The Taken Bride: A Medieval Romance

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The Taken Bride: A Medieval Romance Page 9

by McCormick, Kaley

  “Aye, I did not believe that you would be a man of your word. It appears that this distasteful part of negotiations is something that you can live with. I don’t think that I could be, so cavalier with my own sister’s life. It is not my place to question you. Let’s dispense with all of this and get down to business.” It was agreed upon over a lengthy discussion that I would remain his for two full years. They would agree that they would leave our town alone for 10 years. After that, negotiations would commence once more.

  “Sister, you better go, before I change my mind and fight this man to the death for your honor. I know that I would lose and I don’t even know how to hold a sword, let alone use it in the most effective way. Please, don’t make this any harder than it has to be.”

  The year was 1695 and I felt like we had turned a corner, but apparently we were still barbarians underneath the expensive clothing. My dress covered me from head to toe and I think that was actually more appealing to him than seeing what was underneath.

  “I promise that nothing will happen to your sister. I have made this agreement in good faith and with that comes the word of a Scottish highlander. That may not mean much to you, but it does to me and my brethren. Our honor is the only thing that we have that is worth a damn.” Patrick Mcdowell took my hand and I thought that he was going to hurt me, but he was gentle, as a lamb.

  He helped me onto his horse, but I think that he took a little bit of liberty in holding my ass in the palm of his hands. He had actually squeezed the cheeks, which made me blush two shades of red. I wanted to tell him that it was not appropriate to touch me like that, but it did feel good. He was uncivilized, barbaric, but there was something strangely erotic about the way that he looked at me.

  He climbed up behind me and I could feel something poking me in the back. As we road away, I glanced over my shoulder to see that my brother seemed to be smiling. I think that I might have been right. He wanted to get rid of me. When this came around, he did everything in his power to make it, so that the magistrate felt that this was the right decision for all parties.

  “I do hope that you like the place that you are going to be living for the next two years. I want this to be a second start for both your people and ours. I take no pleasure in killing and pillaging your land. It’s just who we are and we could not change our nature, even if we wanted to.” I felt his hands raising my dress. The rustle of the material was followed by the cool breeze on my naked backside.

  “I don’t know what you think that you’re doing, but this is no way to treat a lady. You should be ashamed of your… ahh…self.” I lost my train of thought, as his cock rubbed up against my ass in a very profound way. I liked the feel of his hot flesh and I was tempted to reach back and grab him, but I didn’t think that I could actually go through with it. “You need to stop…doing that.” It felt good and I felt a certain wetness on my skin that indicated his arousal. There was no doubt that he was excited and apparently he was happy to prove it.

  When I felt his manhood, I thought that I was imagining it, but the evidence was in the rock hard presence that was now touching me from behind.

  “What I’m doing, Lassie is laying claim to my possession. Your mine now for two years and I plan to make good use of that time. You have a beautiful body and I’ve always wanted to do it on a horse. You can’t tell me that you’re pure. The way that you are rubbing up against me tells me otherwise.” Despite my misgivings, I raised myself from the horse and let him stick in just the tip. I didn’t exactly let him do anything. He had taken what I did, as an open invitation.

  “I don’t want to…do this.” My words would have had more conviction, had I not moaned in between words. I was losing my breath and that knob was bigger than the rest of the shaft. “You should not be…treating me like this. I deserve…RESPECT.” I was trying to deny myself that pleasure, because I knew that it wasn’t right, no matter how much it felt that good.

  “What you deserve, lassie is a good Scottish fucking from a man that knows how to make a woman scream his name. What you deserve is a hard cock and the warrior that it’s attached to. Don’t forget that essentially you are mine and with that comes a responsibility to make me happy. Now, I suggest that you enjoy it, because this is going to happen.” He punctuated that point with a gentle jab of his hips. This of course buried half of his mighty long sword that had to be around 9 inches. He pierced my womanhood and I was glad that we were in the back of the pack.

  “You are barbaric, despicable and you should never have…any part of me.” I protested, but my body was betraying the words that I was speaking. “I will not take part…and if you insist on doing this…then you’ll do it without my permission.” I thought that might pull his horns in, but apparently it fed his desire for more

  That garish kilt had been raised over his cock and it gave him the freedom to attack me. It wasn’t like he was forcing me to do anything. I think that I could have stopped him, but I liked that he could be rough around the edges. He did not wait for permission. He took what he wanted. It made me feel overwhelmed and my body was now craving his touch. He reached around and manhandled the ladies. He squeezed them tightly, pinching the nipples through the fabric of my white dress.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you were a virgin. You are very tight, but I’m sure that I can stretch you open.” He was doing that and then some and then he made me lose my breath with that final lunge. He drove into my unsuspecting body with my lips quivering around his invading force. I was feeling completely full for the first time in my life. I don’t think that there was any room for more, as he had taken up all the space.

