Seeing nothing but Red

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Seeing nothing but Red Page 8

by Jazzmine Mellodi

  “Look we have found some issues which we need to discuss. We at this stage aren't sure how she passed out but we have a theory, we need to talk about, There is a lot of bruising around her body, these bruises are ranging from old to new. Now we understand people get bruises but the amount she has is what is concerning us. Also the fact that her passing out could be due to an internal bleed from one of these injuries. Now she is currently sleeping and we haven't spoken to her yet, there could be some logical reasoning for these bruises however we do still need to inform this to the police. We don't need your permission or hers as we won't pursue anything until we have spoken to April. We just need to make you aware that bruising this significant unfortunately usually comes from a deeper problem. Our patient is our main concern so we do put her first before anything”

  Speechless, i am honestly speechless. I can't believe what he's telling me he's basically saying that she's being abused. Her injuries are that varied that they could of happened a long time ago and not healed because she's become injured again. Wow. I feel awful for chasing her now, i know i was trying to do the right thing but clearly me panicking her pushed her too far and she gave up. Poor girl.

  “ I understand this is hard to hear Orion but if this is the case she needs those who care about her the most around her” That was it, if I had anything to do i would protect her make sure this never happens again, putting my own guilt aside i asked if I could see her now, seeing as Ty did give me permission.

  “ Sure Orion, however I do ask you to be patient with her as she is very weak and tired. She may not be up to visitors at the moment so if she feels the need to have you removed we will do so ``I nodded my head as that was the last thing I wanted to do, upset her even more. She's been through so much.

  The doctor lead me into the room, where the repetitive beeping of her heart monitor was rhythmically playing. Rather soothing actually, comforting to know she's alive and stuff i guess. Even if she has been through hell she still looked so beautiful laying there, i felt wrong for thinking it but she truly did. Pulling the chair next to her bed closer i gently ran my thumb up and down her hand. Her skin was so soft, I just wanted to feel her hand on my cheek. I Didn't but i wanted to, i wanted to feel her skin against my skin, desperately but i stopped myself from doing anything stupid and getting myself kicked out of here.


  So I feel like I'm waking up from the best night's sleep I've ever had, feel so alive. The slight issue is, I have no idea where I am, what that noise is and whose head is in my lap. Either i’ve just woken in a parallel universe or i am in fact dreaming right now. I keep closing my eyes but waking up to the same scenario. Okay don't panic , don't panic. Slowly sliding myself up into a sitting position, lucky me the random stranger in my lap decided to follow my move, so he was still in my lap. At Least he smelled nice, I guess. My eyes adjusting to my surroundings I worked out i was in fact in a hospital room, the big give away was the nurses walking around the corroder, which i could see from this enormous window right next to me, great so everyone who has walked past has seen me asleep with a stranger on my lap. Brilliant.

  I gently nudged this guy on my lap, no movement. What the hell am I supposed to do he looks so peaceful and he smells nice , i guess it could be worse. I'm still confused as to why I am here and who the hell this is next to me. Have you heard of people having an accident and waking up in a different life? Like freaky friday, maybe thats whats happening to me. Yeah that sounds logical. My leg was beginning to cramp i needed to move from this bed, so i gently slip this guy off my lap and to my surprise he didn't even stir, deep sleeper over here stayed in the same position. I got as far as the door handle until i felt a great pain in my arm as if it was being ripped open, my first reaction was to scream but I was able to stop myself. But then I saw the blood pouring from my arm and yeah i screamed. Oops.

  With a thud I heard whoever was sleeping on my lap fall to the floor and scrambled to his feet. Was quite comical really, it took my thoughts away from the blood streaming down my arm. I'm usually okay with blood but for some reason this had really shocked me and well i wasn't prepared okay. A husky voice took me by surprise “ you're alright love, it's just the IV you must of not realised it was in. Everything is okay. My names Orion i'm the one who brought you in after you collapsed. Everything's fine you're okay you had some slight internal bleeding, but the doctors have sorted it all out for you and your as good as new. Just gotta take it easy and all.”.

