Conquests & Consequences

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Conquests & Consequences Page 8

by Lee Watts

  Caedmon stared at the ground while pondering the mystery, tilted his head and looked at Merrick.

  "Because we cannot see a thing dost not mean 'tis not so."

  Willing to concede the possibility, Merrick nodded. Caedmon changed the subject.

  "You said the new vizier hast broadened the path. Who doth hold the king's ear?"

  "A chief mediator of the Sect of the Elder, Yilib Wasi. I doubt he'll be inclined to step aside now that you've returned. What of the boy prince? Will he stay true to the narrow path?"

  "With all diligence have I trained him in the way he shouldest go and trust in the promise of the Elder that such effort will nary return void. Alexander hast great potential, but tends to trust in what he can do more than relying on the Elder."

  "Like his father."

  Before they could continue their conversation, King Darius Lyons came over to greet his old counselor.

  "Caedmon, dear Caedmon, welcome home."

  The elderly man bowed in respect as the king approached.

  "You've done well my friend. Alexander is healthy and intelligent, but he does look the ragamuffin. You've performed a tremendous service, Caedmon. I'll see to it you are richly rewarded."

  "Wealth I desirest not. In the mercy of the Elder wast thy son protection granted, and so I seek no recompense for that which was not mine to give."

  "Still - I feel indebted to you. You've done a great thing for our family and the entire Realm. I'm eternally grateful. Merrick, what of the reception on Theera? Is it safe? Can we let the people welcome home their prince?"

  "I will check, my Liege."

  Merrick bowed and returned to their ship for a report on the security situation.

  "Thank you for bringing Alexander back to us, Caedmon," Queen Cheyenne said. "His absence… well, it's been so long."

  "I am happy to serve," Caedmon replied with a bow. "And yes, it doth appear we have been gone too long a time."

  "Sire," Merrick interjected, "all is well. We can leave when you are ready."

  "By all means, let's not keep the people waiting. My son is home, and I want the Realm to meet him."

  They started for the royal shuttle, but Caedmon held his ground.

  "My king, if I may request, the journey hast been long, and this day 'tis for thy son and not thy servant. I pray thee, allow me to go my way whilst I attend to my affairs."

  "Very well. Get some rest and take care of your business. Come to the palace when you're ready. Thank you again, Caedmon. A thousand times thank you."

  Caedmon stepped back as the thrusters of the royal craft came to life. The mighty rush of wind caused tree limbs to bend and Caedmon's loose-fitting tunic to whip around him. Gaining altitude, the ship sped off, taking Alexander home at last. As the royal shuttle exited the atmosphere, the Faithful Voice boarded his humble vessel and went to see for himself how much the Realm had changed during his absence. Within hours, pillars of smoke would billow from a battle in the heart of Paran, Theera's capital city and Alexander's old teacher would be the most hunted man in the fifty worlds of the Realm.


  "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?…"

  - II Corinthians 6:16

  Planning ahead, Cheyenne had stowed various sizes of clothing for Alexander. Having him change into garments more befitting a prince, she stared admiringly at her handsome son. Caedmon's emphasis on chores and lessons had well-developed Alexander's body and mind. She thought the blue and white jacket went wonderfully with his sandy-hued eyes and hair. During the trip, Darius had to keep reminding his wife that Alexander was not a child and not to dote on him so much. For the most part, his words fell on deaf ears.

  For security reasons, the royal shuttle used a hidden landing pad more than five kilometers from the palace. A clandestine tunnel connected the pad to the palace. Even Merrick's comrades in the royal guard were unaware of the passage. Leaving the ship, they entered a hovercar and sped through the tunnel toward the mansion.

  "When we arrive," Darius informed Alexander, "we'll go straight to the balcony overlooking the plaza and say a few words." Detecting repressed trepidation, Darius tried to reassure his son. "Don't worry. Smile and wave. Almost everyone there is a supporter. It will be fine."

  "Almost everyone?" Alexander probed.

