Through All the Years

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Through All the Years Page 34

by Rod Carstens

  Kate could not speak. She could only stare into those wonderful eyes she had learned to love so long ago, those eyes that were not haunted now but filled with a wisdom that was producing the words. Tom paused as if he were fighting through the drugs to keep going.

  "So I stayed conscious just a moment more. It was one second at a time by then. That is when I heard Buckethead call my name. So I yelled back. Bucket heard me and got a hose line on me. The water put the fire out. He told me he would not have found me in time if I had not yelled I was under so much debris."

  Tom hesitated again he needed to summon enough strength to finish what he wanted to say.

  "So you see the only reason I'm alive is because you told me to stay. Not to die. You gave me a reason to live."

  Kate leaned down and put her cheek against his bandaged face.

  "Oh, baby I love you so much.'

  "I love you too. Can you reach under my pillow?"

  Kate reached under his pillow and found a ring box. Kate looked at him she was beyond shocked. She opened the box and found an engagement ring. She had gotten bigger rings as a gift at the opening to her last movie but this one was so much more than a gift. This was a future a future grown out of a past together. A future that she thought she had lost. This was not the first time someone had asked her to marry her but it suddenly felt that way.

  "Gretchen helped Bucket pick it out for me."

  Tom paused and cleared his throat trying to be as clear as he could when he said.

  "Kate Newhouse will you marry me?"

  Kate smiled through the tears of joy and said.

  "Yes, I will Tom Ballard."

  She took the ring out and with Tom's bandaged hand gently guiding her own she slipped the ring on her finger. Kate leaned down and kissed him again and again and again very gently on the mouth.

  "Would you lie next to me I miss you in my bed." Tom said groggily.

  "Of course baby."

  Carefully Kate climbed into bed next to him and gently laid in the crook of his right arm, she very gently placed her left hand on his chest so she could see her new engagement ring.

  "Am I hurting you?" Kate whispered.

  "No. I am glad you said yes." Tom said his words beginning to slur.

  "Was there any doubt?" Kate said.

  "I figured my best shot would be before they took the bandages off. Go for the sympathy vote."

  Kate laughed and snuggled closer. Then she realized Tom was already asleep. She looked at her ring and closed her eyes. She was soon asleep. That is how Gretchen and Karen found them the next morning sound asleep together on the bed, Kate's hand with her engagement ring in prominent display on Tom's chest.


  One Year Later

  The Pacific was particularly beautiful as the sun began to set. Kate lit her cigarette and turned the lighter around in her left hand. It was Tom's old battered Zippo with the Eagle Globe and Anchor on it. She ran her thumb over the well-worn emblem. It was the lighter he had used to light her cigarette on the plane in '68, a whole lifetime ago. Now she always carried it. The lighter was a talisman for their relationship, as well as Jack and Mac and in some ways it meant more to her than the engagement ring. It had represented their beginning, and now it represented the climax.

  She looked her engagement ring she wore. She was married to him in so many ways even though they had never had a ceremony. She continued to roll her thumb over the emblem as she watched the sunset. The sun was disappearing into the Pacific. The sky was shades of blue and violet. It was one of those sunsets that were almost too pretty to be real. It was as peaceful as she could have wanted after the last months. She had had Jack's house remodeled without changing much of it original flavor. She updated the kitchen and the colors and replaced the furniture. The one thing she had added were Tom's prized Clyde Butcher photographs. They dominated one wall.

  Kate wanted it to feel as it had when she and Tommy had fallen in love here for Karen, Danny and Carri. It was their first visit and she had worked hard to make it a wonderful visit for them. She wanted them to come back frequently. She had been back to Florida several times over the months when she found the need to be close to them. She had only grown closer to Danny and Karen. She and Karen called and talked a couple of times a week just to check in and Karen called for long talks about the marriage and Carri when she needed to talk to someone. Their relationship was evolving to one as close as a mother and daughter. Kate could not have felt better about it. It all helped to be involved with Tom's family. His love was the mortar that bound them together.

