Scars & Bars: The story of Renegade (The Devils Apostles MC Book 4)

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Scars & Bars: The story of Renegade (The Devils Apostles MC Book 4) Page 5

by Annie Buff

  Smoke smiled to himself as Ajax and Red slid out the back door, he knew they would deal with anyone outside. Raul would never show with just two guards.

  “Smoke McAllister, we need to talk.” Raul said from thirty odd feet away. Smoke gave a small nod and met him half way. He kept himself between Raul and Reagan.

  Ren saw the terror on her face, she knew her brother was bad news but Ren was just as bad if he had to be. Reagan would be protected at all costs. They had already discussed her talking it over with her brother, and she had agreed; but none thought tonight would be the night.

  “Doll, remember our talk? I am always here for you, you’re mine and I will do whatever is necessary to protect what we have.” She knew that, but Raul still frightened her.

  Smoke sat across from the young Jefé, waiting to see what he had to say. He knew whatever Raul spouted would be utter shit, but as the leader of his club he had to listen.

  “Where is my sister? She does not belong with you and I want her back. I will level this place if I must Amigo. I have men waiting outside.”

  About that time the popping sounds started. It was six shots in quick

  succession, Smoke just grinned. He knew the men outside were no more. Raul did too by the look of shock on his face.

  “You were saying what?” Smoke asked, still grinning. “Pretty sure those were gunshots, so I’d say whoever was out there probably needs medical help. Or the Coroner, so let’s not play games Raul. Reagan is very happy with us, Renegade loves her. So what’s your problem?”

  Raul was seething, he knew Smoke wasn’t joking about the Coroner and that pissed him off. Those six had been his best, and he planned on telling the MC President just that and a few other things.

  “Reagan is a Paulo, I don’t care what her last name is and she willnot be some trophy for your Renegade. Nor will she be passed around like a piece of meat. She needs to get her purse and walk out this door with me, if you refuse there will be hell to pay.”

  Smoke looked over his shoulder to Ren, he knew this was Reagan’s time. Reagan Caswell strolled towards her brother, scared to death but she didn’t let it show. She also wasn’t letting the throbbing pain in her leg slow her down. Reagan had to do this. She had no intention of going anywhere with him. All of her belongings had been moved from her apartment to the clubhouse, including her cat.

  “What do you want Raul? Why can’t you just stay out of my life? Why?” “ Reagan, it is my job to know what you are doing and who you are doing it with. You need a respectful man, not a biker. Now let us go and I will forgive this indiscretion.”

  She was about to start a war, Reagan wasn’t going anywhere. “No,” she told him folding her arms over her chest, and it felt good. This was the first time she had ever stood up to her brother. “I’m not leaving Wyatt or the Devil’s. This is where I belong so you can either deal with it or not.” She was feeling pretty damn good right about then. Having Smoke and Renegade behind her helped.

  The young Jefé was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, no one defied him; especially not a woman. It mattered not that she was his sister, women had a place. Raul was one of those chauvinistic men who thought if she wasn’t in the kitchen cooking she should be in his bed. With Reagan, she should be tending to a man; one he had chosen for her. Not laying with a biker.

  “Do not test me , mi Hermana, you will not like the results. I have found a suitable husband for you, he is waiting so get whatever you have and we shall leave.”

  That was never going to happen, Hell would freeze over first. Reagan leaned across the table and looked straight into her brother’s eyes. Her voice was no more than a whisper. “Fuck you Raul, I’m staying. And trust me, if you keep this up,

  you won’t like the results. Go, take your goon squad and leave; I’m done.” And with that Reagan walked away with her head held high, laughing internally that she actually did it. She told her brother to fuck off and it felt better than she ever

  imagined it would.

  Raul didn’t move, he thought she was bluffing but when she stood and walked away it hit him. Reagan wasn’t bluffing, she really was staying with Renegade. He had to kill something, someone, anything to curb his anger.

