Through All the Years

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Through All the Years Page 27

by Rod Carstens

  "No, baby for us." Kate said.

  "It has never been the same for me since then. No one else has come close." Tom said.

  Tom stared into those beautiful eyes, the eyes he could still get lost in even after all these years. Kate moved gently against him.

  "Are you sure?" Tom asked.

  "Yes." Kate's voice husky with desire.

  Tom rolled over on top of her and she signed with containment as she felt his weight on top of her. When they kissed for the first time it was as if it were the first time all over again. They reveled in each other. Tom was not the inexperienced young Marine this time, he had drew out her pleasure until she begged him to enter her. When he did they both became those young lovers of so long ago and lost all inhibitions.

  As soon as they finished the first time Kate began working up for the next time and after that it was Tom's turn to begin again before they had caught their breaths. They made love for hours before they could finally rested. Both were covered in a fine sheen of sweat. Tom was lying on his stomach as Kate reached across him for a cigarette. She lit it then noticed the scratches on his back. They were the scratches she had left the when she had organismed.

  "Oh, God Tommy. I didn't mean to leave marks."

  "I took them to mean you were enjoying yourself."

  "Well I was, but I usually don't leave scars." She leaned down and gently kissed each mark. Then she lay down her naked breasts pressed against the roped muscles of his back. Tom could almost feel her purring with contentment. She gently caressed him just enjoying the feel of his skin. They lay there for some time without the need to say a word.

  "Four times without stopping. Not bad for a couple of old folks." Kate said huskily.

  "Who said we were finished."

  "Now wait. This old gal needs her rest."

  Tom rolled over, took her cigarette and crushed it and grabbed her.

  "Who said I was asking."

  With a soft growl of passion deep in her throat.

  "Oh, god yes Tommy."

  Tom kissed with all the passion that twenty years apart could produce.

  It was late afternoon when they finally came out of the bedroom. Kate had grabbed Tom's dress shirt and only buttoned the two middle buttons.

  "You trying start something again?" Tom said.

  She gave him an innocent big-eyed look and said. "Why I don't know what you mean sir."

  She exactly how sexy she looked. Her hair was a tangled mane that fell into her face, as she moved she knew he caught glimpses of her breasts and she made sure to move so he could see as much as he wanted. She sat on the edge of the bed and lit a cigarette.

  "Your smoking too much kiddo." Tom said.

  "I know but as long as I have to smoke for the movie I'll never be able to quit. So you'll have to put with it for a few more weeks."

  "Babe I crawl into burning buildings for a living. Smoking it doesn't bother me."

  Kate gently pushed a lock hair of his off his forehead. She just stared down at him with no need to talk, just being together was enough to satisfy.

  "Woman are you gonna fix your man something to eat or do I have to replace you with someone who will?"

  "Try and see what happens." Kate said with a big smile.

  "You hungry too." Tom said.


  "You still make a good breakfast."

  "Get your ass out of bed and find out there cowboy."

  Tom rolled out of bed and looked or his boxers. He found them and was putting them on when he noticed Kate simply sitting there staring at him.

  "Are you going to get going or what?"

  "Just enjoying the scenery." Kate said with her wonderful smirk.

  Tom reached down and brought her into his arms and kissed her gently on the forehead.

  "I feel guilty feeling this happy in Jack's bed." Tom said.

  "Don't honey, if I know Jack he is having a drink and a cigarette somewhere congratulating himself."

  "What do you mean?"

  "He always said you were my biggest mistake."

  "I didn't know that. He never told me that you two discussed us."

  "Not often sweetie just when I had fucked up again."

  She looked into his eyes for a long time before she said.

  "He was right."

  Tom kissed her gently on the lips and held her for a long time. Finally she broke it off and led him by the hand into the kitchen.

  "I will fix breakfast as usual." Kate said. It was the way they always did in '68. "If you will put on some music."

  Tom went through the CD's until he found a Motown compilation of the best groups. Kate looked over her shoulder and smiled as Just Walk Away Rene by the The Four Tops came on. Tom sat at the bar and watched her make breakfast. All the appliances were the best and the kitchen had been painted. He remembered it as some kind of yellow it was not a more subtle grey other than that it was exactly as if this were '68 all over again. Kate moved to the music as she fired the bacon and eggs. Occasionally glancing over her shoulder at him giving him a smile of pleasure.

  Tom could not help but feel that all of this was too good to be true. That some sort of shoe was about to drop and bring him back down to earth. He had an idea of what that shoe would be but he fought off thinking about anything except they were together. Kate finished the breakfast and they took the plates out to the deck. The sun was beginning to set. The light was a perfect soft gold and there was a soft cool breeze off the ocean. They ate silently enjoying the ocean and the simple pleasure of their being together. Finally Kate lit a cigarette and leaned back in her chair with her coffee.

  "It has been quite a days work hasn't it?" Kate said.

  Tom almost spit his food out he laughed so hard. He was finally able to say. "Yes, a mans work is never done."

  "Ah, the burden of the hard working man." Kate said.

