Kiss Me on the Inside

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Kiss Me on the Inside Page 13

by Janice Burkett

  In no time she was pulling in the parking lot. She went inside and there were two people before her in line. Two receptionists were now available so she was next. “May I help you?” the grumpy receptionist asked.

  “I was wondering if you could page Marcus,” Nikki politely asked.

  The receptionist looked confused. “There is no Marcus at this location.”

  “Marcus Gray,” Nikki restated.

  “Allan, did we get a new hire? This lady is looking for a Marcus,” she yelled to the equipment room. A man walked up to the receptionist and whispered in her ear. The lady rolled her eyes and brought her attention to Nikki. “There is a Marcus at one of our other locations, but everyone is out in the field this time of the day. Call his cell phone next time. Next!” She dismissed Nikki.

  She stepped aside and the next person in line bumped into her going to the window. “I think the words are ‘excuse me,’” she said with an attitude.

  “Puta,” the Spanish woman said, rolling her eyes.

  Nikki went back to her car to retrieve her cell phone. She had one missed call from Mark. She pressed the button on her BlackBerry and dialed his number.

  “Hey, baby,” he answered. “I heard you went looking for me.”

  “That woman acted as if she didn’t know who you are.”

  “She knows me well. She just wants a piece of me but she’s mad ’cause you getting all of this.” Nikki laughed. “I’m heading to the apartment right now to get some of that before I leave town.”

  “I’m on my way.” Nikki hung up the phone and turned the key in the ignition and sped off to her apartment.

  She slowed for a stop sign but didn’t make a complete stop in her haste to get to Mark. But red and blue lights were hot on her tail.

  “Damn.” Nikki pounded her fist on the steering wheel. As she pulled over to the side of the road she was hoping the process didn’t take long so she could be on her way home to Mark.

  Mark got to the apartment and Nikki’s car wasn’t there. So he hurried inside because he wanted to surprise her when she walked in. He made a dash to the refrigerator and got the whipped cream. Mark stripped down to his birthday suit as he made his way back to the front door. When she walked in he wanted her to see him standing firm. He heard the sound of a car door closing and he hastily covered his manhood with the whipped cream. Mark closed his eyes and parted his legs, leaving his dick to hang. The person fumbled with lock as if she didn’t have a key. What the hell is taking her so long to open the door? Did she forget her key? Mark suddenly felt the breeze from outside on his chest. He still remained with his eyes closed. He felt her hands crawling down his chest. “Yeah, baby. Make daddy happy.”

  “Meow,” the voice whispered in his ear and the warmth of her breath made his dick jump. He felt her behind him. She reached around his body and grabbed his chest, holding him tight. “Keep your eyes closed,” she whispered in his ear. She clawed his chest with her fingers.

  “Damn, girl. I didn’t know you were a wild kitten.” She circled his nipples with her finger, sending chills through his body. “Why don’t you put some whipped cream on them?” Mark ordered. He felt the cold whipped cream on his body and he twitched. “Let me feel your warm tongue on my body, baby,” he begged. “Make big daddy happy.”

  “Why don’t you keep your eyes closed and make mommy happy.” The words whispered in his ear, sending chills down his body. Fffzzz. Ffzzz. The sound of whipped cream leaving the can had Mark anticipating her next move. “I like this. Why don’t you put some whipped cream on your spot and let me go treasure hunting.”

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Nikki voice erupted when she opened the door.

  Mark opened his eyes and beheld Nikki at the door. He looked above to see Keisha with a devious grin on her face, holding the whipped cream in her hand. “I thought . . . I thought . . . I thought it was you.”

  “You lying bastard!” Nikki ran toward him, wanting to kill him.

  Keisha got out of the way and watched her pounce on him. “I hope you like your housewarming present. I told you I could have him if I wanted him.”

  Nikki made a U-turn and jumped on Keisha. Mark picked up his pants off the floor and hurriedly put his legs in. He picked Keisha up off Nikki and she let out the same wicked laugh like she did before. “Why would you do this to me?” Nikki charged at him and he held on to her.

