Mended Hearts

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Mended Hearts Page 8

by Sarah Markel

  Kelly leaned forward and placed her hand on Alex's knee as the other woman tried to compose herself. “Alex, it's alright to cry. Callie was the other half of you. It's alright to mourn her loss, no matter how long it has been. If you need to cry, do so. Cry for what you once had, cry for what the kids have lost, cry for the happy memories you keep locked in your heart. I will never judge you for missing the woman who gave you everything, I think it's beautiful, and I would be more likely to judge if you didn't mourn her death.” At Kelly's words, Alex's tears burst forth and she broke down in sobs. Going to her, Kelly wrapped her arms around Alex, and held her to her breast. “Shhh, honey, let it out.” She soothed as she rocked back and forth. Several moments later, Alex wiped her eyes and smiled at Kelly. “Thank you, Kelly. I guess not enough sleep turns me into an emotional wreck. Which surprises me, because I've gone without sleep plenty of times and never broken down like that.” Looking into Kelly's eyes, she winked. “Maybe it's just you.” She said, rubbing Kelly's hip and chuckling. “Come on, I'll make you breakfast.” Alex said, standing and leading her into the kitchen by the hand.

  Chapter 19

  Alex watched with a contented smile as Kelly finished her breakfast. “So it was good, I take it?” she asked. Blushing, Kelly nodded "Mmhmm. You can cook for me any day.” She said through the last bite of food. Gathering the empty plates, Alex set about loading the dishwasher. She had spent the better part of an hour making Kelly her specialty, Eggs Benedict with cranberry crepes. One thing that Alex prided herself on was her culinary abilities. She had spent many years perfecting her techniques, and Callie had been her willing guinea pig through it all. “I'd be happy to,” she said, retaking her seat and sipping her coffee, “Do you have any plans for the day?” Excited for the chance to spend more time with Alex, Kelly shook her head. “No, I was just going to lounge about my place, watch some movies, maybe order some take out. How about you? Any adventures with the kidlets on the agenda today?” Alex chuckled, “Nope, no adventures. I called Angie this morning before I went outside and she told me that the kids wanted to stay another night. So I am all by myself until tomorrow.” Reaching across the table, she took Kelly's hand. “Want to lounge about here and watch some movies? I will even cook you a dinner that will knock your socks off.” She added with a wink. Kelly laughed and pretended to be deep in thought. “Do I have to do manual labor or get to use power tools? Because if so, I am afraid I won't be much help.” She replied with a smile. Alex snorted into her coffee cup and shook her head. “Well, my dear, I think it's about time you learned how to use some power tools. Come on, I'll get you some clothes and you can help me.” Taking Kelly by the hand, Alex led her upstairs to the bedroom.

  Digging in her closet, Alex came up with an old pair of carpenter shorts and a tee shirt. Handing them over, she said "Here, put these on and meet me out back. Your first cliché lesson starts in five minutes.” Leaving Kelly to change, Alex headed back outside to get set up. When Kelly came back outside, Alex took a moment to give her a once over. Taking in the way the outfit complimented her figure, Alex made a turning motion with her finger, making Kelly scoff. Obliging, she turned in a circle. Alex chuckled, “Take off your heels. You're going to hurt yourself in those.” Once her shoes were removed, Kelly moved next to Alex. “So, what are we doing today, Professor?” Alex snorted and led her over to the sawhorses and 2X4s that she had set up. “First is a skill saw. I'll show you how to make a cut, then let you do it yourself.” She explained. After giving Kelly the proper safety gear and showing her what to do, Alex handed the saw over. “Make sure you keep your hand out of the way, but keep a tight grip on the wood. You don't want the wood to move on you or it will throw off your cut.” Stepping aside, she let Kelly take her turn. Once ready, she depressed the trigger and let out a shriek as her cut was made perfectly. Thrilled with herself, she threw her arms around Alex. “That was fun!” She exclaimed. “What's next? I'm ready.” Alex smiled, enjoying Kelly's enthusiasm.