  Wow, who is this guy and where did he come from, I feel all my worries just disappear as soon as he spoke, he's so calm. I feel calm. “ okay , thanks for staying with me and making sure I was okay. Also sorry to have wasted your time, you really didn't need to stay but i really appreciate it, if you hadn't been here to tell me what had happened I probably would've really freaked out. So thank you.” and with that the room was filled with a comfortable silence, i was studying his face he looked familiar i just couldn't think of where i had seen him before. The silence was broken by little miss sunshine the nurse bursting through the door, immediately grabbing my arm and pulling me to sit down, “stitch me up” and what not. Apparently I'd literally ripped the IV out of my arm as i went to the door. I’d like to state this is not my fault as i had zero knowledge of it even being there, plus i was mildly distracted by sex on legs who had been sleeping in my lap.

  I had to wait a few hours for a doctor to come and assess me, i was nervous because the nurse had this funny look on her face of concern. Maybe just maybe I was being extremely paranoid from being in this bizarre situation but, i just had this weird feeling in my gut that it was more. That Orion guy had left whilst the nurse was stitching me up, was nice enough for him to stay as long as he had but poor guy must have really wanted to go home. How boring for him to sit with a stranger a whole night whilst I slept just to make sure I was okay. Sweet really if you think about it. Need more people like that in this world. Hope I can thank him one day. To him he was probably just doing what he morally thought was correct but to me it was nice to know I wasn't in this hospital all by myself. At Least Someone cared, even if it is a stranger.

  Just whilst I was letting my thoughts eat my insides , the doctor burst into the room Mr Serious in his white cloak and clipboard. “ now April , first if you’d be happy to , would you be able to tell me how you have received these injuries. This is a safe place and no information shared with myself will be passed on to anyone unless you’d like us to.” i was confused, i didn't even know i was injured , hence why i had passed out. My silence was creeping round the room, musty hospital air slowly suffocating me. “ you have a variety of bruises around your body, and you had internal bleeding from something, we would just like to connect some dots and know how these occurred and if there is anything we should be made aware of” okay so they've seen a few bruises, the funny thing is, After everything Ty has done to me psychologically and mentally the pain he has put me through. None of that is represented on my body right now , these bruises he's so concerned about are from myself, firstly my trip on the beach last week resulted in some savage bruising and when i've been moving that giant ass wardrobe across my doorway and the fact it fell on me about 4 days ago and i literally had to drag myself out from underneath the huge solid oak piece of junk, to think about it that is probably the reason i had the internal bleeding which i didn't know i had may i add, just thought i was more tired than usual because of everything that had been going on. Yet if the pain i had been through mentally, had been represented on my body I would be ripped apart, smashed into pieces as that's how I feel , I feel at breaking point. I'm walking on eggshells , so afraid i will do wrong that i don't want to be in his presence anymore. Avoiding as much as i can, to save myself was easier said than done.

  Fake smile, fake laugh, fake story to sell to this lovely doctor, going once , going twice, sold to the man in the white coat. “ Oh I've been moving furniture , we are new to the town and I've been trying to work out where everything goes nice
ly.” “not as easy as it looks on TV” a fake chuckle seemed to relax the doctor. He joined me in awkward laughter and continued to sign my discharge papers and said I could leave within the hour as long as I feel well enough to do so, I was to take it easy, no heavy lifting or straining, my body is healing and I need to let it do so. Blah blah blah..

  After changing back into my clothes from before, when I was taken to hospital it was that moment I realised I had no way of getting home, I didn't really know where I was or what this hospital was called. I debated asking a nurse but held my pride too tightly and walked out. Full of the fear of the unknown, that was until i hit the lobby of the hospital and there he was. Sitting on his phone, he looked completely puzzled and extremely tired. But he was sat there, maybe he was waiting for someone or doing something important. He had left about 3 hours earlier so he must be visiting a friend or something. Why else would be still be here? Anyway no matter what he may be doing i do need to thank him for bringing me here and also staying with me. I approached him, as i was walking towards him i started to get all sweaty and nervous, why was I so nervous this guy had technically just slept with me.

