If Only: McKenzie Cousins Book 5

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If Only: McKenzie Cousins Book 5 Page 8

by Buchanan, Lexi

  “What about the creek? It’s still high after last week’s rain.” Geary admits. “I might check it out if this continues.”

  “Yeah, do that. We’ll both go.” In this weather it’s safer riding to a creek that could possible flood in pairs. “I think I’m going to take a drive over to Dee’s place.” I look at Geary. “Check out the power issue.”

  “Want company?”

  I grin. “You just don’t want me leaving you here with her.”

  “You got me.” He looks out at the weather. “I’m serious though. I get itchy when it’s like this. I need to keep busy.”

  I watch him carefully and nod. “Okay, then. Let’s go and find out whether or not Dee has a power issue.” Cursing, I add, “I better tell her we’re going out and to stay indoors. Don’t need her wandering around.”

  “You also don’t need her around when Madison gets back.”

  “I’ll have Dee out of here tomorrow. I’ve already told her that tomorrow she finds another hotel or sleeps in her car.” I grin and Geary laughs.

  Shaking his head, Geary asks, “When is Madison coming back?”

  “Are you sure you’re asking about Madison and not Olivia?” I tease.

  He laughs. “Seriously though, when is Madison due back?”

  “She didn’t say, but I’m hoping tomorrow, which is why she is leaving first thing in the morning.”

  He shrugs. “Let’s go and check the power so we can get back and check the creek.”



  “Are you sure we shouldn’t have stayed overnight in a hotel,” Olivia asks for the fifth time. “I don’t like the look of this weather.”

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I have to agree with Olivia, but I’m not about to admit it to her, I’ll never hear the end of it. “We’re not that far from Derek’s house. Maybe fifteen minutes.” I continue driving slowly in the hire car Olivia had insisted on getting so she could get herself around, so she didn’t need to rely on anyone else.

  The moment Olivia had agreed to come back with me, I’d packed, and so had Olivia, both of us just making the flight in time. I’d messaged Derek as we’d landed even though I knew he’d be perfectly fine with Olivia coming back with me.

  I’d felt awkward and didn’t really know what to say that wasn’t so brief as ‘I’m on my way’. I’d just wanted him to know that I was coming back to him and the shyness had crept in. I’m nervous and annoyed because I’m nervous. It’s Tanner’s fault for wanting us to be apart to see how we managed and whether or not we still had feelings for each other after the separation. I’m not sure what he actually expected because my feelings don’t get turned on and off the way a faucet does. Derek is old enough to know his attraction to me isn’t simply hormonal. I do grin though, because his hormones are certainly potent whenever I’m around.

  Olivia sits forward again and while looking intently out of the windshield asks, “Why do you have a silly grin on your face?”

  “Derek,” I sigh without hesitation. “I can’t wait to be back home with him.”

  Groaning, Olivia narrows her eyes in my direction. I don’t see this, but I feel it. She has a stare that can pierce through anything. “Please tell me that I’m not going to have to listen to you and Derek having hot sex all night?”

  “We’ll try and keep it down.” I smirk. “Of course, if you happen to seduce Geary then you wouldn’t be in the house to listen to us.”

  “Will you stop going on.” She huffs. “Anyone would think I haven’t had sex in decades.”

  Laughing while turning on to the road leading to the ranch house, I tease, “I don’t think Geary has either.”

  “How would you know that?”

  I roll my eyes. “I’ve never known him to leave the ranch in the evenings, or during the day much either. He keeps to himself. He’s lonely, Olivia. I think you are too,” I admit. “And don’t get annoyed with me for that assumption. Everyone sees the professional you and that’s why you end up with assholes who think you can help them get ahead. I love you like a sister, Olivia, and your happiness and wellbeing are important to me.”

  “Oh damn,” Olivia whispers, rapidly wiping at her eyes. “You’ve made me cry.”

  “Then maybe you’ll keep your mind open to the possibility of Geary. He’s a man who won’t care what you do for a living or how much you have in the bank or who your family are. He has strong values, just like you do, and as an added bonus, which isn’t that important, he’s drool worthy to look at.”