  "Aunt Katie, Auntie Katie look what I found." Kate stood and looked down on the beach. Carri was holding up a piece of driftwood. They had decided on Aunt Katie since it seemed most appropriate instead of some form of Grandma.

  "It is beautiful. Be sure to bring it up so we can add it to your collection."

  Kate glanced up to see a figure emerging from the surf. He was carrying a long surfboard. He was tall and moved with a certain recognizable grace. For a split second she thought it was Tom. It was 1968 again and he was finishing a long session before he came up to her. Her stomach knotted with excitement of the thought of him. Then Karen and Carri ran up to him and the picture retuned to the present. He looked up and waved Kate smiled and returned the wave.

  ""She here yet?"

  Gretchen came walking up the stairs from the beach. She was holding her shoes and had rolled up her white linen pants to keep them from getting sandy. She wore a matching white linen top with large sunglasses. Her white blonde hair was loose and blowing in the wind. She walked over to Kate and gave her a quick hug hello.

  "No, did she call you?"

  "She is on her way. She should be here any minute."

  "Is this going to work?" Kate said.

  "I sure hope so."

  Gretchen sat down in one of the chairs on the deck and put her bare feet up on the coffee table.

  "Where is that man of yours?" Gretchen said.

  "Finishing his afternoon physical therapy. He's in the gym."

  Kate had transformed one of the bedrooms into a full gym so Tom did not have to go anywhere for his physical therapy. He was able to do everything without leaving the house. They only time they had to leave was for his doctors appointments. He didn't need any instructions or motivation once he knew the routine he did more than any physical therapist would have made him do.

  "How is today?" Gretchen asked.

  "It's a good day. That last operation really set him back but he has more good days than bad ones now."

  Gretchen smiled and shook her head. "That is one tough son-of-bitch. There aren't many men who could have done what he's done this last year."

  "It's like he put all the toughness he learned in the Marine Corps and on the fire department into getting better. It's is hard to watch him do his physical therapy he pushes himself so hard."

  Gretchen exchanged a look with Kate that said it all. She had filled in for Kate when she had to work during his recovery and she had come to care about Tom as much anybody she knew.

  "Is that man ever going to marry you?" Gretchen said.

  "He refuses until he can walk me down the isle. Besides I more married than I have ever been in my life."

  "So that is why do you think he works so hard at physical therapy."

  Gretchen smiled at her old friend. She was right she had never seen her so happy even through all of the surgeries and Tom's long recovery. It had brought the best in her out. She loved seeing them together and the changes their relationship had made in Kate. She was the Kate that Gretchen had first met so many years ago.

  "You know he may be stalling for a better offer. He could still switch to blondes you know."

  "You wish."

  They both laughed at what had become a private joke between the three of them.

  "Hey anybody home?"

  Gretchen and Kate exchanged a look of 'here we go' before Gretchen said.

  "Out on
the deck hon."

  Rachel strode out onto the balcony. She had transformed back into the sophisticated L.A. woman. Her hair and nails had been freshly done; she wore a dress and stilettos that showed off her perfect legs. She looked as if she had just finished a lunch that had stretched into dinner with more than a few martinis’ bridging the gap. There was a hard edge to her again that Kate had not seen in Florida. She had not been the same since she had come back. Gretchen was right to be worried about her. She was not happy and she was covering it up with the LA glitz.

  "Danny and Karen still on the beach?"

  "Yeah." Kate said.

  "We still on for dinner tonight?"

  "Yes, I got reservations for us at Spagos. You are coming aren't you?"

  "Yeah, thought I would bring Jason."