  Clearing my throat “ Sorry excuse me, i just wanted to say..” I did want to say thank you but i didn't get a chance because he shot up snatched the bags out of my hands and gave me the most sincere hug. “ Afternoon gorgeous, good to see you up and well how are we feeling now?” He just called me gorgeous, does this guy have a sight problem because i haven't even walked out of hospital after passing out cold, staying the night and having a small operation. “ You shouldn't be lifting anything in your condition, surprised they even let you out yet you know. I did go back up but the nurse said the doctor was with you so thought i'd just wait down here till a bit later, never even thought for a moment you’d be walking out!” bless him he sounds so concerned and caring. This was dangerous it was making me feel really emotional. Maybe it was the painkillers i was on or the fact i'm extremely tired but i actually began to cry, and before you think oh that's sweet. It's not, I do not think you can class this as crying because I'm full on ugly sobbing in this amazing guys chest and do you want to know what he's doing, he's stroking my hair. He is stroking my hair, and because of that the tiny little hairs across all of my body are ow standing and I could literally just stay in the moment for a lifetime. I feel safe in his presence. After he embraced my body into his arms I slowly pulled myself away from him, looking up into his dark brown eyes i decided to thank him with a kiss on the cheek. Sometimes actions speak louder than words and he definitely understood it as he looked into my eyes, past my soul and into my heart. “ Your welcome Red.”

  Stretching out my hand to take my bag back from Orion he questioned me , snatching it back , “ What do you think you're doing Red?” my witty tongue sniped back “ well unless you're getting the bus to my house i'm taking my bags with me whilst i wait for a bus!” His laughed echoed throughout the busy hospital waiting room. “ Don't be silly Red, i’ll take you home. Before you try to refuse, i didn't wait all this time to watch you get the bus and not know if you got home safely!”. Okay i was speechless, someone has never showed me so much kindness, great here come them tears again. He walked me to his car, i wouldn't of needed the assistance , his car is by far one of a kind. You’re never going to forget where you have parked that beautiful cherry red muscle machine. Inside was just as pretty as the outside, the seats were so comfy and it smelt like him here, smoky, sweet and dangerous. I couldn't inhale enough of him, if i could bottle this smell and take it everywhere with me i would. He leant across me and plugged my seatbelt in, well and truly looking after me, i couldn't help but blush. Every Time his skin gently brushed against mine it sent a spark of electricity through my body and i was beginning to get fluttering in my stomach. Grinning to myself i leant my head on the window and looked out at the passing views, as we were making the journey to my house. I decided to rest my eyes, just for a moment. Before i new it i had a warm arms wrapped around my body, i was being carried. Slowly opening my eyes to his face was one of the best views i've woken up to in a long time. Gently turning my head fear slowly crept inside when i realised where we were. Home.

  I jolted to my feet stumbling to the ground but quickly standing straight back into normal standing form , surprising orion as he panicked, “ i'm fine” i snapped at him as i brushed my knees off. Ty’s Truck was on the drive so he was home, approaching the door I turned to tell Orion i was fine but he stormed right past me into my house without one ounce of hesitation. What the fuck, does he not realise what lies behind that door.

  I froze in shock, not from him just barging into my house but from the raised voices coming from inside.


  Ever since i laid eyes on this girl she has consumed me, i have a lot of girls speak to me because they think I have money or they like my car. The common gold Digger, and you know what i usually go along with it until I've had my fun and then I'm on to the next.

  For some reason this girl had an effect on me , I was unable to take my eyes off her. She was naturally beautiful in and out and I didn't even have to know her to see that.