  Wrapping her arms around Kelly's waist, Alex turned her so they were face to face. Staring quietly, Alex searched her eyes for any sign of hesitation. Not finding any, she leaned down and laid her lips gently on Kelly's. When Kelly returned the kiss immediately, Alex pulled her closer. As the kiss deepened, Alex groaned against Kelly's lips. When the women parted, Alex rested her forehead against Kelly's. “Man, I could do that all day.” She breathed. “Well, that wouldn't be a very productive way to spend the day, now would it?” Kelly joked. Chuckling, Alex led her back into the house. “I think that's enough power tools for today. Watching you get all handy is making it hard for me to behave myself.” Alex admitted, sitting on the couch and pulling Kelly down to sit on her lap. Wrapping her arms around the woman, Alex rested her chin on Kelly's shoulder. “So, what do you want to do now?” She whispered in Kelly's ear, sending chills all the way down to Kelly's groin. Shivering, she responded, “Honestly, I kind of want to go to my house and change into my own clothes. Then maybe we can go to lunch and see a matinee?” Considering for a moment, Alex agreed. “Alright, let me get showered and dressed, then I will take you home so you can do the same.” Nodding, Kelly scooted off Alex's lap. Leaving Kelly to relax on the couch, Alex headed up to get cleaned up.

  After taking a quick shower and changing into a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, she went back downstairs to find Kelly looking at the pictures on the wall above the couch. Watching her, Alex noticed the look of confusion on her face. Curious, Alex went over by her side. “What's wrong?” She asked. Kelly jumped slightly and blushed " I was just wondering who the other babies are?” She replied, indicating the photos on the wall. The photos had been arranged chronologically, with a red headed baby aging up to about 5 years along the top, ending with a photo of a girl who resembled Dej. Underneath was another row of pictures with another red headed baby, ending in a photo she recognized as Dej. The next row followed the same pattern, but with a dark haired child. The end photo in that row was of a little girl who looked more like Zane. The bottom row followed the same pattern, ending with a little boy sporting a perfectly cut Mohawk. Alex smiled and put her arm around Kelly's waist, resting her hand on the side of the woman's hip. “The top row is me. The first one is my hospital photo, then on my birthday each year until I was five. The other rows are the same, except the second row is Dej, the third row is Callie, and the bottom row is Zane.” Kelly smiled and put her hand on Alex's back. “That's a great decorating idea.” She said. Alex pulled her close, then turned her around towards the door. “Come on, let's get you home and naked. I mean wet. I mean showered and dressed. Yeah, that's it, showered and dressed.” She joked, making Kelly laugh.

  Chapter 20

  "That movie was terrible.” Alex said as they left the theater a few hours later. The two women had gone to a sandwich shop for lunch, then stopped to see a mid-day matinee. “Yeah it was, I expected so much better.” Kelly agreed. As they headed for the parking garage hand in hand, Alex asked, “Well what do you want to do now? We've got hours until dinner time, and unless you want to help me paint, there isn't much to do at my place.” Kelly took a moment to consider her choices, and was just about to answer, when Lily's white mustang screeched to a stop in front of them.

  Climbing out of the car, Lily screamed at Kelly, “Is THIS who you are seeing behind my back? Since when did you go for the butch girls?” Stepping between the women to shield Kelly, Alex spoke up. “Back up. She doesn’t have to answer to you. You aren't supposed to be within five hundred feet of her, so either go away, or I will call the police.” Lily sneered at Alex, “Go ahead and call them. I'm not scared of some pig. You better back off my woman before you get hurt.” Alex felt the anger flare before she could stop it. Grabbing Lily by the shirt, she dragged the woman up so they were face to face. Leaning close, Alex growled "Threaten me again and you will wake up to apologize. You might not be afraid of the cops, but I am not afraid of YOU. Stay the fuck away from Kelly. She isn't YOUR woman anymore. She's MINE, and if
you don't like it, then you better deal with that shit. I see you near my business or my woman again and I will make sure you are never found."

  Seeing fear for the first time in Lily's eyes, Alex let her go. As Lily ran back to her car, Alex put her arm around Kelly's waist. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things, but she pissed me off.” Turning to see Kelly's reaction, she was surprised when Kelly pulled her into a toe curling, soul searing kiss. When Kelly pulled away, Alex gawked at her "Wow, what was that for?” Reaching for Alex's hand, Kelly explained, “Never, and I mean not once in my whole life, has someone come to my defense like that. I felt I was lucky if my dates even bothered to warn me of on-coming traffic. But that. That was something I never thought would happen to me. Thank you, Alex. I mean that with every fiber of my being.” Alex smiled, a strange feeling of pride rearing its head, and pressed her lips quickly to Kelly's. “Well, it's about time someone did. You deserve to be treated like a lady, not like property.” Kelly smirked, “A lady, huh? Does that mean I have to be polite and not swear and curtsey and all that other crap?” Alex tipped her head back and laughed. “I'm afraid so, my dear. Oh! And you will also have to start wearing petticoats and bonnets.” Laughing at the glare and playful smack she got from Kelly, Alex decided they should be on their way before she found herself in the dog house.

