Mended Hearts

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Mended Hearts Page 21

by Sarah Markel

  The woman's long black curls fell loosely around her shoulders, covering the bulge of her breasts. The black and pink flannel shirt was buttoned halfway up, exposing the ribbed white tee she wore underneath. The jeans she had chosen were tight fitting, accentuating the curve of the woman's hips and ass. When she looked up at her, Alex smiled softly as she saw the love she had for Kelly mirrored in her lover's eyes. Standing up, she went over and pulled the woman into her arms. “I love you.” She murmured, wrapping her arms around Kelly's waist. Smiling, Kelly leaned up and pressed their lips together for a long, slow, passionate kiss. “Ready to go home?” Alex whispered, feeling her libido come to life. Nodding, Kelly bit her bottom lip and winked. Without a word, she turned away from Alex and bent over to pick up her purse. Slinging it onto her shoulder, she turned her head to look back at Alex and wiggled her hips playfully. Laughing, Alex grabbed her own shoulder bag and shut off the light, locking the door behind them as they left.

  “Holy shit, babe.” Kelly groaned when she woke up the next morning. “I'm not sure I can walk.” she said, bracing herself on the nightstand as she attempted to get out of bed. When Alex didn't answer, Kelly smacked her on her bare ass. Jolting awake, Alex glared at Kelly. “What was that for?” She asked as she yawned. “I thought not being able to walk the next morning was just a metaphor for really great sex. I didn't think it was literal.” Kelly replied as she finally managed to get upright. Smiling, Alex said "Your welcome.” and flopped back down on her stomach. Grumbling, Kelly made her way slowly to the bathroom to do her business. After relieving herself, she stepped into the shower and replayed the night before in her head.

  After leaving Serenity Home, the two women decided to go to a bar for a drink and a game of pool. About an hour after they arrived, Kelly was bent down lining up her shot when Alex ran her hand down the woman's backside making her miscue. Kelly had stood and whirled around to glare at Alex when the woman leaned down and kissed her gently. “I knew it!” they heard from beside them. Turning to look, the pair saw Jack and Kyle playing at the next table. While Alex and Kelly didn't hide their relationship, both women had been cautious about staying professional at work. They only referred to each other by their respective names, and they never kissed or held hands in front of the staff or residents. Smiling at her assistant, Kelly asked innocently "Knew what?” Laughing, Jack wrapped both women in a hug and asked if they wanted to play doubles. Agreeing, Alex excused herself to go get a round of drinks. While she was gone, Jack turned to Kelly and asked how long they had been together. “About six months now.” She replied as the man smiled approvingly. “Well, I won't say anything, I promise.” he replied with a wink.

  When Alex returned she informed them that their drinks would be around shortly and the group set about playing pool. After Kelly and Jack lost to Alex and Kyle, the partners switched it up each game. After six games, three hours, and almost two hundred dollars in hard alcohol, Alex and Kelly had said their goodbyes and poured themselves into a cab. Once they made it home, Alex tipped the driver nicely and dragged Kelly up to the front door. While she struggled to get the door unlocked, Kelly wrapped her arms around Alex and massaged her breasts. Moaning as pleasure pulsed through her, Alex finally managed to get the door open. Stumbling inside, the two women began undressing each other as they made their way upstairs.

  When they reached the bedroom, Kelly leaned into Alex's chest and took a rock hard nipple into her mouth. Gasping loudly, Alex fisted Kelly's hair in her hand. After a moment of teasing and suckling, Kelly clamped her teeth down with just enough pressure to be almost painful, sending waves of pleasure down to Alex's center. Lifting her head with a smile when Alex cried out, Kelly claimed her lips in a scorching kiss. Growling, Alex turned and walked Kelly backwards towards the bed. Looking down into her lover's eyes, Alex whispered softly "What are you in the mood for, baby?” Shivering with arousal, Kelly inclined her head, motioning wordlessly towards her night stand. With a wry grin, Alex nodded as she bent down to whisper into Kelly's ear "If I use that, you won't be able to walk tomorrow." Biting her bottom lip she turned to climb onto the bed, shaking her ass teasingly at Alex. Walking around to Kelly's nightstand, Alex removed the toy and affixed it properly. Sitting up on her knees in the middle of the bed, Kelly arched her back offering her breasts to Alex. With a growl, Alex quickly climbed onto the bed and took Kelly in her hands, lavishing the woman's skin with kisses. Listening to her lover moan with pleasure each time she nipped at her flesh, Alex felt the throb between her thighs growing stronger. “Lay down" she instructed breathlessly, tugging at Kelly's ear with her teeth. When she complied, Alex slid herself between the woman's thighs. Pulling Kelly's legs up to wrap around her waist, Alex looked into her eyes looking for any sign of hesitation. Reaching her hands up to cup Alex's face, Kelly pulled her down and claimed her mouth in a hard kiss. After the kiss broke, she looked into Alex's eyes and whispered "I need you inside me. Hard.” Feeling herself grow wetter as Kelly's demand fueled her own passion, Alex thrust her hips, driving hard into Kelly and making the woman scream with pleasure. The two spent the next several hours giving into their desires and satisfying each other’s needs. When they had finally exhausted themselves, both women fell asleep within moments of separating from one another.