  “God damn it… I think I like it.” I did not mean to use the lord’s name in vain, but I couldn’t help it. He had awakened a depraved part of me that was now seeking his approval. I was pushing myself back on each stroke to get him into me even deeper. The horse was still riding at breakneck speed. I felt the wind in my hair and the feel of him pushing in and out of me with his hands curled around my waist to make sure that I didn’t get away. I would never consent to something like this, but to have it thrust upon me was another thing entirely.

  I heard the ripping of my dress and looked down to see that his fingernails had opened me up. My breasts were exposed and if his men were to turn at the precise moment, they would see a sight that would make them hot for me. They might stop and take turns with me, passing me around, until I was used up and of no use to anybody. Sadly, I hoped that they would do that. The idea of taking on more than one man had never occurred to me, until this precise moment.

  “Fuck me… Patrick.” He stopped all movement, leaning in and licking my ear lobe with the tip of his tongue.

  “Lassie, now you’re speaking my language. I knew that there was something more to you. I always can tell when a woman needs it. I think I knew from the moment that I saw you a few weeks ago that you were waiting for the right man. You needed somebody to grab you roughly and take you like a wild animal.” He was fucking me and I could feel every inch, as he sank deep and then pulled out, until the head remained. I could feel the rawness of my pussy caressing his shaft and pulling him into the deepest part of me.

  “You are deplorable and you should be ashamed of your…SELFFFFFFFF.” That orgasm snuck up on me and slapped me across the face. I felt his fingers at my mouth and I found myself opening to let him fuck my face with those two fingers. It felt like I was being fucked from both ends and that had never happened before. “I can’t stop… I can’t fucking stop.” The first orgasm led into two more in a row. I was pretty much a captive audience of one. I could not move and if I did, I would feel him against me.

  “I have to admit that I was having my doubts that this would work. I thought that I would have to convince you to lay down with dogs like me. It appears that your body is more than willing to accept a real man. I am not some aristocrat that is going to woo you into giving me a brief peek at your ankles. I want it all and I took a risk with making this
proposal. My brethren thought that I was out of my mind, but I made sure that your town was off limits, at least, until I made my claim for you.”

  He was breathing husky into my ear and his hot breath was only exasperating the situation. I’d already cum three times and it felt like my body was no longer my own. He was making me do things that were against my basic nature. It didn’t matter and the only thing that did matter was the pleasure that he was inflicting on me.

  “I want you to cum inside me… Patrick.” I couldn’t believe that I was actually saying those words. It was at that point he got a little bit more haphazard with his strokes. He was slamming up against me, having me bent at an angle with my dress now ripped asunder. I could feel him getting close to that moment of truth. His shaft was bigger and that long vein along the side was throbbing with a need to expel what was in his balls.

  “I don’t think that you are worthy of my seed… AAHHHHHH.” I did not fully grasp what he was saying, until he pulled free and began to shoot his load all over my dress. He made me feel dirty and I let him continue, until he finished with a tug at my ear with his teeth. He had not only destroyed the dress, but he had made it into something that would be considered dirty. I didn’t want it on me anymore, but it was the only thing that I had to hide my shame.

  “That’s never going to happen again. I’m too much of a lady to be used like a common whore.” After such a momentous experience, I reverted back to the privileged woman with the silver spoon stuck in my mouth.

  “I don’t think that you understand your place, Elizabeth. That is going to happen over and over again. It’s only when I feel that you’re worthy of my seed that I will give you the right to carry my child.” He slapped my face and the stinging blow caused me to look back at him with hatred in my eyes “I like that raw sexuality and believe me that part of yourself is going to come out more often than not. I see into your mind and I know that you hide your true wanton desire. I will reach into find that woman and I will drag her out into a light, as many times as it takes to finally make you see that you are mine.” His cock had not retracted and still half of him remained lodged within my body.

  I didn’t try to disengage and eventually he fell away from me and back under the tartan. I felt empty and god help me, but I wanted him again. I wanted to be used and abused and have my legs spread and my ankles high in the air. I wanted him to look up at me and know that he could have his way any time that he wanted to. He was callous, but he was someone that I could admire given the right incentives. It wasn’t just the size of his endowment, but it was also his strength of character that made him a fighting force.

  Chapter three

  We rode in silence. He had done what he could to hide my nakedness from the rest of his men. I think that he consciously pulled the fabric away every so often. It was only when he knew that one of them was watching and licking their lips with anticipation that he would give them that thrill. They were probably wondering if their commander was going to share the wealth.

  “We’ll be there shortly. Remember that you belong to me. If at some point that I want to add another man or even a woman into our bed, then I will do it. You will have no say and you will be playing the part that I give you.” I swallowed hard, thinking about the consequences of getting involved with a man like this. He had shown me a part of myself that had never existed, or at least I didn’t think that it did. I would never do something, as uncivilized, as doing it on a horse. It was a wonder that we didn’t fall to our deaths, but maybe the risk of certain injury was feeding him to continue on this course of action.

  “If you’re expecting me to cook for you and become your sexual plaything, then you’re going to be sadly mistaken.” He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

  “No woman of mine is going to speak to me like that. You will know your place.” He had said it with such venom that I almost believed him.

