Steal Your Soul Away

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Steal Your Soul Away Page 4

by Elizabeth Coldwell

  It had all been too much for Lucas. He’d had to retreat to his makeshift bed on Tom’s couch and wank himself while the noises Tom and Angelique had made as they’d fucked had floated through from the studio.

  Lucas needed to know how deeply their relationship went. He didn’t think Angelique was feeding from Tom. His friend didn’t have the pallid skin or the sleepiness and slight confusion that would have been the case if she were drinking his blood. But he couldn’t ask Tom the question, just in case Angelique hadn’t revealed her identity to him, and he’d been unable to confront Angelique about it. When he’d woken in the pale light of dawn, his hand still clamped round the base of his dick, she had already gone, her movements ruled by the setting and rising of the sun.

  He hoped she wasn’t aware of the state she’d reduced him to, masturbating over her like some horny teenager. He needed some action of his own, and badly, but all his thoughts, all his actions had been focused on tonight and what he had to do here.

  Across the room, Tom mingled and chatted, no doubt accepting compliments and accolades from Brighton’s great and good, who had already assembled. In less than fifteen minutes, it would be midnight, and those members of the public who’d managed to acquire tickets for the event would be allowed into the exhibition. With the number of people in this limited space more than doubling, Lucas would be able to move around unnoticed.

  A familiar scent had him sniffing the air. She had not yet entered the room, but the mixture of floral perfume and something distinctly inhuman advertised her presence to him. He glanced at the door in time to see her arrive, looking delectable in a floor-length black gown. Designed to leave most of her back bare, it was cut so low above the curve of her buttocks that she couldn’t possibly be wearing anything beneath it.

  Lucas felt his cock swell as it always did whenever she was near. A brief pang of something very much like jealousy shot through him as he watched her greet Tom with a kiss. She murmured something in Tom’s ear that even Lucas, with his heightened hearing abilities, couldn’t quite catch, thanks to the levels of chatter all around them. Then, to his surprise, she glanced over and started walking in his direction.

  “Angelique,” he greeted her. He kept his tone civil, even as she sent his hormones into overdrive.

  “Good evening…Lucas.”

  Was it his imagination, or was she not as in control of her emotions as she tried to pretend? Could he be heating up the ice queen?

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” he asked. “I find it hard to believe you can manage to tear yourself away from Tom.”

  Angelique gave a little shrug that owed everything to her Gallic heritage. “Oh, he is talking to some boring little man from the city council. I thought I would leave them to it. After all, even though this is Tom’s evening, it’s you I really need to see.”

  “Me? Why?” His surprise was genuine.

  “I know why you’re here, lycan. You may think you’ve fooled everyone else, but not me. Leading Tom on, letting him think you’re his friend…”

  “Angelique, I am his friend. Never doubt that.”

  “Oh, spare me the fake sincerity.” Her voice had risen in volume, and heads were turning to look at them. “We need to find somewhere else to have this discussion.”

  “That’s not possible. I can’t leave this room.”

  “You can, and you will.” Anger flashed in her dark eyes. “I don’t want to hear any more lies from you.”

  She pushed him, just enough to make him stagger backwards a step. Like all her kind, she possessed unnatural levels of strength. Then again, so did he. With one swipe of his arm, he could quite easily have sent her flying across the room, and she would have deserved it for the manner in which she’d spoken to him. But the last thing he wanted was to draw any attention to himself.

  “All right,” he growled. “Let’s go. But I warn you, you’re wasting your time.”

  “I’d be grateful if you’d let me be the judge of that.”

  With that, she grabbed him by the forearm and began to drag him away, out through the door that connected the Music Room to its neighboring gallery. He made no move to resist.

  Whatever you want with me, lady, this had better be good.

  Chapter Five

  Angelique looked round the little gallery room with its ornate pillars supporting the roof and rosewood grand piano as its centerpiece. At least here, they would have some privacy, and she’d managed to get Lucas away from the sculptures.