  Smiling when Alex slipped into the shower behind her, Kelly said "Good morning, Love.” Repeating Kelly's greeting, Alex slid her hands around Kelly's waist and pulled the woman back against her. “You were pretty insatiable last night, Baby.” She whispered into Kelly's ear as her hands roamed the woman's naked form. Moaning softly, Kelly pressed her ass against Alex's hips. “You weren't exactly pushing me away, honey.” she replied. Pressing a kiss to the back of Kelly's neck, Alex slid her hand down to massage the nub between her lover's thighs. Wincing, Kelly grabbed Alex's hand and intertwined their fingers. “Uh-uh. She's out of commission for a while.” she said turning to kiss Alex gently. When their lips parted, Alex rested her forehead against Kelly's, "I'm sorry I hurt you, baby.” she said. Smiling, Kelly replied "Honey, you did what I asked you to do. There is no need to apologize for that.” Kissing once more, the pair quickly finished their shower and got dressed before the kids came home.

  “Oh thank heavens, I’m finally done!” Kelly sighed out loud as she put the folder she had been working with back on the shelf. While the weekend had flown by, the last three days had passed slowly for both Kelly and Alex. Looking at the clock, Kelly was delighted to see that it was only one o’clock. I wonder if Alex is done yet. She thought to herself. Leaving her office, she walked across the lobby to Alex’s door. Before she could raise her hand to knock, she heard Alex’s voice bellow angrily “Do not try to justify your behavior. There is no excuse for making those kinds of comments. I want you out of my building now!” Stepping back when she heard someone turn the doorknob, Kelly watched as David Alvarez flew out of Alex’s office. When she saw Kelly standing uncertainly a few feet from her door, Alex motioned her in.

  “Is everything alright?” Kelly asked hesitantly. Nodding, Alex leaned down and banged her head on her desk. “Stupid. Fucking. People.” Lifting her head, she asked rhetorically “Why can’t people act professionally at work? Is it really that hard to keep your comments to yourself when you are supposed to be working?” growling, she went back to banging her head. Unsure of what to say, Kelly slid her hand between Alex’s head and the desk. When she stopped, Alex looked up and smiled with resignation. “I’m sorry baby. It’s been one hell of a day. Is it over yet?” she asked. “Depends, are you done with your paperwork?” Kelly replied gently. When Alex groaned, Kelly took it as a no. “Have you eaten?” she asked. When Alex shook her head, Kelly took her cell phone out of her pocket. “Alright, I’m going to order us something and when I get back you’re going to take a break and eat with me.” She said, punching in the number for the nearest Deli.

  “And then I hear the idiot tell this poor girl that if she wants him to recommend her for a promotion to level tw
o, she has to sleep with him!” Alex finished, popping the last bite of her sandwich into her mouth. “Wow. I don’t even know what to say, honey.” Kelly replied, stunned by what had happened. “You did the right thing. If you hadn’t fired him, Allison would have had some serious grounds for a lawsuit against the facility.” Nodding, Alex gathered up the remains of her lunch and tossed them into the wastebasket. Looking up at the clock, Kelly stood “Now that you’ve had a chance to relax for a bit, I’m going to let you get back to work. Text me when you’re done and we can go home. I’m going up to the Crisis floor to check on everyone.” She said, giving Alex a quick kiss. Before Kelly could walk away, Alex grabbed the woman around the waist and laid her head against her breasts. “Please don’t make me adult. I can’t do anymore grown up stuff today.” She whined playfully. Laughing, Kelly ran her fingers through the woman’s hair and promised to come back when she was done. Smiling up at her, Alex nodded her head.

