Kiss Me on the Inside

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Kiss Me on the Inside Page 10

by Janice Burkett

  “That’s the other reason why I’m here. I’m a married man and I love my wife. We can’t see each other again.”

  “It was supposed to be a one-night stand. One night only, remember? Go home, Bling. Go back to your boring sex life with your so-called wife. Your secret is safe with me.”

  Keisha’s ego was hurt but she wasn’t going to let it show. She was good at what she did and she knew it. She also knew that his wife wasn’t even close in comparison.

  “I shouldn’t have gotten caught up in this nonsense with you in the first place. I can’t mess up a good thing with my wife for you.”

  Bling’s words were cutting her like a knife whether he knew it or not, and she lashed back at him with venom in her tongue like a snake. “Why are you really here? We didn’t have to see each other again. To my knowledge it was supposed to be a one-night stand but here you are professing your love for your wife. Tell me something, Bling. Are you confessing your love for your wife to hide the real reason why you’re here?”

  Bling turned to walk away but she grabbed his arm, pulling him closer to her and seductively sliding her finger down his face, testing his sincerity. “You want more of me, admit it.”

  “I love my wife.”

  “Okay, you are free to go. Walk out the door and we never have to see each other again.”

  Bling walked to the door and fumbled with the lock. She removed his hand and opened the door, making it clear that he was free to go. He slammed the door and braced her against it.

  “So you like to play rough. I like it rough,” she said naughtily.

  “I love my wife,” he said as if he was trying to convince himself.

  “I’m not asking you to love me.”

  He kissed her lips and it ignited a burning fire within them that neither had the energy to put out. She proceeded to unbutton his shirt while he continued to enjoy her soft lips.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “You aren’t doing anything. I am.”

  He couldn’t resist. He gave into her and kissed her with a passion as if he was trying to add gasoline to an already-burning fire. Once again the love for his wife was not enough to resist Keisha. She also knew her craft and didn’t hesitate to use it to her advantage. They enjoyed each other right there on the carpeted floor. She didn’t have a second thought that Nikki might exit her room and see them. His moves were in sync with hers. His body spoke and she responded to every stroke as if they were old acquaintances who understood each other’s rhythm. He was gentle with her body as if she was someone he wanted to cherish. Keisha held him tight and every muscle in his body tightened and extended and she felt him even more. He raised his head and acknowledged her breast, caressing her nipple with his warm tongue. His playful tongue transferred a sensation throughout her body, which caused her to detonate like a bomb. He kissed her lips. She bit on to his because he was close to his climax and his strokes intensified. He roared like a lion from pleasure and the pain of her teeth piercing his lip. She wanted all of him and he gave it to her. They held each other and took deep breaths because that ride took them on a high that only oxygen could make subside.

  Chapter 13

  “Can I have French vanilla with two croissants please?” Nikki turned her body, hoping to see the old lady again. But there was no sign of her. Nikki had gone to the diner deliberately to see the old lady.

  “Excuse me!” She got the waitress’s attention. “I was here a few days ago and . . . I know this is going to sound strange but there was an old lady sitting at the window. Did you happen to see her this morning?”

  The waitress shook her head. “No, I haven’t.” She placed the coffee on the counter with the croissant. “That will be $3.75.”

  Nikki handed her a five dollar bill and extended her arm for her change. Nikki took a seat by the window purposely so she could get an outside view. She had an urgency to see the old lady again because her word lingered on her mind.

  She wrapped her fingers around the warm cup and inhaled the aroma of the French vanilla. She took a sip, awaking her taste buds. The warm liquid slowly went down the back of her throat. “Mmh.” She took a bite from the soft, buttery croissant and quickly took another. She finished both croissants in record time. Her appetite was open this morning. She wanted another but she had to control herself.

  She sipped her coffee and a loud burp came from the pit of her belly, escaping through her lips. Nikki embarrassingly placed her hand over her mouth and turned her head, looking to see if anyone was looking at her. “I guess that’s my queue to leave.”