  “So how we gonna play this Raul?” Smoke asked. “You really want a war? I’m prepared for one but this doesn’t have to go that way. Let them be happy. Don’t you want her happy, man?”

  Raul finally looked at Smoke, still in utter disbelief from what just occurred. “She will return home, I do not care how this has to happen. One way or another mi Hermana is leaving. So ready your army amigo, war is coming.”

  As Raul walked away Smoke knew what was coming but for Renegade, he would go the distance. “Bring it on Jefé.” He said even knowing the bar was too loud for his voice to be heard. It was true, for his friends he would fight tooth and nail.

  Business As Usual

  Smoke sat for two days, thinking on the events at Handlebars before he called Church. Things needed to be discussed and the club still had to bring in some revenue. He stood in his usual spot, at the head of the table. To his left was his Vise, and on his right was Peyton. She hadn’t missed Church since the first time Smoke brought her in. He might be the President of the club but in his mind, he shared that duty with his wife. The brothers felt the same way. Queen Peyton was every bit as important to the club as Smoke.

  “ Okay men, we all know what

  happened at Handlebars. I might have really fucked us, but I couldn’t just let him take her.” Smoke looked to his VP, knowing how bad Renegade would have lost it had Raul taken Reagan. “Reagan belongs to Renegade, which means she belongs to us and that means we fight for her. Anyone have anything to say, now would be the time.”

  Not one of them made a sound, just the head nods as confirmation that everyone was in agreement. Smoke made the right call and not one brother was willing to walk away from this fight; there was too much at stake.

  “Even with this bullshit going on we gotta make money, we’ve got some business in El Centro. It’s not a delivery this time, a pick up. I need five, three on bikes and two in my truck.”

  Renegade knew he was leading this one whether he liked it or not. Leaving Reagan was the last thing he wanted to do, but he knew Smoke wanted him in charge of this.

  Ajax, Pretty Boy, Jace and Krispy volunteered to go, the Prospect hadn’t been on business yet and Smoke wanted to see how he would handle it.

  Considering they were picking up a truckload of military grade explosives and several pounds of marijuana.

  “What’s the prize boss? Curious to know what we’re bringing home.” Smoke was waiting for this question and he had the perfect answer. “Party favors Prospect.”

  Smoke had buyers for both, but he planned on keeping some of the green for himself. A little smoke was the only thing he allowed himself anymore, but with the chaos of Raul he definitely needed the medication. Smoke was already on edge normally, this just iced the cake. He hadn’t thought about keeping any until his wife informed him he was wound so tight she was waiting for him to snap.

  Peyton was abnormally silent through most of the talks, she was thinking. Smoke had mentioned she take Reagan and the children to the cabin but that wasn’t sitting well with her.

  “Nero, I know we talked about sending the women and children to the cabin but I think that’s a bad idea.” Smoke cocked a brow and gave her a nod to continue.

  “It’ s just that Raul knows about it and he’s been up there when you guys were hunting Trevor. Remember? I think that’s the first place he would look for her. You know he doesn’t value women like the Devil’s do.” Peyton had thought long and hard about this, she knew she was right. Smoke did too.

  After Church Smoke found Renegade. He didn’t want him to worry about Reagan while they were gone. “VP, got a minute?” Smoke knew he wouldn’t refuse time with the President. “You don’t have to go man, I can get Slinger to lead this one. It’s not a big deal, your choice Ren.” />
  He knew Smoke wa sn’t going to force him, but after contemplating during Temple it was an easy decision. “I could use the ride boss, time to clear my head and get my shit in order. She’ll be okay here. The Queen has already made plans. Reagan has you, Bones, Slinger and the women. We’re good man, I just want tonight with her. We can leave tomorrow afternoon, right?” Smoke nodded, he would set up the pickup time and hope everything went according to plan.

  Renegade spent the next twenty-four hours alone with Reagan. They made love for hours and Ren finally opened up about himself. It was time she knew, they were going to be together forever. He knew one day soon he would put a diamond on her finger and they needed no secrets

  between them. He told her about Sherry and Raul.