  “You have to listen to me. I honestly thought she was you.”

  “It’s a damn shame you don’t know what your woman feels like.”

  Nikki wanted to jump on her but Mark held her back. “Listen to me! Nikki, calm down. Why would I have her come here when I told you to meet me here? This bitch is crazy! She broke in the apartment. Nikki, I had my eyes closed thinking it was you!”

  “He knew it was me and he enjoyed every minute of it.”

  “How did you know where I live?”

  “Bitch, please. Do you honestly think that Tina would keep your secret?”

  Mark turned Nikki to face him and looked deep into her eyes. “She just wants what you got!”

  “I can have your man and you can’t do anything about it,” Keisha sang as she left.

  “She is crazy, Nikki; you have to believe me.” Mark kissed her lips and she slapped him so hard his head turned.

  “You were just with that fucking whore! And you think you can put your lips on me?” Nikki ran to the bathroom and washed her mouth. Nikki knew Mark was telling the truth because he hadn’t done anything suspicious before that would cause her to doubt his honesty. Keisha was vindictive and wasn’t going to stop until she destroyed her relationship with Mark. Keisha was just jealous and she knew it.

  Nikki locked herself in the bedroom and Mark could hear her crying. Even though she believed him the fact still remained that Keisha was too close for comfort. She was violated. After several attempts of pleading with her to open the door and she didn’t, Mark decided to go and confront Keisha about her antics.

  Mark slowed his speed when he neared Keisha’s condo. He remembered the first time he met Nikki and how her fiery attitude had him wanting her. A wide smile invaded his lips as he relived the moment. He got closer to the house and a limo was park outside. A man dressed in a three-piece suit stood at her door. Mark stopped his car on the opposite side out of curiosity.

  Keisha stepped out, looking extravagant. She wore a black formfitting long gown that she held with her left hand to avoid dragging it on the ground. The man reached for her hand and she extended her right arm. She needed the support because she was afraid of tripping in her six-inch silver Gucci heels. Tonight of all nights she didn’t want to break her ankle and miss seeing the jealous wives’ and groupies’ envious stares when she made her grand entrance. She noticed Mark’s car and flashed him a smile, knowing deep inside he wanted a piece of her.

  Chapter 16

  Keisha took a moment to reapply her lip gloss while Hype held the limo door open for her to exit. Hype was overjoyed to be accompanied to the artist appreciation dinner with such a beauty. He extended his arm and Keisha reached for it as she scooted out of the limo. Hype walked proudly with her on his arm but deep inside Keisha wished it were Bling instead of him.

  Once inside they were escorted to a vacant table that was reserved for Hype and his guest. Bling’s eyes popped open and he almost choked on the champagne that he had just sipped. Her uncle also stopped in mid speech because he too was caught off-guard. What the hell is she thinking? She is supposed to be my undercover weapon. Patrick cleared his throat and resumed his speech, welcoming Hype and his guest. Hype kissed Keisha’s hand and the look on Bling’s face was priceless.

  Patrick acknowledged all his newly signed artists. Bling was sitting to his left and he raised his glass to him. Patrick gave a long speech about his vision for his company. He went on and on about the direction in which he wanted to take his artists, and then finally closed by also wishing them longevity in the business. “I would like to have all
my artists on stage for a promotional photo,” Patrick stated, raising his glass. The photographers snapped pictures from every angle. Keisha viewed the room and the other chairs were occupied by executives, promoters, and their dates—also groupies for hire.

  Ten empty chairs made it clear for Keisha to see all the wives and girlfriends who came with an artist. These bitches should view me as a threat because I can have their man if I wanted to. Keisha did a double take when she spotted Bling’s wife. She stood out from the rest of cheap knockoff dresses that decorated the room. Her dress was exquisite and she wore it well. Keisha wished she had lost her fashion sense that day when she picked it out thinking Bling was buying it for her.

