Stitches in Time

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Stitches in Time Page 5

by Terri DuLong

  It was really such a simple invitation, but it made me feel like I belonged. I took an empty chair next to Mavis Anne and followed Chloe’s instructions, casted on and looked back at the pattern.

  “This says to knit three and then yo? I guess that means yarn over?”

  “Exactly,” Mavis Anne said as she leaned over to explain the stitch. “See, simply wrap the yarn around the needle to the front, and knit the next stitch as the pattern says.”

  I did as she said. “That’s it?”

  She laughed. “That’s it, honey. You did your first yarn over. I think sometimes knitters make the stitches sound more intimidating than they are. So you’ll follow the pattern across the row and do the same thing at the end, just like the pattern says.”

  I worked along quietly as I listened to the conversation around the table. June was telling a humorous story about her grandson, Charlie, that brought forth laughter. Maddie told us how she dreaded the following week because Valentine’s Day would be on a Sunday this year, which meant Friday and Saturday would be exceptionally busy for her.

  “I really have to hire a helper,” she said. “But the thing is, I really don’t need anybody permanently. I can usually handle the business, except during a holiday.”

  “Yeah,” Chloe said. “Unfortunately, most people looking for a job want something permanent even if it’s only part-time.”

  I had no idea why, but Haley popped into my head. “You know,” I said, looking up from my knitting, “I think Haley would be more than happy to help you out. She doesn’t have florist experience, but she’s very good at following directions, and she’s reliable.”

  “Really?” A smile crossed Maddie’s face. “Gosh, what I need doesn’t really require florist skills. It would be more like answering the phone and taking down the orders. Separating flowers, putting bows on, which I could teach her to do. Do you really think she’d be interested? Of course I’d pay her. She’s such a nice girl. I’d love to have her in the shop.”

  “I bet Haley would really enjoy that,” Chloe said.

  “I’ll definitely ask her when she gets home from school and I’ll have her call you if she’s interested.”

  * * *

  The knitting group broke up around one and I went back to Koi House to have lunch. I had just finished a tuna sandwich and was pouring myself a glass of iced tea when my cell phone rang. I saw Petra’s name and smiled.

  “Hey, girlfriend. What’s going on?” I said.

  “That’s what I was calling you to find out. Haven’t heard from you since you got there last week. Everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything’s going really well. I’m sorry. We were busy unpacking and settling in over the weekend.”

  I brought her up to date on my delivery job, Haley starting school, and me joining the charity knitting group.

  “Oh, Isabelle. I’m really happy for you. It sure sounds like you made a great decision moving there. I haven’t heard your voice sound this happy in ages.”

  I recalled what Haley had asked me that morning about being happy, and I smiled. Maybe I was happy after all.

  “Yeah,” I told her. “Yeah, I think both Haley and I are happy here. So what’s up with you?”

  “Nothing new here. Have you heard from your mother?”

  “No, but I think Haley has. I think they call each other but Haley is careful mentioning her name, which is fine with me.”

  When there was silence on the line, I said, “What? You know I’d rather avoid talking to her if I don’t have to.”

  “Yeah, I know. I just wish it could be different for the two of you. But I won’t hound you about it. So the plans are coming along well for the wedding?”

  “Yes, and I wanted to give you a heads-up. Chloe mentioned the other day she’d love to meet you, so she hopes you’ll come visit before, but she’s definitely sending you an invitation.”

  “Oh, how nice. I never turn down a chance to get glammed up and attend a wedding. I’ll circle the date on my calendar. May first, right?”

  “Right. That’s a Sunday. Maybe you could come down on Friday and spend a few days here.”

  “Sounds great, but I will try to get down there sooner.”

  After another ten minutes of conversation, we hung up. I got my tea and headed outside to the patio to work on my blanket. I was so engrossed in knitting, I was surprised to look up when I heard Basil barking and see Haley had returned from school. She scooped him up in her arms, showering him with kisses.

  “So how was your first day?” I asked.