  “Wyatt are you kidding me?” She asked him as she lay on his shoulder in bed. “Wish I was Doll, but it happened. I’m guessing your brother thinks being with you is my revenge. Number one, that’s not my style, and number two I had no idea you were related.” He could see the wheels turning in her head, knowing she was wondering.

  “Doll I watched you for damn near a year, I spent all my down time in that bar just hoping to see you. Please don’t ever think I wanted to use you to get back at your asshole brother.” Renegade rolled so he was looking down on her. Nothing he had ever done in his miserable life had ever been as perfect as Reagan. She needed to understand just how he felt.

  “Reagan Caswell, I love you. I think I have for a year and all I want to do is be whatever you need me to. You’re

  everything good in my world and I swear I’ll do my best not to fuck this up.”

  The next afternoon five were on interstate eight heading West towards their destination. The California border wasn’t far, about four hours and another two for El Centro. It was a shitty town but they did business with a few that resided there so the trip was necessary.

  As Renegade drove the truck, Krispy kept him company. This was really the first time they had spent any span of time alone together. Ren was learning that the young Patch had an exorbitant amount of guilt over his Sponsor, Knuckles.

  Renegade had finished the traitor off. He didn’t realize his club mate carried the guilt of not seeing what was happening before it got out of control. “Listen Krispy, Smoke doesn’t blame you at all so don’t blame yourself. Knuckles wanted

  something he wasn’t made for, not everyone is cut out to be the Prez of a club. Smoke is a good President, no matter what that asshole thought. None of that is your fault, you get me?”

  He did get him, but Krispy held himself responsible for not recognizing what was happening until it was too late. The rest of the drive was filled with small talk about Krispy getting his trailer behind the clubhouse.

  “ Man, you have no idea how amped up I am to get the fuck out of Motel Hell. When the Queen told me what she had done I was in tears. Ain’t nobody ever done anything like that for me in my whole life. I was on my own from the time I was twelve, sleeping wherever I could. I never had a family, even when I first Prospected it didn’t feel like one. Peyton made us a family, someday I hope I can find a woman like her.”

  Renegade understood everything the younger brother was a saying. The Queen had a way of bringing people together.

  The pickup went smooth, just as Smoke said it would. This was a new contact but it came from a long-standing business associate. After some

  investigation by Wisha and her P.I. firm, Smoke agreed to a meet. From there the small transactions started until he felt comfortable enough to step it up.

  The road home was a little lonely. Krispy was driving the van full of cargo they had picked up, so Ren was alone in the truck. His mind drifted to Reagan, wondering what she would look like pregnant. He knew that was a long way off but he wondered just the same. One day she would bear a child for him. That was a given, but there were things that had to happen first.

  It was after midnight on the desert interstate, the full moon lighting a pathway for the five when it happened. The van was broadsided by a full-sized pickup that appeared out of nowhere. It caused the van to spin out of control and crash into the brush. Renegade slammed on the brakes to avoid being an addition to the accident and had to dodge the bullets that had started to fly.

  The three on bikes scattered, looking for cover. Renegade used Smoke’s truck as a shield and returned fire. Bullets were coming from every direction and in the dark, none of them could see who or where the shooters were.

  Krispy hadn’t come out of the van, which worried them all. He was the youngest of them and Renegade knew if he got killed the Queen would murder them.

  He stayed crouched behind the truck, letting his brothers fire while he figured out how to get to the van. It wasn’t more than fifty yards but while being shot at, ten feet would have been almost

  impossible. Ren listened and counted shots, after the tenth one he ran. He was just inches from the van when he felt the heat in his rib cage. He knew he had been shot but it didn’t matter now, his brother mattered and Renegade had to get to him.

  Krispy was unconscious, his head leaning on the steering wheel and he was bleeding heavily. Some of the blood was from the head wound he had sustained during the crash. The rest was from his chest area; two gunshots.

  Ren pulled him out and gingerly laid him on the desert floor, figuring he would be safer there. “You can’t die, the Queen will kill you!” Ren exclaimed as he started firing again and yelling to his brothers.