  Kate and Gretchen exchanged a look. Gretchen did not approve of Jason. He was not who she would have wanted Rachel to see. She recognized the type the moment they met. If his mouth was moving he was lying or talking about himself. Rachel was letting herself fall into a life that Kate knew she really did not want, a life of too many martinis’ at lunch and a little snort at night. A life of men with expensive haircuts and more money than they knew what to do with, men who were users and women who turned into users until the Botox could no longer hide their age. The kind of women who weighed a man's wallet at the door. Gretchen and Kate had had many a conversation about moving her off the dime before it was too late. They knew what was bothering Rachel and decided enough was enough.

  "Mother please. He's not so bad."

  "Compared to what." Gretchen said.

  Rachel turned and walked back into the living room. Kate's Oscar was still prominently displayed on the fireplace mantel.

  "I still can't get over it." Rachel said picking it up.

  "You said I was doing my best work." Kate said.

  "I know it all came together the writing, little Brandy finding out she could really act but I always thought that it was Tom who really brought it out in you."

  Gretchen snapped her fingers.

  "I knew there was something I meant to tell you. I heard some buzz today that there is already Oscar talk about The Blitz and that buzz is including you. Spielberg is saying you made the picture."

  Kate looked at Gretchen. "Come on."

  "No it's true."

  When it was time for Kate to leave for London after Tom's injury she was going to either delay or quit the project until Tom was better, but Tom had insisted. He had told her that was exactly the kind of thing that he had been worried about getting in the way of their relationship so she was going and that was that. He did not need hand holding. That is when Kate asked Gretchen to stay and help with Tom and keep her up to date. Gretchen had been more than willing and spent the next months either in Orlando or flying back and forth. She and Karen grew close as they helped Tom through some of the worse of his surgeries. Kate talked to Gretchen and Tom almost daily and she was able to fly back a couple of times during the filming. It also gave Gretchen the opportunity to observe Rachel and Brian together. She loved what she saw and had even talked to Kate about a wedding in their future. That is when Brian had a close call and one of his firefighters was hurt. What Brian did for a living came rushing back all over again and Rachel got spooked. She told Gretchen she had been kidding herself that she was not strong enough. She had bolted to California and had not seen or spoken to Brian since. That is why Kate, Gretchen and Karen had hatched up their little plan that was about to come together.

  "When are you going to call him?" Gretchen said.

  "Jason, I just talked to him. I told him to wait and I would give him a time for tonight."

  "That is not who I was talking about." Gretchen said her tone serious.

  Rachel looked at her for a long moment then said. "Oh, no. Not his girl. I ain't got what it takes."

  "Bullshit. You not giving it a chance. You were wonderful through all those weeks in the hospital. Brain told me how much you helped him." Kate said.

  "I can't. I tried. I couldn't sleep every time he went to work I thought about what happened to Tom....No. I couldn't live with that hanging over us. I am not strong enough."

  "Oh, course you are." They turned to see Karen standing on the balcony. "It is not about what might happen it is about what you have right now and grabbing it and holding on tight."

  "Karen I am not strong like you. I couldn't go through what Kate has. No."

  "It not about being strong." Kate said. "It is about taking something that has been given you when you have it in your hands, and cherishing it for as long as you can because once you loose it you can never get it back."

  That is when, as if on cue, the door to the gym opened and Tom came out. He was much thinner than he had been but he was getting his muscle tone back. The scars on his face were smooth and pink after the last surgery and he looked like his old self with new scars instead of a "melted doll" as he had so drolly put it. He wore a sweat suit from his old department and leaned heavily on a cane each time he put weight on this right leg. It would never be the same but they were able to save it and it was getting stronger slowly day by day.

  "Rach how are you? Man you look great. What the occasion?" Tom said.

  "Hey Tommy. Looks like your making..."

  She stopped in mid-sentence when Brian came out of the gym behind Tom. He had his shirt off and he was just in his gym shorts and running shoes. His muscular torso gleamed with sweat as he stepped into the room. He too stopped dead when he saw Rachel.

  "Talk about an entrance." Gretchen whispered to Kate and Karen.

  "Oh, my goodness. A real six pack." Karen said quietly staring at Brian.

