As I left Jackson behind there was a pit in my stomach like I was doing something terribly wrong but my heart was calling for April and i needed to know she was okay, alive , breathing and safe. I needed to whisk her away from all this chaos and take her home with me. My heart was thumping outside of my chest the heavy beats were all I could hear. That was until a sound like no other stopped me in my tracks. My Mind froze, my heart stopped and I couldn't move. The sound was one of a kind, it was haunting and spoke only of death. The sound of a gunshot echoed from a small distance behind me. Jackson.
There was blood everywhere.
The blast from the gunshot had taken me by surprise , i wasn’t expecting this situation to be deadly, how foolish could i of been. Every time i think the man can't get any lower he does the pleasure of surprising me just that little bit more. Whilst i was hiding outside the room as they argued, Ty turned to my dad and said “ That night all those years ago, when you blackmailed me into taking your dead wife's body to a park, and stringing her innocent body up in that tree. That took my soul away, you took everything from me. All these years i’ve taken it out on her because i was too ashamed to admit you were the one i really hated. You were the one who blackmailed me at 16 years of age to set your dead wife up in a park to make it look like she had killed herself. Your the sick bastard who had your wife killed to pay off some gambling debts. Now, now you are doing it again blackmailing and ruining peoples lives all to save yourself from the trouble you created. Well not this time..” that's all he managed to say, because as soon as he said them last three words, “not this time” he had said too much. Without a second thought i looked up, the room had drowned in sudden silence. There I saw the back of my dad's head, with a gun in one hand pointing straight at Ty’s temple. The words i know April would of longed to of heard, “ she never deserved this” Slowly fell from his mouth and just like that he pulled the trigger. Ty’s once rock solid body, flew backwards across the room. Bloody splattering into every place imaginable. He lay there lifeless, blood pouring from his head. It was instant and nasty. Still watching in shock from the window, i was struggling to believe what was going on right now. Stuck in the harsh reality i was facing.
I watched my dad in the moments after he killed him, hoping he would show some form of remorse.. But no he flung the gun on the nearby table angrily wiping of the blood splatter from his face. Whilst his back was turned i seized the opportunity, he was unarmed, unaware and he underestimated me big time. I was full with rage, years and years of bottled up frustration, disappointment and anger was about to come crashing down on this man i have the pleasure to call my dad. It was time for him to taste his own medicine and i was ready to administer it. As i approached him from behind i picked up a piece of wood lying on the floor, raising it i whacked him on the back of the head, causing him to quickly fall to the ground. What i wasn't expecting was for him to be getting back up just as quick, he laughed as he got back up on his feet. Sadistically taunting me he stood there laughing with the smuggest look on his face, i had no words to give this man. I knew what he had done i didn't need an explanation any more. I didn't need this man in my life and he didn't deserve to walk on this earth any longer. I launched at him, my punches hitting his chest, i felt the crack of a rib as i lowered my aim. I wanted him to feel weak but no matter what i did he just stood there, until he decided to fight back. He fought dirty, his elbow impacted my jaw with such force that blood instantly fell out of my mouth , his knee met my stomach a few times and i was beginning to think i had made a big mistake. But when i felt that regret i saw my mother and i needed to do this for her. Using what force i had left i slammed him into a table and his body fell across it lifelessly.
I stood Shocked by the result, gathering my breath and my thoughts i needed to work out what to do next. I needed to tie him up make sure he couldn't leave, as i turned to search the room i froze, what the fuck, something just went through me. Puzzled i looked down, my hands making there way down my body until i felt a wet patch round my lower stomach. Blood was uncontrollable flowing out of my body. This didn't make sense. I felt weak and my knees dropped to the floor. A figure appeared above me , it was him with that gun in his hand once more. He shot me.
With the poison from his tongue he bit me one last time“ this has always been your destiny ,kid.” and just like that ,he left me with them chilling words ringing round my head . And, It all went black.
I woke up , my head was pounding and even from the slightest movement I could tell I was badly bruised i winced everytime I inhaled . My eyes were flickering , trying to adjust to my surroundings but i had nothing to see, it was pitch black. My arms were bound together and so were my feet. My body was trembling in fear, i had no idea where I was, what was going on but i knew i was tied up. Nothing about this situation was good. The ground I was laying on, brought cold right to the depth of my bones, I wanted to cry, to scream to yell out in the hope that someone could hear me but I didn't have the energy. As i laid here my thoughts were only of Orion. I couldn't stop thinking of his face as i left, how I wish now I had stayed by his side, in his arms away from this situation I have got myself into.
Tear’s gently rolled down my cheeks, this must be it, my time has come.
Sudden raised voices broke my thoughts, Ty was angry. I couldn't work out what he was saying but there was a lot of anger coming from whatever they were arguing about. I think Ty may have met his maker though, as that old guy , the greasy guy who dragged me to wherever this is. He was ruthless and seemed unstoppable. For once i felt more safe being with Ty than i did anywhere near that old guy. The shouting got louder , they must of come closer to where i was as i could hear exactly what they were saying now, Ty seemed worried, i could tell by the shaking in his voice as he shouted back. I could tell because of the words he said, right before the sound s gunshot stopped all the shouting and it was silent once again. My sobs became heavy as i realised this truly was the end, there was no night in shining armour coming to save me, i was trapped by this rope around my wrists and ankles. I sobbed heavily and tried with all the energy i had left to get free, i was surprised when i didn't really have to pull the rope much for it to all unravel. Here i've been laying on the cold stone floor, in a puddle of my own tears and i could of been free all this time. Serves me right for giving up straight away i guess.