  Opening the SUV's door for Kelly, Alex smacked her playfully on the butt and ran for her own door before Kelly could smack her back. The two women spent the next few hours driving around town and walking through the city parks. While returning, hand in hand, to the car, Alex laughed when Kelly's stomach began to grumble. “Well, I guess I should take you home for that dinner I promised you. I'm afraid if I don't feed it soon, the gremlin in your stomach might take over.” Blushing, Kelly laughed, “Yeah it gets dangerous when it's not fed.” Alex nodded somberly, “I know how that is. Have you ever told a hungry pre-teen that he has to wait for food? I still have nightmares.” It was Kelly's turn to snort as the two women headed for the nearest grocery store. Once they had their purchases, they headed back to Alex's house.

  After unloading the groceries, Kelly sat at the kitchen island to watch Alex work. “Are you sure I can't help you with anything?” She asked for the millionth time. “Nope, I got it. I said I would cook for you, not we can cook together. You can sit and watch if you want, I won't turn away your company, but I got this.” Alex replied with a smile. Kelly sat where she was and looked on as Alex prepared their dinner. She watched with interest as Alex chopped onions, carrots, bell peppers, mushrooms, and zucchini. After tossing the vegetables into a sauté pan with some rosemary, garlic, thyme, butter, and fingerling potatoes, Alex started on the steaks. After seasoning each steak with salt, pepper, and paprika, she set them aside to rest and turned back to the vegetables on the stove. Once they were slightly browned, Alex added broccoli and cauliflower florets and spread the concoction on a baking sheet which she then placed in the oven. After taking a few moments to clean up her space, she returned to the steaks. Kelly watched eagerly as Alex placed the meat on a griddle. Listening to the sound of the steaks searing, Kelly's mouth began to water as Alex splashed some Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice over the top of each steak. When the aromatic fragrance of the vegetables began to make her stomach growl, Alex pulled them out of the oven.

  Kelly watched happily as Alex placed a steak and a generous portion of vegetables on each plate. “Would you grab the wine and bring it out?” Alex asked as she carried both plates outside. Obligingly, Kelly did as asked and followed Alex. When she saw that Alex was heading for the gazebo, Kelly wondered why she wanted to eat all the way out there. Shrugging, she joined Alex at the gazebo. “Oh wow!” Kelly exclaimed as Alex hit a switch inside the gazebo. Kelly looked around in amazement as a dozen little butterfly shaped lights in different colors sprang to life around the inside. Setting their plates on the table set against the fence, Alex pressed a button on a small remote. Slow, relaxing instrumental music drifted from four small speakers hidden around the ceiling of the gazebo. “Alex, this is beautiful.” Kelly said breathlessly. Blushing, Alex smiled "You like it then?” Nodding, Kelly squeezed Alex's arm. Delighted, Alex pulled out a chair for Kelly and took her seat. The two women enjoyed their meal in contented silence, and when they were finished, Alex stood. Holding her hand out to Kelly, Alex asked "May I have this dance?” Taking Alex's hand, Kelly blushed. This woman is so full of surprises! She thought to herself. She happily let Alex lead her around the small space of the gazebo floor as Mary Lambert's She Keeps Me Warm played softly above them.

  Chapter 21

  Once the dishes had been done and the two had decided on a movie, Kelly sat on the sofa as Alex set everything up. After she finished, Alex sat next to Kelly and put her arm around the woman's shoulder. “Thank you for today. This is honestly the happiest I have been in a long time.” Looking into Alex's eyes, Kelly leaned over and kissed her softly. “No, thank YOU for today. This has been the best day I've had for as long as I can remember.” Smiling, Kelly allowed Alex to readjust them so that Kelly sat between Alex's legs with her back against the other woman's chest. As the movie played, the two women relaxed against each other, Alex rubbing slow circles on Kelly's abdomen, and Kelly absently caressing Alex's thigh.