  “Really good,” she said, and I saw the smile on her face. “I made a new friend. Well, I think I made a few new friends, but one in particular I really liked. We just clicked. Her name is Tina and we have all the same classes together. Plus, she’s going to be in the spring musical. She likes to sing and she’s trying out for a solo and she got me to go with her and I signed up for costume and design. We’ll find out on Friday if we got accepted.”

  Just seeing my daughter so happy made me happy. It had been a while since I’d seen her so excited. Especially about anything related to school.

  “Oh, Haley. That’s super. I have no doubt that you’ll both be accepted. And . . . I just might have some more good news to finish off your day for you.”

  I explained about Maddie and her request for assistance at the florist shop.

  “Really? She’d like to have me helping her out? Oh, wow, yes. I’d love to. You know I love flowers, and she’s so creative with her arrangements. It might even give me ideas for some of my designs.”

  I passed her Maddie’s business card. “Well, she said to give her a call.”

  Haley jumped up to go inside and do just that.

  “Yarrow made a nice fruit salad for you,” I said. “It’s in the fridge, so help yourself.”

  “I will,” she called back as she ran into the house with Basil at her heels.

  Chapter 8

  Before I opened my eyes I could hear the rain pelting on the roof and windows. I let out a groan as I realized that making my deliveries this morning might not be quite as pleasant as the previous days with sunshine.

  I headed downstairs to get my coffee and peeked out the front door. Rain was sluicing down from the sky and creating large puddles in the driveway. The perfect day to curl up with knitting, but that would have to wait until later.

  Yarrow was already in the tea shop filling the orders when I walked in.

  “Nasty day out there,” I said.

  “I know. I feel bad that you have to be out driving around in it.”

  I waved a hand in the air. “Not a big deal. I have my umbrella.”

  I set off with windshield wipers on high and listening to a CD of Bruce Springsteen to brighten up the day.

  Choosing to wear sneakers rather than my usual flip-flops had been smart. Huge puddles filled the parking lots, but I managed to complete my first few deliveries with no incident. By the time I pulled up to the yoga studio, the rain had increased even more and I could hear thunder in the distance. That was one thing I noticed about rain in Florida. It didn’t come down in a shower; most of the time it was a deluge.

  I had managed to get out of the car and was juggling my basket of muffins and coffee while trying to adjust my umbrella when my feet shot out from under me, the basket went flying, and I found myself smack down on my butt in a puddle. I must have tried to break my fall with my right arm because it was scraped from the pavement and my wrist was aching.

  As if out of nowhere I heard a male voice say, “Are you okay? Here, let me help you.”

  I saw a hand outstretched and looked up into gorgeous blue eyes that looked vaguely familiar.

  “I think . . . I think I’m okay,” I said, reaching for his hand as I stood up. I was engulfed with embarrassment. That’s when I noticed that the coffee and muffins were a total loss. I burst into tears.

  “It’s okay,” the man assured me as he went to retrieve the empty basket and then procee
ded to lead me to the passenger side of his car. “Here, get in and dry off a little bit.”

  He slid in beside me as I continued to cry. I couldn’t even do a simple delivery job without screwing up.

  Passing me a box of tissues from the backseat, he said, “I did salvage the basket for you.”

  I wiped my tears and sniffed as I inspected the laceration on my arm. “Thanks,” I said. But now what? I had no coffee or muffins for the delivery, I was soaking wet, and I wasn’t sure which was bruised more: my arm or my pride.

  “You took a nasty tumble,” he said. “I think you slipped on an oil slick.”

  I looked at his handsome face and nodded. “Probably,” I mumbled.

  “Hey,” he said. “Aren’t you . . .” He snapped his fingers. “Didn’t we meet last summer? Aren’t you related to Chloe? I think we met at LuLu’s when you were having lunch there.”

  I looked at him more closely. He was right. Chloe had introduced us. He had even given me his business card, telling me if I did decide to relocate to give him a call because he owned a real estate agency.

  “Yes. You’re Chadwick Price. I remember meeting you.”