  Funny how she had never before set foot in the Pavilion, with its onion-shaped domes and imitation bamboo staircases, even though she’d lived in Brighton on and off for centuries. She certainly hadn’t dreamt that when she did pay a visit, it would be in circumstances like these. This was one of the few buildings in the city to pre-date her arrival here, though in those days, still in the early stages of its construction, it had been little more than a modest villa. Only once the Prince Regent had taken to the throne of England and asked his favorite architect, John Nash, to set to work, had it become the bizarre, Oriental-influenced pleasure palace in which she now stood.

  Though it wasn’t the Pavilion’s magnificent décor that drew her attention. Not when she was face to face with an irate Lucas Canning.

  “So, what’s this all about exactly, Angelique?”

  Lucas’ lip was curled in a snarl, and the wolf in him seemed dangerously close to the surface. That owed much to the moon’s influence, prompting his need to shift, but she knew that her words had also played their part. For the first time, she began to wonder if being alone with him was a mistake.

  “Like I said, I know what you’re doing here. I’m not sure exactly how you’re going to manage it, but…”

  “But what?”

  “You’re intending to steal Tom’s sculptures.”

  His howl of laughter was so loud she was sure it must have been audible to the guests in the Music Room next door. “You’re fucking kidding me, aren’t you?”

  “Oh, don’t deny it.” Angelique took a pace closer to him, deciding she had no need to be afraid of him. She had right on her side. “Why else would a lazy slob like you be hanging around with someone as talented and ambitious as Tom?”

  He drew himself to his full, intimidating height. “And what gives you the right to judge anyone, when you flash your tits to earn a living?”

  “As though you have a problem with that, lycan.” She couldn’t say why, but being up so close to Lucas and engaging in this battle of wills with him aroused her. She breathed in his feral musk, and fought the desire to run her hands over her own breasts. “I know what I’ll find if I put my hand here—” As she spoke, she rested her palm on the front of his trousers. Just as she’d expected, he was hard, his cock so thick she knew she would struggle to wrap her fingers around it. The thought of being filled with something so big had her pussy growing wet.

  “Don’t tease me, you gorgeous vampire slut,” Lucas murmured, his voice thick with lust. He spun her round, so her back was to the wood-panelled wall. As he moved, the moon came out fully from behind a cloud, bathing Lucas in her light.

  Angelique could only describe his reaction as one of mania. He tugged at the bow tie around his neck and let it drop to the floor. Then he pulled off his tuxedo, and started unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Lucas, what are you doing? You can’t—”

  He cut her off with a snarl. “Don’t you see I have no choice? It’s the moon, and being so close to you… Fuck, Angelique.”

  His shirt was off now, and her mouth watered at the sight of his broad, hair-covered chest. Such a delicious contrast to Tom’s smooth skin.

  For the first time since they’d entered the room, she thought of her lover. Had he realized she was missing, or was he still being buttonholed by the dull man from the council?

  Angelique glanced back to Lucas, who was peeling down his trousers. His cock reared up, and she longed to sink to her knees and take its plump crown between her
lips. It would be so easy, and Tom would never have to know. But the planes of Lucas’ bearded face appeared to be rearranging themselves, his jaws extending, turning into a snout. The hair on his body looked more like fur now, thick and glossy, and as he dropped onto all fours, his hands and feet began to change into paws.

  She had never seen a lycan in the throes of transformation, and she stood rooted to the spot in terror and awe.

  Behind her, the door opened.

  “Oh, my God. What the hell is that thing?”

  She turned to see Tom standing in the doorway. The expression in his eyes was one of sheer horror.

  “Tom, chéri, please… For your own safety, get out of here.”

  Like her, Tom seemed unable to move, stunned into immobility by the sight of the wolf, with its slavering jaws and fierce amber eyes.

  Except that when she looked again, Lucas had clearly regained enough control of himself to reverse the process. A man once more, he knelt on the carpet naked, rubbing his hands over his face.

  Tom was the first of them to find his voice. “Will somebody please tell me what’s going on in here?” He glanced from Angelique to Lucas then back.