  “I’m sorry that you feel that way, Patrick. I certainly don’t want to get on your bad side, but I have to be who I am. The Kensington name holds a lot of weight and for you to think otherwise only makes you a fool. I’m surprised that you haven’t heard of us. That name is making waves all over the place and I’m sure that our name has been slipping from people’s lips.” I remembered with vivid clarity the way that he had fucked me on the horse. It felt like a lifetime ago and I had this aching need to feel him do it again.

  “I can say that I haven’t heard of your name, but for the most part our kind and your kind don’t mix. I think that you use your wealth to keep yourself fat and happy, while your people starve to death all around you. You probably don’t even know that it’s happening. You’re oblivious to anybody’s plight, but your own. Your brother is despicable. If I had a good mind, I would’ve killed him where he stood. For him to even consider giving you up for the safety of all the others only makes him look selfish and petty. I think you know that he has no love lost for you. You may think that blood is thicker than water, but I can assure you that his agenda does not match up with your own.”

  “The one thing that you don’t have to tell me is what my brother is all about. He has made it abundantly clear that he’s the one that wears the pants in the family. The only problem with that scenario is that he cannot give them the one thing that they require the most. Every time that he is with a woman, he cannot seal the deal with an heir to the family. I think that there might be something wrong with him. He sees me, as an obstacle to all the riches. I think eventually he would have tried to kill me, but then you came along and gave him the kind of plan that he was looking for.”

  I felt sore and my legs were chaffed something fierce. I didn’t care and my main desire was to get this done and back to my home in time to thwart any kind of evil plan that my brother might have in his head.

  “I was hoping that you might say that and I took the liberty of sending him a message that he will never forget. It’s a warning that he should keep his mouth shut and not do anything that will displease you. I had one of my warriors slice off his horse’s head and place it in his bed.” That actually made me happy and I started to giggle despite myself.

  “How will he know that it was a message from you?” I wasn’t appalled by his behavior and the idea that he had done that for me made me want to strike him and kiss him with a passion that he would never find with any other woman. “We need to make sure that he knows what that message means.”

  “Rest assured that there was a very detailed letter left behind in my writing to him. He will read it and he will know that I will be watching. If he does anything to make you angry, I will rain down destruction upon his home the likes he has never seen before. There will be no place that he can hide and no place that he can run.” I didn’t want to, but I actually reveled in the idea of seeing him and the expression on his face when he found not only the horse’s head, but the letter.

  “You really didn’t have to do that. You had everything you wanted and there was no need to go the extra mile. I guess I owe you, but I’m not sure exactly how you expect me to pay you back. I know that you want an heir and being a true warrior, you want my name in your blood line. Is that the reason why you picked me? Do you want my blood line to mix with yours?” It was a legitimate question. I saw the expression on his face, as I glanced over my shoulder to see that he wasn’t exactly happy by my insinuation.

  “My intention was strictly to meet the person behind the face. I saw sadness in your eyes. You hid it from everybody else, but I could see through you. I knew that you were struggling and that you were looking for a way out. You didn’t want the burden of your family to weigh you down. You wanted to go your own way and I’m giving that to you. It may not be in the way that you wanted, but your dreams can now be both of ours.” He wanted to share in the wealth of my knowledge and the wanted the comfort of my arms to slip around him at the end of the day. “You will have my baby and I will get land in return from my people.”

  I saw the village and the people were o
ut doing their daily chores. There was some kind of market and I could smell these different kinds of meats wafting in the air. He rode by and used his sword to stab him a thing of mutton. Savagely, he tore into it with his hands and his teeth. He moved it towards me and I felt a little like a barbarian. I took one bite and I thought that I would hate it, but I found myself relishing using my own hands, as the only form of utensils.

  I was getting back to the basics of where I came from. My people were, as ungodly as theirs were at one time. We had evolved into a civilized society. People would argue that point, but England was where I felt the most at home. This land was something that I would have to get used to.

  “I have returned, as a free man. The one thing that we all have in common is our freedom. We will never give it up and if anybody tries to take it from us, they’ll find out in a hurry that we will fight to our last breath to keep it. I’ve brought with me a trophy, a woman of virtue and aristocratic wealth. I plan to bed her down and have my way with her, until I am planting my seed and the flag of Scotland.” His words were met with a flourish of applause. Those warriors that he led every single day were raising their swords into the air, as a sign of fidelity and loyalty. “I’m going to return to my home and I do not want to be disturbed for the rest of the evening.” There were giggles from the girls and I could tell that they knew exactly what I was in for.

  “I’m sorry, but I think this might be a bad idea. Maybe, it would be best that you take me home.”

  “She is home and the sooner that she accepts that the better off she will be. She speaks to me in forked tongue and I will have to cure her of that ailment.” The one thing I did notice was that the Scottish men wore their kilts with pride. There were a variety of colors, but I think that was only to differentiate themselves from the rest of the clan.

  “This is a little overwhelming.” For the first time in my life, I did not have the backing of the crowd. I didn’t have people stepping out of my way in a sign of respect. My confidence had waned and I shied away from those people in hopes that they would not recognize that I was there.


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