  "Well when you have a demanding client it can be hard to satisfy her."

  "Yeah right, I stop counted at five." Kate said with a laugh.

  Kate reached over and pulled him close for a quick kiss. Then leaned back and stared out at the sun slowly setting in the Pacific. My Girl by the Temptations came over the speakers and Tom reached over and took Kate's hand. She squeezed his hand in response and they sat there like that until the sun was down.

  "You know of course that we have now gone and done it don't you. This makes things so complicated that..." Tom said.

  Kate stood and sat on the table facing Tom. She put her finger across his lips before he could say anything else.

  "Shhh. How long do you have off?"

  "They give us ten days for bereavement leave."

  "Good we have plenty of time to talk about things. Right now and for as long as we can; only we exist and we are together. No talking about problems or anything else. Do you understand?"

  "Yes ma'am. But what on earth could we do? Maybe you could take me on at tour and do some sightseeing."

  "Asshole." Kate said with a laugh.

  Tom in one smooth movement reached under her legs and behind her shoulders and effortlessly picked her up into his arms. Kate gasped and buried her head in his neck and kissed it gently just as she had done so long ago.

  "Where are you taking me kind sir?" Kate whispered.

  "To the bedroom where you belong wench."

  "Oh, my what ever shall we do in there?"

  "I intend to ravage you."

  Kate squeezed her arms tighter around his neck and whispered.

  "Let the ravaging begin without further ado."

  Tom carried her into the bedroom.


  "My God, I thought you had been kidnapped. It is like you fell of the face of the earth for the last few days." Gretchen said with a chuckle when Kate picked up the phone. Tom was still sleeping and she had gotten up early to fix some coffee for him and have some time to think.

  "I don't know what you mean." Kate said with a laugh.

  "Well give me the detai
ls. You know the drill."

  "No details this time. I am afraid of this one. I haven't felt like this since well, since when we were together before."

  Gretchen laughed over the phone.

  "What a surprise. Honey I saw it the minute I saw you two together at the airport."

  "Was it that obvious?"

  "Yeah, honey it was and I must tell you that is certainly some man you got there. I can see why you've got it so bad."

  "How do you know?" Kate said feeling a little jealous.

  "We had a long talk on the beach the other night. He is a wonderful, kind man. A real man not one of our LA species."

  "I know."

  "Honey I told him if I were you I would give all this up and meet him at the front door barefoot in blue jeans and a t-shirt. I meant it sweetie if you weren't my only and dearest friend in the world and Rachel's aunt I would give you a run for your money."

  "Go ahead and try blondie."

  Gretchen just laughed out loud. "Well a girl can try."

  "Look why don't you and Rachel come over for dinner and drinks tonight. We've cut ourselves off from the world. We can have some steaks and tell Jack stories."

  "You don't have to ask this girl more than once. I'll look forward after all he is nice to look at." Gretchen said. "Oh, before I forget I heard a rumor about you the other day."

  "What now?"

  "No it's a good one you know Spielberg has got that big project about the London Blitz from the civilian perspective. Part of a trilogy with Schindler's List about the Jewish solution, one about the civilians and how they suffered and survived then one about the military."

  "Yeah that's been bouncing around for years."

  "Well it in the works they are finishing up the script and they are starting to do some casting."

  "So. I am so far off his radar there is no way I could even get a audition."

  "Sweetie hold on to your panties. He is asking about you. Jack just told me before his heart attack last week that he's not considering you but wants you for one of the leads. He had you in mind then he heard how good your doing in the latest project and I guess that sealed the deal."

  Kate could hardly believe her ears.

  "Your bullshitting me."

  "No and it's got big money behind it and everything is going to be shot in and around London. He has already leased some warehouses. No this one is going to happen. Just think of it six months or more in London. My source thought you should be getting a call from your agent any day now."

  "What about the current project. I still got six weeks left."

  "No problem apparently. It should dovetail nicely with when he wants to crank things up." Gretchen said.

  Kate was silent. This is what she had always dreamed of working with Spielberg on anything but an epic about World War II, it didn't get any better.

  "Kate are you there." Gretchen said.

  "Lets just say I am speechless. Shit this is it. After all the bullshit this is it. I've got to go. I can't think." Kate said. Then with hardly a pause she continued. "I do remember a long conversation we had at a party about a year ago. It was about London during the Blitz. I had just read a book about it and he was just as fascinated by what it took for civilians to go through that as I was. That got to be the reason he is reaching out to pick me, I'm hardly on his casting list."

  "Slow down and take a deep breath. You got a lot of things to think about. It's funny how thing work out here. Remember how Jack used to always tell us to always talk to anyone and everyone that you never knew what wheels that were turning." Gretchen said.

  "Yes, once again our old friend comes through." Kate said.

  "Yeah I know. I need to sit down and think this thing through. Maybe make few phones calls."

  "You better that pretty ass you do. Congrats honey. See you tonight."

  She needed to nail down the rumor so she didn't want to get the call in front of Tom. Quickly she dialed her agent.

  "Bobby this Kate."

