unlikely guests, things seem way too weird for my liking.

  My leg bounces up and down as I grow impatient as fuck waiting for her. When she finally enters the room and slams the door behind her, I feel some sort of relief.

  “What in the fuck are you doing in my room?”

  Jesus, what’s with all the hostility with her?

  “We need to talk,” I say.

  “We ain’t got shit to talk about.” She throws her purse onto her bed and her keys on her dresser.

  A deep scowl forms on my face. I was inside her last night, and now, she acts as if I am some stranger who’s annoying the shit out of her. Never in my life has a woman behaved like this towards me. It is all kinds of fucked up.

  “Tea, what is wrong with you? I had your naked body pressed all up on me last night!”

  She grabs the bottom hem of her shirt and rips it off with such an attitude, it would turn me on if she wasn’t acting like such a cold hearted bitch. It’s as if she considers me some nasty ass, one night stand.

  When she turns to walk away, I jump out of the chair and grab her elbow, spinning her back around to face me. “You don’t get to treat me like this after last night. Don’t fucking be like this. I gave you what you fucking wanted, goddammit!”

  My blood beats hot as my mind drifts to spanking the shit out of her.

  “I got what I wanted,” she hisses, jerking her arm from me. “We fucked. It was amazing, but now, I can cross it off my to-do list!”

  My hand falls to my side as I stare at her retreating into the bathroom. Did I get dismissed? What in the fuck? She used me? That shit is so damn laughable. If she wants to act like this, and she doesn’t want to let me get a word in edgewise about what occurred between us, then fine. I can’t have a conversation with someone who is unwilling, and to be honest, I’m mentally exhausted. She always says I’m the one that plays fucking head games. As I walk out of her room, I snort a laugh. Head games, my ass. I want to continue what we started last night, but if she wants to be a bitch, she can fucking kiss my tanned southern ass. Ain’t no piece of pussy worth this damn migraine and frustration.

  I dig my phone out and check the time. I have a few minutes before our church meeting starts, so I light a smoke and make my way to the clubhouse. After Sabine’s arrival, Prez called it, and we expect it won’t be a pleasant one.

  Before I walk in the chapel door, Winter stops me. “Gun.” She holds out her hand.

  Well, this I agree with. I lift my pant leg to unstrap my holster, pass that one to her, and then remove the one from the back of my jeans and give that to her as well. She hands them to Mace Jr., and he puts them in a new safe built into the wall next to the chapel doors. Well, someone has been busy.

  “When the gavel slams at the close of the meeting, you’ll get them back.”

  Well, fuck me running. Is the Prez finally taking control of his club again? I sure the hell hope so. This shit had started to get messy.

  I ignore my Prez’s scowl because I know it isn’t intended for me. By adjusting my dick before I sit, I give the impression I was off getting some ass. I mean, I was trying to set up some regular pussy, but Tatiana seems to have grown a new head over the past few hours. Fuck her!

  Stop thinking about how good it felt when her asshole strangled the shit out of your cock. She’s acting like a bitch. Oh, but fuck me sideways if it didn’t squeeze me good. The thought of sticking a plug in her ass and pounding into her pussy while she’s bound is glorious. Shit, why is it I want to start this, but now she doesn’t? I will never fucking understand women.

  “Earth to fuckin’ Shadow, where the fuck is your head? I’ve been talkin’ for five goddamn minutes!” My Prez roars out as he throws his lighter against the table.

  Ah, hell.

  I’m not about to tell my Prez, in front of Tatiana’s father, no less, that I was thinking how good her pussy would feel on my dick if I plugged her ass to apply extra pressure.

  “What in the fuck, Shadow!” ZZ yells as he slams his fist against the table.

  Ah, dammit. Not again.

  “What’d you say about my daughter’s ass?”

  Ah, shit!

  “Brother… don’t ask,” Smokey interrupts.

  As Tea would say, fuck a motherfucking flying duck!

  “Man, look, she don’t want me no more. Let me have my thoughts in peace. Sorry they were out loud.” I mean, what else can I say? That couldn’t have been easy for a father to hear. Right?

  The room booms with questions, and I ignore all but one.

  “What are your intentions?” ZZ asks, his voice eerily calm but his stare directed sternly right at me.

  Well, they were to strap your daughter up, hurt her, and fuck her so many damn times my cock would fall off, but don’t worry about that. She doesn’t want shit to do with me after I’ve done fucked her ass, and hard, too.

  “Nothing now. She made that clear,” I grumble.

  “Maybe the next time, you’ll try.” ZZ laughs and shakes his head.

  If he knew what I did to his daughter last night, I sure the fuck don’t think he’d be so cool with me right now. Is he fucking nuts? I should tell him exactly how it went down, and maybe he won’t be so quick to approve of our non-existent relationship.

  “All right, enough of this bullshit. We have an unwanted fuckin’ visitor, and it pisses me off. The only thing that pisses me off more is my wife being upset, and she is fucking pissed. I want Sabine watched so fucking close, you’re sittin’ on her ass when she squats to piss! Is that clear,” Prez seethes out, his teeth clattering together as his jaw works back and forth.

  This is what the brothers and I expected, so no one says shit.

  “Now, unfortunately, I gotta go handle Shadow’s dumbass, fuckhead friend who doesn’t know how to handle his own tra
de, so that means Pyro has to stay here to manage the women. Everyone, including Akela, has been off since Sabine’s arrival. We may not know Akela that well, but I do know that I invited her to stay, and you know how I feel about my guests.”

  Yes, we do. When a guest is invited to stay at the club, it is serious business. Because of the illegal shit we do and the things we talk about, it isn’t taken lightly.

  “Not to mention, Sabine is of royal blood and she’s stirred up a shit storm in her own country. I don’t think I need to tell y’all this, but fuck do we need to watch our backs when it comes to her being here. Pyro, keep an eye on everything while I’m gone, and keep Akela company and away from the claws I sense on Sabine. I don’t want our guest feelin’ threatened at all. If I have to tell you that Akela is more important to my wife than her own sister is, then you don’t know my wife. She doesn’t know Sabine like she knew Lana, and if we know anything about Lana, it’s that she came from good people. Will it be a problem?”

  I know I’m not the only one holding my breath, awaiting Pyro’s answer. He’s in a tough spot. Keeping Akela company has to be hard on him because of her resemblance to Lana. I wouldn’t want to be him, that is for sure.

  “I’m good, Prez.”

  I bet he is anything but that.

  “Okay, Sniper, Shadow, and Smokey, you’re with me. The rest of you stay here. Piper, Storm, and especially my wife aren’t to go into work until after the meeting and my say so.”

  My gut tosses and turns as the gavel bangs on the wood.


  We aren’t in Club Sated ten minutes before Alec strolls in with some big ass, fucking men. I mean men so fucking huge, they must’ve grown up eating goddamn Wheaties!


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