Through All the Years

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Through All the Years Page 31

by Rod Carstens

  "I'd like to say something to this group. I have spent over half my life, not my adult life, but my whole life on this department. I could not have chosen a better way to spend it. I think my first ex-wife said it best when she walked out. She said and I quote, 'your nothing but a goddamn fireman'. I think she was right."

  The room exploded in laughter and cheers. Nick raised his glass of tea and said.

  "So here's to us "goddamn firemen" and those like us, because there are damn few left."

  Everyone drank from their glasses of tea. The room was quite for several moments before the loud banter began again. Kate sat there as the banter continued; she could feel the connection between these men.

  With her actors trained eye she watched their body language, as well as listened to what they were saying. She realized how truly unique their bond was. It was as strong or stronger than any family connection she had ever had.

  They depended on one another in a way no one did today unless you went to war. This was a truly unique society in today's world. One that held strong bonds for anyone who had earned their way into its brotherhood. She watched Tom laugh at something that someone said. He seemed as at ease with these men as he was with his own family or her. She also noticed the respect the men had for him. He was their natural leader. A man who had earned they're respect and trust. Kate knew he was right about not to asking him to give this up, it would be soul destroying for him. This was his life; this was the life he had been meant to live.

  They finished dinner and everyone except Buckethead and a couple of other guys who wondered off to the television room next to the dining room, began to take the dishes into the kitchen. Kate leaned over and said.

  "Don't you have to clean up?"

  "No. If you cook, you don't clean up." Ray said with a smile.

  Kate picked up her plate and took it into the kitchen.

  "Look out here comes the Chief's girlfriend."

  Someone said. All heads turned to see how she had taken the kidding. Kate glanced at Tom; he seemed very uncomfortable when they kidded about this girlfriend. Kate loved it she wanted to be his girlfriend even if she were realizing just that might not be possible.

  Kate pushed her way in to the sink.

  "Let a woman show you tough guys how wash some dishes."

  "Look out."

  "Gang way."

  Kate grabbed the next plate handed to her by the guy she had traded insults with at the table, he smiled.

  "Not bad there Miss Newhouse." He said.

  "That's Kate to you. Now give me the next plate."

  When they had finished she slipped out of the kitchen to the back of the station to grab a cigarette. She had not even tried to stop smoking since Jacks funeral. She found Ray sitting on the picnic table in back of the station smoking a cigarette. When she took her's out he offered her a light.

  "Thanks." Kate said.

  "No problem."

  "Have you known Tommy long?"

  "We came on together. I've known him since our first day on the department."

  "I am afraid I don't know much about his fire department career. What's he like as a firefighter?"

  Ray looked at her a moment as if he were deciding how to answer.

  "He makes a difference. He has fought the good old boy network around here, and got some things done that mean something. He got Incident Command, and RIT instituted and that was huge."

  "Uh, Incident Command and RIT?"

  "Sorry. Incident Command is how you run a fire and RIT stands for Rapid Intervention Team. An entire crew does not make entry into the fire, their sole job is to be on standby in case a firefighter is trapped."

  "Are those changes a big deal?"

  "A very big deal. He is forcing the department change and that is not easy."

  They smoked silently for a few moments. Finally Ray looked at her and said. "If you don't mind my asking how did you two meet? I mean...well you know."

  "No I don't mind you asking. We met when he was in the Marine Corp we were on a flight to California together. It was long before I became... well it was a long time ago. We were very young. It was back in the sixties."

  "I was in the Army then. The times were very different."

  "Did you go to Vietnam?"

  "Yeah, just like Tom. A lot of us came home after we got back. There aren't many jobs for people that are good at hiding in the bushes and shooting people."

  Kate laughed. Buckethead thought for a long moment before he said.

  "Then you must be the Kate."

  "The Kate? What do you mean?"

  "I don't know if Tom told you about the years after we got out of the service. He and I spent a lot time together back then. We didn't fit with anyone else so all us veterans hung out together."

  "Yeah. He called those years the bad old years."

  "Yeah. They were. The fire department saved us both."

  "Why did you say 'the Kate'?"

  "Well if he told you about those years then you know we were a little out of control."

  Kate nodded.

  "Well I knew it was going to be a very bad night for him when he started talking about Kate and how screwed up this world was, things about Nam and Mac and fate. He wouldn't tell me what he was talking about. But your name and 'fuck this world everything in it' came up in the same sentence a lot."

  "What did you mean when you said you knew it was going to be a bad night."

  "Well we would fight at the drop of a hat back then. Those nights he got well crazy. I'm a big boy and not afraid of much but when he got that way he was scary. He put more than one guy in the hospital before we could pull him off. We were lucky most them started it and Tom just finished it."

  Kate wrapped her arms around herself as Ray described bar fights and drunken furniture throwing fits. That was not the Tom she knew but she remembered her own years afterward. They too had been difficult and she did not have a war on top of them.

  "Like I said he never told me the whole story so I don't know if I'm stepping on something I shouldn't."

  "No, Ray. I think if anyone deserves the whole story you do."