  She approached the door and a man entering at the same time held it open for her. She gave him a smile and kept it moving. She paced her steps to a slow crawl and sipped her coffee. She approached a bus stop; anxiety took over her body. She thought that the old lady could be at the bus stop and she sped up her step. For some strange reason she thought the old lady held the answer to her future. She had no reason to stop when she made it to the bus stop, so she scanned the box-shaped waiting area with her eyes and beheld a gray-haired lady wearing a black hat searching in her pocketbook.

  “I’ve been looking for you!” Nikki quick stepped to the lady, grabbing her shoulder. “I need to know my future.”

  Everyone looked at Nikki as if she was crazy. The old lady looked up at her and waved her off, spilling the coffee.

  “I’m so sorry,” Nikki apologetically said.

  “I’m not a damn fortune teller. Get away from me!”

  Nikki backed away. “I thought you were someone else.” Nikki hurried off. What am I doing? Get yourself together, girl. Are you going crazy?

  Nikki wanted to know if she had a future with Mark. Her body was calling for him, her heart already accepted him, her mind was captivated by him, and her soul wanted to spend forever with him. “After all, my relationship with Mark is blooming.” Everything was perfect. “God has sent me Mr. Right. The old lady at the diner didn’t know what she was talking about. Why do I doubt my relationship when everything is perfect? The only vindictive person in my life is Keisha, and I already know she is a wolf. What does she has up her sleeves?”

  Nikki waited for the elevator to descend. She was early for work but dreaded going into that office; besides, she knew the files were still on her desk, waiting for her. Finally the elevator door opened and she got in and pressed the button for the third floor. It was a straight ride up. No one got on or off.

  “Good morning,” she greeted the receptionist.

  She heard, “Nicolette! In my office please,” before she made it to her desk. Mr. Troop summoned her. She wished she could click her heels three times and disappear.

  “Good morning, Mr. Troop.”

  “Close the door behind you,” he ordered with his eyes still on his computer screen.

  This can’t be good. I know the bitch Veronica had to say something.

  “Veronica left a complaint on my desk about you not doing your job.” He took his glasses off and crossed his arms on his chest.

  Nikki sat up in her chair. “The truth of the matter is Veronica wants me to do more than my job. The problem is that I refrained from doing her job.”

  “Nikki, you are an asset to this company but you can easily be replaced. I am the CEO of this company. So if you and Veronica can’t get it together I will have to let one of you go.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You are dismissed.” He put his glasses back on his big face. Nikki got up and turned the knob to open the door but there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” Mr. Troop instructed.

  Nikki opened the door and saw Veronica. She pushed her a few steps backward and quickly closed the door so Mr. Troop wouldn’t see the confrontation. “So because you are sucking off the boss’s pipes you run shit around here?”

  “Is that what you just did in there? How was it?” she asked with a smile on her face.

  “You are sick and disgusting. I will not be sharing anything, not even a drink of water if you are dy

  “So because I decide to secure my job so I can keep food on my table you are degrading me? Child, please. A woman got to do what a woman got to do.”

  “Your ass will be out of here as soon as he gets tired of you.”

  “Well, it’s about that time. You are welcome to join and from the looks of things you might want to secure your job.” She walked past Nikki, bumping into her shoulder.

  Nikki wanted to scratch her eyes out but she held her composure.

  Nikki wanted to use one of her personal days but she couldn’t just leave now. Nikki sat at her desk and went through as many files as she could until her workday ended. There was a dock in close proximity of her workplace so she took a stroll. Being around water always seemed to cure her stress. Being in that office with bonus-hungry bitches and people trying to close on a sale by deadline, not to mention the backstabbers, would make anybody stress.

  Amid a few trees a lighthouse stood guard, proudly sporting its red and white stripes. There was a boat in the distance and she thought how beautiful it would be if it were her on that boat making love to Mark for the first time, gliding on water. Nikki reached for her cell phone and dialed Mark.