  “Right. And you’re Isabelle. So I take it you did move here?”

  “Yeah. About a week ago. I’m staying at Koi House with my daughter till we find our own place.” All of a sudden I recalled the way Chloe had met him the year before and started laughing. “Do you make a habit of rescuing damsels in distress in the rain?”

  He threw his head back, laughing. “Hmm, I do seem to have a knack for that, don’t I? That’s how I met Chloe with her flat tire.”

  I looked at the basket in my lap and let out a sigh. “God, what am I going to do? I ruined my delivery.”

  “What were you doing with the coffee and muffins?” he asked.

  I explained about my job and working for Yarrow. “And now the yoga studio won’t get their delivery,” I moaned.

  “Well, we can fix that. Let me run in and tell them it will only be delayed. I’ll be right back.”

  He jumped out of the car before I could question what his solution was.

  A couple of minutes later, he was back. “Okay,” he said, starting the ignition. “We’re good.”

  “We are?”

  “Yup. I’m driving you to Biggby Coffee just up Granada. We’re going to get the order there and bring it back. Coffee and some muffins.”

  “Really? They said that was okay?”

  “They were fine with the idea and mostly concerned about you. You are okay, aren’t you?”

  All of a sudden, I was feeling decidedly better. “Yes, I’m fine. And thanks so much. This is really nice of you.”

  He pulled into a spot in front of Biggby’s and ran in to get the items. It was then I realized I must look like a drowned rat. Water was still dripping from my hair, my pants were wet and stained, and my top was sticking to my skin.

  Chadwick had been drenched too, but somehow it looked better on him. He was wearing jeans and a polo jersey. He was quite a handsome guy. I wondered why it had not gone beyond a platonic relationship with him and Chloe. With curly dark hair tinged with gray, I thought he was probably eight to ten years older than I was, but the gray in his hair only enhanced his good looks.

  He jumped back into the car a few minutes later holding a coffee container and a bag. “Here,” he said, passing it to me. “Hold this and we’ll have that delivery there in no time.”

  He headed back down Granada and I thanked him again. “Gosh, you really didn’t have to do this, but it’s very nice of you.”

  “Not a problem. So do you do these deliveries every day?”

  “Yeah. Monday through Friday. This was just my first week and I’m really enjoying it. Well, except for this morning.”

  “I’m glad I could be there to help. I had a dentist appointment a few doors down from the yoga studio.”

  “Oh, no! Have I kept you from an appointment?”

  “No, not at all. I was finished and on my way out when I saw you fall. Are you sure your arm is okay?”

  I looked at the scrape on my elbow and moved my wrist. “My wrist still aches a little, but I’m fine.”

  “Do you think you need an x-ray?”

  I wiggled it again. “No, it’s not broken. Maybe a slight sprain but nothing more.”

  He pulled into the parking lot of the yoga studio. “Here, let me take that in for you.”

  I passed the container and bag to him. “Tell them I’m so sorry and I’ll see them on Monday morning.”

  He returned a few minutes later. “They thanked you for getting the order to them and said to take care.”

  “Oh, I owe you for the coffee and muffins.” That was when I realized my purse was still in my car. With the keys. Thank God I hadn’t locked the door.

  “No, no. Really. But I was thinking, since you live here now, maybe we could get together sometime. Would you be free for dinner?”

  A dinner date? I hadn’t been out with a guy on a date since before I met Roger. And a woman could certainly do much worse than Chadwick Price.

  “Oh . . . yeah. Thanks. That would be nice.”

  “Great.” He reached for his cell phone. “Give me your number and I’ll give you a call. Tomorrow morning I’m flying to Atlanta for a few days, but can I call you next week?”

  “Yes, that would be fine,” I said, shooting him a smile and telling him my cell number. “Well, again, I don’t know how to thank you for all of your help. But I’d better get back to the tea shop or Yarrow will be worried.”

  “Okay, you take care of that arm and I’ll talk to you next week.”

