Conquests & Consequences

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Conquests & Consequences Page 26

by Lee Watts

  "Excellent." He smiled and turned to leave. When the door closed behind him, Veltri crossed to Balin's desk.

  "Sir, are you sure we can trust him?"

  Balin sank back in his chair and let out a long breath.

  "Not really. Normally I never would, but these are desperate times. I've known LaRouche for a long time. He won't betray us. He's only trying to survive and claims we're alike. To be honest, when I look at him, I see what I may be in a few years. We could easily turn out the same way."

  Balin grew silent contemplating the path he'd chosen and where it might lead him. Veltri saw the Admiral sinking into self-doubt, so cut off his musings.

  "No, Sir. We're not like him. There's a big difference. We're working for something greater than ourselves. There's a remnant of people here and back home loyal to the Realm, to the Elder, to freedom. We haven't abandoned them. We'll hold the line of hope. No, we're not like him, and we never will be."

  Rising from his seat, Balin smiled at Veltri.

  "You're right. By the stars you're right. We'll hold on, protect the loyal, keep the embers of the Realm alive, and be ready for the time we can go home again. I'm not sure when, I'm not sure how, but it will happen. The Elder won't abandon us, and He wouldn't have us abandon these people. Our isolation is both our strength and our weakness. It keeps us hidden, but also makes us too weak to make any real difference. So, we'll protect our people, and keep an eye out for anyone who the Ramillie or Salazar would want to get rid of and bring them here. We'll find others, organize, grow. The more the Ramillie oppress, the more the resistance will flourish. We'll keep the resistance fires burning until we're strong enough to push the Ramillie out of the Realm and back into The Cloud. One day the Charter will be restored, the Elder worshipped openly, and the banner of the Realm will fly once more over the Realm. I just hope I live long enough to see it."

  "You will, Admiral, and we're with you - to the bitter end."

  "Colonel, we're honor bound to protect the Realm from all enemies, foreign or domestic. If our end comes carrying out that sacred trust, then there will be nothing bitter about it."


  "The LORD is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." – II Peter 3:9

  Hopes fading and frustration growing, the group on Acatus continued their quest. They pressed on each day not knowing if they were searching for the hulk of the crashed Morningstar or only a small transmitter that survived the crash. Estimating they had traversed the distance the portable scanner indicated, they spent months canvassing the area without success. Unsure if the signal emanated from a forgotten city, downed ship or from something as small as a wayward personal beacon, they wandered in vain search. Aulani was the last to give up. For most of the twenty-two years of her life, she awaited rescue. With all the trails along the way, not to mention the prophecy, she was sure they would find the signal and be rescued. But the reality of the hopelessness of the situation could not be denied. Eventually, she relented, casting aside her dreams of escape. With hopes dashed and faith shattered, she and the others began the trip back to the Omaz village, broken-spirited and disillusioned.

  Cale made no end of emphasizing he had warned about the futility of the quest from the start. During the return trip, Alexander was in a daze and fought a losing battle with depression. Almost detached from the moment, he struggled to accept the finality of their situation. Throughout their time on Acatus he was sure he'd be able to get them back to the Realm. He thought it was his destiny, and when they met the Morningstar survivors, and they told of the prophecy of the one who would be their means of deliverance, he was surer than ever. But despite everything he tried, and as much as he had pushed himself and his people, he had failed. Eventually, they made it back to the village. That first night back, Alexander Lyons finally did what he had avoided for so long, what he was raised to do but had neglected; he called out to the Elder in prayer. Throughout the night he repented, he cried, he pleaded… and the Elder forgave him. Slowly, he came to grip with the reality of his future and so shifted focus from ruling a nation, to raising crops and spending the rest of his days on one of the jungle islands of Acatus V.


  The Regent's irate face filled Tulin's screen.

  "Tell me you've found them," Salazar bellowed.

  "Not exactly."

  "I can't believe this! You've been looking for them for more than a year now. I'm beginning to believe either your grossly incompetent or in league with The Remnant."