  He answered on the first ring. “Are you calling to tell me you miss me?”

  “Don’t hold your breath. Are you interested in catching an early movie?”

  “Aren’t you at work?”

  “No. But can you pick me up at the boardwalk on Marina Drive by my job.”

  “Okay. I’ll be there in a few.”

  Nikki took her attention back to the gliding boat. She imagined how beautiful making love to Mark would be for the first time. But Keisha kept popping up in her thoughts. Why was she so interested in whether I had made love to Mark? Keisha was a conniving bitch but to ruin her relationship with Mark was unthinkable.

  Mark got to the dock in less than five minutes. Nikki didn’t even notice him admiring her. Her high cheekbones and thick lips defined her beauty.

  Mark hugged her around her waist. “I’ll give you a penny for your thoughts.”

  “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Why would I? How would I live without you?” He spun her around and kissed her softly.

  Nikki could feel all her muscles loosen. Her body wanted him but she wasn’t ready to give in. She wanted him to prove himself before she gave up her goodies. “Are you ready to go?”

  “How about if we do movies at your place instead so we can get cozy?” He still held on to her.

  “That’s not a good idea because with you being there I won’t have time to catch up on my studies.” Lately she had been slacking on studying. She was so caught up in this romance with Mark and that’s one thing she had vowed to herself that she would never do. Mark came on strong. He had turned her no into yes. He swept her off her feet with his bold talks of plans, ideas, and aspirations for his future. He had a vision for life and that’s exactly what she liked in a man.

  “Come on. Those books can’t love you like I can.”

  “On second thought, how about if we go to the movies another time? I’m just going to get some ice cream to go.”

  “I’ll take Nikki with a cherry on top.” He kissed her lips. “You are my dark chocolate.”

  He picked her up and carried her to his blue two-door sports car. He brought her to the driver side and handed her the key. She wrinkled her brow, shaking her head no. This car was a fast car; plus, the idea of learning to drive stick shift never crossed her mind.

  “Today I put my life in your hands.” He sat in the passenger seat and put his feet up on the dashboard while Nikki stood still, staring down at the key in her hand.

  “This car can’t drive itself,” Mark taunted. He reclined his seat and got comfortable. Nikki tried desperately to talk Mark out of letting her drive his car but to no avail. He gave her a quick crash course of how the gas pedal and clutch worked like a team. Her first attempt ended up in a sudden jolt; so did the second, third, and fourth.

  “Come on, Miss College Student, this isn’t rocket science.”

  His statement rubbed her the wrong way and it got her blood boiling. She had no interest in learning before but now she was going to prove to him it really wasn’t rocket science. Nikki adjusted her seat and also her rearview mirror. She looked him in his face, sizing him up.

  “If you can do it, a strong woman like me can do it even better. I just have to put pedal to the metal right?”

  She turned the key in the ignition and before he could say a word she took off with high speed. She screamed out in excitement and laughter because she surprised herself. He sat upright in his seat, begging her to slow down. She turned the music up so she wouldn’t have to hear his plea. She gave him the ride of his life, one he would never forget. She pulled up at the ice cream shop and tossed the key into his lap. Mark sat there wide-eyed, trying to comprehend what just happened.

  “I’ll order to go. Stay seated just in case you pissed on yourself.” Mark checked himself to make sure he didn’t piss his pants because it sure felt like he did. Nikki exited the car, laughing. Without hesitation Mark jumped into the driver seat as if he were sitting on hot bricks. Mark was convinced that Nikki knew how to drive stick all along and she couldn’t tell him otherwise.

  Nikki had a taste for rum raisin ice cream but her mouth watered for a taste of the other flavors. It was her turn to order but she was still undecided. She finally settled for a scoop of pistachio and two scoops of rum raisin. When she went outside Mark was on his phone but he ended his call when he saw her approaching. “I thought I would get to drive home.”