  Keisha turned her attention only to see Bling’s eyes focused on her. Keisha blew him a kiss and Bling turned his head to see his wife staring at Keisha. Keisha followed Bling’s eyes, and his wife’s eyes cut her like a knife. They both held their stares, sizing up each other, until the waiter broke the staring contest when he walked over to refill Keisha’s drink. Bling got back to his seat and kissed his wife on her cheek. “Who is that woman and why were you staring at her?” She quickly threw out the question at Bling.

  “She just resembled someone I once knew,” he lied.

  Patrick’s voice interrupted the multiple conversations in the room. “Can I have everyone’s attention? I would like to say drink all you can, eat all you can, but I’m expecting to see everyone in the studio bright and early tomorrow morning.”

  Patrick went over to Bling’s table and introduced himself to his wife. He filled her in on how challenging it was to get Bling signed to his label. “I hope you had something to do with his sudden change of heart.”

  Bling look over at Keisha and Hype was all over her. Keisha was also putting on a show because she knew Bling was checking her out every chance he got and she wanted to make him jealous. The same annoying guy who was with Bling at the club the first night she met him came over to their table. Keisha had no idea that he was a washed-up artist whose career had flopped. He shook hands with Hype and he introduced him to Keisha.

  “I know him,” Keisha confessed quickly because she didn’t want this guy to think was hiding anything. Hype looked at her as if searching for an answer. “I met this little annoying puppy at the club a while back.”

  “I see that you are still feisty as usual.”

  Keisha excused herself and headed to the ladies’ room. Bling saw her leave and took it as his cue to follow her. He too excused himself and swiftly caught up with her in the hallway.

  “What the hell is that about?” Bling yelled out to her in an aggressive tone.

  Keisha recognized the voice but was a little unsure because she had just left him inside with his wife. She turned to face him.

  “Why would you disrespect me like that?” Bling asked.

  “You had me pick out your wife’s dress; that’s what I would call disrespectful. Showing up with another man is merely close in comparison.”

  “He is my label mate. Isn’t that too close for comfort?”

  “Is the heat in the kitchen is too hot for you? Besides, I owe you no explanation.”

  She walked away and he grabbed her arm. Bling seemed to have forgotten where he was and that he was with his wife. A waiter entered the hallway and he let go of her arm. The waiter went outside and Bling took her by her arm, leading her out of sight.

  “You are a married man, or did you forget? Unless she can’t satisfy you the way I do.” She walked over to him, pushing him against the wall, and kissed him seductively. He tried to hold on to her but she walked away from him.

  “I’m not going to be your mistress.”

  Keisha entered the ladies room. Bling went in after her, locking the door behind him.

  “What are you doing? What about your wife?”

  He pushed her against the door and kissed her seductively. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her but for a second she was curious about his wife. It wasn’t a genuine concern. She just wanted to hear him say it was all about her.

  “Let me worry about her. Right now I want you.”

  Hearing him say that fueled her deep desire for him. She forgot about Hype and they even forgot where they were. Bling lifted her dress and took her right there. Their chemistry was undeniable and even though it was wrong it felt right.

  Just as their flame subsided there was a knock at the door and the lock was shaking. They remained completely quiet until they heard the footsteps walking away. Bling cracked the door and heard his wife asking if anyone knew where he was. It seemed as if everyone was now in the hallway because Hype made the statement that he was also missing his date. Bling came out of the bathroom and made his way to the door that exited outside without been seen. He reentered the main lobby, talking on his phone.

  His wife spotted him and marched over, demanding an answer. “Where were you?”

  “I couldn’t get service on my phone so I went outside to make a call.” Bling took her by her arm and led her back into the ballroom.

  Hype and Keisha walked in, hand in hand, and approached Bling’s table. Denise looked at her viciously in attack mode.

  “I see you found your husband.” Hype stated the obvious when he got to Bling’s table.

  “I could say the same to you,” Bling’s wife stated.

  “This is Keisha, my date.” Hype introduced her to Bling and his wife not knowing a storm was brewing. “Keisha, this is Bling. You already know he’s one of the artists on the label.”