  "Yes," Queen Cheyenne sheepishly admitted. "We were hoping to ease you into this, but I guess there's no hiding it. There is a… movement opposing us."

  "Movement?" Darius mocked in disgust. "It's a conspiracy! They're trying to take over the Realm."

  "Who?" Alexander asked.

  "I don't know," the king answered in frustration. "It's made up of Realm citizens, but the policies they promote are as alien as anything outside our borders, and evidence shows a clear set of tactics."

  "Tactics? For what?"

  "Changing the Realm. We're being conquered from within. The guiding document for us is the Realm Charter. It guarantees specific freedoms to the people and limits not only the power of the crown but also that of the High Council. It was designed to keep our worlds from degrading into the oppressive systems so prevalent throughout the galaxy."

  "Yes," Alexander acknowledged, "Caedmon taught a class on political foundations. I always wondered why he spent so many weeks on the Realm Charter when the Realm was so far away from where we were. But… what does the Realm Charter have to do with being conquered?"

  "It's under attack," Darius answered?

  "Attack? The Realm is at war? With who?"

  "No, not like that. No one is invading our space, but our way of life is being attacked, undermined. More and more often the High Council is pushing through legislation that violates the Charter for 'the public good.'"

  "Can't you stop them?" Alexander asked. "You are king."

  "The crown has certain authority over new laws, but the Council can override us with enough votes, and they do it frequently. This undermining of the Charter is only the beginning. For years the universities have been pushing this 'advancement movement,' saying the traditional values are only for the simple-minded. They rewrote the history books and taught a generation to oppose everything upon which the Realm was built. The popular entertainment vids are pushing the same philosophy. It seems virtually every news broadcast spends the bulk of their time ripping the traditionalists and me to shreds. I put some of our top analysts on this to see if I was just being paranoid, or if there really is an effort to overthrow the Realm as we know it. Data shows a well-planned and coordinated effort to change our basic culture, but there's no clue who's behind it."

  With a muffled humph, Merrick grimaced and looked over his shoulder. Catching Darius's eye, the king grew silent as the craft reached its destination and drew to a halt. Alexander noted the awkwardness between the men.

  "What?" probed the prince.

  "Merrick believes the Dridmor are behind this. Don't get me wrong, I believe in the Dridmor and Guardians, but I can't claim invisible spirits are going around manipulating our citizens. It would make me a laughing stock, and the crown's position would be lessened."

  Alexander thought of the Dridmor and Guardian he recently encountered but thought it best to keep that experience to himself for the moment.

  "The Dridmor have two great weapons," the chief royal guard added. "For believers, it is gaining their silence; for the unbelievers, it is convincing them that Dridmor don't exist."

  With a soft hiss, the door of the hovercar opened. Crossing to a control panel on the tunnel's wall, Merrick released the lock, and they entered the palace via the hidden passage. Gawking at the grandeur of the royal residence, Alexander wanted to explore the seemingly endless amount of rooms, but the group proceeded directly to the third level. On that floor was a sizeable semicircular balcony overlooking the jam-packed plaza.

  Waiting at the balcony door was a man with collar-length, flowing white hair who was dressed in ornate robes of white with gold trim. Elaborate designs embroidered in wide bands w
ere on the cuffs and decorated the center. Spreading his hands and bowing, the robed figure smiled broadly as the family approached.

  "Welcome back, Excellencies. You are eagerly awaited."

  Darius introduced the beaming man.

  "Son, this is Chief Mediator Yilib Wasi. He served as grand vizier during Caedmon's absence."

  Picking up on the king's words, Yilib deduced Caedmon was to resume his post. 'The Heretic,' as the Sect labeled Caedmon, was despised by the Sect of the Elder. Caedmon was once a prominent figure in the organization, but was converted to the Narrow Way and forsook the Sect's teachings and authority. He went on to become one of the Sect's greatest detractors. Yilib knew the foolhardiness of criticizing his rival and openly vying for the position against the king's longtime friend and mentor. He decided an indirect attack was best.