  Standing in back of fire station in Orlando, Florida she told this man she was liking more and more about Mac, how they met and their time at the Beach House. He sat there listening not saying anything.

  "That is quite a story it explains a lot. The world is fucked up sometimes. Sorry."

  "No, I couldn't have said it better."

  "How did you two get back together?"

  "I'm in town in the movie their filming."

  She then told him about Jack's death and the last few weeks and about their decision.

  "So I came tonight to say goodbye. I leave in a few days for London and I won't be back in the States for close to a year."

  Ray sat there for a long time before he said.

  "This world really does suck. You two do look like a couple when your together. Oh, sorry none of my business."

  "No need to apologize Ray. I like the idea even if it is not possible."

  Changing the subject Kate said. "You're a good cook."

  "Thanks. I enjoy it. I learned from the best, an old firefighter who was something of a legend around here. The main meal is a big deal in a station. Crews that eat together are tighter. I guess you could say good food makes for good firefighting. If you will excuse me I have got to back inside."

  Ray stood and Kate for first time realized just how big a man he was and yet he moved with the ease and grace of some of the professional football players she had known.

  "Why Buckethead?"

  "When I first started driving the truck I ran over a mop bucket, and squashed it flat. If you look on the wall in the kitchen you will see it. They had it mounted and hung it up. We had a big ceremony."

  Kate started to laugh. Buckethead joined in.

  Tones went off over the loud speakers, after a few moments the dispatchers came on and said. "Engine 15, Rescue 15 person not breathing 2012 east
Orange St. Cross Street Baylor."

  "Engine 15 Rescue 15 responding."

  Kate was startled, someone not breathing yet Buckethead hardly blinked. She realized that they must hear a litany of those types of calls all day. They lived in a world where people died or were injured everyday. To know that you would face something like that everyday when you came to work had to change the way you viewed the world. It was the polar opposite of her world filled with make believe.

  Buckethead stood up to leave and then stopped. He looked at her for a moment and said. "Look, it is none of my business but as you just heard we live a different kind of life than everybody else. Some do it for the money, or the hours. But Tom is like me we do it because we were born to do it." He looked at her for a moment. "It can make things difficult for people in our lives."

  "I know that now Ray. And I do what I do because I love it the way you guys love this job. Despite the bullshit just like you."

  "Good. It is important to love what you do."

  Ray turned and left, his words ringing in Kate's ears. Kate finished her cigarette and went back in. Tom was laughing with Nick as she walked into the room.

  A man in a white shirt like Tom's walked into the room. The room settled down and got quieter. Tom turned to Kate and said.

  "Kate I would like you to meet Mike Kelly. He is Chief of the Department."

  "My pleasure Kate." Tom said.

  "Mike it's nice to meet you."

  "Now the party can start." Buckethead said. "The Big Chief is here."

  "Bucket when was the last time I had you transferred. You did save me a plate didn't you?"

  Buckethead smiled and motioned. A much younger firefighter went to kitchen and returned with a plate loaded with food.

  "I wouldn't want to get transferred to days."

  Suddenly the radio blared and tones began to go off. One set of tones after another sounded, each slightly different than the last. Everyone in the room paused to listen to them. No one said anything for a few seconds

  "Going the other way." Someone said and everyone began to talk again.

  "Engine 12, 8, Tower 7, Rescue 7, Battalion 3 house fire 1287 Banchory St. Engine 12, 8, Tower 7, Rescue 7, Battalion 3 house fire 1287 Banchory St. Select tack two."

  A couple of the younger firefighters walked out of the room and returned a few seconds later with radios on their hips. The leaned down their down to the radio mike on their should to listen, as the rest of the men resumed their banter.

  They had just sat down when the tones started go off again. This time the stations buzzer went off. Everyone started moving toward the trucks.

  "Engine 2, Tower 2, Heavy Rescue 1, Battalion 2 respond to assist units on the scene of a house fire at 1287 Banchory. We are receiving multiple calls."

  "That is me Kate I have to go on this one." Tom said.

  Kate had not expected this, she knew it was a fire station but it had honestly not crossed her mind he might have to go on a call while she was there. She was crestfallen. She thought they were going to have a chance to talk.

  "Why don't you take her on the run? She can see what a real fire is like." Chief Kelly said.

  Tom looked at Kate for a long moment before he said.

  "Want to go to a fire?" Tom said. "You can see what my world is really like."

  "Sure." Kate said without knowing what else to say, only knowing that she wanted to stay close to Tom as long as she could.

  Kate had thought it was loud before, but when she stepped through the kitchen door, she was almost stopped by the sound. The stations apparatus doors in front of the trucks where rolling overhead with a loud rattling sound. Men were starting the trucks producing loud diesel growls. Other men were sliding the stations poles from the second floor, and landing nearby. Doors were slamming as the firefighters climbed into the trucks. Men all around her were pulling on their heavy coats, and stepping into heavy pants, and pulling them up with suspenders.