  "No, Regent."

  "THEN WHAT'S GOING ON? The fundamentalist Elderite movement is more widespread now than during the time of Darius. The Remnant keeps littering the cities with copies of the Charter and Codex, and the Dauntless keeps popping up all over the place embarrassing the entire Realm Province. Now you're telling me with everything at your disposal, you can't find where they're hiding!"

  "It won't be long, Regent."

  "Let me know the minute you learn something Tulin, and for your sake, it better be soon."

  Salazar cut the transmission before the Field Marshal had a chance to respond. Elbows on his desk, Salazar buried his face in his hands letting out a long breath.

  "Incompetence," he muttered.

  When a beep sounded on his console, he glanced over and saw the incoming message was from the Hegemony station. With a puff, he leaned back in his chair, tugged on his shirt to straighten it then hit the switch.

  "Yes, Administrator?"

  A similar conversation as the one with Tulin ensued, but this time Salazar was on the defensive end. Saqir explained that since The Remnant had expanded operations beyond the Realm Province, he was making it a Hegemony-level issue to find and eliminate the rabble. As Tulin found himself cut off by his superior, so did Salazar. After grumbling about Salazar's incompetence, Saqir contacted Admiral Qil'Donan, commander of the Ramillie's Black Nova battle group and charged him with eliminating the elusive irritants.

  "Do you think this Qil'Donan person will find them?" Vivica asked while walking over to Saqir.

  "Qil'Donan has served me well in the past," Saqir said as he took the thin-stemmed glass Vivica offered.

  "What if he can't?" she questioned while taking a seat on the arm of Saqir's oversized chair and crossing her legs. "That Balin guy has been running circles around not only Realm ships, but Ramillie ones too."

  "That is about to end, My Dear. Qil'Donan is ruthless and efficient. It won't take him long. If he finds them quick, I think I'll reward him with that position he wants at fleet command."

  "What if I told you I could find The Remnant first? What would that get me?"

  "You?" he chuckled questioningly while leering at her, which she enjoyed. "How would you find The Remnant?"

  "Simple, they'll take me to them."


  "You make a big show of having me arrested. Say it's on charges of being and Elderite or something. With my prominence, The Remnant is sure to send someone to bust me out, and they'll take me right to them. When they do, I'll send you the coordinates."

  "I like it, but if you try to bite me on this deal-"

  "Don't be silly, Saqir. Now, about my reward…" she said as she playfully ran a finger across his chest.

  "How does Lady Regent sound?"

  "Sounds like a lot of work to me, and the Realm's so limiting. The Hegemony has so much more to offer. I'm looking for something more along the lines of a grand title and lavish stipend. Besides, what about Salazar?"

  "He's becoming a problem," Saqir mused. "I need to secure a few items first, but as soon as that's done, he'll be… persuaded to step down."

  "And Mara?"

  "Oh, I think her T'lec treatments are about to be cut off. She won't be a problem for long."


  For nearly three years, Caedmon had eked out a solitary existence in the mountains on his homeworld of
Tishbia as the Realm slipped further into decadence and oppression. Once, Caedmon believed Darius was the long-awaited fulfillment of the promise made to King Jeramon in the Codex saying his descendent would usher in the new age for the glory of his god. But, eventually, Darius became his own god and put his desires above the Elder's will. With Alexander, there was renewed hope, but it too evaporated with news of the prince's assassination. Now, with Salazar on the throne, the Realm under Ramillie control and the signs of the end of the age at hand, Caedmon believed all he had ever labored for had come to naught. With the midday sun warming his face and sitting under the scraggy tree by his humble shelter, he prayed for his life's journey to end.

  "Oh Elder," he prayed, "take away my life, let me at last rest and be with thee in Paradise. I have been very zealous for thee, but the children of the Realm have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy voices and disciples. Now, I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life to take it away."

  But in a still small voice, the Elder said unto him, Do not despair. I have left me thousands - all the knees which have not bowed unto the servants of Roq-mordak. Go, return on thy way to the stars, and when thou comest to the place I will show thee, anoint the one who is to be king over the Realm.

