The Soul Quantum Theory, or We are the Devil

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The Soul Quantum Theory, or We are the Devil Page 3

by Ricardo Tronconi

  Thou shall not kill.

  Thou shall not be unfaithful.

  Thou shall not steal.

  I don't want to be fussy and bigoted, but Adam Swollenman and his companion Eve also failed to meet the rules of the commandment. They both fornicated and, though in different ways, gave a green light for the fatal accident to occur.

  Are they all equally guilty or should we perhaps look for the gravest severity of harm done in the successive bad acts? Or: who started at first?

  I know many of you, perhaps the most devoted among you, would be prone to blaming Lady Eve, supported by the biblical record, too, where we see the female (her namesake) stretch her hands towards the forbidden fruit first. Nevertheless, reading and re-reading the Scriptures (and I swear I did so numerous times), I assure you there's no passage where the woman can say or do something without consulting the man first. Well, to me, this female audacity to seize prohibition as an opportunity for liberation only to have it immediately denied her by that very same companion, seems strange.

  Getting back to the opponent, we must admit in his defence that having before him a femme fatale might have reminded him this: if, on the one hand, resistance would have been the best choice, such a refusal could not have brought about a happy ending (if one can be found in these situations), since feelings stemming from denial may be more devastating than the unfaithul relationship itself. Do not do to others what you don't want done to you. It must have been these words which accompanied the opponent throughout the entire love story. By first saying yes to her (Eve Swollenman) and then reaffirming his yes to him (Adam Swollenman), he excluded no one from that straight line of intimacy that, so fraught with passion, heightened to form a triangle.

  And what could the cuckold husband have done better, in such a tangled situation so as to make brambles seem like an oasis of peace? His wife had been seduced. She had been stolen from him. But should the wife have been considered his alone, you'll ask, or might you say that more than an earthly possession it would have been correct to speak of a mutually psychophysical state of belonging, a bonding of souls sibject to the laxity in variable contingencies, in contrast with the moral rigor dictated by written rules? In other words: Could Eve Seollenman, though a married woman to all effects, be considered fuckable by others? Adam Swollenman's view is extremely complicated. To what extent can he be considered responsible for his wife's crash? Perhaps he was guilty by not providing that particular intimacy which renders a couple unique, driving her inevitably towards sin? And furthermore: if Swollenman had stayed at Nice Little House, living his normal life without feeling overwhelmed by doubts, isn't it true that perhaps nothing would have happened? And so: what origin did doubt, which might be considered this sad event's primum movens, have?

  I know. Me too, like you, I'd have preferred a less complex epilogue, with an obvious motive and an avowed killer. But that's the way things go in this world. And they make the final redemption even more difficult.

  Curiously, one among the most frequently asked questions brought to my attention by humans, regards the opponent in love: After having met Adam Swollenman, did the athlete continue to cultivate an interest in Eve Swollenman? The answer is affirmative and it couldn't be any other way. How could the opponent have caused harm to one or both of the spouses, groundlessly excluding either one or both of them from the vertex of their painfully traced geometric design? Unfortunately, in the end, it was this epistropheus dens, which I had indicated more than once, only to be ignored, as an inadequate means to halt the atlas, that ruined everything giving the impression that happenstance is the absolute master of human events... Nothing could be farther from the truth. I am not at all satisfied with how things are going.

  My darkest substance continues to augment, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, and this thanks to you Humans, who have learned how to grasp the true essence of evil, which brings you pleasure, as fatuous as it is intense, such a pleasure with which you are never sated. If at the end of time my mass hasn't diminished consideraby (and this is solely up to you, my dear Humans, because it is from you that I take the energy to replenish myself), I'll find myself unredeemed, forced to bear yet a new collapse upon myself, until I become as small as a proton, only to expand again following another colossal explosion. Shall we redeem or rather begin everything all over again?

  If there's someone who doesn't want to interfere in people's private matters, that's me. I never start out with a presumption of guilt, putting the burden of evidence upon the soul being assessed. And for exactly this reason I don't consider myself nitpicking in the least. But you Humans, sons of mine, are too used to thinking with someone else's mind. Begin using yours. Each of you begin using your own. And pay heed, from time to time, because though I may not know more than the devil, believe me: I know many things. Many indeed.




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