  "And where is the… prince's protector?" Yilib asked with a smile.

  "Caedmon wanted to attend to some business," Darius informed, "but knowing him, it won't be too many days before he returns."

  "Alas, poor Caedmon. I'm sure raising the prince was difficult for a man of his advanced years. I am happy to serve as long as your majesties require."

  "Thank you, Yilib," Darius said. "Merrick, is everything secure?"

  Merrick nodded, and Darius strode onto the balcony, the rest of the royal family following. Merrick accompanied them, cautiously scanning the crowd for signs of trouble. Upon seeing the royals, the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Cameras flashed, and news-crews broadcast the event live to the fifty worlds of the United Realm. Alexander's heart was pumping so hard, and he was so distracted by the crowd that he didn't hear a word his father's speech. As warned, he saw a few posters deprecating the Lyons, but overall it was a friendly, patriotic gathering. Eventually, Darius motioned for Alexander to step forward and say a few words. The prince swallowed hard, hesitantly edging forward. The cheering assembly gave him a precious moment to think of what to say. Nothing came to him, so he smiled, trying to mask his fright. After several moments, the crowd quieted so he could speak. He paused for several pounding heartbeats.

  "Long live the Realm," he, at last, said, using a popular national slogan. In unison, the people echoed the statement, as was the tradition. More confident, he repeated it all the louder, "Long live the Realm!" Again, the people replied enthusiastically. Emboldened, Alexander shouted, "LONG LIVE THE REALM!" The people shouted it back to him, exploding into joyous applause. Darius stepped forward to rein in the youth's enthusiasm. With that, he waved widely, and the royal family returned inside the palace.

  Indoors, with the noise of the crowd lessened, Cheyenne thought she and Darius could, at last, have some private time with their son, but to her vexation, she noticed an approaching group.

  "Yilib, what is this?" she asked in annoyance.

  "Your majesty, I thought it best if a few select people have an opportunity to meet the prince before his first session with the High Council or the press. It will only take a moment."

  Not having much choice, Cheyenne merely huffed.

  "Very well," she relented then pasted on a smile as the group approached.

  Alexander was apprehensive asking, "Who are these people?"

  Darius explained in hushed tones. "The one in the front, with the rounded beard, that's Lord Edric Canton, the senior representative from Enty."

  "Who's she?" Alexander asked noticing the shapely young blond next to Edric.

  "His daughter, Lady Vivica. She's only a little younger than you. I think you'll like her," the king insinuated in an attempt to plant a notion in Alexander's mind. Darius made no mention of the soon-to-be-announced pre-arranged marriage between the House of Lyons and House of Canton. Darius and Cheyenne agreed it would be best to not drop this information on Alexander on his first day. However, they had no intention of the prince meeting Vivica or the High Councilors on the first day.

  "She's gorgeous," Alexander said under his breath, and indeed she was. Vivica's face and form turned men's heads wherever she went.

  The king and queen exchanged glances and hoped no one would unwittingly let the engagement news slip before they informed their son. Queen Cheyenne looked at the girl and thought her dress was too short and tight for meeting her son. She concluded the girl probably chose the undersized outfit specifically because she was meeting the prince.

  "The House of Canton is the most influential one on the Council," Darius informed. "Edric is not part of the 'advancement movement,' but he still opposes me at almost every turn. He thinks Enty doesn't have enough authority and Theera, me in particular, is systematically pushing Enty to the side. It's not true, but in politics perception is reality. We really need to appease him so best foot forward okay."

  Before Darius could pre-introduce the others, the group was within earshot, so he stopped whispering and smiled; Alexander followed suit. Greeting the Councilors, Alexander tried to show his competence by weaving in specific knowledge about each of their planets during the conversation. As each introduction was made Alexander recalled how much instruction time Caedmon spent on Realm in contrast to other governments. At last, formally introduced to the curvaceous Vivica, he paused, his mental capacity temporarily shut down by her beauty. Internally shaking himself back to his senses, he smiled and took her hand in polite greeting.