  Once the movie had finished, Alex asked, “Do you want to watch another one? It's still pretty early.” Kelly shook her head, “No, I kind of just want to stay like this for a while.” Content to do the same, Alex smiled to herself. I think she could be good for me, Alex thought as she continued to lightly massage Kelly's belly. As the minutes drew on, Alex felt a sudden, strong pull in her abdomen. Groaning softly, it took a moment for her to realize that Kelly had moved her caresses further up her thigh. Looking down, Alex met Kelly's gaze and held it. She's making a move! Alex realized. Unsure of how to proceed, Alex smiled. She didn't want to push things too fast, but she also didn't want Kelly to think she was just trying to get laid. “Are you sure you want to be doing that, my dear?” She asked Kelly softly. Kelly closed her teeth over her bottom lip and nodded, keeping eye contact with Alex. Seeing Kelly bite her lip sent Alex's libido thrumming. Pulling herself up into a more upright position, she urged Kelly to do the same. With Kelly laying on her chest, Alex closed the distance and pressed her lips gently to Kelly's. Deepening the kiss, Kelly groaned against Alex's lips. Hearing the sound, Alex's libido went into overdrive.

  Determined not to break the kiss, Alex urged Kelly up to straddle her lap. Complying with Alex's unspoken request, Kelly lifted her hips and sat with her legs on either side of Alex's. Pressing her hips forward against Alex's abdomen, Kelly cupped the other woman's face and urged her lips apart with her tongue. Alex parted her lips, allowing her entrance, and slid her hands under Kelly's shirt and up her back. As the two women continued their passionate embrace, Alex slid Kelly's shirt up and over her head. Once the shirt was off, Alex leaned back and said breathlessly, “Damn, you're beautiful.” Resisting the urge to claim Kelly's lips once again, Alex instead ran her fingers softly over her lover's skin. Tracing the lines of Kelly's collarbone and the swells of her breasts. Taking her time with her exploration, Alex let her fingers trail down between Kelly's ample bosoms and make their way to just above the waistband of her jeans. Instead of trying to remove the pants, Alex suddenly stopped. Gazing into eyes gone cobalt with passion, Alex tilted her head towards the stairs. Nodding wordlessly, Kelly stood and pulled Alex up, dragging the woman behind her as she made her way quickly up the stairs.

  Once inside the bedroom, Kelly turned, pinning Alex against the wall and kissed her hard. Pulling back, Alex held Kelly by the waist, “Whoa, slow down. We have all night, there's no need to rush.” Blushing, Kelly apologized "Sorry. I just can't seem to control my urges tonight. I'm used to being the aggressor during sex and I didn't think.” Smiling, Alex leaned close and whispered, “I may have been femme before, but I have never been a sub.” It was Kelly's turn to pull back. Searching Alex's eyes for any sign
that she was joking, Kelly said with a smirk, “Well now, aren't you full of surprises?” Chuckling, Alex guided Kelly backwards towards the bed. Standing in front of Kelly, she dipped her head to nibble on the other woman's ear. “Don't worry, I won't disappoint you.” She breathed, causing Kelly to shiver. Letting out a slight moan, Kelly tilted her head to give Alex access. As Alex trailed feather soft kisses along Kelly's jawline, she slid her hands down the woman's abdomen and unbuttoned her jeans. As she claimed Kelly's mouth in a slow passionate kiss, she slid the jeans to the ground. Moaning into Alex's mouth, Kelly slid her body against her partner's. It was Alex's turn to moan at the feeling of Kelly's body pressed against hers as she gently guided her down onto the bed.

  Keeping her eyes locked on Kelly's, Alex slowly stripped off her shirt and pants. Standing there in her bra and panties, Alex felt a small glint of panic. What if she doesn't like being submissive? What am I going to do if she wants to be the one in control? She thought to herself. As if reading the other woman's mind, Kelly whispered, “I can be submissive as long as I trust my partner. I trust you, Alex.” Feeling the trepidation flee, Alex lowered herself onto her side next to Kelly. Tracing her fingers along Kelly's collarbone, Alex asked, “Are you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable.” Kelly took Alex's hand and placed it over her breast. “I promise.” She said, arching against Alex's hand. Encouraged, Alex re-traced her earlier pattern with her lips, placing gentle kisses along Kelly's collarbone, between her breasts, and down her abdomen, stopping when she reached the tattoo. Seeing the detail for the first time, Alex saw that it was indeed a line of pencil thin butterflies, each one a different color of the rainbow. Smiling to herself, she placed a gentle kiss on each one before raising her head to press her lips against Kelly's in a passionate kiss.


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