  So Caedmon went to his simple, timeworn ship and took off for where he did not know. Guided by the Elder, he found himself approaching the most unlikely of places.


  "Admiral," came the nervous voice of the sensor operator in the operations control room of the Oosay prison, "we're detecting an unknown ship on approach."

  Far removed from trade routes, and with no habitable worlds in the system, there was no reason for ships to enter that remote area. Only the regularly scheduled mining freighters coming for tizanite ever visited. Concerned the location of their long-hidden base was discovered, Balin signaled the Dauntless to stand ready. Hidden on the far side of the planet, the battlecarrier was effectively shielded from the passive sensors of visiting craft.

  "Approaching vessel, this is approach control of the Oosay Detention Facility, identify yourself."

  Aware revealing his identity could be a death sentence, Caedmon nevertheless felt he was to end his time of hiding.

  "I am Caedmon of Tishbia, Faithful Voice of the Elder, and upholder of the Narrow Way."

  Balin looked doubtingly to Colonel Veltri who was at another of the room's control stations.

  "It's a trick," Veltri advised. "It's got to be. Caedmon is dead."

  Balin thought for a moment.

  "So we were told," Balin said. "Then again, whose word are we taking on that?"

  "The Ramillie," Veltri answered.

  Cleared to land in the expansive docking bay of the main asteroid where the mining freighters were housed, Caedmon's ship extended its landing gear and came to rest. As the hatch opened and stairs extended down, a hooded old man with a slender, metallic walking staff descended. Looking about the wide bay, Caedmon drew back his hood as Balin, and a security contingent approached.

  Welcoming the Faithful Voice, Balin asked how he knew where they were. Caedmon explained he was led by the Elder and was come to anoint the new king. Neither he nor Balin had any idea who that might be, and so Balin called for all of The Remnant's senior commanders to come before them. Each was a shining example of courage, dedication, and leadership and Caedmon was impressed by all of them.

  With each candidate the Elder said unto Caedmon, Look not on the outer countenance for I see not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but I looketh on the heart.

  Completing their review of the potentials, Balin and Caedmon were puzzled at no selection being made.

  "What do we do now?" Balin asked.

  "We wait upon the Elder. His ways are not our ways, and His timing is not ours."

  With quiet assurance, Caedmon took his place among The Remnant awaiting the one the Elder would reveal.


  "While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage." – II Peter 2:19

  The image portrayed images of angry protestors lining the streets and chanting anti-hegemony slogans as a convoy of hovertrucks transported former Realm citizens to detention facilities.

  "Switch it off!" bellowed Nathan Matthews, the Marquis of Estrada. His words echoed off the towering walls of the High Council chamber. The hologram projection in the center of the grand hall flickered then vanished.

  "Fellow members of the High Council, look what's become of us," began the square-jawed Marquis, who, though clearly passionate about the subject, maintained his courtly refinement. He stood as he spoke, but kept his position among the tiered levels of Councilors. "Our people are locked away for exercising freedoms that Realm citizens have always cherished: expression, assembly, speech. Things guaranteed to all citizens by the Realm Charter are now-"

  "May I remind you," Salazar interrupted angrily from the throne with its large circular back, "we are all Hegemony citizens now."

  "Realm or Hegemony, they're still our people, Regent," Matthews replied. "And the Ramillie have no right to arrest them."

  Several mumbles of agreement from other Councilors resounded in the hall.

  "They have every right!" Councilman Mill retorted. "We are now part of a greater community. The Ramillie helped us in our hour of need. They saved us from the Chinix, and kept us a free people."

  "Free people, Sir? Are you blind?" Nathan asked with a raised voice. "We've traded the supposed threat of the Chinix for the all-to-real chains of Ramillie oppression!"

  Several of the Councilors, agreeing with the sentiment, added their voices. This was countered by murmurs of those with the opposing view, and order quickly deteriorated.