  I walked over to my car and was about to get in when I heard his car horn and looked up to see him wave good-bye.

  I started the ignition and heard Springsteen singing “Hungry Heart.” As the lyrics said, I had gone out for a ride, and who knew where this morning would lead?

  * * *

  Yarrow glanced up from the counter when I entered the tea shop.

  “Oh, God! What happened to you? Are you okay?” She ran toward me and inspected my arm.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I told her and went on to explain my ordeal.

  Chloe heard us and came from the yarn shop to check out my arm too.

  “Are you serious?” she said and started laughing. “Oh, I’m not laughing at you, but really? Chadwick Price? He rescued you in the rain just like he did me last year?”

  I grinned and nodded. “Ah, yup. It would seem that way. When I mentioned it to him, he laughed and said he did have a knack for rescuing damsels in distress.”

  “Wow,” Yarrow said.

  “Interesting,” Chloe added.

  “What do you mean?” I questioned.

  “I bet he remembered you from last summer at LuLu’s, didn’t he?”

  “Yeah, actually, he did, why?”

  “Oh, nothing . . .” she said in a way that begged me to question her more.

  “Come on,” I demanded. “What do you mean?”

  “Well . . . it’s just that I remember when I introduced you. He seemed quite interested that day and I remember thinking there was some chemistry going on there.”

  I waved my hand in the air, but I wondered if Chloe was right, because I recalled how I’d felt the moment I met him. “Don’t be silly. He’s just a nice guy. You know that. Look how he helped you with that flat tire and then took you for dinner. So he did the same for me.”

  “He asked you for dinner?”

  “Well, he said he’d call me next week.”

  Chloe nodded her head and grinned. “Hmm, right. Nothing to it at all.”

  Chapter 9

  Haley flew in the back door that afternoon followed by her new friend, Tina, both of them consumed with excitement.

  “Guess what? Guess what?” she yelled, jumping up and down as Basil danced around her feet.

  I looked up from the mug of coffee I’d just poured and laughed. It seemed this was proving to be a banner da
y for both of us.

  I raised both arms in the air and said, “I don’t have a clue. What?”

  “I got chosen to assist with the designs for the costumes in the musical and Tina was chosen to do two solos.”

  “Oh, wow,” I said, sharing their excitement. “That is great news. I’m so happy for both of you.”

  “I know,” Haley said, reaching down to pick up Basil and give him a hug. “This is going to be so much fun. I was wondering . . . would it be okay if Tina spent the night? There’s no school tomorrow and we wanted to talk about the musical.”

  “Of course she can. I was hoping the twin beds in your room would get used for sleepovers. But do you have your parents’ permission?” I asked.

  “Oh, well . . . I don’t have a dad. It’s just my mom, and I called her earlier. She said it was fine.”

  “And rather than go back to her house for pajamas, she can borrow some of mine,” Haley added. “Would that be okay?”

  “Sure,” I said. “Would you girls like to celebrate with some muffins and hot chocolate? I know it’s not cold out, but with all this dreariness and rain, it feels like a hot chocolate kind of day.”

  I was surprised to hear Haley say, “That would be great,” since she seldom indulged in sweets.

  They both pulled up stools as I began to prepare the hot chocolate and they chattered away. I felt good that my daughter was settling in so well at school. It was time for her to be happy and enjoy what most teens did: socializing and friendship and a sense of belonging.

  When they finished their snack and went upstairs, I took my knitting into the living room to work on the blanket for a while. I had a few rows done when my cell phone rang, showing my mother’s name on the caller ID. I debated whether to let it go to voice mail, but ended up answering.

  “What’s up?” I said.

  “Oh, Isabelle, I was hoping you’d answer. Well, I have some news about my trip to Florida.”

  “Did you change your mind?” One could only hope.

  But instead, she surprised me by saying, “Not at all. Actually, I’m coming in a few weeks, a month earlier than I’d planned.”

  “Oh.” My good mood was quickly evaporating. “So you had to change your flight and hotel reservations? Why would you do that?”


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