  “Never again,” Mark replied as he drove off.

  “Never say never,” she added with a smile.

  They pulled up to the house and Nikki got out of the car and blew him a kiss, disregarding his plea to come inside. She got to the door and realized that she had left the ice cream in the car. She turned her head only to see Mark stretching the bag out the window.

  “You forgot something,” Mark sang.

  She headed back to the car and took the bag out his hand. Mark made the impression of a sad puppy dog face and she gave him a kiss on his cheek, turning his frown into a bright smile. She smiled at his boyish behavior as she walked back to the door. She barely got inside the house when the phone started ringing. Without hesitation she answered her phone.

  “I miss you,” Mark’s voice said on the other end.

  “I’m not going let you change my mind. I have to study. Bye, Mark, I’ll talk to you later.”

  She hung up the phone and took her shoes off. She wasn’t sure what to think about Mark. She had fallen for him and wanted to give herself to him but she wanted it to be special.

  “All I want to do right now is enjoy my ice cream with the company of my books.” Nikki set the ice cream on the table and headed to the living room, where she last sat reading her book. She saw her notebook but the textbook was missing. She was puzzled but optimistically walked to her bedroom, searching through the stack of books she had piled up on the floor; but the book was nowhere in sight.

  “Where the hell could it be?”

  She tried to retrace her every move. The last place she remembered leaving the book was right on the table, which now only accommodated the centerpiece and her notebook. She tossed the cushions from a chair. She emptied her pocketbook. She hastily walked to the kitchen, opening the cabinets and drawers, hoping that maybe she was sleepwalking and placed it there. Nikki couldn’t afford to buy another textbook, and, besides, she wasn’t getting paid for another two weeks and she needed it right now.

  “Where is my damn book?”

  Nikki searched high and low trying to locate her book, but to no avail. “Could I have possible left it at the library?” She opted for a glass of water then remembered that she hadn’t eaten her ice cream. It was the perfect time to enjoy her ice cream because she was sweating from the turmoil of trying to find her textbook.

  She sat at the table,
putting her hair up into a bun. Her skin was moist with sweat, as if she was smothered in baby oil. She opened the carton and the ice cream was melting rapidly. The AC was off and it was midsummer. She dipped the spoon and came up, aiming for her mouth. She closed her eyes and reached for the spoon with her tongue. Nikki lets out a pleased sound as the ice cream awakened her taste buds. She tightened her lips and sucked the spoon dry and went for another dip. The process was repeated until the carton was empty. She felt guilty afterward for subjecting her body to all those calories.

  Nikki approached the garbage can and stepped on the lever and the lid flew open. She dropped the ice cream container but something in the trash can caught her eye. She quickly lowered her arm and came up with her textbook. “What the hell? How did my book get in there?”

  She couldn’t put one and one together to come up with two. She had no explanation other than she might have dropped it in by accident. By this time her mind was off studying. The ice cream was like an aphrodisiac and it was transferring signals to her brain, and they had nothing to do with studying. She had been denying herself a man for so long and her body was in rebellious mode. She was horny and she needed the touch of a man. Maybe a cold shower will help.

  She ran to the bathroom and stripped off her clothes, but she saw her reflection in mirror and her naked body spoke a silent language. Her seductive eyes pled with her. Her thick lips begged to be kiss. Her firm breasts longed for the caress of a man’s hand. She turned the faucet on and stepped inside the tub. She was trying to control the urges but it was in vain. She imagined as the warm water ran down her body and it brought her to think of that day when she saw Mark at the park with sweat running down his chiseled body. The hard metal faucet had her imaging Mark standing naked in front of her with his manhood standing firm.

  Taking a shower wasn’t helping at all. She got out of the shower, trying to run away from her wild imagination. She covered herself with a towel and hastily walked to her bedroom. She took a deep breath and dialed Mark’s number. He picked up on the first ring.

  “I need you,” Nikki said without hesitation.


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