  Coming to a stop, I cut the engine and sag back into the seat. “We’re here.”

  Olivia glances over to me. “You were a lot more worried than you let on, huh?”

  “Yeah, I was. But we made it.” I frown as I look at the house. “I wouldn’t have thought it was late enough for Derek to be asleep though.”

  “It’s nine-thirty.” Olivia glances around. “It’s so dark.”

  “There’s usually lights on over by the barn.” Shivering, I grab the door handle. “Let’s just run to the porch. We can grab our stuff later.

  “We’re going to get soaked to the bone.” Olivia huffs. “Soaked.” Still mumbling, she opens the door and makes a run for it as I follow.

  We don’t get too drenched really, so I grin at my cousin and show her inside. “I’ll take you to the guest room and then I’ll go and find my man.”

  A little bit confused as to where he’s gone, and concerned, I show Olivia to the front guest room. It’s the nicer of the three and I know it will match Olivia’s personality.

  I wasn’t wrong.

  She gasps as I open the door, and her eyes rapidly run over the large king-sized bed, the sofa in the same blue and cream stripe as the bed cover, and the white Victorian nightstand. It’s a beautifully calm room and I’m delighted her eyes are gleaming with excitement.

  “There’s a dressing gown in the bathroom, you can lounge in that and then we’ll grab our luggage once the rain stops.”

  “Okay, now shoo.” She smiles. “I know you’re twitching to go and find Derek. I’ll be fine, go.”

  “I’m gone.” I quickly shut the door and hurry to Derek’s room.” I stop and realize it’s no longer Derek’s, but our room, pressing the palm of my hand to the dark wood. “It’s our room,” I whisper to myself, a small smile on my lips.

  If Derek isn’t already in bed then I know just the way I’m going to be waiting for him, and it won’t be looking like a drowned rat.

  Gripping the doorknob, I slowly turn the handle and shove the door open. My whole body stills in shock at the naked woman sleeping in Derek’s bed. My heart pounds and all I hear is the blood rushing through my head, a voice in the back of my mind saying this isn’t real. It can’t be. Except, Dee really is naked in Derek’s bed. I glance around the room but no sign of the man himself.

  As though reading my thoughts, Dee sits up, barely covering her chest and gives me an evil smile. “I guess he chose someone closer to his own age after all.” She smirks. “If you want to ask him yourself, he’s just gotten out of the shower.” She inclines her head toward the bathroom.

  I don’t know what to say or do as I slowly back out of the bedroom, and turning, I flee downstairs and straight out through the backdoor. There I stand on the deck and give way to the big heart wrenching sobs that tear through my body, and I take off running. The rain continues to pound down, but all I know is that I have to get away and this is the only way I can think of…I run.



  Fuming at the deceitful woman, it isn’t until I stomp into my house full of fury and nearly knock Olivia over that I realize an unfamiliar car was parked out front. Seeing Olivia, I realize why.

  Her screech could wake the dead or in this case bring Geary running in, stopping at the sight of me with a woman in my arms. “Great pair of lungs, Olivia.”

  “Crap, I’m sorry Derek. You scared me to death.”

  “I’m sorry too.” I rub my forehead where I f
eel a headache forming. “Madison?”

  “She went to find you, although I thought she was in your bedroom.” Olivia raises her gaze and blushes slightly while Geary stands to the side, his eyes glued on the petite woman.

  Clearing my throat, I introduce Geary and Olivia, and I don’t miss the way Olivia appears surprised at one of my closest friends and employees. Geary even has a slight blush on his dark cheekbones.

  “Um,” Olivia takes a step back, “I think I should go and put on some more clothes. I thought everyone was in bed for the night.”

  “We would be, but for a conniving woman who I’m about to throw out into the rain,” I rant. “There’s nothing wrong with the main roads, or the road to her house, so she can damn well leave.”

  “I think Madison and I have come back in the middle of something.” Olivia’s gaze keeps flittering over Geary, and likewise. It’s enough to calm my temper though.