  I could tell there was a lot more lying beneath the surface with this girl and this made me curious. I had known Ty a very long time and not once did he mention he had a sister so why , why was she such a big secret.

  I had spent the night at her bedside after her operation, Ty’s persona had made an impression on the doctors and they didn't bother telling me visiting hours were over just incase he returned. Don't blame them really he could be dangerously scary at times.

  I watched her fidget in her sleep, like she was fighting someone she was too afraid to defeat. She would hold her breath for so long that I debated shaking her to wake her up and just as I was about to do so she would breath. I heard her repeat the most chilling words over and over again throughout the night, not continuously but every now and again she would whisper “ please save me” my heart would sink, i wish i could jump into her head and tell her she's fine , she doesn't need saving. Instead i held her hand, gently rubbing my thumb alongside her silky smooth skin on her palms. I did this until I eventually gave up fighting to sleep and rested my head on the edge of the bed.

  My dream was cruel and chilling, i was running through corridors, trying to catch this little red robin, it was so frightened, desperate to get into the outdoors but every time it thought it found an escape it would smash into a glass window, no matter how much I tried I just couldn't contain it for long enough to let it go free. I never will know if i let the bird free because all of a sudden I was woken with a piercing scream which i admit did frighten the life out of me, to the point where I ended up in a heap on the floor. Scrambling to my feet I saw her, my eyes darted to the blood trickling onto her foot, putting two and two together i realised her Iv was still attached to the bag above the bed. Poor girl must of not realised and tried to walk out.

  I could feel the panic pouring out of her, she was frightened, unaware of the situation she found herself in. So I tried to explain the situation she was in, calming her down to the point where she was actually thanking me. How could someone so clearly damaged be so kind to a stranger. This made me like her even more, she really deserves someone better sitting here rather than me, but i couldn't just leave her i don't think i would ever forgive myself. Before I had time to act any further towards the blood pouring down her arm, an overly friendly nurse burst into the room. Pulling April onto the bed and taking full control over the situation, which is rightly so, she is the professional.

  I took the opportunity to give April some space, and I decided to go and wait in the lobby downstairs. I’d overheard the doctors early this morning saying she was ready to be discharged once she had been checked by the doctor. I felt an obligation to stay so that's what I did.

  Time felt like it wasn't even passing, it was so quiet i must've dozed of a couple of times but after the 3rd time i knew i needed to wake myself up. So i started catching
up with the business, i tried to get hold of Ty but for some reason the number was constantly engaged. This was becoming frustrating, i have known this kid a long time and not once have i had to question his loyalty or morals. But i tell you this, you learn a lot about someone when you see how they treat their family, the way he had treated his sister made me feel sick and the fact he hadn't even tried to contact me to see how she was doing was infuriating. Something was up with this situation and i couldn't work out what it was. A gentle clearing of a throat broke my thoughts from Ty and my eyes darted to the fragile beauty stood before me, she looked so frail. I wanted to swoop her off her feet and whisk her away from all this madness. Yet again her politeness left me baffled as she continued to try and thank me, i assume that was what she was trying to spit out anyway but i never really gave her the chance to say it, i didn't want to hear it because didn't feel like i deserved a thank you. I feel partly to blame for this whole situation so i definitely do not need a thank you. I studied her face and i watched as she slowly broke down before my eyes, i noticed the strength in her lip as she tried to stop herself from crying but it was shaking too hard for her to contain it, her dark brown eyes became glassed over and a pit dropped in my stomach. I couldn't bare to watch her fight these tears no longer, i gently pulled her into me and started running my fingers through her hair, with that she broke down violently sobbing into my chest. I pulled her closer, letting her release whatever had been building inside , after awhile she finally stopped. Slowly releasing her head from my grip she just looked straight into my eyes, it's like time had stopped and we were in this moment together. She raised her puffy red lips to my cheek and planted the most precious kiss. It’s as if she was saying thank you in the most beautiful way. So i whispered softly into her ear “ You're welcome Red”.


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