  Lord Edric Canton didn't speak. He knew the junior Councilor was saying the things that he as the senior Councilor should say. They were things he wanted to say but didn't. Shrouded with guilt over his role in the assassinations, Chinix war, and Ramillie occupation, he knew he could not now come out and openly oppose the Hegemony. Though he lamented what the Realm had become, he knew to challenge the Regent, or the Ramillie was futile. However, not wishing to worsen the situation, he was unwilling to add his voice to support the current regime. Torn between duty, self-preservation, and keeping face, Edric held his peace in the heated debate.

  "SILENCE," Salazar finally demanded.

  With respect for Salazar's position, the Councilors quieted and took their seats. He glared at the Councilors knowing if he couldn't control them the Ramillie would.

  "It comes to this," he began sternly. "The rule of law must be respected. These… people are stirring dissent, inciting riots, and a myriad of other crimes."

  Outraged, the young Marquis could not hold his tongue.

  "Their only crime is calling the Ramillie what they are: intolerant, Elder-hating, dictators!" Impassioned, he turned and addressed all in the royal hall. "What is it you Councilors wish? What would you have? Is peace so sweet, or life so dear as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? The Elder forbid it! Shall we sit here-"

  "ANOTHER WORD AND I'LL HAVE YOU ARRESTED FOR TREASON," blared Salazar. "This Council is to facilitate order in the Realm Province. If you," he paused and turned his gaze from Nathan to the other Councilors, "all of you - if you want to keep your positions, your titles, or your holdings, then I suggest you fall in line and stop this talk. As part of the Council, you can't speak about the Hegemony as if it is them and us. You are in the government… you are them."

  "You're right about that," Nathan conceded. "And I will no longer be a party to it." With that, he reached for the heavy gold chain about his neck. The necklace, with a jewel-encrusted symbol of the Hegemony as its centerpiece, was a symbol of authority and membership on the Council. Letting it drop from his hand, Nathan's chain thudded to the desk; the thump was the sole sound in the massive room. He turned and began walking out
alone. As he reached the arched entryway, the sound of a second thump halted his progress. He looked back, locking eyes with the second Councilor who removed the chain. They exchanged nods with respect. Then, from across the room, the sound was repeated a third time followed by a fourth, a fifth… eventually, a third of the Councilors joined the move.

  Edric looked at the resolute young man who was willing to forsake everything for principle. How he wanted to join those leaving. He thought it fitting how the symbol of Hegemony power was a chain; his weighed on him more than ever. As Councilors passed by, he considered joining their ranks, but he had too much invested, too much to lose by walking away.

  Infuriated, Salazar shouted as the rebellious Councilors departed.



  Exhausted from yet another full day of commanding a woefully outnumbered force, Balin collapsed into his office chair. Though well-trained and experienced in military campaigns, he was unprepared for the demands of managing a refugee camp, especially one built among mining prison asteroids. Blowing out a long breath, he tried to release some tension. He reached for the drink on his desk and swigged a generous gulp.

  "Blah," he grumbled after tasting the now long-cold drink from that morning or was it from last night. Disgusted at the stale beverage, he pushed the mug away. But, desperate for an energy boost, he grimaced and picked up the cup. Quickly downing the contents, he hoped speed would lessen the taste… it didn't. A beep sounded at his desk.

  "Admiral, this is Lieutenant Colonel Ortiz. You need to turn on the news monitor right away."

  Curiosity piqued, Balin acknowledged the call then activated his computer.

  "This is an IBS special report. I'm standing in front of the royal palace on Theera where Regent Yorin has disbanded the High Council, which was serving as an advisory body for the Realm Province. This follows one day after the Marquis of Estrada and several other members were expelled from the Council for subversive actions. Hegemony officials inform us that investigations are on-going into what they label as 'suspicious bank deposits by foreign powers.' Formal charges of espionage are expected by the end of the week. Marquis Matthews was unavailable for comment but is hosting a rally for his supporters at the city's central plaza tomorrow. Security enforcer officials say they are keeping a close eye on the gathering."


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