  She followed Tom to a red Suburban. She climbed in the passenger side, as Tom slipped behind the wheel. He turned the truck on, and then turned on the lights. Suddenly the world was filled with red light as the emergency lights reflected off the building. Kate saw truck after truck pull out of the station, their sirens blaring and air horns blasting. She had never experienced anything quite like it. All of the noise and confusion, translated into a coordinated dance of huge fire trucks moving expertly down the street. She caught a glimpse of Buckethead at the wheel of the ladder truck, as he pulled into the moving line. A firefighter was sitting in a seat behind him facing backwards putting on his gear.

  Tom pulled into the rear of the line of trucks.

  "When we receive multiple calls, it usually means we have something. So we send a second alarm to make sure we have the manpower we are going to need." Tom said as he drove.

  Kate had never experienced anything quite like it, the trucks in front of her moving weaving through traffic. Reds light reflecting off buildings, the combination of all the sirens creating this sense of urgency that knotted her stomach with fear and excitement. This was no movie they were racing to a real fire where these men would risk their lives. Yet they all seemed so calm. Kate looked over at Tom and watched him as he drove. He looked perfectly calm, in contrast to her pounding heart and knotted stomach. She realized that this was his reality. It was his normal day at the office, and he had done this thousands of times over twenty years. She could not keep from watching as the trucks in front of they wove through traffic. It was fascinating to see all of the men she had just had dinner with, turn into this conga line of huge trucks, with red flashing lights headed toward a fire in someone's house. She had no idea how long she had been just absorbing this fascinating sight when the radio suddenly blared.

  "Engine 12 to Command. We are on the scene. We have heavy fire showing from the third story of an ordinary construction structure. We are pulling an inch and three quarter line. Request the second due engine bring us a line."

  "Command check. Engine 8 did you copy."

  "Eight check."

  Kate looked over at Tom. His face was suddenly serious.

  "Look Kate we send a second Chief on these, so we can have someone inside. Since I'm second in, I will end up being Interior. So I'm going to have to go in on this one. When I go in. I want you to go to the other truck like this one, and stand there until I get back. You can listen to what happenings."

  Kate just looked at him and said. "Ok."

  My God, he talking about going into the fire as if he were telling her he was going into a meeting. They had just turned down a street and suddenly Kate could see an orange glow in the sky.

  "Looks like a good one." Tom said.

  They turned another corner and Kate saw the house. Flames were blowing out of the top floor, heavy smoke pouring from the windows and eves of the house. Real fear gripped her. It was the single most bizarre thing she had ever seen. Everything around house was perfectly normal. Cars were parked in driveways; a bike was laying on the front yard but the house it self was burning. The juxtaposition of the normal against the unthinkable was so startling that Kate actually gasped.

  A fire truck was parked in front of the house. A single hose line lead into the front door. A number of other firefighters from other trucks were walking or trotting toward the house carrying equipment or ladders. Tom slipped out of the drivers seat, and Kate followed him to the back of the truck, he opened the hatch at the back and pulled out a pair of boots with the pants crammed down on either side. He kicked his shoes off and stepped into the boots.

  As he stood he pulled up the pants and shrugged into the suspenders he was silhouetted against the fire. She almost jumped backwards when a fire truck roared past her toward the house hose playing out behind it.

  Tom had his coat on when he pulled on an air tank and put his helmet on.

  "I want you to go over there."

  Tom pointed to a truck like his about a block away.

/>   "I'll be alright. Now go. I got a job to do."

  With that he turned walked quickly toward the house. She saw Nick walk up to him and say something as the moved toward the house. She lost of track of them among the other firefighters just outside the front door. She felt overwhelmed by all of the sights, sounds and smells it took a moment to walk over to the command car.


  As Tom walked toward the house he did his size up. It was not good. The house was one of the new MacMansions as he and other firefighters had dubbed them. They were springing up around the county like weeds. This one was had to be over ten thousand square feet. They were poorly constructed of as little wood, as the contractor and building codes would allow. When they burned, they had tendency to collapse early in a fire. This one did not look good. Heavy fire was showing on the third floor. That meant it had a good head start before they had arrived. If the fire was also in the attic, things could get dicey fast. It would already be eating at the trusses holding up the roof, shortening the time before the roof would collapse.

  "Command this Battalion 2 I will assume Interior." Tom said on his radio. The second due Battalion Chief's job, was to take command of the interior. He had written the standard operating procedure, and knew exactly what was expected of every unit on the scene. He saw the Tower raising a ladder to the second floor for a secondary means of escape; others were pulling the power and venting the roof. All procedures he had helped institute. It made him feel proud in the work he had done over the years it was making a difference.

  "Command check."

  Tom stopped just outside the front door to put his mask on; he could hear the fire above him on the third floor. It crackled and snapped like he was sitting next to the fireplace. The sound of glass breaking made him duck as the fire burst through another window showering him with glass. The fire burst out of the window adding to the roar of the fire, this one was a real beast. Fires had personalities, some were lazy and slow, and others were beasts and seemed to fight back. As he put on his mask someone pulling on his own mask said.


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