  Lucas rose to his feet but made no move to cover himself, utterly at ease with his nakedness even though he was fully erect. “Why don’t you ask your girlfriend, Tom? She dragged me in here, making the most ridiculous accusations, calling me a thief. Can you believe it?”

  “I’m trying to protect you, Tom,” Angelique said. “As soon as I realized he was going to steal your work—”

  “Steal it?” Tom shook his head. “Angelique, that’s impossible.”

  “Is it really? Like I asked you before, how much do you know about this man? You don’t seem to have a clue what he does for a living, for a start. And when I saw him tonight, with his covetous eyes on that sculpture of me, I just knew he was looking for the right moment to…liberate it.”

  “That’s not true.” Tom shook his head. “Lucas, are you going to tell her, or shall I?”

  “I’ll do it,” Lucas said. He heaved a sigh. “The reason Tom never told you what I do is because I run a private security firm. We’ve been employed to guard his work throughout the exhibition. I was worried that if you knew of the arrangements, the time when we were transporting the sculptures, you might mention something about them while you were at your club. I know some pretty dodgy characters frequent places like that.”

  Angelique wanted to protest his assertion, then she thought about Irina’s boyfriend. How much did she really know about him, or some of the other men who hung around the dancers? For all she knew, they could be thieves, drug dealers or worse. Had her instinctive antipathy towards Lucas’ kind made her see evil in him where none existed?

  “I’m sorry, Lucas. I’ll admit that maybe I was prejudiced when it came to you because you’re a—”

  “Werewolf,” Tom cut in, as though he’d just worked out what he’d seen. “God, my life really is turning into something out of Tales from the Crypt, isn’t it? First I start dating a vampire, then I find out my closest friend is a werewolf.” He sounded as though nothing could surprise him any longer.

  “We prefer the term ‘lycan’, actually,” Lucas said. “And before you say anything, Angelique, yes, I did keep that from Tom, but how many people know what you really are?”

  “Apart from you, only the one who matters,” she replied fervently. “The one I thought I could make some kind of life with.”

  She turned to leave the room, wondering if everything was ruined between her and Tom. She wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t want to see her again after she’d made such a fool of herself with her wrong-headed accusations. The erotic tension that had built up between her and Lucas still hovered in the air, and she wondered if Tom was aware of it. He’d already had enough to deal with, when he considered her revelation and Lucas’. Maybe he wasn’t strong enough to cope with her unspoken desire for the lycan, too.

  “Where are you going?” Lucas asked.

  “Back to the exhibition. And you should do the same. After all, it’s your job to guard the sculptures, isn’t it?”

  “Don’t worry. I have two of my people working as part of the waiting staff. They’ll be able to keep an eye on everything. They won’t miss us if we’re in here a little longer.”

  He caught hold of Angelique’s hand, and a little jolt of electric excitement shot through her. “Lucas…”

  “Look, you wanted me to be honest with you. In which case I need to tell you that the only thing I’m guilty of is wanting to fuck my best friend’s girlfriend.” His admission hung in the air between the three of them. “Tom, can you forgive me for that?”

  “I don’t think there’s anything to forgive,” Tom said. “Lucas, do you remember the night I got the commission to produce the sculptures for this exhibition? We got blind drunk and started talking about our sexual fantasies.”

  Lucas took a moment to consider this, as if dragging some hazy memory from the back of his mind. “That’s right. I seem to recall you said you’d always wanted a threesome.”

  “Yeah, I did. And you weren’t exactly averse to the idea, either. As long as we found the right woman.” He took Angelique’s other hand.

  She felt as though a circuit had been completed. When she looked into Tom’s eyes, she saw no reluctance. Rather, a combination of acceptance and pure lust. First his calm acceptance of Lucas’ otherworldly nature, and now this… Seemed he was stronger than she’d given him credit for.

  “But this isn’t the time or the place.” Her objections were half-hearted. The thought of being taken by both these men at once had her pussy pulsing with need, but they couldn’t do it in such grandiose surroundings, with people strolling among the exhibits next door, surely? What if they were caught in the act?