  After she had checked on the Crisis Care patients and made sure the nurse had the proper orders and contact information for the fill in Doctor, Kelly made her way down to the lobby. Knocking on Alex’s door, she poked her head in and smiled “Ready?” she asked. After straightening up her office and leaving a note for Angie, Alex and Kelly gathered their things and left the building.

  Chapter 49

  "Alexis Renee!” Andrea yelled from the bottom of the stairs. “You get yourself down here and help!” Chuckling to herself, Alex set down the picture of her father that had been on the nightstand. After arriving the previous night, Alex had asked her mother for one of the many photos of her father, Alexander Walker Jr. “Sometimes when I can't sleep here, I talk to my dad's picture.” She had explained to Kelly. Now as she walked out the door to go down stairs, Alex felt as if talking to her father had helped her make crucial decision. “I'm coming Mama, hold your horses.” She yelled to her mother. “Young lady don't you sass me!” The older woman replied.

  Listening to the exchange from the kitchen while she peeled an endless bowl of hard boiled eggs, Kelly snorted to herself. “Don't you just love how Mama yells at everyone like they're little kids?” Cheyenne asked as she peeled potatoes. Nodding, Kelly replied "I think it's great. My family doesn’t speak to me anymore, so I really enjoy the closeness and acceptance that lives here.” Smiling, Cheyenne agreed. “So who all is coming?” Kelly asked the woman. “Well, Jon will be here in the morning. He had some last minute work to do at the bar. Ryan, Raul, Brandy, and Lee will be here this afternoon. Melissa decided that it would be best to spend the holiday with her own parents this year, because of what happened at Thanksgiving.” Cheyenne replied, referring to J.J.'s stunt with the football. “Alright I'm down here, what am I helping with?” Alex asked blandly as she entered the kitchen. Following her daughter, Andrea answered "You can either start on the stuffing or you can start on the veggies. Did you remember to put Dej's food in the fridge instead of the freezer?” She added, looking through the fridge. “Yes ma'am.” Alex replied, rolling her eyes. Trying not to laugh, Kelly finished her task. “Okay Mama, now what?” She asked, going over to help the woman by pulling out the containers that held Dej's holiday meal. Looking over to Kelly, Andrea patted her on the arm. Turning to Alex, the woman chided "Alexis you can hollow out them eggs. This young lady has been down here helping your poor old Mama for the last three hours.” Turning back to Kelly, she added "Why don't you go check on the children, dear.” With a smug smile, Kelly kissed Alex's cheek as she headed toward the back door. “Where are the kids?” Alex asked her sister in law. “Hank has the boys out back building a snow fort. Aviania, Ashlynn, and Abby took the girls upstairs for makeovers.” Cheyenne replied, carrying the peeled potatoes over to the sink.

  Standing on the back porch, Kelly looked on as Hank gave each of the boys a task. Angie had called the day before and asked if she and Alex would mind taking her kids with them. “I don't want them to miss out on Pawpaw and Nana time.” she had explained. Agreeing, the two women had picked up the four extra kids and headed for Serenity Manor. “Hey Mom!” Kelly heard Zane yell. Looking to her left, she let out a cry of surprise when a snowball hit her right in the head. Glaring at the boy while he held his sides with laughter, Kelly made her way back into the house. “They're still alive. For now.” She declared to the women in the kitchen. Alex snorted into her coffee cup at the sight of the snow melting off the woman's head. This winter had been Kelly's first experience with snow, and Alex knew the woman didn't fully understand how much fun it was. “Which one?” She asked Kelly as the woman removed her boots by the back door. Giving Alex an annoyed look, Kelly answered "Your son.” Tipping her head back and laughing, Alex taunted "Oh, he does something wrong and suddenly he's my son.” Gathering the small clump of snow off her shoulder that hadn't melted yet Kelly went up behind Alex and dropped it down the woman's shirt. Gasping and jumping off her stool, Alex plunged her hand down between her breasts to fish out the ice. Glaring at her girlfriend, Alex lunged for her. Wrapping the woman in her arms, Alex hefted her over her shoulder in a fireman's carry and headed towards the back door. “Alexis Renee, don't you dare!” Andrea hollered as Alex stepped out onto the back porch.