  "Prince Alexander, welcome to the Realm," the stunning young woman beamed with her gleaming smile of perfection. "We're all looking forward to getting to know you better."

  Her hand lingered holding his for several heartbeats before releasing.

  "Uh... me too, Lady Canton. You and the Councilors of course," he added.

  "Please, call me Vivica."

  As Alexander was introduced to the world of political maneuvering, Caedmon landed on Theera. Making his way to Theon, the main temple of the capital city, Paran, Caedmon became more anxious as he drew nearer. A sprawling complex, Theon spanned an entire block of the capital. People throughout the Realm made pilgrimages there. Inside the complex's outer wall was an expansive, open courtyard of lush vegetation where worshipers came to commune with their Creator. Farther in was a museum housing some original manuscripts of the Codex of the Elder. It also contained a small collection of items with dubious claims of use by Elkanah during his time in mortal form. The Elder incarnate, Elkanah, lived during the time of the first Ramillie Empire. His followers had spread his teachings to virtually every world in the known galaxy.

  Anxious to revisit Theon, Caedmon was pleased seeing it busy as ever. Far from the palace, the temple buzzed with activity as people from multiple Realm worlds came and went. More than fifty meters high, and twice as wide, the arched main entrance was supported by two gargantuan pillars leading to the courtyard.

  Caedmon stopped only a few steps inside the grand entryway, astounded by the vast extent of change. As incense filled his nostrils, and incessant volume assaulted his ears, he beheld with shock and sorrow the transformed sanctuary. What used to be a lush atrium of serenity and prayer now housed a row of vendors along one side selling every kind of crystal, candle, religious book, and spiritual trinket imaginable. Immense statues of other creeds' deities and a mammoth altar to the star god of the Hateeg now occupied the temple once reserved for the Elder alone. Spouting their doctrines in sermon and song, holy men and women from every variety of faith imaginable vied for the public's attention, devotion, and offerings. Promises and rituals were plentiful. Those searching for answers or atonement had a wide selection from which to choose. Noisy, and more a tourist or shopping district than a place of worship, the courtyard was now a den of commerce, not communion.

  A surge of emotions flooded Caedmon. Wrestling for dominance was heartbreak, fury, and disbelief. He leaned heavily on his thin, metallic walking staff. At first, he couldn't accept what he witnessed as true. Sometimes granted visions of the distant past or future, Caedmon wanted to convince himself the scene was only a shadow, but he knew it was not. The grotesque displays of avarice and
sacrilege tore at him.

  Indignant at the merchants' and charlatans' desecration of the holy site, Caedmon snapped himself out of contemplation and into action. Striding across the bustling courtyard, he marched toward the large, raised altar of the star-worshipping Hateeg clerics. Followers of Hateega, both men and women, shaved their heads to expose more of themselves to the stars they venerated, and so they were easy to identify. With a full head of hair and an angular beard extending to his breastbone, it was clear the old man ascending the Hateeg's altar was not a disciple of starlight. Shouts of protest assailed the Faithful Voice as he dared to tread where only Hateeg were to go.

  Atop the miniature, flat-topped pyramid amid the courtyard Caedmon addressed the crowd.


  Belying his age and size, his unaided voice carried as it was unnaturally amplified. Heads turned, and the crowd quieted as the Elder's Faithful Voice spoke.

  Having their attention, Caedmon continued.

  "I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I look and behold your devotions, I find an altar to every god of imagination!" Gesturing to the platform on which he stood he continued. "The Elder that made the universe and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of all, dwelleth not in temples made with hands. Neither is He worshipped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, seeing He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things. Think not the Creator is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device."

  Continuing, Caedmon minced no words in his denunciation of other faiths by name and called for the people to turn back to the Narrow Way of the Elder.

  "The Elder hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the worlds in righteousness by Elkanah whom He hath ordained. Now commandeth the Elder of all men everywhere to repent. Forsake these ways of imagination and turn to His Manifestation who is able to deliver you from the Vortex and the only one who can blot out your error as to oblivion."


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