  “Geary can fill you in, I’m going upstairs to see my woman. I’ve missed her.” Smiling, I wish them a goodnight and have a feeling Madison may have made a perfect match with those two.

  Smiling to myself, I quickly run upstairs and throw my bedroom door open and have the shock of my life when I find Dee in the middle of my bed—naked. “What the hell are you doing in here like that?” I roar. “Forget that, what the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?”

  Her smile slips and becomes forced. “I thought you’d like this surprise.”

  “The only surprise I want is to find the woman I love in my bed, and that isn’t you.” I inhale and slowly exhale. “Get dressed now,” I tell her trying to keep my temper, “and get the hell out of my house. Don’t ever step foot on my property again or I will have you arrested for trespassing.”

  “You can’t mean that?” The woman is stupid.

  “You have five minutes and then I’m calling the sheriff. I want you gone out of my sight.” Then remembering what Olivia had said about Madison coming to find me, my heart sinks when I start to realize just what this evil woman has done. “Where is Madison?”

  Her eyes dip. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Don’t fucking lie to me. I’ve never hit a woman before, doesn’t mean I won’t,” I growl and wait.

  “She came in here an hour or so ago,” Dee confesses. “I told her you’d just gotten out of the shower and she could wait to talk to you, but she took off.”

  Geary’s hand is suddenly on my arm as I lunge toward the bed. I roar and curse loudly while Olivia tries to calm me down enough to talk to me.

  “The car is still outside. What about a horse? Would she have run to the stables and taken one out?”

  “I don’t know, Olivia.” I grab the strands on my hair and pull, the pain helping me to focus. “Geary?”

  “I’m here. Do you have a plan?” He glances from Olivia before his eyes stay on mine.

  “For once, no! But I think we need to check if all the horses are accounted for before we mount up and go looking.”

  “I’ll go check now.” Geary races out of the house.

  Olivia moves to the window and watches. “She’ll be okay out in this? Madison…”

  “Your cousin will be fine.” My heart thuds. “She has to be.” Minutes later, I assure her, “Geary is used to this weather, so he’ll be fine too.”

  She nods, her arms wrapped anxiously around her waist, and that’s how she is when Geary comes back into the house soaked to the skin. “Horses are all accounted for.”

  “So, she’s on foot.” I glance out, more worried than I’m letting on for Olivia’s sake, and maybe because I know I’m going to completely panic if I let go.

  “She’ll be fine, Derek. Madison is anything but reckless.” Olivia wraps her fingers around my arm.

  “The creek will have flooded by now,” Geary tells us. “That’s where I’m going to start looking for her. Lots of places to get caught when you can’t see where you’re going.”

  “Oh God!” Olivia’s hand trembles. “She can’t swim.” She glances between Geary and me, and then decides, “I’m going to get dressed and help look for her.”

  I shake my head. “We don’t need to be looking for you as well, Olivia.”

  “I can team up with one of you. Please, I can do this,” she pleads.

  “You stay with me and do as I say.” Geary holds her gaze.

  “I promise.”

  “Get dressed.” Geary turns to me. “Do you think she’ll have moved away from the buildings in this weather?”

  “She was upset, I’m guessing she could have gone anywhere.” I run my fingers through my hair before I start pulling on rainwear, and then grab the medical box.

  “Ready to go?” Olivia stands with her hands on her hips, wearing a pant suit and heels.

  “Boots,” I hiss to Geary.

  “On it.”

  “I know I’m not dressed for this, but my case is in the car with my jeans in, and yes, I actually own a good pair of walking boots, that have been used numerous times.”

  “Okay, city girl, let’s get these on you,” Geary says, and she bristles. Smirking, Geary carries on.

  It doesn’t take long to get Olivia ready to go outside, and then we’re off.



  I’m cold, soaked, hungry, and upset. Also, unbelievably stupid and reckless. I’ve called myself that since I’d ran off and gotten lost, which is when I realized what a fool I’ve been. There is no way Derek would have let me come back to find Dee in his bed, whether he still wanted me or not, he had more manners than that.