  Squealing for Alex to put her down, Kelly struggled to get free. “Hey Zane!” Alex called to her son, “Mom needs a white wash.” When the children began to cheer, Kelly demanded to know what a white wash was. Unable to resist watching the scene play out, Andrea and Cheyenne stepped out onto the porch. “Alex! Put. Me. Down!” Kelly demanded. Obligingly, Alex set the woman on her feet and turned to walk away. Confused, Kelly started after her. Before she got more than a few steps, Kelly was ambushed by Raider and Tommy as the boys began throwing snowballs at her. Once again calling to Kelly, Zane, and Jaxon dumped a bucket of snow over the woman's head. Standing still, Kelly glared at the three women standing on the porch as they laughed. When Alex caught sight of Kelly's angry look, she saw something flash in the woman's eyes. “Uh-oh" she whispered to her mother as Kelly stomped towards the house. Reaching the porch, Kelly walked past the three women and into the kitchen to remove her shoes before going up to change.

  “Babe?” Alex asked cautiously as she eased open the door to the guest room they were staying in. Stepping slowly into the room, Alex scanned the area for Kelly. When she didn't see the woman anywhere, she called again "Babe? Where are you?” Slightly confused, Alex could have sworn she saw Kelly come up to the room. “What?” Kelly asked from inside the walk in closet. “Why'd you storm off like that, babe? We were only playing with you.” Alex explained. “Ha ha ha ha.” Kelly said flatly. With a sigh, Alex sat on the end of the bed and hung her head. A moment later, Kelly emerged from the closet wearing dry clothes. Walking over to stand in front of Alex, she said "I'm not mad at you if that's what you think, honey.” Alex looked up at her lover with confusion in her eyes. Chuckling, Kelly explained “I knew if you thought I was mad at you, you would follow me up here and we would have a few minutes of privacy. Plus I knew your mom would yell at you.” Shaking her head, Alex laughed "Babe, you could have just asked to speak with me privately. You didn’t have to go and get me in trouble. After you came up here, that woman chewed my ass!” With a smirk, Kelly shrugged and walked out of the room.

  Blowing out a breath, Alex looked to the picture of her dad and asked "Do you believe that crap? She got me yelled at on purpose!” Smiling to herself, she stood and went to join the others. Later that evening after Steve and Angie had arrived, the whole family gathered in the main living room to watch old home movies. With the children all sitting on the floor sharing large bowls of popcorn, Andrea put in a DVD and took her seat next to Hank. As the movie began, two newborn babies filled the extra-large wall screen. The two babies were being held by a much younger Andrea, and were screaming for all they were worth. Kelly smiled and leaned her head back against Alex's shoulder as the video changed to that of the twins' first birthday party. Everyone laughed as one year old Angie pushed Alex onto the floor and sat on her fac
e. As the movie played, Kelly was given a glimpse at Alex's childhood. She watched Alex and Angie as they welcomed each of their younger brothers, as they set off on their first day of kindergarten, and as they started puberty. It was during the final film of the evening, that Kelly experienced a sense of déjà vu.

  The video was of a high school national girls’ basketball game. As she watched, Kelly noticed an overweight girl on the opposing team with her black hair pulled into a braid down the middle of her back. Sitting forward, Kelly let out a shriek and asked Andrea to press pause. When she did, Kelly stood and went to the screen, pointing to the black haired girl frozen in mid fall after fifteen year old Alex had knocked her down during a jump shot. "I've seen this game before.” She stated, looking out at the family. Confused, Alex asked "What do you mean? My dad filmed this when we were freshmen in high school. Where did you see it?” Andrea must have seen what Kelly had, because she stood with a smile and asked "What happens next, Kelly?” Turning to look at Alex, Kelly predicted "When Mama pushes play, this black haired girl is going to fall on her butt, and Alex is going to land wrong and fall face first on the girl's head.” Giggling, the children all begged their grandmother to push play. Instead of pressing the button, Andrea went to Kelly and handed her the remote, whispering with a smile "I thought you looked familiar."

  Smiling back at the woman, Kelly stepped aside and pressed play. As Kelly's prediction came true on the screen, the children groaned when they heard the thump of Alex landing on the girl. Pausing the video again, Kelly turned to the kids and asked "Who wants to know what happens now?” Eagerly, all of the children raised their hands. Laughing, the adults all sat forward and listened with interest. “You can't tell in the video, but Alex had braces during this game. When the referee and her teammates help Alex up, she'll be holding her mouth. The girl on the floor gets helped up by her own teammates and you will see that there is blood on the floor.” Enthralled, the children moaned with anticipation. When she pressed the play button, the children cheered as her prediction came true once again. As the dark haired girl on screen was helped back to her teams’ bench, the camera zoomed in and Alex's father was heard saying "I hope that poor girl is alright."


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