I scrambled to my knees, feeling my way to the wall for some support so I could stand up, I had no idea of what injuries i have, everything hurts, inside and out. As I trembled my way up to my feet, sharp pain was darting all over my body but i knew something. If anything. I was going to try and fight my way out of this, if there was any glimpse of hope i was to make it out of this situation alive, i needed to try.
They say , once you lose your sight you other senses are heightened, well it's true, my hearing had become impeccable, i could tell where abouts i was in the room by the touch of the ground around me. Everytime i inhaled, the strong scent of manure consumed me. My hands frantically searching, they were embedded in endless splinters due to the wooden wall’s I was surrounded by. No matter how much i tried the more I searched this room the more hope I lost to finding an exit. I screamed, if anything someone might hear me. I screamed until that sound pierced my ears once more, the sound of gun was now becoming too familiar.
I began to freak out, the sounds of footsteps grew louder and louder approached me. The thud was heavy and uninviting. I kept whispering to myself “ it’s okay , its okay” trying to convince myself it was all going to be alright when I knew all too well it really wasn't going to be.
The jingle jangle of keys rattling against a lock came from behind me, the sliding of a bolt and the laughing of a wicked man i had heard only once before.
Light struck the room, burning my eyes back to reality. As I struggled to regain my sudden sight all i could see what a dark figure standing over me, rough hands stroked my cheek and that
gastly smell of alcohol spiked my nose once again.
The raspy voice spoke down to me “ Oh, poor poor April. Your brother was thinking this wasn't meant to happen to you, this was never in his plan. But honey, you’ve been the main character from the get go. You did your role proud, certainly sped up the process by busting up to Ty’s all heroic like that. You probably regret that now dont you? Don't worry sweetie, there's no time for regrets. As your big finale is right around the ..”
His voice suddenly broke it shock, The barking of Dodger? Yes the barking of Dodger caught his attention. My eyes darted up once again, this time fully focused on my surroundings. I was in a shed, this explains the lack of door handles and the fact it smelt like shit in here, ironically shit really was in here.
Dodger stood ferociously at the door, Aggressively trying to protect me i think, but in them minutes of distraction. The Evil bastard Kicked Dodger so hard he fell to the ground, limp and whimpering. I screamed once more in horror. I raised to my feet and I launched myself at this sick bastard. It took him all of a minute for him to have me pinned up against the wall by my neck.
I gasped and gurgled , struggling to catch my breath, my body squirming under his powerful grip. Suddenly I remembered a film me and Orion watched, a woman was in a situation much like mine. She was weak and fighting for her life under the harsh touch of a man. She did one simple thing and it enabled her to get away.
With all my strength, I raised my hands to his head and without a second thought I dug my thumbs deep into his eye sockets I pushed hard and then even harder, my nails fully embedded in his eyes until the blood began to trickle down my fingers, his grip was lost instantly as he dropped me to the ground. He scrambled to the floor yelling “ my eyes , my eyes you stupid bitch my eyes”
I’m not sure if I've done enough damage to stop him but i have no time to think.
But I took too long, as I turned to run i felt his hands on my ankle as he pulled me to the ground, this was it. This was the end.
I’ve heard two gunshots now, Dodger Barking and The screams of April.
I’m frantically searching this farmhouse, everytime i think i'm near it end up being a door to an empty room. I’m trapped in a house of horrors. The scream haunts me again and my eyes dart to a window, and there i see in the shed by the stables is Dodger, lying still his body limp on the ground. My Heart sinks what the fuck is going on. This wasn't the plan, the plan was to save April but i havent found April , Dodger is lying on the ground lifeless and i haven't seen or heard from Jackson since i left him and since then I have heard two gunshots. I didn't come this far to lose it all at the last hurdle. I came to get my girl and just like a sign from above. A glimpse of hope, I see the quick flash of her Red locks beam out of the shed. She was in the shed. I cocked my Gun and Ran downstairs and made my way outside.
As I approach the Entrance to the Shed, unaware of what I'm about to see, i see my old man. He’s Standing up his figure bigger than i ever remembered. As I get closer I notice his foot is perched on something, the light sound of choking soon followed. There her body laid , his foot on her neck as she struggled to breathe under his weight. He had no idea I was here, I had seconds to do this, she didn't have long with the pressure of his body on her neck i'm surprised she’s still hanging on. But my girls a fighter. Stay strong for me April
I raise my gun aiming straight for his head, my finger gently beginning to squeeze the trigger. BANG.
He fell to the floor, clean shot to the chest. Clean shot to the chest. Clean shot to the chest?
I never pulled the trigger, my gun’s still in position for his head, his body fell sideways freeing April of his weight.
A Hand stumbled onto my shoulder, turning in shock I saw Jacksons wide eyes, the sound of a gun falling from his other hand soon followed and he fell to the ground covered in blood. My new found brother, my dog , my dad and the love of my life all lay in front of me. April was breathing i could hear her deep breaths as she filled her lungs with air once again. I fell to the floor of my brother, my hands finding where all this blood was coming from. I sobbed and pleaded “ not now, no please, don't do this we only just met.” all I heard was The faint whispered words “ look after her bro” leave his mouth.
I hear sirens.
As I gasped for air, I felt the wetness of a nose snuffling round my face, soon followed by “ be careful with her boy” as the warmth of gentle hands i knew all too well scooped me off of this stone cold floor. I couldn't open my eyes , i couldn't speak or move. But i knew i was safe.
The End... For now.
Seeing nothing but Red Page 16