  "Your a married woman young lady." Kate teased.

  "Yeah, but I can still look."

  Rachel and Brian stared at one another across the room saying nothing. Tom hobbled to the recliner Kate had bought him, leaned back and put his leg up. He sighed with relief as his the elevated position relieved some of the pain in his leg. It was then he noticed what was going on and that is when he looked at the three women standing on the deck.

  "Was anybody going to tell me about this?"

  "Only when you needed to know dear. Now quite so they can talk." Kate said.

  Brian and Rachel could only stare at one another. It was obvious their attraction was so strong it was almost another physical presence in the room. Karen leaned close to Gretchen.

  "Come on Brian. Come on just like we practiced." Karen said under her breath.

  "Rachel.." Brian finally managed to say. "God you look wonderful. I've never seen you dressed like this. I look unbelievable."

  "Brian what are you doing here?" Rachel said her eyes never leaving Brian.

  "Kate asked me to come out with Danny and Karen to help Tom with his rehab."

  Rachel glanced over at the three women standing together. Tom looked at Kate and raised his eyebrows.

  "Later sweetie." Kate said. Tom shook his head and chuckled. He turned in his chair so he could see both Rachel and Brian.

  "Uh, Rachel I uh miss you so much." Brian said.

  "Good. Keep going." Karen said clutching Gretchen's arm.

  Rachel just stared at him. Gretchen could tell she was more than just shocked but wonderfully glad to see him.

  "You never answered my calls." Brian said.

  "I uh. I can't do this Bri you know that. I'm not strong enough."

  " You are your stronger than you know. I couldn't have made it through Tom's injury without you. You were my rock. You were great. Rachel, I never told you because...well because of all of that been going on and I didn't want you to think that it was all mixed up with everything but I love you. Rachel I loved you for a long time now."

  Rachel actually took a step back as if what he had said was a physical blow. She put up her hand as if to ward him off.

  "Bri please baby. I can't..."

  "Baby, I miss you in the morning the way you are grouchy when you wake up.
I miss you when I watch a movie. I miss you calling when I'm at work to make sure I'm all right. But most of all Rachel I miss you in my bed."

  With each "I miss you.." Rachel seem to slowly relax until when Brian said he "missed her in his bed" Rachel ran into his arms and they kissed for a long time. Gretchen leaned over to Karen and said.

  "Nice." Gretchen said.

  "That was not me. He came up with that on his own." Karen said.

  Kate glanced at Tom and their eyes met. It was what he had said to her the night he asked her to marry him. He just smiled and winked. He never failed to surprise her. He had been helping Brian too.

  "Well now." Gretchen said with a big smile on her face. "Looks like I may be getting a new a son-in-law."

  Rachel and Brian finally broke off their kiss. Staring into Brian's eyes Rachel said without looking at Gretchen.

  "Mother I'm going to show Brian our beach house he has never seen it."

  Before Gretchen could say a word Rachel lead Brian out the door, down the steps and down the beach by the hand.

  "You Hendrick women don't mess around do you?" Kate said with a smile.

  "I taught her well." Gretchen said.

  Tom was leaning back in his recliner with a big smile on his face.

  "Will you girls fill this poor old guy in on what just happened? How it happened and how long you three have been plotting against poor Brian?"

  "Plotting against. Why we were just helping things along." Kate said with a laugh as she sat on the arm of Tom's recliner. "Besides you were working the other side of the fence."

  "It worked on you didn't it?" Tom said. "Poor guy never had a chance."

  "Shut up before you make the girls mad." Kate said kissing the top of Tom's head.

  "Besides she had him a long time ago. She just was afraid of it." Gretchen said. She seemed more than pleased with the way it had all worked out.

  Tom glanced at Karen and their eyes met.

  "Should we tell them?" Tom said.

  "I think so Dad. Seems like a good time for more good news."

  Gretchen and Kate exchanged a puzzled look.


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