  Keisha shook his hand as if this were the first time they ever touched. Bling also introduced his wife. “This is my wife, Denise, the love of my life.” Bling kissed Denise on her cheek; and Keisha hugged Hype around his waist for support because she was sick to her stomach, but she couldn’t help herself from taking jabs at Denise.

  “I see the love, but aren’t you worried when he’s on tour with all these women wanting a piece of him?”

  “I have faith in my husband.”

  “You really have her trained to say the right things in public.”

  “And who are you again other than Hype’s arm candy?”

  Patrick came over and introduced a representative from a magazine company who wanted to interview both of the guys. It was a real icebreaker. Denise stared at Keisha like a lioness ready to protect her territory.

  On the ride home that night Hype was all over her but the only man she wanted was Bling; but not knowing what lay ahead for her and Bling was frustrating. All she knew was that she wanted him to herself.

  Her cell phone rang and she quickly opened her purse to get it. She needed a distraction from Hype breathing all over her, so a conversation with her worst enemy would have been accepted. She saw the name Bling and she was in heaven. “Hello,” she said anxiously. But the conversation on the other end wasn’t directed at her. Bling’s phone had dialed her number by accident.

  “I love you so much,” his wife said, and Keisha cringed at the sound of her voice.

  “I love you too,” Bling replied. Keisha wanted to puke.

  “Baby, I have good news.” Keisha pressed the phone on her ear, not wanting to miss a word.

  “Are you going to tell me or what?” Keisha rolled her eyes.

  “I think I might be pregnant.”

  “What?” Keisha yelled into the phone in unison with Bling.

  “Is everything okay?” Hype asked.

  “Yes. It’s just Nikki being a drama queen as usual.

  “We might finally have the family we always wanted. Aren’t you happy?” his wife continued.

  “I thought you were on the pill,” Bling questioned. The limo went under an overpass and Keisha lost the signal. “Damn!” She was pissed because she wouldn’t hear the end of the conversation. Does he want to have a baby with his wife? Is he mad at her for not being on the pill? If she is pregnant do I stand a chance with Bling?

  The limo stopped at her gate and Hype opened the door.

  “Tonight w
as lovely. I would invite you in but I’m so tired. I’ll call you in the morning,” Keisha quickly rejected him, and hurried to the door with her keys in hand. She tried to put the key in door but the door opened on its own. What the fuck? Maybe I didn’t fully close it when I left. She remembered Bling saying someone had tampered with the lock the last time he stopped by. Keisha viewed the lock but it was intact. “Not my damn jewelry!” she yelled.

  She swung the door open and the smell of burning cigarettes consumed her nostrils, which was quite unusual. She kicked her shoes off and turned her nose up and sniffed, following the scent like a hound dog on a trail. The scent got stronger as she approached the living room. A small, circular orange flame brightened in the dark living room. Keisha heart was pulsating fast like the beat of a reggae song as the silhouette of a man walked toward her. She nervously turned the light switch on, revealing that the person was Mark.

  “What are you doing in my house?”

  “Look who the cat dragged in.” He blew the smoke in her face. She reached up to slap him but he grabbed her arm. Mark was six feet in height and towered over her. “You need to stay away from Nikki.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You don’t want to know the answer to that. But consider it a warning.” Mark released his grip and walk away from her.

  “You broke my damn lock! You better fix it.”

  “I can’t take credit for that. It’s was open when I got here.” Mark exited the house knowing he delivered his message loud and clear.

  Keisha closed the door behind him and was startled to death when she turned and saw Johnny standing before her. She braced herself against the door so she wouldn‘t collapse. It was now obvious that Johnny was the one who broke into her apartment. Johnny had obviously been hiding in her apartment for the entire time. Was Mark in on this too?

  “You need to crawl back through the hole you crawled in from before I call the police and let them know that an infectious creature had escaped the zoo.” Keisha was unsure of what to make of this stunt Johnny was pulling. She also felt fear blanketing her body but she dared not let him see the fear in her eyes.


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