  “ Jace! Hey Law Man, Smoke needs to be called like now and my phone is MIA.” They were only an hour from home and with the attack, Smoke would be there in thirty. He just had to keep himself and his brothers alive, including Krispy. The most important thing was his injured club mate.

  Ren had taken a bullet, but it missed his ribs and hit closer to his hip. The burn was a familiar sensation, one he could do without but one he knew well. At the very moment he didn’t care about his injury, he just cared about his brother.

  Within ten minutes the truck sped off and the bullets stopped. The only light was from the moon and they were still trying their best to slow Krispy’s bleeding. Jace stepped away looking around and Ren figured he had gone into cop mode. So, imagine the shock when Jace lit the signal fire.

  “Smoke will find us easier and Krispy needs to stay as warm as possible. Nights are chilly and that boy is gonna die if something doesn’t happen quick.” Even though that wasn’t anything any of them wanted to hear, it was the truth.

  Ren fumbled through the truck until he found the first aid kit. His wound was a through and through, so two tampons would slow the bleeding way down. At least enough to get home and have Bones do it right. Ajax pulled off his shirt and used it on Krispy to sop up blood and apply pressure at the same time. Jace was right, the young man was dying right in front of them; they had to do something.

  The four moved Krispy as gently as they could, to warm him by the fire. He was visibly shivering and Jace knew he was in shock. He would do everything he knew how to do to keep him alive. He just hoped Smoke understood the severity of the situation.

  Saving The Junior

  Smoke arrived in record time, he was on his bike and probably did close to one hundred miles an hour the whole way. Bones and Slinger were not long behind him with the truck. Bones had put a topper on it recently and was silently thanking his wife for being so persistent about it. She had suggested a camper topper just to have more room for the babies’ belongings when they traveled. Now he would be using it as a makeshift ambulance.

  Bones knelt next to Krispy, assessing his injuries and shaking his head. The doctor knew just how bad this was. He listened to his patient struggling to breathe. “I need to be in the back with him, he’s bad Smoke. I think his lung is full of blood, I need to do surgery as fast as possible. He’s dying man, we need to move and move now!”

  That’s when Smoke noticed Renegade wince, making him aware Krispy wasn’t the only injury. “Fuck Ren! When were you gonna mention you took
one too?

  Prospect, help me load my bike. Renegade was shot too and he ain’t driving.”

  It wasn’t that being shot was out of the ordinary for him, he just knew his was minor in comparison to his brother. Ren had a scrape, Krispy was on the verge of dying. That trumped the fire in his side, so he figured when they got back he would deal with it.

  Jace pulled the ramp out of the back of the old pickup and helped Smoke push the bike up and strap it down. Bones had already taken off towards the clubhouse with Slinger driving. Their patient was critical so Smoke ordered them to go, he would catch up. “I gotta get Renegade back, Prospect can you wait for the tow?”

  Jace nodded, he knew his President wasn’t really asking. With Smoke, his asking was the polite way of saying do it or I’ll kick your ass. Ajax opted to stay behind too, not trusting that the shooters were gone.

  Jace watched the taillights disappear into the night and went to work. The cop in him would never fade, it was just as much a part of him as breathing. He pulled out a flashlight and his phone, Jace wanted pictures of the tire treads and anything else that stood out. He wasn’t overly concerned about looking for slugs. Krispy had two lodged in his chest and he would get from Bones.

  Ajax watched as the Prospect scoured the scene with complete precision. He was impressive to say the least. The cleaner had never seen anyone so determined. “Anything I can do to help?”

  Jace looked around thinking. “Yeah, can you measure the skid marks? I’m trying to figure out where the shooters were.”

  As Jace and Ajax worked the scene, Bones prepared for the surgery of his life. Krispy was only twenty-four, he had just begun to live. Bones would be damned if he had this young man die on his table. Peyton was there like usual but this time he had enlisted Wisha too. He would need all the help he could get.


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