  Glancing at Lucas’ hard-on, which had not diminished in the least, she realized he was not fazed by the thought of having sex in this lavishly appointed room. And Tom, it seemed, needed little persuading. Not if the way in which his bulge strained against the fly of his evening trousers was any indication.

  “Come on, Angelique. Haven’t you ever wanted to do something so daring, so wild that you’d remember it for the rest of your life?” Tom urged her.

  “Chéri, you forget just how long that is in my case,” she chided. But her tone was not unkind, and she couldn’t deny that, deep down, she wanted this just as much as the two men did.

  “Then it’s settled. We do it now, and get it out of our systems,” Lucas said. Without a further word, he pulled the straps of her dress down off her shoulders from behind, then cupped her breasts in his big hands. Both he and Lucas took a pace forward, sandwiching her between them.

  Tom kissed her hard on the mouth, and the last of her inhibitions faded away. As she twined her tongue with his, she set to work on relieving him of his jacket.

  Lucas released his hold on Angelique’s tits, then moved back so that she could help Tom undress. When she glanced over her shoulder, Lucas was running his fist up and down his shaft.

  “Hey, save some of that for me,” she said with a grin.

  Tom undid his trousers and shrugged out of them. When he went to pull down his boxer shorts, Angelique shook her head and took over the job of removing his underwear.

  She had a hot man with an upstanding cock in front of her and another one behind, both hers to play with. She took hold of their stiff lengths, one in each hand, and wanked them in unison. As she heard Tom’s breath come a little faster, she smiled to herself, relishing the erotic power she had over him. Over Lucas, too, she realized, as the lycan gave a low, guttural growl of pleasure.

  “Good?” she inquired, not quite sure which of them she addressed.

  “You know it is,” Tom said. He took her face in his hands and planted a long, loving kiss on her lips.

  Lucas, clearly determined not to be left out of the action, nuzzled at her neck. His sharp teeth grazed her skin, a delicious sensation that couldn’
t help but remind her of how Hogarth had loved to bite her there. She resisted the urge to throw her head back and offer her throat to him. Though she had reached an entente cordiale with this sexy wolf, she would not submit to him in that fashion.

  Between her legs, her essence flowed faster than she could ever recall. Lucas dropped a hand down to caress her pussy, slipping two of his thick fingers inside her with ease.

  “Oh, you like that, don’t you?” He chuckled.

  She loosed her hold on his dick, then gave Tom’s one last, teasing caress before letting go of that, too. “So, which of you is going to fuck me first?”

  “Tom,” Lucas said. “Wet as you are, you’re not ready for me yet.”

  It wasn’t arrogance on his part making him say that, she knew. Tom was just the right size, stretching her nicely when buried in her hole. Lucas, with his extra length and thickness, would be more of a challenge. Still, she had no qualms about taking it.

  “How do you want me?” she asked Tom.

  “Get on all fours,” he told her, and she did as he’d instructed. He spread her thighs a little wider, positioning her just how he wanted her, then he mounted her.

  Angelique sighed as Tom pushed home, into the welcoming embrace of her pussy. To her left, Lucas looked on, stroking himself.

  Oh, you like to watch, don’t you? She gave the wolf a coquettish smile over her shoulder, inviting him to join them. For her at least, this was about the brand new thrill of being filled top and bottom.

  Lucas needed no second invitation. He knelt before her and put the tip of his cock to her lips. Opening her mouth wide, she swallowed him.

  This is more like it. Sucking this big, horny wolf while my darling Tom fucks me. So good, so very good…

  Between the two of them, her lovers seemed to have worked out how best to coordinate their movements. Every time Tom shoved forward, he pushed her hard onto Lucas’ bulging crown. Angelique snaked her hand down so she could play with her own clit, adding an extra layer of sensation to those already building in her core. Just as she was sure the next thrust Tom gave would push her over the edge, both he and Lucas stopped what they were doing. She cried out in frustration, begging Tom to give her the stimulation she needed.


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