  "Babe I was just getting ready to call you. I wanted to give you a little time to get your feet back on the ground after Jack. Spielberg called about a new project he is working on."

  "Yeah Gretchen told me there was a rumor out there. I wanted to pin it down."

  "Well consider it pinned. I just didn't get a call I got a contract and it more than generous. He wants you. No auditions. No questions. Apparently he and the writer had you in mind the whole time and with all the good word we're getting out of your current project well that sealed the deal. You apparently are Dinah and he wants me to show you the script as soon as I can get it to you."

  Kate literally had to sit down to absorb the information. This was the culmination of twenty years of work, good choices over coming the bad ones. It was a chance to be in a movie that would be shown for generations to come.

  "God I don't know what to say?"

  "Say yes. I will take care of the rest. He knows about Jack is willing to talk money if you don't like the offer but he wanted you to know a little sooner than normal given your loss. He also wants your input on the script. He really wants you for this project. This is it sweetie. Well what do you say?"

  "Yes, of course yes. But don't call me here. I still need time to get things straightened out. Send the script to the location when I go back." Kate said.

  "Will do."

  "Look don't we have something in the works for the spring. Some TV thing. We only talked about it once." Kate said.

  "Yeah. I've been working on it but they are still looking for the money. Want me to tell them you'll be busy."

  "Yeah. And tell Gaby to keep this out of the papers for now. At least until I can figure out how handle stuff on my end."

  "Will do. Congratulations you deserve this more than anyone I know. You will be great."

  "Thanks sweetie. I'll call you before I leave for Florida."

  "I couldn't more happy for you."

  Kate could hardly contain herself she wanted to scream and jump up and down. That is when Tom came out of the bedroom sleepily stumbling into the room rubbing his sleep rumbled hair. He came over and kissed her on top of her head and she fought her excitement trying to make sure she hid here excitement.

  "Morning babe." Tom said.

  Kate stood up and threw her arms around him and gave him a huge hug and kiss.

  "Good morning handsome."

  "Well, well somebody is full energy this morning."

  "It just another beautiful day in California. I made some coffee for you. Let me get you a cup."

  She said with a huge smile and more enthusiasm than Tom thought necessary. He watched her as she almost skipped into the kitchen. They had become comfortable but this was a bit much. It reminded him her reaction to the news that she was going to be something in Hollywood. Then he dismissed that thought she already was something in Hollywood.

  "Honey, I'm hungry I'm going ahead and fix some breakfast. Are you ready?" Kate said.

  "Yeah, I'll grab my shower. While you fix it."

  "Great, I'll have everything out on the deck."

  Tom padded into the big shower. As he stood underneath the hot water he thought more and more about Kate. Something was up and it was good news. He shook his head, after twenty something years he could still read her. He knew she must be able to do the same with him.


  Tom finished his eggs and leaned back in his chair with his coffee. Kate had finished her's before he had and was sitting with a cigarette and coffee staring out at the Pacific. It was another beautiful Pacific morning, bright blue-sky cloudless sky with a cool gentle breeze keeping everything perfect. He watched her for some time before he finally said.

  "Ok. What's up?"

  Kate looked startled when Tom asked her the question.

  "Sorry sweetie I meant to tell you. Gretchen and Rachel are coming over for dinner tonight."

  "And?" Tom said.

  "I was thinking about some things."

  "No shit. Wha
t is up with you? You look and are acting just like you did when you found out how much people liked your work. It is the first time I have seen you act close to normal since we got here. You can't hide anything from me there kiddo."

  Kate smiled and shook her head.

  "Is it that obvious?"

  "Yeah. Talk."

  "Spielberg wants to use me in his next movie. It is part of a trilogy about World War II. After Schindler's List that new move from him that has gotten such great reviews. It's about the London Blitz from the civilian side. He wants me for the lead."

  She could hardly sit still when she told him she was so excited. All of the veneer of the sophisticated Hollywood had fallen away and she was suddenly the young girl who had just been told she was good at acting.

  "Jesus Christ honey that is wonderful. So tell me the details."

  Kate laid out the details of how it had all happened and the timeline. Tom sat there feeling as excited and happy for her as she felt. This was huge. She had caught the brass ring in a town that very few in this world had the talent or toughness to achieve and keep the parts that he loved so much. This could not be any better news. His little girl had come a long way.

  He had begun to think of her as his little girl over the last days. He wasn't sure why but somehow it fit, even though she was nobody's little girl she was her own woman even back then. He let her go on as talked about the movie almost not making sense as thought after thought piled on top one another.

  He wished Jack were alive to see this but somewhere the thought he knew and was watching. For some odd reason it made his loss less devastating because his wisdom and support had made so much of this possible. It only reinforced that his life was living on past his passing in so many people. There were others besides Kate. It was almost a half hour before she finally stopped. He chuckled when he said.

  "Finished? I don't want to interrupt your good news."

  Kate actually blushed when she realized what she had done. She threw her napkin at him.

  "God why didn't you stop me."

  "Well I enjoyed hearing it three times." Tom said.

  "Your are such an ass."


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