  We’ve talked on a daily basis and I know he’s just as excited to see me as I am him, and deep down I know he would never hurt me in that way. The biggest thing I should have noticed is the fact that Derek’s wallet, loose change, and watch hadn’t been on the dresser in the bedroom. He leaves them there every night, so he doesn’t forget them in the morning. I’m an idiot.

  It’s impossible to see anything in the dark and I have no clue exactly whereabouts I am. There’s no light in the distance that would indicate Derek’s house, and I honestly hadn’t meant to lose track of time nor get disorientated. I’m scared, and I just want to feel Derek’s strong arms around me telling me I’m safe.

  Sighing heavily, I glance up to the sky and see nothing. It’s dark and the lashing rain makes it impossible to see the stars, even the moon is hidden. Shivering, I rub my hands up and down my arms for warmth, not that it works much. I can’t decide whether to stay where I am, or to keep moving. At the moment my feet are carrying me toward the sound of gushing water, which confuses me.

  On horseback it had taken a while to reach the creek, so I shouldn’t be hearing the sound of water, not yet. I frown wondering where it’s coming from because it’s loud and ominous. Swimming isn’t something I can do with confidence. I can splash around with the best of them, but actual swimming, not a hope. A shiver ripples down my spine when my feet hit a stream of water and my heart begins to race, knowing that if I keep going, something bad is going to happen. Not only that, I’m hoping like hell that there are no snakes taking a swim.

  I shudder and finally get my feet to move me backwards, until I turn and run, hoping that whatever I’m running from is too far away to catch me. With the blood rushing around it takes me a few moments and I stop to catch my breath to realize that the sound isn’t as loud. That has to be good news.

  Then I hear it—my name being shouted.

  The sound becomes louder, and then I hear another—feminine this time.

  It has to be Olivia.

  “Over here!” I shout, running toward their voices. “Keep shouting.”

  They do and not five minutes later, I’m being wrapped up in Geary’s arms. “You fucking scared us,” he whispers, putting me away from him. “Are you hurt?”

  “No. Just cold.”

  Olivia wraps her arms around me and holds me close. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  “I won’t.” My voice breaks, “Derek?”<
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  “He’s out looking for you, but I’ll let him know to meet us back at the house.” Geary glances at Olivia as though he’s checking her over before wrapping a waterproof jacket around my shoulders.

  I smile in thanks. At least it will keep me from getting anymore soaked although I’m not sure it will help at this point. I certainly become warmer with Geary rubbing warmth into my arms as we walk.

  He holds me under one arm, offering me support and guidance, and I notice he holds Olivia’s hand with his other. If anything, tonight was worth it just to witness them both getting along so well.

  Nothing more is said, but as we approach the house I see a flashlight moving toward us and realize it must be Derek. He hurries toward me and then he’s sweeping me up into his arms, his face nuzzling into my neck. “God.” He shudders. “Nothing is going on with Dee. I promise you.”

  I place a finger over his lips. “Shush. I know. I was stupid and let her get to me, but then when I stopped to catch a breath it hit me. You would never betray me like that. Ever. I trust you Derek. I really do.” I bury my nose into his neck and whisper, “I really hate her.”

  “Me too, honey. Me too.”

  Geary clears his throat. “Although this is romantic, I think we should get inside. Madison needs warming up.” He looks directly at Olivia. “You do too.” He takes her hand, leading her away from the house.

  “What?” I gasp. “What’s going on with them? Olivia is never, and I mean never, like, um, that with anyone.”

  Derek chuckles. “I wouldn’t worry about her. Geary won’t hurt her.” He pauses, and I raise a brow. “He always said he’d know when he met the woman for him.” He smiles leading me toward the house. “I think he’s met her.”

  I pause on the threshold, but Derek tugs me further inside. “She’s gone.” He sighs. “She showed up here earlier saying her power had gone out and she had nowhere else to go, so eventually I gave in and told her she could use a guest room for the night. Geary and I went over to her place to check, which is why we weren’t here when you arrived. She’d made the whole thing up. I’m only sorry that she hurt you before I could kick her out for lying.”


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